Casey's Ordeal: Public Orgasm Panic


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A voice came over the speakers, "Casey my dear, this is the grand finale and surprise of your spa day. We are going to treat you to an experience you will never forget, and pleasure you have never felt before. But dear, this may be a little stressful for you also. But a las, that is the part of the bargain that is the most fun for me."

"What are you talking about!" Casey retorted in a raised voice. "I didn't agree to anything like this. You said no sex!"

"Casey, sweetie. There won't be any sex required. But I didn't say there wouldn't be any sexual pleasure involved. Mainly for you, my little honey. You have been just exquisite all day. I enjoyed watching your spa treatments in all their glory."

Casey was stunned to silence as her mind raced. He had watched her all day. Oh my god, how embarrassing. But her mind quickly returned to the issue at hand with these damn underwear. "So Casey, let me tell you about our grand finale. After your massage, we took the liberty of fitting you with this wonderful little device. Here is how it works." Casey continued to struggle and squirm to remove the underwear.

"This ingenious little device is fitted with wonderful technology that can be remotely controlled or respond simply to the wearers reactions and bio-feedback. Let me demonstrate." "There is a stimulating probe connected from the device directly to you clitoris."

The word caught Casey's attention and she looked at the screen. The 3D diagram on the screen highlighted a small wire hoop coming from the inside of the device at the cross band over her mons area.

"With a simple command, I can send stimulation directly to your clit." At that moment, Casey felt a powerful pulse through her clit that made her nearly jump out of her skin.

"Yes Casey, right like that." OMG, that felt like electricity, but also a very powerful vibration that sent a wave of pleasure through her whole body. And she realized that he must be watching her right now in the back of the limo.

"It can be gentle," -- and she felt a mild pulse of pleasure start to swell in her clitoris -- "Or it can be overwhelming," -- and she felt a pulse that made her eyes roll back in her head and her entire body tense. Casey involuntarily thrust her hips up to meet the wave of pleasure.

"So Casey my dear, this lovely device can do so much more," the man said. "There are probes that have been implanted directly to your g-spot" -- Casey felt a pleasant tingle trace down from her clit, curl through the channel of her pussy, and send a swell of pleasure on the roof of her pussy."

She had only been stimulated there once in her life by accident -- or at least she thought it was by accident, all through it was awfully persistent. Her female gynecologist had pressed her fingers into this zone and rubbed persistently as she checked her vaginal walls. Casey had finally succumbed to a moan at the stimulation before her doctor relented. When her doctor withdrew her fingers, Casey almost felt bad it stopped and felt so empty inside.

"And Casey, you may not know it yet, but you have a bundle of nerve ending at your back door that shouldn't be neglected," -- and with that Casey bolted upright as she felt a pulse of pleasure at her anus. OMG, she felt the pleasure tingle around her anus and even inside her passage. My god, they had implanted something inside her ass.

"The beauty of this stimulation is that it can make you feel like your anus is being pressed open or squeezed tightly shut"—Casey felt a sensation as if something was being pressed into her anus and squealed, and then felt her anus contract tightly, which oddly sent a contraction through her pussy as well. It felt like her contractions around her boyfriend's cock as she neared orgasm. This was devious beyond belief.

Casey was beyond panic, "So, so what do you want with all this! You want to manipulate me to orgasm while you watch. You are a weirdo! Let me out of here!!"

"Casey, honey, calm down. I was afraid you would react this way. I don't want you to fight me. After all, can't you provide me with a little fun after I treated you to a spa day?" "But if you are going to fight me, the device has a downside too. If you break the rules, there are punishments" -- Casey felt a shock in her ass that made her buckle over and squeal; then a shock just above her butt at her lower back that made her whole body tense as she thrust her hips forward.

Casey was shaking and whimpering now, desperate to get out of this nightmare.

"Okay honey, Casey, get yourself together now. We are almost done. So Casey, here is the deal. We know you are a shy girl, but you are going to have to overcome this to make our deal complete. We are going to drop you back at the Starbucks. You are not to leave the Starbucks until your task is complete. If you attempt to leave, you will be shocked so severely that you will collapse into a convulsion and piss yourself. That would be humiliating.

All I ask is that you stay at Starbucks while the device runs through its paces and brings you to orgasm. The device is programmed to respond to your arousal, whatever it does that increases your arousal, it will continue and increase. It will progressively tune itself to your biometric feedback to increase your arousal. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes for you to reach an orgasm.

Your challenge is to remain calm in public and let the orgasm occur. Once you reach an orgasm, the device will unlock, and you are free to leave the premises. Understood?"

Casey couldn't believe this was happening. She must be dreaming. This couldn't be possible. She snapped out of it as the limo turned into the Starbucks parking lot.

Oh no. OMG, no. "I can't do this, please don't make me do this. You don't understand, " she pleaded. She felt a mild shock in her back. "No seriously, an orgasm in public can't happen. Please, please, please."

"Casey, settle down. We've had several girls really enjoy this. Several have even returned for repeat performances they have enjoyed it so much," the voice commanded.

"No, no, no, you don't understand," Casey tried to reason with the voice. "Ummm, I get very wet down there when I orgasm -- very wet. It would be too embarrassing. People will know." There was a long silence.

"Casey, are you a squirter?" The question hung in the air. Casey was embarrassed, tears rose in her eyes. She had never admitted this to anyone besides her boyfriends.

"Yes," she said very quietly, "I can't have an orgasm in public, that would be humiliating. My legs shake and I nearly pass out. Please, please don't make me do this."

The door of the limo unlocked with a thump. "Please get yourself together and exit the car then Casey." She was so relieved. The nightmare was over. She wiped the emerging tears from her cheeks and straightened her dress and hair. She wanted to get out of the limo immediately. Her door opened and the limo driver extended a hand again to help her out.

"Miss, please take a seat inside," he said.

"Will it stop, can I take this off now," Casey asked as she stepped from the car.

"I don't know miss. I just drive." He handed her a thick envelope, and she knew it was her $1000. She wondered what he must think of her, or what she did for the envelope.

Casey walked inside and sat down in one of Starbucks cushy chairs. She watched the limo drive away and waited. What now? When would she feel the latches release? She felt her phone vibrate in her handbag and pulled it out quickly.

A text appeared, "A contract is a contract. The pleasure is better than the pain. It's only a little embarrassment for you. Enjoy." And with that she felt a tingle start in her clitoris and begin to build. Her body tensed instantly as she sat more upright.

Her mind raced. She glanced around at the crowd. Nobody seemed to notice her anxiety. A pulse hit her g-spot, and a tingle made her anus tighten slightly. She held her breath. This was not fair; this thing was really turning her on quickly. She started to panic, she wanted to cry, and she wanted to ask someone to help her. But it was too embarrassing, how would she possibly explain this to someone. The bathroom, she could hide in the bathroom. She picked up her phone and bag and headed to the bathroom. As she approached the door, the pleasure switched to a stiff shock in her back and anus. Was that a warning for something?

Her phone vibrated. She checked the screen, the message was clear "No bathroom, SIT BACK DOWN."

Was he here? How was he watching her? She looked around to see who was watching her. Nobody was paying any attention to her except a couple of teenage boys checking her out. A girl her age smiled at her.

She stood there. Should she press through the pain to the bathroom? She moved quickly and turned the door handle -- it was locked. Instantly a stronger shock hit her pussy and ass at the same time. She nearly buckled over and gasped in some pain.

She collected herself and hurried back to her chair. The pleasure pulses returned as she settled back down. This was the only darn chair in the whole place -- out in the open. The low seat made her long tan legs stand out from underneath her short sundress.

The pulses between her clitoris, g-spot, and anus started to cycle rhythmically. OMG, this was torture. The sensations were so precisely what she yearned to feel, but at the same time she was fighting them. This was so unfair she wanted to cry. She could feel the wetness in her pussy explode forth. The stimulation along the probe from her clitoris to her g-spot started to cycle to create the sensation of a cock sliding in and out of her pussy channel.

The combination of sensations was rapidly becoming overwhelming. If she wasn't in the middle of a Starbucks she would have capitulated to this amazing arousal. She felt her will fading and her body giving itself over to this arousal. She closed her eyes for a moment and rocked gently with the sensation. She could feel the heat from her arousal wash over her skin, particularly around her neck and chest. Her cheeks flushed.

She felt her nipples tighten and grow like never before. The thought of her nipples piercing her sundress brought her back to reality. Her eyes flashed open. The crowd didn't seem to notice her much. But she realized she had the full attention of the teenage boys who had eyed her earlier. They looked amused and a little puzzled.

She tried to look normal, but it simply meant her expression looked vacant and distant. She dreaded where this was rapidly headed, her rational mind tried to prevail. She knew she had to prepare for the inevitable. Weak kneed she went to the counter as quickly as possible and grabbed a bunch of napkins.

Back in her leather chair, she closed her eyes again to try to ignore the world. She turned to the side and curled her legs up to her, and pulled her head into her knees. While this allowed Casey to curl up from the world around her, it left a lot of her sexy legs showing. The orgasm was building and she just prayed she would not make any embarrassing sounds or convulse obviously. She worked on suppressing her orgasm, to make it as mild as possible.

This was much like when she had sex for the first time with new boyfriends. She had to suppress her orgasms for fear of embarrassment. Sometime she was successful, often times with good lovers she was embarrassed beyond belief when her orgasm flood hit.

The sensations were cycling now through her clit, pussy, and ass. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced. There was no way she was going to be able to suppress this orgasm. As she felt the wave building, she squeezed her eyes shut, forcing out tears. With her arms around her pulled up thighs, she snuck her hand under her sundress and pressed the napkins to her crotch to try and catch the flood that was coming. The pressure itself, the tickle of the napkin on her bare thigh sent her right near the edge. She held her breath.

A sudden simultaneous pulse hit her clit and g-spot. She felt her pussy clench and hold its tightness -- she knew it was inevitable. She whimpered audibly, drawing the concerned looks from people around her.

And then the wave of pleasure pulsed through her body, her nipples tightened, her neck strained. She could feel the waves in her pussy and her anus started to clench rhythmically. OMG, no, that sensation of peeing rushed through her and she couldn't stop it. One strong clenching in her pussy and felt the wetness explode forth in her panties. Her leg started to shake uncontrollably and one foot slammed down to the floor.

She uncontrollably let out a long, soft groan; a groan that almost sounded like she was in pain. She finally gasped in a deep breath. She could feel the device rapidly wind down into a subtle tingle, then a couple of final pulses in her ass that almost made her yelp. Her hand full of napkins was wet, along with her underwear and thighs. She could feel the wetness draining down her ass crack and panicked about how to resolve her predicament.

She felt dizzy, like she was about to faint. She could feel the heat and perspiration on her face and neck. She didn't want to open her eyes. She could hear that the Starbucks was a bit quieter than it was a few minutes ago. Casey felt a soft touch on her shoulder and almost jumped. "Miss, are you okay?" came a soft voice. Casey's eyes fluttered open, teary from the intensity of the experience. The girl her age was bending over her, a sweet and concerned look on her face.

"Yeah," Casey answered with a raspy voice. "I'm okay. I just....I just need to catch my breath." Casey wondered whether she could now go to the bathroom. Yes, she must be able to. She had done what they asked. Casey tried to wipe herself as privately and discreetly as possible as she shifted in her seat. As she rose, the girl helped her.

Casey heard her phone vibrate and picked it up to see a message, "Wonderful my dear Casey. Our bargain is complete. You may keep the device or throw it away now." With that, Casey felt the bands loosen slightly.

She picked up her bag and hustled to the bathroom as many of the patrons watched her. She tried to hide the napkins in her hand as best she could. The girl watched Casey head off to the bathroom, and looking back at the chair noticed a wet area on the cushion. It dawned on her that the embarrassed girl may have just been sexually aroused. Did that girl just bring herself to an orgasm in public? Was that even possible? What would possess such a timid looking girl to do such a thing?

The girl returned to her seat wondering about Casey in the bathroom. She looked down at her laptop and there was a business card sitting on it: "Amateur model types needed for special event. Free spa afternoon included. $1500 for 4-5 hours of work. Call 202-555-0588"

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story! BUT I have to say all the grammatical errors were so distracting to me. Really interrupted the flow. Was this maybe written by someone whose first language was not English?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well done. I dislike external control & I found it unbelievable that she would not read what she signed. This really lowered my scoring.

I mighty read this again but it won’t make my favorites list.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Standalone Story

There is nothing else quite like this. I first read this story a few years ago, and it’s one that I still remember often. Thank you for the wonderful and descriptive read!

jellybelly2jellybelly2over 9 years ago
That was PERFECT.

Exactly the kind of NEW stuff I'm looking forward to reading! Please write more! PS, I'm also an editor, so feel free to send a story or two over, and be sure to look at my author page. Thank you!!

maddictmaddictalmost 10 years ago

A delightful dilemma, witch I enjoyed. Starbucks will never be the same

ice_man_1712ice_man_1712about 12 years ago

MORE please! I can see this happening to her in a few more places... ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Oh your description in Starbucks was priceless!!!

I was giggling at the sight of this poor girl trying not to squirt, and the young guys watching her completed her humiliation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

well paced and well written, a great read; would be interesting to see things continue with another 'victim'.

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