Casino Plot Ch. 03


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"Ok now ladies, Billy here had a great idea, and I didn't want anything to distract from it. General Simpson, Colonel Kwan, TITS OUT!!" Ruth and Lee didn't even bother to complain. Once again, they just hauled their boobs back out and waited to be told what to do.

"All right, now that those tits are back out where they belong, I need the two of you to take a step forward and then turn and face each other... Very good, now each of you take two steps forward... Perfect.. Now girls, PRESENT TITS!!!"

Oh GOD!! Ruth realized that Tony was going to have her and Lee mash their boobs together, just like the twins had. There was no way! And God was she not going to suck on Colonel Kwan's boob! "I'm sorry, sir, but I just can't--"

"SILENCE, all right that's IT! Colonel Kwan, what did I say happened if an order wasn't obeyed?"

"Sir, you-you said that we would l-lose our b-b-bras, sir."

"THAT'S CORRECT!!! All right ladies, get those straps off your arms... NOW GIRLS!!"

The women had started to protest, or even beg, but they knew all that would do was make things worse. So, after hesitating a moment, the five women slid the shoulder straps of their bras down their arms and off.

With all the straps off, Tony finished off the command. "Very good, girls, Now unhook those things and let 'em fall!"

Five women's faces fell, and five pairs of tits sagged a bit, as five rather large bras hit the ground. Somehow after that, the five ladies felt even more naked. They're tits had already been flopping out all over the place, but there had always been the chance of a "TITS IN" command. Now they all knew that their boobs would be hanging out constantly until they were able to leave.

After he had collected the discarded brassieres, Tony once again told Lee and Ruth to "PRESENT TITS!" This time, even though there was now no specific threat hanging over them, the two women did as they were told. They lifted their breasts up and pushed them into each other.

With those tits mashed together, Billy walked over and began rubbing them into each other. Ruth and Lee both cringed as they felt him actually take their nipples in his fingers and roll them into each other. It was awful. Lee was just about ready to pass out. She was so shy to begin with, that she was really having trouble getting through this. And then it got even worse.

"Okay ladies, " Tony barked, "lean forward, grab your partner's boob, and START MUNCHING!!"

Dear GOD! Ruth knew what she was supposed to do. She was supposed to grab Lee Kwan's tit and pull it into her mouth. Then she was to suck and lick the thing until Tony said to stop. The general wanted to tell Tony to go fuck himself, but she didn't dare. He had already taken her bra. Who knew what other punishment he might come up with. So, sadly, the general grabbed one of Lee's tits and pulled it to her face. She just had a moment to notice how much darker the little Asian girl's nipple was than her own, before she had the little stem pulled into her mouth. Then when it was firmly lodged, Ruth put her lips and tongue to work on it.

Lee didn't know how she would do this. Then she let out a HISS! as Ruth sucked her nipple in. The sensation snapped her out of her funk. She had to do this to. Tony would do awful things to her if she didn't. Quickly she grabbed her boss's big tit and pulled it to her. Then she sucked the button into her mouth and began gently chewing and sucking on it.

Ruth hissed just as loudly as Lee had, as her tit received its sucking and munching. It was incredibly distracting. But that wasn't all bad. Anything that took Ruth's mind off of where she was had to help. After the two women had munched for a minute or two, Tony told them to drop the tits and face forward.

"All right ladies, I'm almost through with you. But Billy here wants to see your tits really flop around. So before we quit, you're going to do a few Jumping Jacks. So ladies get set.... and GO. 1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and 1 and 2...."

The girls never even thought of objecting. Tony said they were almost DONE!! The women got their arms moving and began jumping right in time with Tony's count.

It was so funny, Tony and Billy could hardly stand. Those big boobs were flopping and bouncing. They flew up and then they swung down. The look on each girl's face was priceless, as her big tits would crash down, and then bounce back up into the air again. Sue Lynn's huge whoppers were flying so high, that Tony doubted she could see more than half the time. Tony let the girls throw their tits around for a while, but he stopped it before they could become completely exhausted.

After the boobs settled, Billy thanked Tony for a great afternoon, but said he had to get back to work. The man walked down the row, gave each pretty tit a bounce and a tweak, and then headed out.

When Billy had gone, Tony told the girls they could walk over to the bar and get a drink of water, or anything else for that matter. After that, they needed to discuss what happened next. After all, they still owed him money.

The five women felt like they had been slapped. Somehow, they had gotten so wrapped up in having their boobs become Tony's property, that they had forgotten that this was only a temporary fix. They had lost their tits for being a week late. But they still owed Tony all that money. What was going to happen next? The women were all panting as they headed for the bar. Tony wasn't sure if it was from the physical exhaustion, or from the fear of what was coming next.

"All right ladies, you've paid the penalty for the extra week, but I still need my money. Now how much longer will it be before I can be paid?"

Ruth tried to compose herself. "Sir, we really can have your money to you in another week. Surely that's not too much to ask after what you've just put us through."

"Actually, General, it is too much. I might give you to end of day tomorrow without any further issues, but not another week. No ladies, if you need the money another week, then you have to put something else up as security."

"Dear GOD!, Mr. Vineti, What do you WANT?!!"

Tony wanted to laugh at the panic in Ruth's voice but he needed to keep his voice steady and commanding. So he took a deep breath before speaking again.

"My dear Ruth, since you secured the loan with your top halves this week, you ladies will secure next week's loan with your bottom halves."

"What d-d-do you m-m-mean?" Ruth managed to get the question out, but it was a struggle.

"I mean exactly what I said. If you ladies want to keep my money another week. And you don't want me to file for collection with the Army, then you had all better drop 'em RIGHT NOW!"

"What do you mean, 'Drop 'Em?" This was from Lee. Lee had a feeling she knew what Tony meant, she just couldn't grasp it.

"I mean exactly what I said. By the time I count ten, each of you ladies had damn well better have her pants and panties down at her ankles. Now, DROP 'EM!!!!"

Each woman looked around, but no one said anything. Slowly each woman unbuckled her belt. Then she unsnapped and unzipped her pants, and let them fall.

But after that, no one moved.

"NOW LADIES! I don't have all day"

It was Ruth who finally said no. "No way, that's too much. I've shown you my tits and I've even let you play around with them, but I am not showing you my vagina. I may owe you money, and I'll pay it back when I can, but I'm just not doing that."

"GENERAL! First off you will address me as SIR!! Second I don't give a DAMN what you do. You decide which is better. Having me collect my money from the army, or you showing me your pussy RIGHT NOW! Now what's it going to be?"

Who was she kidding. Ruth had to have the money another week to stay out of jail. She couldn't allow Tony to call the army under any circumstances.

"I'm sorry, sir. I will be showing you my pussy."

"Very good, General. Now ladies, I'm going to go down the line and each of you is going to tell me what she is going to do, and then you are going to do it. IS THAT CLEAR??!!"

Five miserable faces slowly nodded yes.

"Excellent. So, General let's just continue with you."

"Sir, I am going to pull my panties down and show you my pussy, SIR!"

And Ruth did just that, She tugged her underpants down to her ankles and stood there completely exposed. She wished Tony would move on to someone else. It was really awful being the only one with her vagina on display.

"Well done, General. Colonel Kwan, YOUR TURN!"

Lee didn't want any part of this. But with Ruth already standing there bottomless, there was no way she was getting out of it. "Sir, I will be showing you my pussy, SIR!"

And a moment later, Lee's panties, like Ruth's were down at her ankles. Lee struggled not to cry as she revealed her private parts to this awful man.

Then it was Sue Lynn's turn. The big colonel didn't even consider questioning the order.

"Sir. My panties will be coming down so you can see my pussy, SIR!"

And there it was. Sue Lynn had dropped her pants, and her pretty little pussy had now joined the other two on display.

"Good, now that just leaves the twins. First you Gertie, and then Gitte you go right behind her."

Gertie just snapped out her reply.

"Sir, panties coming down and pussy coming out, SIR!"

And while Gertie was lowering her underwear, Gitte responded.

"Sir, I will be dropping my panties so my pussy is out, SIR!"

There it was, all five women were standing there with their pants around their ankles, and their little pussies completely exposed.

"All right, each of you make a circle, and then we'll talk."

No one objected, each woman turned so that Tony could see her ass. Then she continued around until she was facing Mr. Vineti again.

"OK Ladies. For you to keep my money another week, everything you've just exposed becomes collateral. IS THAT CLEAR?!!"

"YES SIR, PERFECTLY CLEAR SIR!!" All five women replied smartly.

"Specifically, that means that if I am not paid by next Wednesday, both of your holes belong to me. Now spread your legs apart so I can see what you are pledging as security."

All the women were so stunned by that last sentence that they didn't know what to say. But each of them put her legs apart so that Tony could see in between them. Each of them wanted to protest but they needed time to think.

Tony was delighted. Like many women in their thirties or later, each of these ladies had very fleshy pussylips. In fact they were like flaps which just covered the entrance.

"Ok then, when I call your name, each of you will step forward. You will move the camera so that it is pointing right at your pussy. Then you will tell me that you are pledging it as collateral. If you fail to pay me on time, you will return here, sit down, spread your legs, and then you will open your flaps so that your hole and clit are available. Is that CLEAR??!!"

"DEAR GOD! You're going to force us to have SEX WITH YOU!!" That scream came from Lee Kwan.

"No Colonel Kwan, the one thing I will not do is force any of you to have sex. Aside from that, however, your holes become mine to do with as I wish. And I do mean holes, as in plural.

After you have pledged your pussy, you will pledge your asshole as well. Now I should make each of you open her butt and show the little anus that she is offering as security. However, I don't think that's fair. You shouldn't have to do that unless you actually default on the loan. So I tell you what. I'll only make one of you do that.

As each of you comes up here and makes her pledge, one of you will remain here, bent over and facing away from the camera. After each woman has pledged her pussy, she will open the ass that is standing here and point out the little anus. Then she will state that she will open her ass in just that manner if payment isn't made. Now if that isn't acceptable, then I can have each of you spread her butt instead."

It only took a second for the girls to look at each other and agree. Each figured this way that she only had a one in five chance of being the totally humiliated one.

"No sir, no objection sir."

"Very well, then, Lee why don't we start with you. You can make your pledge, and then you can just stay here and let the others use your butt to make theirs."

Lee Kwan was really afraid she would faint. She wanted to scream but she couldn't get any air. In all honesty, she might never have moved, if Ruth hadn't reached over and smacked her, HARD!, on her ass. Lee jumped and stumbled forward. Ruth growled at her to get moving. The sooner she finished this, the sooner they all could leave.

Colonel Kwan frantically looked for a way out, but there just wasn't one. If she didn't do as she was told, they all went to jail. Not only that, but the general would blame her for it personally. Lee had no illusions about how vengeful Ruth Simpson could be. Having Ruth for an enemy was not likely to be very healthy in jail.

So, trying not to cry, Lee walked over to the desk and found the camera. She pointed the thing between her legs, right at her naked pussy.

"Sir, I am pledging my vagina as collateral. I know you can't see inside it right now, but if I am unable to pay you on time, I will return here and pull the flaps open so that you can see up the hole if you wish."

Now came the worst part. Lee turned around and bent over. "Sir, I also, p-p-pledge my anal hole which I will now spread my ass and display."

Shaking, Lee managed to do it. She pulled her cheeks open and pointed her exposed bottom hole at the camera. Tony kept her there a few seconds, and then thanked Lee and told her that she could close her butt. The little Asian girl released her cheeks, and just stayed there bent over, with her bare, round bottom pointing at the camera.

"Gitte, I think we'll get you next."

As Gitte walked over to the camera, Lee wanted to run crying from the room. But she couldn't. Tony had her just standing there, grabbing her ankles, so that her bare ass stayed pointed at the camera.

Meanwhile, Gitte had gotten to the desk and was pointing the camera at her pussy.

"Sir, I am pledging this pussy as collateral, SIR! If you are not paid, I will peel it open so that is completely available to you, sir"

"And who will that tight little hole belong to, sergeant."

"Sir, the hole will belong to you, SIR!"

"And sergeant, what will go up that hole?"

"Sir, whatever you want to go into that hole will get stuck in there, SIR!"

"Very well done, Sergeant. Now, show my how your other hole will be treated."

Gitte knew what she was supposed to do. She wasn't thrilled about playing with Lee's butt, but it was certainly better than spreading her own.

"Sir, I will be spreading my ass, so that my anal hole is completely available to you like this, SIR!"

With that, Gitte reached down and grabbed Lee Kwan's ass cheeks. Then she pried them as far apart as she could get them. Everyone in the room could hear the loud hiss that came out of Colonel Kwan's mouth, as her butt was pulled open so that her anus could be filmed again.

Lee really did want to die now. She was just standing there bent over, and Gitte Krieger was pulling her bottom open so that her rectum could be pointed out. God it was awful.

And pointing it out was just what was happening. Tony told Gitte to do just that. She was to put her finger right on the little hole to show what was being offered.

Gitte had no choice, after everything she had just said and done, she wasn't stopping now. She took her finger and placed it right on the center of Lee's little asshole. Tony started to laugh, and even Gitte had to admit it was awfully funny. As her anus was touched, Lee clenched down so hard it was like she was trying to turn her entire ass inside out. Then it was over, Tony thanked Gitte for her pledge and called her sister up.

Gertie got the camera pointed at her pussy and pledged it, just as her sister had.

"Very nice, Gertie, now you do understand that if I am not paid that the hole in there belongs to me."

"Yes sir, I understand that the hole in my pussy will belong to you, SIR!"

"And if I have something I want to see stuffed up that pussy what will happen, sergeant?"

"Then it will be stuffed up my pussy, SIR!"

"And where else might I want to stick something, sergeant?"

"Sir, up my butthole, SIR!"

"And if I want something in there, sergeant?"

"Then it will go up my butt, SIR!"

"Very good, now show me how your butt will be opened."

Gertie had no sympathy for Lee. After what she had just had to say, she had now problem prying Lee Kwan open again. A moment later, Colonel Kwan's asshole was once again exposed and quivering for the camera. Lee was now crying, and her sobs were almost drowning out anything Gertie was trying to say. Tony didn't comment though, he just let Gertie keep Lee's cheeks pulled apart for a while. Then he thanked Gertie for her cooperation and sent her back.

Now it was Sue Lynn's turn. The big colonel just walked over and got her pussy on cam. After what the twins had just done, she knew what was expected and just wanted to get it over with.

"Sir, I am pledging my pussy as collateral for this loan."

"And how will that pussy be presented, Colonel?"

"Sir, the flaps will be pulled open, and the pussy will be spread out, SIR!"

"Very good, Colonel, and if I'm not paid on time, what goes in that pussy?"

"Sir, if you are not paid, then whatever you want in my pussy goes in my pussy, SIR!"

"Excellent Colonel, now demonstrate how you will open your ass, and we'll be ready to move on."

Sue Lynn reached over, and once again Lee was crying as her bottom was pried open. Each time she felt her asshole exposed, it seemed to Lee that it was even more humiliating than the last time. And then it really got worse.

"Sue Lynn, see if you can actually open that hole up a bit."

"Sir, YES SIR!" With that, Colonel Fairchild just hooked her fingertip on the edge of Lee Kwan's anus and pulled. The camera was actually able to record the Asian girl's anus being opened up. Lee almost fainted as she felt air go up her bottom and realized just how incredibly exposed she was. Fortunately she was able to remain conscious until Sue Lynn was told she was done. Lee didn't realize that she had stopped breathing, until she began gasping for air when the finger left her butthole and her asscheeks were released.

"And so General, that brings us to you. As soon as we have your pledge, you may all leave."

Ruth wanted to tell Tony what he could do with his pledge, but she didn't dare. Her four friends had already endured this incredible humiliation and desperately wanted to go home. If she made this last any longer, Ruth wasn't sure exactly what those ladies would do to her later.

So the general did as the others had before here, she walked over to the desk and pointed the camera at her naked pussy.

As she walked over, Tony got a good look at Ruth's mound. She was a natural redhead, although there was a bit of gray mixed in with that bush now. It was still very attractive, however.

Then Ruth was at the desk and ready. "Sir, if you are not paid by this time next Wednesday, then this pussy belongs to you."

"And how will it be presented when you arrive, General?"

"Sir, when I arrive the flaps of my pussy will be pulled open, so that my hole and clit can be presented to you, SIR!"

"And if I want one of you fingers in your hole, General?"

"Sir, if you want one of my fingers up my pussy, then my finger goes up my pussy, SIR!"

"Very good, General. And general, if you have to present that pussy to me, I don't want any hair in the way. So if you have to deliver it to me next week, see that it's shaved. Is that CLEAR?"

"Perfectly clear, SIR!"