Catching Son - Teaching Son

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Son sneaks a touch and mom decides she likes it...
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I started thinking about how wonderful it would have been if my mother had caught me sneaking a touch or seeing her sleeping and trying to catch a whiff of her essence... I came up with this as a beginning. I'd love feedback and suggestions of the direction to go...


It's time to start visiting colleges for Mark. He's in his senior year, has excellent grades and is looking forward to the next chapter in his life. Mark is a bit on the shy side. He's cute, but I'm his mom so I may be a bit biased. He hasn't done a lot of dating. An occasional movie or dinner with a young lady from school, but never a "relationship". He's sweet and at this age girls aren't looking for sweet I guess.

Anyway, my husband, Mark's father, isn't able to join us for this trip to visit 2 colleges in central North Carolina that are near one another. So Mark and I decide to make a weekend of it together. I've made hotel reservations and we're ready to hit the road.

Dave, Mark's dad wishes us well. "Have fun you two. Lois, be sure to ask the questions that you and I spoke about and look into the administrative items we're curious about."

"Sure thing sweetheart, I have everything written down." Lois said

Mark is finishing putting his bag in the car. Dave walks out to the car, claps his son on the shoulder and says "Have fun, but remember, choosing the right college is an important thing. Don't just make the decision based on how many cute girls you see roaming around each campus." Insert dad chuckle here.

"OK dad, you don't have to worry about that, I know what I want to go to school for and want to find the best program." Mark responds.

"You have a bright future ahead of you, I know you'll make the right decision. Have fun... or as much fun as you can with your mom hanging around." Another dad chuckle.

Lois exits the house and heads to the car hearing her men chatting and laughing. She's fortunate to have such a good husband and a son that turned out so well. Raising kids hasn't gotten any easier these days. At age 41 she still looks good. Not a model, but Mark's friends call her a MILF. She heard a couple of them commenting about her when they thought she'd left the room. At first she was appalled, but then she smiled to herself "OK, I've still got it." It felt good in a strange way. She didn't go to any great effort to look stunning or anything, but she took pride in her appearance and she's glad it paid off.

Shoulder length hair, her natural brown color. Mark hadn't caused her to go prematurely grey by being an unruly or wild child, and for that she was grateful. Mark had always been a courteous, kind and generous child. Maybe to a fault... almost too sweet. Anyway, he'll make a young lady a wonderful husband one day. Assuming he wants a young lady... She'd always had a slight wonder if maybe he's gay. She couldn't care less, it's his life, she loves him for who he is, but she still wonders...

An hour earlier, in his room, Mark was glued to his usual porn site checking out the videos rated "Best" in the past day as rated by viewers. He always enjoyed porn, all types, didn't matter, but always straight porn. Blowjobs, standard, anal, double penetration... but lately he's been enjoying MILF videos more and more. The ones pretending to be daughter and dad or son and mom always got viewed and stroked to. So far he hadn't had sex. A couple of make-out sessions, a feel of a breast overtop of a couple of girls blouses, but never more than that. He just wasn't sure what to do. He knew that porn was all scripted and girls weren't really like that and the studs in the videos just waited for the women to pull their cock out. He wished it was that easy. But it had never happened...

Mark stroked himself off as usual and came hard hoping that would hold him over a couple of days since he doubted he'd get a chance to rub one out again while with mom for the 2 day trip. But it wouldn't be easy. He was used to shooting cum 2 or 3 times a day as he'd get horny constantly.

In the car together, on the road, Mark has always enjoyed spending time with him mom. They get along great, can discuss pretty much anything. She never tried to be his best friend, she was pretty strict, but he never caused any problems and she respected him more and more over time and now that he's an "adult" at age 18, he feels like his mom is a friend and it feels good.

Idle chit-chat, then miles of casual silence. Neither one felt the need to fill every second with talking just for the sake of talking. Comfortable together like a married couple almost.

Then it happened... "So... Mark... any girls that will have broken hearts when you decide where you'll be going to college?"

Mark laughed "Nope, that's not anything I have to worry about. I guess in a way that's a good thing. One less thing to stress over."

"Stress over?"

"Sure mom, I'll be moving out, to a place I don't know with thousands of other students that I don't know... strange environment, new experiences... Don't get me wrong, it's exciting, but it's also a bit daunting."

Lois was impressed, he's thinking about this as an adult and seeing it from all angles. "Well you're right, it's daunting and stressful but it's going to be something that will make memories you'll carry with you the rest of your life. And usually friendships that stick for decades as well. And who knows, maybe even the right gal will be there waiting for you." Insert mom smile here.

"Yeah, well we'll see about that. I'm not expecting the future Mrs. Gardner to fall into my lap no matter which college I choose. Hell I'll be happy to just get lai..., Um, I mean I'll be happy to make some close friends, male and female and come out of my 4 years with a solid future ahead of me."

Lois thinks to herself, "Hmmm, so apparently he wants to get laid... and it sounds completely hetero... Nice to know."

The rest of the drive is uneventful and they arrive at the hotel Lois reserved and at check-in it's realized that the 2 double beds that she requested and reserved somehow didn't get noted and instead they have a single king sized bed. After much discussion with the desk clerk, there simply wasn't another room available. Exasperated, Mark and Lois agreed they'd make it work and they checked in.

The room was nice. It was clean and spacious.

"I can sleep on the floor mom."

"Don't be silly, we're both adults and it's a king size bed, we will have plenty of room and you won't have to worry about touching your old withered mom."

"That's not what I was worried about and you're far from that. I just didn't want to invade your personal space."

"You're sweet, as always." Lois said "We'll be just fine. We don't have to worry about it right now anyway. I'm hungry, let's go find somewhere nice to have dinner and celebrate the fact that you're so close to being an independent adult soon on your own."

Lois had heard about a quaint little restaurant in Raleigh named Relish and they headed there and had an enjoyable comfort food meal in a wonderful little restaurant. Lois had a couple glasses of wine with dinner and was feeling very relaxed and couldn't stop staring and smiling at her bright, cute and impressive son.

"Mom, quit staring at me and smiling like that, it's weird."

"I can't help it, I won't be seeing you on a daily basis in the very near future, it's going to be quite a change for me, but I'm just so proud of you and the man you've become. I'm thrilled for you."

Mark drives them back to the hotel in case the 2 glasses of wine Lois enjoyed impaired her at all.

Mark and Lois work out the details of who will sleep on which side of the king sized bed and get ready for a night of restful sleep as they have a busy day the next day. So busy in fact they'll be staying in the hotel again the next night rather than drive back home exhausted.

Mark turns on the TV while mom is in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Lois comes out and they watch a show or two while chatting about their schedule the next day and what they want to be sure to see, ask and learn about. Having their plans shored up, its lights out time.

Lois dozes off first, within 15 minutes, and Mark is laying there staring at the ceiling in the dark. He hears his moms slow, deep breathing as she drifts into dreamland. Mark lightly touches himself as he usually does in bed. His mind is wandering... seeing his mom in her nightgown. It wasn't sexy negligee or anything but it did show off her nice breasts. One thought leads to another and he finds himself rather hard.

Mom shifts a little, Mark freezes and stops touching himself. Lois is now on her side facing away from Mark. Her deep steady breathing ensues and Mark feels comfortable lightly stroking himself again. His other hand happens to brush up against mom's backside and he realizes her nightgown has ridden up and he just touched her ass. Bare skin ass. Mark quickly realizes this is the first time he's touched any woman's ass.

Lois' breathing continues as steady as it was... so he brushes her ass again... no change in breathing... another brush... then a slight drag of a finger up along the crack of her ass... and again... Mark likes this and he's stroking his cock a little harder now. He is now sliding a finger deeper along the crevice of his mother's ass and he's loving it. Loving it so much he didn't notice the change in his mother's breathing.

Lois lightly wakes up without moving and realizes she's feeling someone touching her ass. She pretends to still be asleep and feels stroke after stroke of Mark's fingers. She's not sure what to do... She also realizes she likes how it feels. She feels herself getting a little damp and just lays there as Mark lightly strokes her ass. She feels the bed moving a little and realizes he must be stroking his cock. She decides to shift...

Oh shit, she's moving Mark notices and pulls his hand away quickly and freezes right where he is. He feels mom roll over onto her back next to him.

Lois begins breathing deeply again as if asleep wondering if anything else will happen. A couple of minutes later she feels Mark's hand brush her thigh. She doesn't move. Then she feels it again... then another light touch... then Mark's fingers trace up on top of her thigh. She continues breathing deeply but now it's out of pleasure.

Mark feels ok now after the sudden scare of mom moving, then he feels bold and starts to lightly caress his mother's thigh right up against him. "This is so hot." He thinks to himself as he starts stroking himself again. He raises the covers up slightly to readjust and he catches a scent he isn't familiar with... a musky aroma... bold... enticing... Holy shit, that's my mom's pussy. Friends of his who had fingered girls in school had tried describing the scent to him. His cock throbs at the realization. He traces is fingers higher on his mom's thigh, and traces higher... higher... suddenly he feels a little bit of hair... Holy shit he just touched his mom's pussy. He almost shoots off right then.

Lois continues laying there playing dead but it's getting more difficult and when Mark's fingers toucher her neatly trimmed bush, she jumps a little.

Mark pulls his hand away quickly and freezes. Then he hears something but isn't sure he hears what he thinks he hears... "Don't stop." Mark doesn't move, then hears it again... "Don't stop Mark..." He still doesn't move, he's paralyzed out of fear...

I can't believe how wet I am and I can't believe I'm disappointed that Mark stopped caressing me... and now I can't believe what I just said... but I need to say it again because he must not have heard me... "Don't stop Mark..."

Lois quickly realizes that Mark must be freaking out having been caught touching his mother's pussy so she makes a decision... she rolls over onto her side so she's facing Mark in the near darkness and nuzzles up to him and whispers in his ear... "If you want to stop, that's fine, but I'd love for you to keep going." As she says the words, she lets her hand wander over to Mark's chest and down his stomach... and through his thick bush of hair... it's Mark's turn to jump a little. As she breathes into his ear, she takes his average, yet thick cock into her hand. Mark audibly gasps as this is the first time another hand has touched his cock other than his own.

To say Mark's brain is going a mile a minute is an understatement, "Holy fuck I just got caught touching my mom in an inappropriate way... but she apparently wants more! WTF? Now what? FUCK! Now she's grabbing my COCK!!" Mark simply stiffens and freezes, afraid to move or even breathe.

Lois has tried, now she's afraid she has truly scared Mark and says "I'm sorry Mark, I understand" and she starts to pull back and roll away but then Mark suddenly says "No! It's ok, it's ok... really ok... really great." He's stammering but Lois stays where she is and says to him "Do you want this to continue?" She can't believe what she's saying. Mark obviously has no experience and she obviously shouldn't be doing this at all, but the more she thinks about it, the more she justifies it to herself that he needs to learn... even if it's from his own mother."

"Now what..." They're both thinking at the exact same moment.

Lois realizes she'll need to take the lead and says "What do you want to do? What do you think about?"

Mark quickly says "I want to touch your puss... your vagina..."

"You can say pussy, it's sexier than using biology terminology."

"I want to touch your pussy... I've never touched one before." Mark said

"Continue doing what you were doing." Lois rolls back over onto her back "It felt so good... just as you were, lightly caressing, it's very sensual, very erotic."

Lois raises her arms over her head and allows the sensation of Mark's fingers lightly caressing the top of thigh working closer to her mound. Slowly, sensually... making her ache.

Mark's fingers reach her trimmed mound and he literally shivers... but keeps going... feeling the fur that he's seen in some porn films. Most of the women are shaved bare, but some have what he's heard called a landing strip and some have an overall bush, but his mom's feels trimmed and closely cropped. He keeps going, suddenly he feels something... holy shit it's her pussy lips... then he realizes... his finger is wet... This is too much to even imagine.

Lois lets out a light moan to let him know what he's doing is wonderful and to keep going.

"May I give you advice or instructions or would that bother you?" Lois says softly.

"Guide me mom... teach me... please."

"Would you like to turn a lamp on or would that be too much for you?"

"It... it... it would be fine with me." Mark stutters.

Lois slowly shifts over and switches on the lamp next to her. The bright light makes them both squint for a moment, then Mark sees his naked mother before him... She looks amazing and he was right, her pussy is neatly trimmed and he's mesmerized.

"Do you like what you see?" Lois says while smiling as she watches him admire her body.

"Very much mom... so very much..."

"It's safe to assume that since you've never touched a pussy, that you've never tasted one."

Mark's eyes get real big... "That's right."

"Would you like to? I'll teach you how to eat pussy so that no woman will ever want to leave you. There's nothing better than a good licking and there's nothing worse than a guy that either doesn't do it or does it poorly."

"I want to learn, teach me mom."

"That's my boy... You're going to make a woman, or women, very happy by the time I'm done teaching you."

Lois knows that what's transpiring is wrong but she can't stop herself now and she's justifying it in her mind that she's doing a good thing for her son. Not knowing how to please a woman could lead to awkward situations or worse... a mean girl could shame him and berate him and that could ruin him for sex forever. She's doing a good thing... She's doing this for Mark and his future happiness.

Besides, having a young man look at her the way Mark is with raw desire and lust feels amazing. Something she hasn't felt in a long time.

"I assume you've seen or watched porn?"


"And you know it doesn't usually happen the way it does in those movies."


"Sex is sometimes animalistic and raw, but usually it's sensual and to be enjoyed slowly."


"You were doing great the way you were touching me. You felt that I was wet?"


"That's all the proof you need to realize that you're turning a woman on. The hotter you can get her, the steamier the sex will be. Every woman likes certain things, but all women like specific things. I'll guide you if you want to learn."

"I definitely want to learn."

"It could take several 'lessons'... are you prepared to study and pass my exams throughout the summer if necessary?"

"Yes... yes... YES!"

"Then let's begin..." Lois opens her legs and watches Mark's eyes widen "Scoot down there and lay between my legs looking up at me."

Mark does as instructed

"What do you smell?"

"A musky scent is the best way I can describe it."

"That's the aroma of arousal... Do you like it?"

"Yes mom, I do, it's making me hard just laying here."

"Good, that means you're sensual by nature and don't need direct stimulation to be turned on. Sex is physical, but it's also emotional as well as mental. The more ways you can be turned on, the more wonderful sex can be. Are you aching to taste me?"

"More than you can ever know mom."

"Good, teasing is a form of foreplay which I'm a big fan of, as are most women in order to get fully aroused. Don't be one of those selfish lovers that is only looking to get off and ignore the woman's need to orgasm. I know you're not that kind of person, but it's still worth stating."

"Never mom, I could never be like that."

"Well, sometimes you may just want or need a blowjob and it's ok to ask or take what you want, in the right circumstance, but that's an advanced lesson which we'll get to at some point." Lois chuckles a little.

"Can I taste you now mom? Please?"

"First, how do you like my pussy? I'm guessing in most porn the women have been completely shaved. Are you disappointed that's not the reality?"

"Not at all, I've seen some hairy pussies in porn and I love how yours looks. I like to call it furry... not a full bush, but neatly trimmed."

"Good, I'll shave mine for you some time if you'd like just so you can see and feel it. For now, go ahead and just have a taste, show me what you would do."

Mark hesitates, but then can't take it any longer and moves his face forward, the scent of his mother becoming stronger and his own desire peaking. He sticks his tongue out and takes a small swipe at her open lips. The wet lips... he gets his first taste and he literally shivers at the first time experience of tasting a pussy, a woman... his mother."

"That's it baby, take your time, explore with your tongue, taste and enjoy." Lois realizes this is going to be an amazing experience...

To be continued

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barn650barn6506 months ago

Where is the rest of the story?

Rwa4768Rwa4768over 4 years ago
Good intro

Now it's time to get on with the lessons.

ROCKY70ROCKY70almost 5 years ago
OH!! BOY!!!!

This is a great start, to what could be a very good story, all you need is a proof reader and a spell checker.Keep going and don't stop. A few mistakes but a nice read...............THANKS

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 5 years ago

The set up was good but just as it started to get hot, you stopped!! WTF? Why couldn't you have waited to post the story until you had worked out what happened in bed between the mom and son? I just hope that the rest of this story is not parceled out in dribs and drabs!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

While I wish you would have kept going, at least until she sucked him off. It was HOT. a good set-up for further bring the next one!

DomJ69DomJ69almost 5 years ago
I Like Mom & Son Stories

But this could have been so much better. I write this hoping it will improve your writing.

Where was the set up? Mon and Son get into bed. Son touches Mom. Mom decides she wants sex. Where was the realization? The lust? The surprise? The tension? The thought processing? 'She knew it was wrong, but wtf' is not enough.

I also recommend a proofreader. Mistakes take the reader 'out' of the story and they need to be cut out.

Just a couple of mistakes I spotted: -

spending time with him mom.

his mom.

Very much mom

Very much, Mom

If he is talking to his Mom, then you use a capital letter for her name. Note the comma - always use one before a name.

This might be just me, but I don’t want to read about what porn he/you watch! - 'He couldn't get any, so he watched all manner of porn to get his relief.' That would tell the reader enough.

Hope this helps. Feel free to comment on my work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Ignore the critics!

It's definitely the time of year for road-trips to check out prospective colleges, and there are only so many "basic points" in the essential plot for a dad-daughter tale or one involving a son and his mom. College road trip, stay at motel, no two-bed rooms available... Don't sweat it. It's the interaction between the two characters, that makes the story either bland or hot, and your characters are interacting quite nicely.

That said, pick a point of view and stick with it. Personally, I would have enjoyed seeing this tale told from Mom's viewpoint, but don't move back and forth between being inside Mark's head, and then inside Lois's, and then being the fly on the wall who's watching everything. And write in past-tense, not present-tense; it's a whole lot easier on verb forms, and sound better, too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Positive feedback

very good. Ignore the critics.

x_pac6969x_pac6969almost 5 years ago
We want to read more.

Great reading but was kinda left high and dry just as it was getting interesting with MOM teaching her son.

As for the hairy pussy dont shave it nothing like getting a pubic hair or two in between your teeth.

Hope to read part 2 soon.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
What an original idea ...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I LOVE mom-son stories

Excellent start, please continue.

tallman441tallman441almost 5 years ago
Great start

This is an excellent start to very good story. I am very interested to read how this turns out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
To: Grammar/Person

Before you start acting like you're God's gift to the critic world, you might want to proofread your own word salad.

NEWS FLASH: Learn the difference between "your" and "you".

ManyFetishes, don't pay any attention to the idiots! This is a GREAT STORY. By all means, please continue.

Whirling DervishWhirling Dervishalmost 5 years ago
It's OK

However, I felt as though I were reading a chapter in a textbook. An editor will help a LOT particularly with parts of the dialog between the two main character being in one paragraph. I didn't (couldn't) finish the whole story. No rating from me.

WAA01WAA01almost 5 years ago
Keep going

The build up is ok. Don't worry about anonymous posters who don't have the wherewithal to sign their comments.

As to what direction... the same one you're taking now. A slow build up to a summer of mom teaching him is exactly where it needs to go for now.

Looking forward to the next chapter...

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