Caught Green Handed

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A Goblin-Girl thief gets the best of him.
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Content Warning (includes slight spoilers): Plot-wise, this is a relatively-quick and dirty one-off seduction fantasy. It involves cheating, reluctance, manipulation and betrayal, basically giving into temptation for the "bad-girl", but I once again tried to take a raunchy premise and give the characters more depth and justifiability than you might expect, with nothing too evil or sadistic intended. Hope you enjoy.


Caught Green-Handed.

His eyes opened and he sat up stiffly with a gasp. Sweat pilled his bare chest and he knew it wasn't only from the hot summer night. His heart pounded and he looked around the dark room in agitation. He had a palpable, panicking certainty that his life as he knew it was about to end, though he had already lost track of why. He finally came fully back to reality, exhaled his breath and shook his head at himself. Just a bad dream.

He heard the faint clop of hooves on the cobblestones on the street outside. Only one set. He listened carefully and heard no voices on the street from pub-goers either, and he decided it must indeed be the deep dead of night on the otherwise busy downtown thoroughfare below their apartments.

He heard a noise.

His adrenaline hadn't quite come down from his nightmare and he froze with a stiff frown. It almost sounded like a creak of a board upstairs. No one could be in their residence surely?

They were meticulous with their security, knowing full well the risk of crime this close to the center of the city. Even living in their suite on the second and third floors. If there was a burglar they would have had to climb and break a window to get in. Had that been what woke him up?

He looked over at his sleeping wife next to him. Her long elven ears twitched ever so slightly as they always did when she slept. She didn't have as keen of hearing as some elves did, but still plugged them with cotton when she slept to drown out the street noise. His human ears weren't as sensitive and he simply wasn't as bothered by it. Surely something as loud as breaking glass would have woken her as well though.

He heard another small noise. More like a scratching now. He sighed. If they had rats she was going to freak. She was already almost obsessive about keeping every last crumb off the floor. Elf women were known for being particular. He was as well, he admitted, and probably more so for a human than she was for an elf. He had to be, as an accountant, if he had any hope of keeping his mounds of parchments and writing quills in any order. He sighed at the thought of going back to the office tomorrow and facing the ever-growing piles of work that his more senior colleagues kept unfairly piling on to him. He liked the work and it paid well, but his damned boss...

He put it out of his mind and slipped out of bed. He smiled at his wife's tall lithe figure under the thin sheets, knowing that he wouldn't need to light a candle to find his way out of their bedroom without tripping. Everything would be just so.

He stepped carefully around the bed, knowing by memory where all the creakiest floorboards were. She would nag him to no end tomorrow if she didn't get her sleep. It probably wouldn't have woken her with the cotton in her ears, but he could never be sure, and if there was a burglar that he wanted to catch... No he didn't. And, no, there wasn't. It was almost certainly nothing. Still... He smirked mischievously at his secretive skulking, then he shook his head at himself that THIS was the most mischievous thing he had done in recent memory. His wife had her husband well-trained indeed. He slipped out the bedroom door and deftly clicked the door latch.

He waited silently, but heard nothing. He carefully walked over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, trying to decide whether to look about more thoroughly, or simply go back to bed.

There was another creak and a click. Upstairs.

Dammit. He thought. He took a breath, worked up his courage, lit an oil-lamp and grabbed the poker from the fireplace as a weapon.

Again, he focused on stepping only on the floorboards that he knew wouldn't creak, taking long, careful steps, stretching, hopping, and contorting to reach the safe spots with athletic balance and determination. It was easy enough in his bare feet, wearing only loose trousers. For now, he was still young and fit, but he wondered if he would ever end up as fat and useless as many of his older colleagues if he continued sitting at a desk for the rest of his life. Young and fit maybe, but certainly no fighter. Was he really up for this? He still made time for games of hogskin with his friends from the college after work on Fridays. It was a good way to take out his frustrations, which seemed to pile ever higher these days. He was no soldier or knight though, and had only taken a few boxing lessons in school.

He worked his way up the stairs, hearing another few scratches and determining that whatever or whoever it was, was in the office. There was a small window there, but it had been locked... He approached the door, trying to decide if a rat, a raccoon, or a burly cut-purse that would bludgeon him to death was more likely on the other side.

He paused and worked up his courage. He needed to get angry. What infuriated him? His work? No. Dammit he loved a file well tallied and documented, and if he was that much faster with the abacus than his partners that they punted more work on to him, then he pitied them more than hated them....His mother in law. That was the ticket. The uppity bitch. His wife's whole family really. He could hear their voices either implying or stating outright - Why did their beloved elven girl have to settle for a lowly human like him? Just the other day they had heard of a tall elven barrister who'd finalized his own divorce, real generous to his ex too. Amazing the bachelors out there really if you look. Didn't you think your husband was going to go from accounting into law when you agreed to marry him? Not as many humans have the wits for it compared to elves though. How's that going so far?

He fumed and his knuckles turned white, grasping the metal poker, flexing his arms and gritting his teeth. It was working.

An accountant was a perfectly respectable job! He didn't care if some of them aimed to be lawyers instead. He didn't. Why didn't his wife ever defend him to her family? Why did she only smirk and bring it up later like it was ammunition for him to 'behave'? He would be miserable as a lawyer. The courtroom was a vipers den. Not even that much better pay. Screw the prestige! He wouldn't be caught dead in one of those stupid wigs!

He set his jaw with conviction and turned the knob slowly to keep it silent. Not silent enough. As it clicked and creaked, he possibly heard a gasp, and then he definitely heard a rough scrambling noise and something being knocked down. He focused his anger and felt like he didn't care what happened to him. Fuck it! If it was a raccoon or a vicious thug, either way it was going to die! He opened the door wide and burst through, holding the lamp and the fire poker in front of him with wide-eyed excitement.


A falling paper finished its sliding descent on to the floor off his desk. A coin spun and then settled on the table. The window was open. Not broken. How? His wife made him check the locks every night. There was no one and nothing. There had only been a couple of seconds of scrambling between him turning the latch and opening the door. Had they escaped through the window, that quickly?

Maybe a raccoon after all. He let out a sigh and walked over to shut the window, locking it again. Then he turned around and saw the chest was open. His wife's jewellery box... empty.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, spinning back to the window and then back to the empty room.

He growled in frustrated anger, nothing he could do about the thief who was probably halfway down the street by now. His wife's heirloom pearls. The ruby necklace he had bought her for their honeymoon. Most of their saved money was in the bank, but the amount of coins in the chest and the desk drawers had not been insignificant either. He flexed his arms and body wanting to attack something with the fire-poker, his veins popping on his lean muscles, but eventually, feeling impotent and useless, he decided he would only do more damage. He finally relaxed, setting it down on the desk, along with the oil lamp.

He stared distantly at the mess around him, sighed and ran his hands through his thick brown hair.

"Damn..." a barely audible whisper sounded somewhere in the room.

He frowned. Had he imagined it? It was high pitched and female, and almost sounded... admiring? He felt suddenly exposed, standing shirtless in his loose trousers, and looked around the room again in paranoia, feeling watched. He told himself he must have imagined it. There was no one here.

He turned around and reached down to start picking up the papers.

"Mmm," an appreciative whimper, barely audible again, seeming to come from the wall behind his bent-over ass.

He shot up and looked around him again, under the desk, behind the chest. No one. Still half-awake and hearing things, he tried to tell himself, though he felt very much alert and on edge. Then there was a faint ripping sound, almost like paper, but he couldn't tell from where. Then suddenly a louder fast scratching.

A desperate whisper, "No...nononono."

It grew louder and panicked, "shitshitshitShitShitSHITSHIT!"

The voice was above him!

He heard the crumple of claws tearing through wall-plaster and looked up just in time to see a plump green body slip and fall from the top corner of the room. Two round soft bouncy lumps collided with his face and knocked him to the ground. His ass, shoulders and head each collided with the floor in turn, rolling enough not to be a dizzying blow, but his vision still went black as light stretchy wool of a shirt and the warm supple orbs it contained pressed down against his face.

"Hmmmff!" he exclaimed into them.

"Uhhgh," she moaned, exhaling into his hair, and writhing on top of him as she hit the ground with him.

She inhaled and her top stretched, his nose sinking through a tear in it and pressing into the flesh of her cleavage. His body reacted in a sudden energy, finally breaking from his shock to reach up and grasp whatever and whoever was on top of him. His hands grabbed on to a wide set of round, but supple hips. Her clawed hands grasped his biceps and she finally pushed herself to sit up, staring down at him with a flushed green face.

The face of a goblin.

A face that was strangely beautiful.

No that wasn't right. It couldn't be. It was the typical ugly goblin face... wasn't it? The large angled nose was right there. Yet, it suited her somehow, separating her wide orange eyes. They were definitely beautiful he'd admit. More than beautiful; huge, sparkling and hypnotizing with their unique dazzling colour. But... that was it. Her face was still a cretinous goblin, he made himself think, angled and severe. Well, the sharp prominence of the cheekbones did compliment her nose with a nice symmetry, along with her wide pointed ears seeming to twitch of their own volition, flanking her slick black hair pulled back except for a couple tousled strands next to her face. Her jaw was sharp as well, but more delicate than vicious, the teeth that started to show on her growing smile though were definitely sharp... but what a devastatingly cute smile.

He blinked and looked down. Her proportionally large chest rose and fell. There was what appeared to be a deliberate horizontal tear in her tight sweater over her cleavage revealing a teasing taste of her bulging green skin below it. Her belly protruded as well but not nearly as much as those perky round orbs that had just been in his face.

Her eyes seemed to drink him in, at least as surprised as him. They ran down his body from his face to his bare abs where her crotch sat, her tight black pants, clinging to her thick, short thighs seemed to inadvertently squeeze over his lean-muscled torso. Her sharp teeth bit down on her lower lip and slowly released its plump flesh as she brought her gaze back to his face.

"Um... hi. You're uh... really tall."

He stared in shock. "Hi," was all he could think to say back.

"I'm Gretchyn," she said, with an embarrassed, but invitingly cute, toothy smile.

"Oliver," he said automatically, then finally frowned and shook his head out of his entrancement and looked away from her eyes.

She seemed to snap back to reality as well, and watched him look over at the empty jewellery box. The money-drawer of his desk was still open. He looked back up at her, and his mesmerized mind finally put together the obvious.

His eyebrows furrowed, "You're..."

She's the thief you imbecile!

"K, um, bye," she said, and before he could react, bounced off him and back over to the chest with lightning speed, grabbed another ornate bracelet and leapt for the window.

He scrambled quickly to roll over, and lunged after her. He just barely caught her ankles as her claws grasped the edge of the windowsill.

"Argh! Let go!" she hissed as her body stretched its 4 foot length between his hands and the window.

He grunted as he pulled on her, but she was surprisingly strong for her size, "Rgh! Give them back."

Her claws cracked the wood of the windowsill, "Give what back?" she panted innocently.

"The jewellery The money."

"No! It's mine!"

"What? You KNOW it isn't"

"Finders keepers!"

"That's... rgh, that's not a thing!" he tried to grasp further up her leg, but she wriggled one leg free and scratched at him with her bare clawed feet. He swore and grasped her again by the pant-leg.

"Yes it is!" she said, kicking at him again, but her pants started to slide down. "Ah!" she moaned.

"No it isn't, there's no law-"

"You think I give a shit about the law?" she laughed, then exclaimed, "Fuck!" as her pants slid further off her.

"Dammit!" he said as her pant-legs slid past her feet and started coming off.

She reached down and took a clinking pouch off of her belt. "Keep the pants!" she said, twisting and wriggling quickly to free herself, but her one hand that remained on the window sill finally lost its grip at the same time.

They both tumbled backwards on to the floor. Oliver landed on his ass to see her pantsless green ass and short legs scurry up to the window latch.

"Fuck!" Gretchyn hissed as she struggled to open it again while keeping the heavy pouch in her hands..

Oliver was back up in an instant and reached her as she finally opened it. His arms grasped around her torso just as she started to fall out the window and he pulled her back inside and fell to the floor with her. They swore and rolled over together. He suffered scratches on his shoulders, and a shallow bite on his hand, but he finally got two arms around her, holding her arms at her side and her back against his stomach.

"Rgh! Let me go!" she knocked her head back against him, her thick black hair flailing against his pecs, but he held her firm, with one arm around her shoulders and breasts and another at her wrists where her soft stomach met her hips. He felt very aware of each part of her body he touched but tried to steel his mind.

"No, you're a thief and you belong in jail!" He glanced at the pouch on the floor across the room and was uncertain if he could make it there before her if he let her go. "Is it all in the pouch?"

She was silent and to him that said enough. He considered how he might frisk her while still holding on to her strong resisting body and the thought brought his cock too much excitement for his liking.

"Give them back," he demanded.

"I can't if you keep holding me, urgh, Gods how are your arms so long? Like... ugh, fuckin' pythons."

He couldn't help feel the compliment swell his ego. No one had ever said anything like that to him before. He shook it off and asked, "Where's the rest of it?"

The goblin girl was silent, but kept trying to wriggle her round curvaceous body out of his arms, and despite her size, he was just barely able to stop her. Her wide firm ass rubbed against his loins and he felt his cock begin to swell. He was reminded she was only in a pair of thin black panties now, below her tight sweater. He looked down at the bare skin of her smooth green squat thighs where they met her hips, and felt himself swell harder as she rolled her ass against him with an angry whimper. He tightened his arms against her movements, feeling her breasts bulging against his forearm.

"Wait is that your...?" she wiggled her ass on his erection, then let out a breathless disbelieving giggle, "Ohhh, Gods it is. Holy shit... Really? A guy like you? You'd actually fancy a goblin girl like me?"

She pressed her ass back against him harder.

"No. No I w-... Stop it," he said, trying to keep himself from instinctively thrusting back.

"YOU stop it then," she complained.

They panted together in their efforts and she craned her neck to look up at him from against his chest with a tortured look that was not entirely in anger, her mouth lolled open revealing her sharp teeth and long wet tongue, and her eyelids started to droop. He looked down at her, while he tried to resist his body's instincts but he couldn't help but stare. Her body relaxed, and his arms did too.

Suddenly she jolted and aggressively tried to escape again and he only just barely tightened his arms quickly enough to stop her.

"Nice try," he seethed harshly, telling himself she was obviously trying to seduce her way to freedom. "I'm not gonna fall for that-... ugh, stop doing that with your ass."

"Stop doing that with your cock. Fuck, speaking of pythons..."

Again the compliment swelled within him and he exhaled down into her hair, she craned her neck up to look at him again and he tore his eyes away from her beautiful orange stare.

She gave a small grunt trying to escape again, "Rgh dammit! Fine what's your plan then big guy? I didn't think you were the type, but if you think you can force me into doing something without me agreeing, you might be in f-"

"No. I'm not. I have a wife," he said.

"Yeah that's what I thought," she giggled. "Mmm, and look at us. You bad boy."

He bristled and realized what he should have done a minute ago, "I'm gonna call down to her and we're going to take you to the constable-"

"Pfft, yeah. Go ahead and bring your wife in here to see you grinding your big hard cock against a goblin girl in her panties."

"I'll... tell her what happened," he said, unable to keep the instant doubt out of his voice.

"What? That I'm your mistress and you've been fucking my little green brains out for weeks?" she teased.

"No," he groaned in effort to keep her from wriggling free and from the swell of his erection against the relentless slow bucking of her ass against it. "That your pants came off when-..." his words broke off and he winced, both from the feeling and from realizing how ridiculous that would sound, even if it was true. He huffed as his eyes rolled back at the pleasure of the taught rubbery skin of her voluptuous ass working itself over his erection.

"Well that's what she's gonna hear from me. That and you were giving me all her pretty shiny things knowing they'd look way better on me." she giggled, but sounded breathy and aroused herself. "That you were gonna fuck me silly tonight wearing her necklaces while she slept in the other room."

"Stop it!" he squeezed her harder but it only ballooned her tits against his arm and pulled her ass against him harder, and he told himself it was only that and not her words that made his cock swell so hard it hurt.

"Then let me go," she said.

"Not unless I get everything back. It's not... fair," he insisted, more careful to keep his voice down through his frustration. He knew his erection would be extremely obvious through his thin, loose pants, and admitted he didn't want his wife walking in and seeing it.