Catherine Ch. 20


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Now realizing Catherine hasn't said anything more, it's time to poke the elephant a little.

"Catherine, what time did you say your flight to DC is," asking her.

"My flight is scheduled for seven with an arrival time of eight-ish," she replies. I'll get the shuttle from the airport to the hotel and check in. Then Neil..."

Uh-Oh! The elephant with two eyes open -- who's Neil; her, unsaid Uh-Oh.

"The committee meeting we..., we...,want to sit in on meets at ten," she saying now.

"We?" She said.

"Catherine..." "Bobby..." she interrupts. "Catherine...," my interrupting her. Call me when your plane is on the ground so I know you arrived there safe; okay?" Asking her.

"Of course I will," she replies.

"Catherine..., I have go," telling her now, but not really.

"Bobby..., Neil is the man I'll be having dinner with tomorrow night!" She's telling me now.

"Catherine..., enjoy your dinner with him and your evening too, just..., call me later..., and it doesn't matter what time it is; alright?" Telling her.

"Bobby..." Catherine," interrupting her again, "I have to go, that test we started should be finished running by now."

"Bobby.., I really love you, and thank you for every thing you just said." she replies.

"I love you too, girl! Dropping the call.

Neil huh? Damn I wish I could be a fly on the wall of that room tomorrow night..., but? What about Wednesday night..., that date too?

Walking back to the train station part of the way with John, who's telling me, "See you tomorrow." Just before he ducks down the steps to the subway. Acknowledging the same to him with a wave as I continue on to the train station lost in thoughts about this coming week and Catherine in DC; and her, ah-oh with Neal, had the elephant unexpectedly waking up.

Pulling up to my usual parking spot, the garage door rolling up as I gather the Monday mail off the seat I stopped for at the top of the driveway. Only to stop with the drivers side door partially open at what I see parked again in the second bay thinking, what a beautiful thing it is, as I enter the garage. An what a sexy thing and sweet ride you are too, looking at the parked Porche -- and so is your owner!

Then it's the smell of hot pizza when I open the door into the house and make my way down to the kitchen to see Catherine leaning back against the island, a glass of white wine in her hand, a knock your socks off smile on her face and a "Welcome Home," she tells me.

Setting her glass down on the island top, she comes to me, "I've missed you," she tells me, as her arms go over my shoulders and up around my neck, a repeat of this morning. Only this kiss seems to have a lot more feeling and intensity to it -- My God she feels so, damn, good, in my arms!

"What are you doing here," asking her when breaking the kiss.

"I brought dinner," she says.

"I could smell it when I opened the hall door, Rizzo's I bet," telling her.

"How would you know," she ask, is followed up with another kiss.

"Because I've eaten a lot of their pizza over the years, that's how I know," telling her. "And how did you know it was my favorite," asking her now.

"I saw the refrigerator magnet on the door with their telephone number. And being the only refrigerator magnet on the door, I figured it must be there for a reason. So I took a chance and ordered a garbage pizza that I picked up on my way here and now it's been keeping warm in your oven," she's telling me.

"You're not only gorgeous, you have a gorgeous mind," telling her just before I crush her mouth with mine one more time.

"I also replenished your favorite beer too," she says. "I noticed you were out of that, so I picked up a six pack on my way here too; how's that for a gorgeous mind," she hits me with.

"You've got it all girl, looks, brains, personality, plus your excellent choice in men..., me -- unless there's more you want to tell me about; along with your friend Neal. And please Catherine, take that as..., my just being curious; okay? Nothing more," telling her the truth.

"And that's one of the reasons I'm here Bobby; but eat first, talk about it, then fuck after; but I rather put the last first; but..., first things first, how's that," she's not asking.

"What ever you say Catherine!" Crushing my mouth onto hers once again.

Over a large Rizzo's garbage pizza, Mexican beer, and French white wine our day's events talked about back and forth. Finishing my second big slice of pizza and downing the last two swallows from my bottle of Sol, Then looking across the island to see her taking a long sip from her wine glass before she looks back at me, "You look like you enjoyed the pizza," she says.

"Yes I did, and thank you again," replying.

"You're going to save the rest I assume," she ask.

"Well of course Catherine I will! What I usually do is wrap the left over slices in foil and put them in the freezer where they become my dinners over the next two or three days," telling her.

She laughs! "Over the next two or three days," she repeats

"In that case, " she says. "why don't you get me the foil and I'll wrap up your dinner for the next two or three days and I'll put them in the freezer, while you, " she says. "get rid of the box and your empty bottle, then make us some coffee and meet me over in the nook," she telling me that has me laughing!

"What so funny," she ask.

"You!" Telling her. "Taking charge..., are you in a hurry getting some place?"

"Yes Bobby I am! There's things I need to tell you, and I want to get past that, because it's going be difficult..., again! "She tells me.

"Catherine I told you..." "Yes you did!" She interrupts.

"Bobby..., it's about the next two days," she says

"So!" Replying to her.

"It's important to me Bobby..., no secrets any more; Okay!"

"Sure Catherine..., I'll meet you at the nook." Turning away to retrieve the long roll of aluminum foil from a cabinet drawer, placing it on the island top. Then turning back to set up the coffee maker while I hear her behind me tearing off pieces of foil, and wrapping the left over slices of pizza up in them.

"I'm done with the box Bobby," she says finishing up.

An without a reply to that, its taking the empty box, along with the empty beer bottle out to the garage where they're into the trash barrel. Where ,I've been thinking the whole time I'm doing it, 'Do I really want to here what I know she's going to be telling me? My logical self says no! My voyeuristic self says, HELL YES! My fly on the wall self even wants to be there to see and hear it all -- I know what she's like with me. But do I want to see and hear what she's like with them!?"

You..., are, one, fucked, up, S.O.B Swaggart! Saying it out loud as I'm heading back to the door and into the house.

Entering the kitchen to see shes not there and the coffee still brewing what I know will keep me awake after she leaves. So fetching two cups, the sugar container, the creamer from the refrigerator, placing all of it on the counter top close to the coffee maker. It's going over to stand at the French Doors to the deck, seeing just the area being lit on the deck from what light is making it out through the doors I'm standing at, plus some light through the window by the nook. All fading into the darkness and cold beyond -- not my thoughts..., I hope!

Only when hearing her voice behind me, "Bobby, it looks like the coffee's finished." Is when I turn back to see her pouring coffee into the two mugs.

"Everything alright out there," she ask, not looking up from what she's doing. It's when I don't answer that she stops with the cream and sugar to look back at my saying, "It's a bit baggy I think."

Because it's what she has on -- one of my long sleeve gray sweat shirts with, "MARINES," in big letters emblazoned across the chest area of the sweat shirt. "A bit short for a shirt dress too, I think." Seeing the hem of the sweat shirt is covering her ass with just inches to spare. If she were to bend over facing away from me..., yeah, heart be still.

"Why are you wearing my sweat shirt," asking her.

"Because, it's warm, baggy, and comfortable. Plus easy to get off for what I want from YOU; after we talk," she says, her emphasis was on the you.

"Sit down now and I'll bring the coffee over to the nook," she's telling me.

Finishing with the coffee and carrying both mugs where she sets them both down on the table top in front of me. Then she's back to reach across the island top to retrieve her cell phone; her reaching for it, where it's just far enough that she has to raise her left leg which exposes a half moon of delicious, awesome, Catherine ass cheek.

Coming back she scoots in next to me, nudging me with her elbow to get me to move a little further in on the bench, giving her more room to sit next to me. Then picking up her coffee cup, taking two long sips, "Delicious as always," she tells me, setting the cup back on the table. Then picking up her cell phone to hold in her left hand, but not doing anything with it except holding it.

After a few more seconds of that has me wondering what is she going to do with it, besides holding on to it when it's her tapping the screen, swiping across the the screen several times till she stops, and taps the screen then handing the phone to me, "His name is Neal, " she tells me. "He's ex military and lives in San Diego; and if you're wondering how old he is; he's fifty-four," she says. "He's also employed by a defense company that hires a lot of ex- military service members; he's the manager of their health and wellness programs. How I met him..., was in one of those joint conference and seminars. He's also a divorced father of two; one a graduate student, the other about to finish college. When I was on that long three week business trip one of my stops was in San Diego for two days where he and I attended those meetings, conferences and tours together; two nights too Bobby, he came back to my room, and left late," she says.

Hearing her saying that my thoughts going to, I got phone calls from her when she was in San Diego and they were..., evening..., the time difference made them I think..., nine o'clock here, six there. So it must have been before they went to dinner she called. So..., I was sound asleep when they were..., fucking?

The face I see on her cell phone screen is that of a, fifty-four year old man she said -- rugged looking guy, wearing a open neck denim shirt, exposed white V-neck tee shirt and aviator style sunglasses. He has short, darkish, grayish slightly receding hair, his face has a light sun tanned complexion. Her saying he's ex-military fits the description. The picture looks like it was taken from across the table in maybe an outdoor restaurant setting. I could possibly look a bit like him when I'm the age he is now; without the receding hair.

"Why show me his face Catherine," asking her.

"So you know the type of men I found attractive when I met him," she replies.

"He is a pretty good looking guy, I'll admit; what branch of the military was he in," asking her for more.

"Navy," she says. "I believe he flew helicopters, search and rescue; I think too."

"Okay," in reply. As I continue looking at the face, who seems to be looking back at me with a easy, relaxed smile on his face.

"The way you met him Catherine you said...?"

"The same way I've met lots of other people Bobby, like those attending these meetings or conferences, for the same reasons I'm there -- to get insights into the thoughts and proposals the committees meet to discuses changes to programs they have control over. Our paths often crossing like that they become an a acquaintance who, you might share a cup of coffee over, Then maybe a lunch, to maybe a dinner, wanting to get to know them better as a person. To eventually you become friendly enough that at some point the inevitable question is asked." She's telling me.

"And that question Catherine..."

"How married are you Catherine!" She's bluntly telling me.

"Really Catherine?!" Surprised by her answer.

"Neil never..., asked that question!" She emphasizes.

"Because he has the right amount humility, along with the right amount of self confidence when it comes to women; not over confident, or to aggressive. He has a great sense of humor, without being silly, and very self deprecating; he makes fun of himself a lot. And..., he smiles a lot. It was easy to say yes to him, without being asked that question. We were riding in a elevator intent on getting off at our respective floors; his was first. But when the door opened I pushed the close button -- he took the hint. When the car stopped at my floor, we both got out. And Bobby, I had an amazing and exciting time with him. And I've never regretted pushing that close button. That's why I see him when our paths cross." She finishes.

"Do you know anyone with similar qualities and personality as Neil," she's asking me now; taking her phone from my hand.

With all the swirling thoughts going through my head it's not until, "What's taking you so long to think of one, Swaggart," she ask, after I haven't said anything.

"The men I'm having dinner with Tuesday and Wednesday night do," she's telling me now.

Still not saying anything to her as she remains semi-patiently waiting for me, her finger nails lightly tapping on the table top.

"God Damn It Swaggart! LOOK at the damn window!" Comes at me almost in anger. "Who do you see." she ask

"You!" She says, without giving me the chance to reply.

"As nice and as handsome and fun as they've been, you're more than equal; you're better!" She says. "And..., I'm not..., in, love, with them..., OKAY!? Now turn to me and kiss me you bastard!"

Where, even in the confined space between the bench seat to the table, she's trying to crawl onto my lap. But only manages to get as far as her arms hanging around my neck by squeezing herself up and partially onto the table, crushing her mouth onto mine.

"Catherine..., Catherine, wait a minute!" Using my arms and hands urging her to get up and off the table, backing her out of the nook, moving with her till we're both out and standing on the floor, where the crushing make out picks up again. Her arms hanging around my neck raising the hem of the sweat shirt, uncovering her amazing ass, my hands automatically gripping those bare ass cheeks, lifting her up off the floor, her hard kiss to my mouth forcing my head back, swallowing her tongue.

Damn, the girl can tongue kiss!

Plopping her bare ass down on the island top, her legs that were wrapped around the backs of mine, are now wrapped around my waist, squeezing me, pulling me to her, only stopped by the island itself. All of sudden rekindling the memory of Sally on the island top just like Catherine is now -- my face between Sally's legs held back, spread wide with my face pressed into her soppy wet cunt, ravenously sucking and licking her from ass hole to clit and back, a tea towel she stuffed into her mouth to muffle her cries and screams.

An now it's Catherine's turn!

Reaching back, grabbing those long beautiful legs she has wrapped around my waist, breaking their hold on me. Where it's my hands going behind her knees forcing her legs up, as my upper body leans into her forces her back down onto the island top -- does she know what's coming.

Dropping her arms from around my neck and falling out across the island top like she's being crucified on top of it; I'd nail her with my cock that's aching to get out of the confines of my blue jeans, but no, I want a re-run of pussy eating in the kitchen.

With my hands gripping her legs behind her knees, my arm strength forcing her legs back onto her, opening her cunt and ass hole to my oral assault that starts at her brown, puckering butt hole, tongue splitting those already wet open pink labia, up through them and right to her gorgeous big, "girly-dick," that my lips latch onto, trying to stretch it down my throat.

If it were summer, and the doors to the deck were open like they usually are then, her scream would have startled the deer, turkeys, pheasants, rabbits, as well the neighbors horses; and it's a good distance between houses.

Bucking her ass up against my face, her thinking to lesson the pressure of my mouth on her, "girly-dick," -- not happening girl! Moving my head rapidly side to side, up and down, brings her hands up to push against the top of my head, the strength in her arms has me losing my lip lock on her.

But it's only momentarily because I'm right back, with the tip of my tongue teasing at her butt hole, then back gently nipping at those labia flaps, before sticking my tongue into her creaming cunt, dripping with her wetness. Her pussy is a feast, a banquet, a table covered in desserts of all kinds; I love eating her out! Her hands that tried to push head away are now trying to guide my mouth over her, in and around her sweet pussy, as she humps her hips up and down smearing my face with all her creamy wetness.

Until suddenly -- It's There!

Her squirt.

Her orgasms are volcanic!

Her cries, screams bouncing off the walls, the ceiling, the grip of her strong hands on my head, holding my face into her pussy. Her legs shaking so hard I almost lose my grip on them.

Her storm passing.

Relaxing my hold on her legs, letting them rest over my shoulders.

I French kiss her pussy once more.

Her hands fall away from my head.

Does Neil and James eat her out as good as I do?

The thought makes me laugh that I even think it.

Whats so funny," her asking, still trying to catch her breath.

"Your other lovers," telling her. "An how lucky they've been to know you like this!"

Hearing her deep sigh, gets me lifting my head to look up over her naked belly, over the swell of her breast, covered by my sweat shirt, her deep breathing causing the letters spelling, "MARINES," to move with her breaths.

Rubbing my nose in and over her bikini trimmed pubic hair, my kisses working their way up to her belly button, sticking my tongue into it, gets her laughing, "That tickles," she's telling me, as she sitting up with her hands holding my head urging me to stand up where a crushing kiss from her meets mine.

"Catherine, now tell me about James," asking when breaking the kiss.

Her arms wrapped around my head pulling me in, holding my head against the sweat shirt covered swell of her breast, " How much do you want to know,"she ask.

"Everything Catherine," replying. "I want to know it all, from the time you met him, till the times he's walked into your hotel room, till the times he's left.

"James...," she says. "Is different. He's never been in the military, although he does work for a company that does a lot of business with the military; medical supplies and medical equipment for the military. So the reason he goes to the same committee meetings others like me attend. He's fifty-seven, and a very good looking fifty-seven too; he could easily pass for a man ten to twelve years younger, with the passion and energy to go with it; but he does have a disability; he injured his back in a sky-diving accident twenty years ago that limits his..., movements..., when having..., sex; he being on top." she says.

"So then Catherine..., sex with him..., is..., the woman on top, or..., him sitting in a chair..., the woman sitting on..., or straddling his lap? You being the woman..., when you're with him." Not asking or telling her.

"Yes!" She replies.

"Thank you Catherine," telling her. "That playing with me this morning with her on my lap when I was talking to Sally on the phone; a quick replay of it in my mind now.

"Bobby, what time is it," she asking me now.

Moving my head enough to see around her, "Nine-thirty Catherine, by the digital clock on the stove" telling her.

"Bobby..., I don't want to but I have leave," she tells me now. "There are some things I need to get done at home before I leave for the airport in the morning. One being down-loading some documents from my computer at home onto my lap top, plus some other things too." she telling me.