Cassie's Curse Ch. 02

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Cassie must find alternate resources.
9.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/01/2020
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Chapter Two

Alternate Resources

The rest of the day was a blur. A long, luxurious, happy, mindless blur. After a few hours, they decided to retire to the main house, but Mamie was ordered to carry the metronome along her, as if being given possession of the implement of her slavery only underscored the idea that she had willingly given up her freedom. It was a funny feeling. At least Cassie had let her wear the robe for the transit, though she had to relinquish it as soon as they were inside.

Mamie had never felt so ... female. She would have thought that eventually, she would have gotten a little more comfortable with her nudity, but she never did, and it took her awhile to figure out that Cassie wasn't LETTING her. They worked in the kitchen to prepare a late brunch: omelets and toast and coffee, and the apron she was allowed to put on only seemed to emphasize the fact that she was otherwise nude, making her feel more naked than she would have been without it.

Everything seemed sexual. Cassie was continuously brushing against her, constantly touching to underscore a point in their conversation, occasionally pausing to take her sister in her arms and hug her, sometimes even giving her a kiss. It was all so intimate, so wonderful.

During the meal, their conversation turned to Willow, Reggie's secretary. When Cassie wanted a detailed description, Mamie rose (nude, of course ... always nude today) and ran to fetch a laptop computer. The company website had an "Employees' Page," and it only took seconds to find the "official" staff picture, following a link from the convoluted organizational diagram. Cassie was shocked, though not unduly so. Willow was African American, and Reggie came from a conservative family in a conservative state. But Mamie had been right, overall. The girl was cute, innocent-looking, with wideset, intelligent eyes set in a clear face; and straight, well-styled hair. Plus, she had a knockout figure beneath a muted, soft, pastel sweater. In the picture, she seemed to be blushing.

"Whew!" Cassie commented, studying the pic. "I can see what you mean. This changes things."

"You mean, because she's so beautiful?"

Cassie reached across the small table and stroked Mamie's hand affectionately. "No, sweetie. You shouldn't feel competitive because of that. You're just as alluring as this gal. It changes things because she's a sub."


"Listen, sis. Take it from a gal that's a card-carrying member of the Dom society. This little piece of fluff has a submissive streak as big as all outdoors. I can spot one across any crowded bar the instant I walk in a bar." She soured for a moment. "Just like that fiasco on Saturday night. Anyway, this girl didn't make a play for your husband, Reggie pursued HER. Guaranteed. And I thought I had that dude well and properly programmed."

"What? Now, wait cotton-pickin' minute, here! Are you telling me that you ...?"

"Easy, Mamie. Lunch is over. Time for your lesson." Cassie rose and held out her hand.

Despite her sudden reservations, Mamie took the extended hand, followed her sister meekly into the living room and sat on the sofa. Cassie put the metronome on the coffee table in front of her, but Mamie knew that as soon as it was set it into motion, there would be no further opportunity of any kind to question her sister's actions. This was her only chance, while the thought was fresh.

"Have ... Have you been hypnotizing Reggie?" But that was a ridiculous question, given that last comment. "Of course, you have! How long? When did you start controlling our lives?"

They were sitting on the couch together now, facing the silent little machine that held so much potential power; but, instead of leaning forward to start the gizmo, Cassie put her arm around Mamie's naked shoulders and pulled her unresisting body into a soft embrace.

"I never controlled you guys, I just guided you in the right direction. But ... let's face it, kiddo. Our parents weren't exactly the wealthiest folks on the block. Without a little help, what shot did you really have with the richest kid in school? The girls were all over him, so it took a little effort on my part; plus, you two were a year ahead of me. Even so, I sort of made it a point to get acquainted with members of his social group. Being a lesbian was sort of a novelty back in those days; and generally, we seemed to be a lot better accepted than the homosexual guys. Of course, people are people. The more you get to know someone, the more you understand that things like sexual identity aren't really a big thing.

"So ... Reggie and I became friends. I was always on my best behavior, of course, because I had an ulterior motive; but not even you ever knew about that. I talked about hypnosis a lot when he and I were together, especially if we were alone, but I never pushed it. And, eventually, he just got curious and asked me to try it out on him. Most people do, sooner or later. Of course, I made sure that he'd find it very relaxing ... very pleasurable. We did it almost every day for a while.

"After about a month, he stopped dating. He was seeing three or four girls at a time before that. If you ask him why, he'll tell you it was because he suddenly couldn't seem to stop thinking about YOU. Oddly enough, that was about the same time you found yourself unable to think about any other guy but HIM. Kind of funny, huh?"

"Oh my gosh," Mamie moaned, though she didn't find it possible to move away from her sister's embrace. "You set him up! You set ME up!"

Cassie raised and extended her arms, palms upward, indicating their surroundings. "I set you up for THIS. And trust me, if any girl in school merited it, you did. You're just about the sweetest girl in the whole world, kiddo. And, before you say anything else, know this: he DID love you. He really did. And ... he still does; I'll bet my life on it."

Mamie tried to take it all in, present and past, and put it into some sort of crazy perspective. She was sitting here, naked and passive, leaning against her sister, waiting for her to resume Mamie's brainwashing sessions, which she realized now she was looking forward to with almost manic longing. And, they were sitting in her house, hers and Reggie's; Reggie, the love of her life. But ... was he really? Was it actually love? Her mind recalled with vivid clarity their earliest days and weeks and months together; the long walks in the woods, the hand holding, the intimacy that possessed them; the endless conversations about friends and family and world events and their future together. And the longing! Oh, the overwhelming NEED to be with him! The indisputable realization that she wasn't complete unless she was with him!

"Was it real, Cassie? Was any of it real?"

"All of it was real. I made it real. And I'll make it real again for him. I don't know why he slipped. I guess there was some deep-set psychological pull toward infidelity or something." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter. He's a problem that needs to be fixed. So ... I'll fix him."

"Please don't," Mamie pleaded softly. "Don't change who he really is. He doesn't deserve to be controlled by somebody else. I'm different. You've obviously been controlling me since we were little girls. It's become part of who I am. But he's ..."

"Hush, now," Cassie interrupted. "I've never really changed either of you. I simply enhanced the best parts of you. You've always belonged to each other, and I'm going to make sure that fact never changes. And anyway, you're both a vital part of MY life now. MY happiness would be endangered if you weren't together. If you haven't already figured it out, that apartment out there is my new home. I can't leave you. The curse won't let me. Not if I want to keep my sanity. I'll always be here to guide you, to make sure that you're always happy, and that you're always able to keep ME happy. So now, I'll have plenty of opportunity to reinforce HIS happiness, as well.

"No further arguments! You are going to surrender to me, and let me guide you. That's the thing you've always wanted. That's the way it's always been. Lean forward and start the metronome for me, please. I know that you are very, very aware of your nakedness, that you feel humiliation and arousal, that you feel meek and feminine, and that you want nothing more than to stop worrying about this, about everything, and give your mind to me. You want to be comfortable again. Comfortably in my power. You want to belong to me. Do it now, little one."

Mamie moaned softly in anticipation as she leaned out of the soft, warm shelter of Cassie's arms, toward the device that was sitting on the table before them. Nude. Vulnerable. Helpless. Unsure. But all of those insecurities were about to disappear. She knew it was true. Cassie would make it true. She started the gadget in motion; and immediately, everything was alright.

When she awoke, things had changed. She didn't know exactly how, but she was certain that was the fact. And, she knew, things would continue to change. They would keep changing until they were the way Cassie wanted them to be. Oh, how she wished she could put on some clothes! But that was not to be. Bare, she was ordered to straighten and clean the family room; but they did it together, and that was nice. When Cassie came very, very close to her, she found that she had no impulse at all to pull away, and she savored her sister's nearness, her touch.

Cassie put her lips to Mamie's ear, and she whispered "Wouldn't a cup of tea taste wonderful? Don't you want to fix us some?" And Mamie hurried to the kitchen. She found herself watching the electric tea kettle impatiently, frustrated that her raw desire wasn't enough to make it boil more quickly. But soon, they were seated across the little kitchen table, Mamie's butt cold on the wooden chair, but her hands warm from the cup. And the tea tasted marvelous.

After they were finished, and the cups rinsed, she was ordered to go and get the metronome again. She complied at once. It felt good to be of use this way. It felt good to obey. It felt good to experience, once again, the way her consciousness left her as soon as it began clicking.

And, she was beginning to enjoy, too, the feeling of Cassie bringing her back to wakefulness, though something told her that she probably wouldn't be awake for long. That made it even better, somehow. They fried a piece of chicken that they could put into a salad for dinner, but it had to cool first. Cassie came to her again, close, and put her lips to her ear. "Aren't you feeling ... aroused? Can't you remember the feelings you had when we made love this morning? Don't you yearn to feel that again?"

"Yes!" Mamie moaned. "Here! Now!"

But Cassie laughed. "Not here, silly! On the tile floor? That's ridiculous!"

"The living room! The couch!" She started tugging her sister toward that room.

But Cassie refused to budge in that direction. "There's a perfectly good bed upstairs."

Mamie started bouncing in her impatience, like a little girl on the verge of throwing a tantrum if her parents didn't hurry. Her breasts were acting very UN-little-girl-like, though that didn't seem to detract from her earnestness. "But ... that's all the way up ..." She gave up the argument in a fit of utter frustration, then grabbed her sister's hand and began pulling with all her might in the direction of the stairs. Cassie laughed as she allowed herself to be coaxed along, making Mamie blush furiously. Once again, just like that morning on the way to the apartment, the stairs seemed endless. But finally, they were in the bedroom, next to the bed, and Mamie pressed her body into her sister's and strained up on her tiptoes to capture Cassie's lips. And that's when the worst possible thing happened.

"No," Cassie ordered. "Not yet. Not until I say."

"Aaargh!" Mamie screamed in aggravation. "Please, Cassie! YOU did this to me! You whispered in my ear and changed me! Please don't deny me now!" She rubbed her bare breasts across her sister's chest in an effort to appease her demanding, erect nipples.

"Stop! Be still! You must use patience!"

Mamie whimpered, but stopped her wanton movements; and she stood shivering with desire in Cassie's arms. "But why? Why?"

"Sshh! Be calm and listen. I did not change you when I whispered in your ear. I just allowed you to desire something. Like the tea. Remember how patiently you waited for the water to boil? But the tea tasted even better because of it. And you need to believe me now: our time in the bed will be all the sweeter for your persistence and lack of complaint. You may desire, but you must never act on your urgency. You will never, ever be in control. You must wait until someone else takes control of you."

Mamie was quiet then, immobile except for the slight shaking from her need. But she couldn't contain the soft moan when Cassie stroked her bare back with a gentle hand and said: "Good. You're such a good girl." And with a fingertip under her chin, she directed Mamie's face upward toward her own, and slowly, slowly, slowly lowered her lips until contact was made. And she was right. The patience had been worth it.

During the next half hour, Mamie encountered two things for the first time. She had an orgasm without clitoral stimulation, merely from having her breasts sucked. And later, after she had given her sister pleasure, she had a second orgasm during the same love-making session. Either of these unique sensations would have made a lasting impression; but together, they provided an experience she would remember forever.

She lay in Cassie's arms, her cheek against a soft breast, awash in afterglow. The world was perfect, but she couldn't contain her curiosity. "Why are you doing this to me? I will submit. I will always submit to you. But why are these lessons important?"

"I will have to feed again tomorrow, and Reggie's not here. I have no doubt that you will obey me and give me what I need. But ... I love you. I would feel much better if I knew that you were enjoying whatever task I commanded. I don't quite know what to expect, and so I'm training you to accept whatever desires I implant in you on the spur of the moment."

"I'm sorry you're having to go to so much trouble. I wish there was an easier way to brainwash me."

For some odd reason, Cassie thought that was particularly funny. When her gentle laughter had subsided, she stroked her sister's hair and said: "Believe me, I'm having a wonderful time doing this to you. The past forty minutes have been particularly nice." Then, she strained her head forward and put her lips against Mamie's ear. "I think we have enough time for a little nap. I know you are very tired; and you're falling asleep now."

Mamie awoke as her sister shook her none-too-gently. "Up! Now! We have lots of things to do before bedtime!"

The first thing on the schedule was a shower, and it turned out to be the longest Mamie had ever taken. Reggie had insisted on installing one of those "on demand" hot water heaters; and that turned out to be a very good thing, because no regular hot water tank would have ever met the requirement. The walk-in shower stall was actually meant for two people. She and Reggie had used it numerous times.

They took turns soaping one another down, several times, in fact. There was a built-in seat on one side of the stall, and it was utilized often. They shaved each other, under the arms, their legs, and between their legs, too. This took a while for Mamie's first time, especially since Cassie insisted on giving her the "lick test" to see if she was smooth enough. Finally, they washed each other's hair. Plus conditioner. They were in there for an hour, and Mamie's fingertips were wrinkled when they finally, finally emerged. The hair drying ritual afterwards could have been quicker. Cassie's short brown hair was easy, but Mamie's was long and thick and straight, and it had to be combed out.

Of course, Mamie was not allowed any clothing. By now, she realized that she would never be used to this; especially at night, when room lights allowed anyone to see in, even though she couldn't see out. Cassie announced that she would put the salad together, so Mamie might as well have another lesson. She was ordered to fetch the metronome from the living room, and at her sister's direction, she wound it and set it into motion. She was awakened when the meal was on the table. It was a strange dinner conversation indeed, though, consisting of a bombardment of questions from Cassie and well-considered painfully honest answers from her naked sister.

Mamie knew it was important, because Cassie took notes. First, there was a litany of questions about several of the girls they had gone to high school with. Mamie couldn't really keep up, and she didn't try; she just gave as much information as she possibly could. Next, Cassie wanted to know when she had last had her period, and she seemed immensely relieved to find that she'd just finished her cycle. Of course. Why hadn't Mamie thought about it before now? Cassie didn't want to "feed" from her during her flow. Now, they had three and a half weeks to figure that one out.

They were interrupted by a phone call: Reggie's nightly check-in. Mamie strained her ears for any indication that secretary Willow was with him during the conversation, but if that was the case, she couldn't discern it. She told him that she and Cassie had spent the day doing "girl stuff," and that was true enough, she supposed. He said that he loved her. She answered that she loved him, too.

After the call, Cassie asked a litany of questions about the Willow, but Mamie had very few answers to give. They'd only met once, during a party thrown for everyone at the St. Louis office, but since it had been held in this very house, Mamie had been too busy with her duties as hostess to properly study the guests; plus, that was long before there were any indications of an affair, so there had been no reason for close observation. She recalled thinking that the secretary was extremely shy, and would find a quiet place to stand, away from everyone else, where she could watch but not engage. That didn't last long. She seemed to attract men like a magnet, but she would always seem to find some reason to excuse herself and wander away into another room, where she would again play the wallflower.

Mamie readied herself to do the dishes, but Cassie declared there was still enough time for one last "lesson," and by the time she awoke from that hypnotic nap, the dishes were done and the chores all complete. Mamie followed her sister up to bed, and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, it took a while to figure out why Cassie was so happy. No, that wasn't the appropriate word ... she was relieved, as if she had been horribly worried about something, but the reasons for her fears hadn't materialized. Over breakfast, it finally came out. Cassie hadn't known the definition of a "day" in the parlance of the warlock. If his curse had meant twenty-four hours, then Cassie was sure that she would have awakened in the grip of withdrawal from her addiction to cum. But, she hadn't. That meant that "every day" referred to once during each calendar day. She had consumed the last offering from Mamie's pussy yesterday morning; but now she realized that she had until that evening to obtain her next "fix."

Mamie almost made a comment about that, but chose to keep it to herself. It would make little difference to her sister, anyway, since Cassie believed unequivocally and unconditionally in the power of the curse. Still, when there were gaps in the "rules," Cassie appeared free to fill in those holes herself and use luck as the reason that the guesses all went her way. Reality wasn't that uncomplicated. There was another, much simpler answer to the riddle, but Mamie chose to keep quiet.