Catherine 02: Phone Calls


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An I'll tell you something else Catherine..., Ryan and Sally have been best friends a very long time, in fact they became friends in junior high. And, I secretly wondered what she would be like but could never have imagined! Plus another thing..., my wife Sally, and Ryan; well they had something going on too. I always new it, but only witnessed it first hand by accident one day after getting off early from work, where I came in the house and found all kinds of evidence that led down the hall to the bedroom. Catherine, I stood just out side the bedroom door and watched them, and damn how I wanted to join them; but that would have ruined, not just their moment, but my moment of joy at knowing the truth about my beautiful wife and her beautiful girlfriend.

Catherine, and something more about Ryan. Catherine, Ryan stood by Sally through all my deployments, supporting her, along with helping with Erin. She even got Sally straighten out from some of the things Sally had become involved in, like and affair with a married man who's wife was in the Navy and deployed too. Then Sally hooked up with two guys she met at the gym, taking them on, both at the same time. Where Ryan admitted all that to me one night after we became friends again.

An Catherine, when Sally and I were in the midst of our divorce, Ryan didn't speak to me for nine or ten months. It was only after the two us accidentally met at the mall, where she set me on fire, to the point I thought my shoes were going to melt. An I just stood there and took it, because everything Ryan said and called me was true; I failed Sally.

An Catherine, that's why Ryan is such a very special friend, and not just special friend with benefits, Where I care for her very..., "Bob..." her interrupting me.

Yes Catherine?

"Bob, what you just told me says a lot about you." she says. "An Bob, I have a special friend like that too, and it's also a woman, where we share all our secrets too. An now I want to show you something, and I hope it says something about how I feel about you too." She goes on. "Bob, I just sent you a picture. Now call your girlfriend and go see her. Good night!" where she drops the call. Leaving me sitting here pondering, even laughing about how she went on by teasing me about her fake exploits with those two guys and Nancy, has me thinking, she can dish it out, but she can't take it when I went on, telling her about Ryan.

But now it's my phone with a message beep, and looking to see what it is..., Shit!

Staring at the screen on my phone where this woman in full left side profile, her honey brown hair laying on her shoulder, her right hand holding the camera of her phone, which is pointed towards the mirror that's reflecting back the image I see in this photo. She's naked! Her beautiful face looking directly into the mirror, her left hand covering the nipple of her fully exposed beautiful, perfect left breast.

My heart skips, Holy Shit! She is drop dead gorgeous, guessing 36-23-37, drop dead heart breaker. And DAMN, I can't take my eyes off of her.

An what else do I see about this beautiful woman is her toned body, slim curved waist, and flat tight tummy. Turned the way she is emphasizes her gorgeous round, curved, shapely ass cheek and her beautiful long shapely legs down to her knees. Her calves are concealed by what ever is blocking that view she's standing in front of keeps my heart skipping beats. Good God Catherine, you're absolutely beautiful!

Damn, I wish I could kiss and hold you just like you are right now! Then, I notice something else as I look longer and closer at this picture.

Is that beautiful butt cheek looking slightly..., pinkish? Is that some redness I see? Damn, I have to call her back; this I can't let go. But all I get is ringing until it's switched to her voice mail. An trying again; the same thing.

I know her phone isn't turned off or if she's using it because if she was, my call would have gone straight to her voice mail. So trying once again, but his time when the ringing ends and goes to voice mail its my, That's the most beautiful pink spanked behind I've seen in a long time. An Catherine, I'd love to kiss it and make it better! And thank you Catherine, you truly are a vision. Oh, not to mention you're beautiful breast; it's a shame you covered the nipple; so good night you drop dead gorgeous lady! Then dropping the call.

But now as I'm lounging back in my desk chair, looking at her picture thinking, Catherine, I truly do love you! I honestly do!

Then turning on the phones Blue Tooth to send the photo to my computer. Where I bring it up on my large flat screen monitor, and Oh, My, God! There she is in all her beautiful naked glory!

An now, as my eyes roam over this enlarged view of her there on my screen, I zoom in on that pinkish area of her butt. And yes, that is definitely some redness! Why you sweet, spanked, kinky beautiful thing! Where I slump back into my chair resting my head against the high back leather cushion. Damn it Catherine Parker, you are a vision to behold!

Now it's my phone ringing, it's Catherine, and quickly pick it up telling her, Catherine, I left you a message but I'll say it again, you're beautiful and thank you! But why did you send it after all?

"Bob, You were making me..." Is that a tremble in her voice?

What Catherine, mad? Or was my talking about Ryan making you um..., envious? No, not that, just very curious, maybe?

"NO! Why would I be any of that? But what about me and my married friends? Are you envious of them?"

Oh hell, for sure. But mostly curious Catherine. Like I already said, he's one damn lucky man..., or should say, couple!

"Bob..." Her hesitating.

What Catherine?

"Bob, you were teasing me I know; going on about your girlfriend. An maybe I was feeling something. But I really needed to get a shower. Bob, I still had Nancy's..., ah..., perfume on me."

Perfume? Oh, you were you trying it to see how you liked it Catherine? I know women put a dab on their wrist to see how it smells on their skin.

"Bob, it's not that kind of perfume!" Unmistakably blunt.


"Bob, think about it! Your fingers under your nose that day on the escalator."

OH HELL Catherine! You're killing me lady, you surely are! Where I hear her laughing long and loud.

"So, I sent you the picture to give you something else to think about." Her coming back teasing me..

Catherine, you could have just told me to shut up, or even just dropped the call.

Now its her silence as I wait for her to go on, but now that she hasn't, So Catherine, were you feeling something? Like you weren't kissing me back I suppose. But Catherine, you still didn't have to send that picture, not that I don't mind. I have it up on my twenty-four inch flat screen monitor right now. Where I think I'll save it as a wall paper, Catherine

"SWAGGART! Don't you fucking dare!" That thunder clap again. "If I find that picture out there...," Is she threatening me?

Catherine, settle down. No one is going to see that picture except me..., and the guys in my class, and maybe half the United States Marine Corps.

"You Fucking Bastard! More than loudly saying it into her phone. I'll murder you, I swear...," Me thinks the lady's upset!

Catherine..., CATHERINE please, settle down. I'm only teasing you. Nobody but me will ever see that photo. An I'll delete it if you want me to.

"You promise?" She questions.

Yes, I'll delete it right now.

"Bob, you don't have to delete it, I believe you." A bit calmer now.

Good, so, can I get the full three sixty view next?

"Fuck you pig!" Not knowing it, but I'll hear that often.

Yeah, sure!

"Hey you." She says. "Do you use a video chat site? I guess I should have asked you this long before now." Her telling me now.

Yes I do Catherine. That's how my daughter and I can see and chat with each other.

"Okay, which one do you use?" She ask.

I use this one..., and my ID is MSgtRbt_Swaggart.

"Okay, I use the same one, so, are you logged in there now?"

Yes, always. Just in case my daughter calls to see me.

"Do you mind if I contact you that way?" She ask.

Heck no Catherine!

"Okay, I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." she says.

Catherine, I'm not moving a muscle!

Soon I get the, "CMParker" is now on-line. Where I click accept and..., wow, hello, there you are.

"Hello to you too." she replies. Where I see her beautiful smiling face, those beautiful eyes, even though they're only a vision on my computer screen; they're looking into my soul. Her shoulders are bare and her hair looks wet.

Catherine, you look beautiful, you are a vision lady! I love your wet look hair style, it's kind of sexy. My flirting.

"Well, I told you I just got out of the shower, and thank you." she says. " But I have this wet towel wrapped around me. So if you'll wait a few minutes while I finish drying off, and comb out my hair I'll be right back."

Hey, you don't have to get dressed up for me Catherine; every thing looks fine from here.

"Yeah, but the air conditioning is on and I'm getting chilled so I need to put something else on besides this towel."

Take it off. I won't mind at all. In fact, I love seeing, but better yet causing goose bumps on a naked women, It makes me think she excited about something.

"Yeah, you wish!" her taunting me.

Yes Catherine. Hell, I'm a guy..., I can wish, can't I?

But its her sitting there looking at her screen for more time than I thought she would where I begin to wonder, is she thinking about doing it? But it's then I hear a phone ringing in the background.

"Oh Shit!' she says. "That's my business phone, I'll be right back." Then quickly stands up to go for her phone where I catch a fleeting glimpse of her with the towel falling away as she's moving out of sight. But all I see was her bare hip as she moved out of the computers camera view, leaving behind just the view of a very rumpled bed. A testament to her afternoon delight with her friend Nancy? GOD DAMN, how the thought of that turns me on!

Now it's hearing her answering the phone, and from her greeting it must be someone she knows. Also hearing parts of her one sided conversation as she moves around the room. Occasionally coming closer to her computer where it does seem it's someone she knows really well. But then it's what she says next that tells me; she's talking to her husband.


Then her voice fades. Although I can still hear her, she sounds further away, like she's in another room. Then her voice comes back clearer, but still she's out of sight, then I see the bed move like she may have just sat down on it. And now I can hear her one sided conversation like before.

So, taking a deep breath as stand up an take my half filled cup of cold coffee, its back to the kitchen to rinse it out and refill it. But as I was walking to the kitchen thinking, I was thinking, hell here I was, talking to her image on the computer, teasing her about taking off the towel, hoping she would. Showing me what my mind can only imagine is that drop dead gorgeous naked women under it. Any thought she's married never entering my mind until..., I head that part of her conversation that told me she was talking to her husband.

An now with a fresh cup of hot coffee in one hand, my head lowered as my other hand's rubbing the back of my neck wondering, as I stand here staring out through the French doors, which if open I'd be out on the deck. But as cold as it is, I'll stay inside as I wonder how much longer should I wait before I go back to see if she's through talking with him. Or, whether I even should go back?

An now that I've finished my coffee, and rinsing out the cup and leave it in the sink. But as I look at the clock on the face of the coffee maker, I decide to wait another five minutes before going back to see if she's finished talking with him.

Sitting back in my desk chair, and before I even turn to face the computer I hear, "Where have you been? I was just about to call you." It's her saying. Where I see her back on the screen and my, Hi, you're back I see.

But this time her hair, although still looking damp, is combed out straight and she's wearing a white fluffy hotel robe.

"Yes I am, and where were you?" she ask.

I was in the kitchen, having a cup of coffee while you were on the phone.

"Well, you could have brought me one." A glint in her eye.

Okay, I'll be right there. Ah, where is there? My knowing it already.

"I'm still in San Antonio Texas, silly." Her with a laugh.

Oh that's right. Well, it might be a little cold when I get there.

"I won't be!" Her looking right at me from my computer screen. Oh you naughty girl, teasing me like that.

Yes, Catherine, you are one smoking hot lady!

"That was my husband Jon." She says.

Okay. Is everything all right?

"Yes, every things fine. He was just checking in to see how I was. Plus he was bringing me up to date on what's been going on with him too." her filling me in.

And you Catherine?

"I'm fine, why?"

Catherine, it's just.., strange. You know, with me talking to you like this. Your teasing me with that photo. Both of us making little innuendos about things just before your husband called.

"Bob, listen to me. As I told you, Jon and I practically live two separate lives. Yes, we live in the same house, sometimes even sleep in the same bed. We eat breakfast and dinner together when we're both home at the same time. He has his office with a model making and drawing studio in our house. His family has a business office, which is located in a professional business campus a few miles from our home. I go to his family functions, parties, banquets, conventions, grand openings, anything that gives the appearance of a husband and wife happily..., politely attending together."

"Where we walk around together so he can introduce me to the people he knows from what ever city or project they've just completed or proposing. I sometimes think I'm there more to get attention. Maybe attract the kind of men he may want to impress or influence. He goes to my functions, which are fewer than his. He's gracious and very personable. He's also very intelligent and can talk knowledgeably on almost any subject. He has a photographic memory, and can recall facts, figures, quotes, passages, from off the top of his head in an instant"

"But like I already said, we sometimes sleep in the same bed. An why I say sometimes..., because he's away on some project most of the time. So, there's not much in the physical that goes on between us. But there are those times I do something which he likes, and..., I like doing it too. Bob, I do have feelings for him, but it's been more like..., how really close friends feel and threat each other."

Okay, like friends with occasional benefits?

"Almost. And depending on what type of sex, An. it's been..., well, a long time since he and I had penile, vaginal type of benefits together."

"Now what are snickering about Swaggart?"

I'm sorry Catherine! It's just the way you were trying to be nice about saying it.

"Okay. So I should have said, Jon and I don't fuck?"

No Catherine, I knew what you were going to say before you even went there. Again, opened mouth; inserting my foot huh?

"Bob, I don't have any regrets or guilt feelings about what I do with, as I call it, my other side; or with my married friends either. And, as you overheard, he doesn't know. And what happened between us I definitely don't have any regrets or guilt about that either."

"Bob, I like you so very, very much. Because I've gotten to know you more in these past two weeks by just talking to you on the phone than any man I might have had any thought of wanting to get to know better. And yes there have been those too. But like I[ve told you, I'm not that kind of woman!"

"An Bob, I know I haven't explained every thing, but what I've said, does it help some?" Her asking me at last.

Yes Catherine, I guess it does. Thank you! But..., I..., just..., it's..., SHIT! I told you how I felt. I just don't want it cause or become an issue for you.

"Issue? What could be an issue. I really want to see you when I get back. And dinner with you, where ever it is, would be a very good way to have some laughs again. If that's still alright with you?" her asking me.

Catherine it's very alright with me. But can I ask something else? It's kind of personal, about you and your husband.

"Sure, I'll tell you almost anything you want to know. But there are things that are out of bounds. And I'll let you know when you've crossed that boundary." Her cautioning me.

Catherine I'll always respect your boundaries. If I intrude into something that's out of bounds you're certainly free to slap me down. But please don't hit me to hard.

"Bob, trust me, I will let you know!" Yeah, another prophetic statement from her.

So, Catherine, why did you marry him? And why do you stay married too him if your life together is more like..., just friends?

"Why did I marry him? Why do I stay? Well..., we've been married eight years. An when I met and married Jon I'll say..., I was different. Maybe because I had different expectations of what I wanted for my life along with many other assumptions..., about many things. I, will, admit, I did have selfish reasons. Bob, he lived a life style a military brat from North Carolina could only dream about. He's spoiled me like you wouldn't believe. Bob, he's twenty years older than me. And maybe back then I may have been looking for a replacement for something, and maybe then, I thought he was the one."

"Plus, several years earlier, I had stopped going to college full time to take care of my mother. She had gone into a very long and deep bout of depression after the loss of my step dad. Also, I was still confused about who I was..., what I was. At the time I was introduced to Jon, I was involved with a girl I worked with at a restaurant where I was waitress."

"Bob you asked if I was a lesbian? Even though I had lost my virginity with my high school boy friend, and I had sex with a jerk in college. But still, I didn't know if that was what I was. Because my first, lets say, steady girl friend, was my cousin. Then it was with my college roommate Linda. Then Gina who I was rooming with. But along with Gina there were lots of casual female sexual relationships, girls, women, both married and single. Hell between Gina and I, it was a revolving door of Gina bring a girl to share with me, and me doing the same with Gina." My thinking, holy shit!

"But that wasn't everything, because while working at that restaurant I did go on dates with guys. But I never felt attracted enough to them to go any further then just casual dating friends."

"And a funny thing Bob, it was Gina who introduced me to Jon. Her grandfather is close friends with Jon's family. Then one summer weekend Jon's family was hosting an outdoor party, where Gina's grand father was invited, along with the rest of his family. So Gina was invited too. She wanted to bring a friend; me, and that's how I met Jon."

"Bob, I wasn't looking for a father figure. An looking back I think I just wanted the security. I have the security now, but the romantic love is not there; an honestly..., it may never have been. And I think it was the same with Jon. Except, he wanted something young and pretty to hang on his arm. Maybe to impress his colleagues, friends, and probably most of all; his parents!"

"Now why I stay married? Bob maybe I haven't found a reason not to be. Jon treats me very well and I certainly don't want for anything. I have all the freedom to come an go as I please; no questions asked. I do have to travel a lot for business, which affords me the opportunity to meet and make new friends. Especially the kind like Nancy. But the other things that make a marriage aren't there. He has all the other qualities most women would love to have in a husband except what a loving husband and wife share. I don't need the other things like the security he's given me. I'm quite able to take care of myself. And I also think he knows, as well as me, at some point, we'll be going our separate ways."