Cate Tales Ch. 08 - The Invite

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Sinclair or swim. A visit with friends at the lake house.
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The Invite

Sinclair or swim

"Honey, I'm home," Cate bellowed, entering the house and casually tossing her keys in the bowl. "How was your day? Get any writing done?"

"It was pretty good thanks. I've been fairly productive and I got quite a bit done. How about you? Okay day?" Tom asked, closing his laptop, intercepting his wife in the hall and welcoming her home with their usual loving kiss.

"Oh, it was great. Hit the gym early and then met up with Ruby afterwards to hammer out a few things for some upcoming shows. After that we met up with Selena for lunch at Loretta's," she answered.

"Sounds like a great day, baby. I trust Ruby and Selena are well?" asked Tom.

"Yup. All good. They both said to say hello and give slurpy kisses. Hey, you'll never guess who texted me on my way home."

"You're right, I'll never guess, so I give up. Who?"

"None other than the beautiful Sasha Sinclair," answered Cate, looking at him wide-eyed. "How about that?"

"No shit. Wow. You haven't heard from either of the Sinclairs in some time, have you? You mentioned Sasha hasn't been able to attend any of your burlesque classes for a while. What's the deal there?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, the charity she runs has a big event coming up and that has been taking up a lot of her time. And well, full disclosure... I actually did hear from Jason about a week after the dinner at their place. It was a quick call that he said was just to check in with us. He wanted to make sure we were both okay with what happened that evening and he actually apologized for being so, as he put it, 'single-minded', and hoped that neither of us was offended by his behaviour.

"I told him there was no need to apologize and that we were all complicit in the events of the evening. I added that maybe he even deserved an apology from me for teasing him so mercilessly. I said that we were both fine with what transpired and that the evening's proceedings actually fuelled further... um... amorous adventures... for us, both in the car and when we got home. Much to my surprise, he did not ask for any details or make one crude reference. Not a single double entendre, off-colour comment or inappropriate remark. He actually sounded sincere, respectful and even a little contrite. Surprised the shit outta me. I had to look at the call display to be sure it was the same guy. I didn't tell you about the call because...well... to be honest... I completely forgot about it until just now. Sorry," Cate informed him.

"That's okay. It's no big deal. Intresting. So, what was his response to your apology?"

"He said there was no need to apologize for the teasing, was glad we were okay with the evening's events and was happy we enjoyed dinner. That was it. He said goodbye and hung up. Can you believe it? Shocking."

"Well, that's s certainly out of character. Maybe you just wore him down instead of the other way around. Way to go. He's a broken man," Tom joked. "So what was the gist of the Sasha text?"

"No details. She just asked if I could give her a call when I had a moment. She said it was nothing pressing but wanted to run something by me and catch up at the same time. Gonna go give her a shout now. I'll be back when we're done yakking. Keep you posted. Mmmwa, love you."

Cate retired to her office to make the call to Sasha while Tom went back to his laptop.

"This oughta be interesting," he mused.


Forty-five minutes later Cate returned to the living room to fill Tom in on her conversation with her friend and student. She seemed very excited about something and took a seat beside him on the couch.

"So, this is kinda cool. Sasha and Jason have recently purchased and renovated a lake house and are wondering if we'd like to be their guests for a couple of days if we can manage the time. It's about an hour and a half away, and apparently it has everything one could want in a getaway... gym, pool, hot tub, steam room, sauna, games room, screening room, hiking trails, tons of bedrooms, the whole nine yards. Sounds like it's the perfect place to kick back, relax and leave the stress of the grind behind. She said that they would love to have our company for a couple of days and that we would need to bring next to nothing. Swimsuits and casual clothes. Maybe something nice to wear for dinner. Bring your guitar if you want. Their cook will be there to do all the meals for us and they have oceans of booze and tons of gummies. What are your thoughts? Would we be interested?"

"Wow. That's quite the tempting offer. Well, as we know, time spent with the Sinclairs has always proven to be entertaining, that's for sure. What's your schedule these days? Can you afford the time? Do you want to afford the time?" Tom replied, sending it back to her.

"I'm pretty good for the next while. There are a few things brewing but nothing imminent. I don't think I'd mind staying in a ritzy lake house for a couple of days but maybe let's just plan to go up for the day Saturday, stay overnight, and play it by ear. The place sounds like a high-end spa and might be just what the doctor ordered. Let's head up mid-morning on Saturday so we get there in time for lunch, which we know will be fabulous, and then just unwind and catch up with our hosts. We'll stay overnight and head home sometime on Sunday unless we decide otherwise. What say?

"Sounds like a plan. I'm down if you are. It sure would be nice to get out of town for a bit. Do you have any reservations about going? I'm sure Jason is still totally infatuated with you and might redouble his efforts to seduce you. Think that's his plan? A clever ruse to get you alone in the woods?" Tom asked chuckling.

"No, I have no reservations. This sounds like it was Sasha's idea and like I said, the last time I spoke to Jason he sounded positively, well... I don'kmow... normal. Of course, who really knows? Maybe he still is infatuated with me, as you put it, but I'm sure we can handle whatever comes up, so to speak." Cate replied laughingly.

"Okay then. I guess it's settled. Call her back tomorrow and let her know we're good to go for those dates and see if it works for them. If we can't come up with a reason to change our minds by the time you phone, we'll lock it in and do some packing. Make sure to get good directions. I don't want to get stranded in the wilderness." Tom said. "Oh, and of course I'm going to pick out your clothes for the trip. Cool?"

Cate sighed and gave him a sly look. She knew just how her husband's mind worked and was pretty sure that her wardrobe would likely consist of not too much.

"Of course my love. I will leave it entirely up to you."


The drive to the Sinclair's lake house took less time than expected and it was smooth sailing all the way. The scenery was simply gorgeous and the place was a breeze to find thanks to the GPS coordinates supplied by Sasha. Cate and Tom were primed for a weekend of luxury and relaxation. They knew that their filthy rich hosts would make sure that their stay would be first-class and that any needs they had would be attended to. It was just the way those two were wired.

Pulling into the property's parking area they could see both Jason and Sasha standing on the front steps of the imposing, wooden structure that their hosts now considered their getaway home. The place was simply massive. It had the look of a huge upmarket spa facility, and for all they knew, perhaps that's what it once was.

As they walked from the parking area towards the house it was evident that today's attire was all about being casual and comfortable. Sasha and Jason waited to greet them in what must be their vacation togs. Jason's T-shirt and shorts mirrored those of Tom's to the degree that it looked like they bought them from the same store, except Tom's shirt was a Lucinda Williams Tour tee while Jason's featured his company's logo, but they were exactly the same colour. Sasha looked alluring in a very short, yellow print, summer dress that could easily have been mistaken for an apron. It looped around her neck and the front strained against her mountainous boobs, which appeared to be unencumbered by any foundation garment. This was confirmed by the fact that there was considerable sideboob on display through the dress's oversized armholes and her nipples were making noticeable dents in the front. There was also a significant amount of tanned leg on display as the dress failed to reach halfway down her thigh.

For her part, Cate looked incredibly cute and deliciously sexy in her all-white outfit. It consisted of super-short shorts that gave her a nice, fat camel toe and an ultra-thin tank top that clung to her generous, braless tits like wet Kleenex. Tom, as usual, had assigned himself the enviable chore of choosing Cate's wardrobe for this mini-vacation and that included dressing her for this morning's ride to the country. He took the task of outfitting her very seriously, loved doing it, and gave it plenty of thought. Her low-heeled, open-toed sandals lifted her enough to show off her long, dancer legs and juicy peach of a butt. Her big, swaying boobs moved in time to her steps as she ascended the stairs with Tom to greet their hosts.

It was not lost on Tom that Jason uncharacteristically refrained from overtly ogling his curvaceous wife as he had done on virtually every one of their past meetings. And she certainly deserved to be ogled today as her large, dark areolae were pretty much on display through the essentially see-through top, but Tom did not see Jason's eyes linger there once. He did, however, see Sasha sneak a peek at them and smirk. When she realized she had been busted the smirk widened into a full-on smile and she gave him a naughty wink, which he returned.

"Welcome to the new place," Jason said, with a wave of his arms. "It is so great to see you two again. Thanks for accepting our invitation and making the drive up. You are our first guests since the renovations were completed."

He leaned in, hands on Cate's hips, to deliver his usual kiss on her cheek but before he could plant it, Cate turned her head to intercept his lips with hers. It was nothing lingering or passionate but it was a little more than a quick peck. The full, soft lip contact seemed to throw Jason just a bit off guard.

"Hey, I think we know one another well enough now that we can give each other a proper 'hello' kiss, don't you?" Cate said, smiling at her host and then stepping away to fold Sasha into a close, tight hug, giving her a nice soft kiss on the mouth as well.

Jason reached over to give Tom the 'mans-man' greeting; one hand on the shoulder and a solid, tough grip on the hand for the shake.

"Hey, Tom. How are you doing? It's great to see you again," Jason said, looking him right in the eye. "I hope life has been treating you well."

"Great to see you too, Jason. Yes, life has been very good. Things are going well and we're really happy to be here."

"Holy shit," thought Tom. "He is actually acknowledging my existence and Cate is standing right near him with her tits entirely on show. I thought sure he would ignore me as always and perv on her the whole time we said 'hello'. And I picked this outfit for her with that in mind. Interesting."

With that thought still rattling around in his head, he disengaged from the handshake, wrapped his arms around Sasha and gave her a nice, tight full-body hug. The pressure of her big, soft jugs squashing against his chest made it difficult for him to want to break free to receive her friendly 'hello' kiss.

"C'mon in. C'mon in," said Jason, waving them in through the open front door. "For as long as you are here you should consider this place your home. Please. We want you guys to be relaxed and comfortable, and most importantly, to enjoy yourselves. Your room is across from ours and has its own en suite, patio and fireplace. Sasha and I hope we all have a great weekend together. If there's anything you need... anything at all... just ask. Don't be shy."

The place was enormous. Beautiful, polished wood throughout. High, open-beam ceilings. Plush, comfy-looking, sink-in-'til-you-disappear furniture. Lots of warm natural light. It was impressive and it looked like it was worth millions. And it probably was.

"Perfect. You are just in time for lunch. I will show you to your room where you can freshen up from the drive and then we'll go eat on the back patio. Beachwear is the order of the ay. After that, we can relax by the pool for a while if and just relax. It's a beautiful day and we should enjoy the sunshine. Get some free vitamin D," said Sasha. "Jason will give you a tour of the place later on if you like. Or maybe this evening. There's lots to see. It used to be a mini spa catering exclusively to the rich and spoiled and the owners decided to get out of the business. We figured it would be fun to turn it into a vacation getaway where we could have great big parties, sleepovers and get into all kinds of shenanigans.

"The renovations were not fun, mind you, but we lived through them. Just barely, I think. They were actually one of the reasons I've been missing your classes. I was like a foreman out here if you can believe it. Hard hat and all. Can you imagine? There are six bedrooms and eight baths. It's sort of ridiculous overkill but we figured, 'What the fuck, it's only money' and Jason has been making lots of it.

"Anyway, that's the plan for the day. What do you think? Sound good?"

"Sounds beautiful. Can't wait. We are so looking forward to reconnecting with you guys. It has been too long and this looks like the perfect place to do it. Lead on. I can be out of these clothes and naked in sixty seconds. I'll go and slip on a swimsuit and grab a cover-up. I'm looking forward to a nice afternoon hang by the pool," said Cate, with a saucy laugh.

Sasha escorted the couple down the main hall on the first floor to where their enormous bedroom was located and then went to the kitchen to check on lunch. Tom and Cate were in absolute awe of their accommodations. The room was almost the size of their first apartment and was lavishly appointed. It had everything one could need or want to ensure a pleasant stay.

"Good grief. This place is fabulous. Too bad we're only staying for the one night, I could get used to this pretty quickly," Cate said, sitting on the bed, sliding her shorts down her shapely legs and tossing them onto a nearby chair. She pulled her shirt over her head and as the top drew up over her plump, pendulous boobs, they were pulled upwards and then dropped back down heavily, bouncing and swaying on her chest. Her big brown gumdrop nipples were at rigid attention as usual. "Pull out whatever excuse for a bikini you packed for me while I take a quick shower and do some touch-ups with Mr. Gillette. I'm ready for lunch and a little pool time. I know we're really going to enjoy ourselves here."


Cate padded out naked from the bathroom to the bed to see that Tom had laid out her outfit for lunch and whatever else the afternoon held in store. He had changed into swim trunks and a Stones T-shirt and looked ready for poolside. She pulled the flimsy, orange WW bikini bottoms up over her shapely behind and freshly shaved pubis and did her best to corral her big, fleshy tits into the bra. The bottoms were really only a couple of threads and a scrap of material the size of a mailing label. It just only just made it halfway up her her bald mound and the seam down the centre tucked snugly into her slit and gave her a tight, delicious-looking camel toe. The top didn't fare much better coverage-wise, hiding her nipples but not very much more. The tiny triangles were content to let the edges of her large, dark areolae peek out from behind them on both sides. The black, loose-mesh, cover-up barely came to mid-thigh and didn't close in the front so her brightly-coloured two-piece was plainly visible along with a huge expanse of bare skin. She slipped into her three-inch open-toed mules and declared that she was ready for lunch.

Tom loved how his sexy wife looked in the tiny bikini. He enjoyed choosing her outfits and took care to pack only the most revealing and risqué items he could find. He took every opportunity to expose her naked body whenever and wherever he could and was pleased that she was becoming more and more willing than ever to cater to his voyeuristic tendencies. He had already selected her dinner outfit and was looking forward with anticipation to an exciting evening of exposing his beautiful wife. She would be a walking wet dream, braless in the clingy wrap dress, g-string and heels. Her usual stay-ups would be replaced with a garter belt and stockings, and along with her shoes, would at some point in the evening be the sole items of clothing left on her body. He could picture her now, naked but for her stockings and shoes, bare breasts bouncing and swaying with every step as she slowly strutted across the floor.

He watched Cate getting dressed from a small over-stuffed couch situated near the big sliding glass door that provided a walk-out to the grounds. The pool and spa area were steps away and were surrounded by lush foliage and manicured trees ensuring total privacy.

"One second, baby. There's something I forgot," he said, reaching into his duffle to pull out a small velvet bag. "I picked this up the other day and thought it would be a nice surprise for you. I think it will help to make our little adventure here much more interesting."

He opened the bag and removed the bubblegum pink device.

"I think it would be fun if you put this in so that I can torture you during lunch and maybe at the pool as well."

He handed her the Lush 3 and turned it on to the lowest setting with his phone. When it began to quietly hum and vibrate in her hand she looked at him with raised eyebrows. She had seen a few Cam-girl clips where the ladies were letting their patrons control the device remotely and she found the idea exhilarating. This was the first time she had seen one in real life and thought it would feel nice inside her.

"Am I keeping this in me all afternoon? This antenna thingy is going to be sticking out above the top of my thong you know. Should I change into something that will hide it or do you want them to know I have it in me?"

Cate pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and spread open her thick inner labia. She slid a finger inside to get herself nice and creamy and primed for the insertion of the Lush. She pumped two fingers in and out for a few moments, rubbed them around inside her until she was sufficiently moist, and then pushed the device deep into her receptive crevice.

"For now the cover-up will hide it a little but that will come off soon. I think it will be exciting for everyone if they know it's in you and I'm sure they'll want to see it up close. Are you game?"

"Of course I'm game. Anything for you my love. Just don't go too crazy with that remote though. I don't want to fall off my chair or get zapped off my feet if you make me cum too hard. I'm sure our hosts will be intrigued to see how this device will work its magic on me," she said laughingly. "It will certainly get their attention. It feels so nice stuffed inside me. So nice and full."

"Speaking of our hosts, are you as shocked as I am that Jason didn't drool all over your tits when they greeted us?" Tom asked. "I was waiting for the lecherous looks and suggestive comments, and frankly I was astonished when they weren't forthcoming. Even your little sneak-attack kiss didn't get the reaction I would have expected from him. I wonder what gives."

"Yeah, I was a little surprised as well. By the way, I hope you didn't mind that kiss. I thought it innocent enough but should have warned you beforehand. I fully expected him to give me his signature 'hands-on-the-hips-kiss-on-the-cheek' greeting and I thought I'd throw him a curveball and see how he reacted. That's the correct term, right? Curveball? Anyway...