Caught in Pink: A Sissy Story


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The driver opened the glass door and pointed inside the shower, then he remembered, "Oh yeah . . . M said I should ask you if you have to piss first. You might be in there for a while."

I gulped, then said, "I think I'm alright."

He shrugged and nudged me into the shower as he produced a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. "Sit over there."

He had me sit down on the tiled floor beside the bench on the left side of the shower and then he fed the handcuffs through the handle mounted to the wall before securing my wrists. From that moment on I never stood a chance.

The driver left without saying a word and left the door open behind him as he went. I sat there watching the empty doorway and listened to the 4 men playing pool outside, just waiting to see one of them appear in bathroom. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but the little bits and pieces I heard didn't sound like they were talking about ME, but that wasn't much of a relief given the circumstances.

My mind was busy wondering which of the people I'd seen since my arrival was potentially also M, the person who'd arranged all of this and everything which happened before, that I didn't notice the four men had come into the bathroom, not until they closed and locked the door.

"There she is!" once of them said happily.

"Well, well, well," said another, virtually indistinguishable by the masks over their eyes.

They filed into the shower and stood over me, one took a seat on the bench directly beside me and leaned towards me until I could smell the beer on his breath when he spoke. "Who gets to go first . . . or do we all go at once?"

One of them stepped up before me, clearly erect, pitching a black tent in his dress pants. He said, "I don't think it matters."

It didn't, not to him.

He lowered his zipper and produced his hardened cock, dripping with his precum. With his cock in one hand, he placed his hand on the back of my head with the other and pushed it into my mouth. "That's it, Krissy. Suck it you slut."

As with the men who'd used me by the canal, I was only partially aware of what happened or how long it took. Their cocks were basically indistinguishable from one another as they took their turns, and I could only tell how many of them there were by their orgasms. The first one was a hot splash on my face, and I opened my eyes to the glare of a flash as they took pictures and recorded video with their cell phones. The next orgasm happened in my mouth, which I let spill out onto my thighs and the shoes of the man who'd delivered it. He didn't like that. Neither did the third man, who made sure his contribution went directly into my throat rather than my mouth and refused to remove his cock until he was sure I'd swallowed. The fourth man was the least pleasant of the bunch. He didn't seem to want an actual blowjob, instead he wanted me to sit there with my mouth wide open as he attempted to jerk off into it, something that he was having a hard time doing, which he then took out on ME by slapping me in the face repeatedly with his half-hard cock. When he finally came, it was a pathetic little squirt which he oversold with his moans and sense of victory.

When they were all done with me, they turned on all 8 shower heads, turned off the light, and left me alone in the dark.


I sat there in the shower being blasted with warm water until my hands and feet were completely pruned before someone, a woman wearing a mask, came in and turned the water off, but first she sat down on the toilet to pee, and to simply look at me for a minute. I must have looked like a hot mess with my wig plastered to my face and my makeup long since washed away. She stared anyway.

After she'd finished, she came into the shower and sat on the bench beside me, looking down at me like a partially drowned rat.

"Thank you," I said feebly, barely able to see her through the matted clumps of hair in my face.

She was dressed in a sleek looking black mini and sheer stockings. She parted her knees and I couldn't help but look at the lace clad V peeking out at me.

"Are you a friend of M's?" I asked.

Saying nothing, she shook her head, no.

She gingerly reached out and slid the wig off of my head and dropped it to the shower floor with a splat, placing two fingers under my chin to raise my gaze up to her. With her free hand she pulled back her skirt and began massaging herself over her panties, slowly at first, and then building speed until she was clearly trying to reach orgasm, her eyes locked with mine through the mask the entire time. There was something vaguely familiar about her, but it was hard to tell by the bottom 4 inches of her face as a guide. She was breathing heavily, her mouth open as she grew closer to the finish line. She grabbed me by the back of the head and gave my hair a hard yank as she came, hard enough to make me cry out at the same time as she did, and as her rubbing slowed, her grip relaxed and she released me. After she'd rested a moment and caught her breath, she rose from the bench and presented me with her panty covered pussy, so wet it was almost glistening. It was then that she spoke for the first time.

"Kiss it," she said.

I hesitantly planed a kiss upon her before looking up for validation, and when I did, she leaned down and kissed me hard on the mouth. Then, she pulled her skirt back down over her thighs and walked out, leaving the lights on and the door open after her. The next person I saw was the driver. He came in and paused long enough to look down at me in disgust before fishing the key to the cuffs out of his pocket and entering the shower. He released one of the cuffs and dropped the key on the shower floor, "Get yourself cleaned up, get changed, and make yourself pretty . . . M will be waiting for you upstairs."

I took my time getting ready . . . I figured there wasn't much M could do to me at this point that they hadn't already done, and I could hear the driver talking to the boys playing pool. He was waiting for me, but he wasn't rushing me. It gave me time to strip naked and get back into the shower to rinse any residual spunk off of me, and I felt like I could still smell them on my skin, them and all the others I'd met that week. The taste too. It came back every time I coughed or cleared my throat, the mixed taste of all their cum . . . all ten of the men who'd been in my mouth that week. Now, it seemed, I had just one more to go . . . but I knew I couldn't allow myself to believe that was the case. M had gone through a tremendous amount of effort setting all of this up, and only a fool would believe that it was all for one night with me. Same went for the other party favors, the human coffee tables and men being fucked with wine bottles. The odds that this was their first night too were astronomical at best. Tonight was MY first night, but not theirs. Likewise for the men M had sent to my apartment, her very special friend, and the men who'd jumped me on the walk home. All of them. They were ALL part of M's stable, and now so was I.

I dried myself off and changed into the red panty and cami set. Looking at myself in the mirror I never felt LESS like a girl. Robbed of the illusion of large breasts and long wavy hair, I looked exactly like I was . . . a boy wearing women's underwear. I went to work on my makeup, painting my eyelids and drawing dark circles under them before covering my lips until they were firetruck red. I hopped up on the sink and painted my nails next, first my toes and then my fingers. And then, the final touch, I placed the studded collar around my neck and stood back to see the whole picture.

It was about as close as the "fuzzy femme" picture M had texted to me as I was ever going to get, and I was so nervous about being seen this way that I felt a little sick over it. I'd have rather gone out there dressed as "Krissy" than like that. Honestly, I would have almost rather gone out there NAKED than like that.

There was a polite double tap on the bathroom door and the driver poked his head in. "You ready yet? Not a good idea to keep M waiting, trust me."

I followed the driver past the boys playing pool who winked and smiled at me, up the stairs and back into the living room where I was devastated to arrive to the applause of over a dozen masked guests. They whistled and cat called, a woman pinched my ass and gave it a slap. I could only cower behind the driver as he led me through the group and up the stairs to the second floor. The upstairs hallway was lined with dark mahogany doors leading up to a set of double doors at the end. The driver pointed to them and said, "Good luck."

Let me tell you . . . walking down that hallway barefoot and WORSE than naked was the longest fifty feet of my life. I'd never felt so exposed or vulnerable. I stopped just outside the door to collect my thoughts but the instant I did the driver called out from the top of the stairs where he was waiting, "M is waiting."

I knocked twice. Hearing no response I twisted the handle and entered the darkened room. Visible only by a single candle I saw a masked woman sitting in a plush leather chair beside a massive 4 post bed. "Close the door behind you," she said.

"Where's M?" I asked.

"Coming," she said. "Close the door."

I did as she said and then stood there dumbly, unsure of what to do or say.

"M is a little smitten with you," she said after a while. "You must be something special."

"I don't know anything about that . . . I don't even know who M is."

"Of course you don't," she said, smiling from behind the mask, "you're not meant to." She pointed to the floor at her feet and said, "Come . . .sit."

Whoever this person was she was obviously very close to M and might have the power to make my life even worse than it already was, so I complied. I approached her and sat on the carpeted floor at her feet, and it was only then and there that I recognized her as the woman who'd visited me in the shower.

"Oh," I stammered, "it's you again."

"That's right," she said, grinning coyly. "How was your shower?"

"Fine . . . I guess."


We sat there staring an one another until I couldn't bear the silence any longer and I asked, "You're a friend of M's?"

She shrugged.

"And the people downstairs . . . are they all friends of M's too?"

She shrugged again.

She rose from the chair and moved to the bed, sitting on the edge of it and patting it with her hand for me to join her. Naturally, I hesitated. "Where's M?" I asked again.

"Coming. Come sit."

It was becoming apparent to me that this woman was meant to participate with M and I, so I joined her and sat with her on the bed with my hands folded over my lap in a feeble attempt to cover myself. She put her hand on my thigh and I felt my face go hot. "What's the matter, are you shy all of the sudden?"

Not knowing what to say, I shook my head and shrugged simultaneously.

She smiled from beneath the mask and cocked her head to the side as though I was a puppy, or perhaps a confused child. "Aww . . . no need to be embarrassed, I think you're very special. I have to say . . . I watched you with those boys in the shower earlier, and the other night by the canal . . . and it was amazing. I also have to say . . .your vulnerability is really turning me the fuck ON right now, and I'm seriously considering fucking your brains out."

"What about M? What's he going to say about that?"

She laughed and patted my cheek. "You let me worry about M." She pushed herself further onto the mattress until her head was propped up on the pillows. "Come here," she said easily, as though she wanted to show me something simple and pure when in reality it was anything but.

I turned and crawled over to her, a short trip, and knelt before her on the mattress, heart pounding beneath the satin.

"What do you want?" I asked, unable to look her in the eye.

"Since you asked . . . I want you to put your hands behind your back and take my panties off with your mouth, and I'll tell you the rest after."

I didn't even have to look at her to know she was sliding her mini-skirt up, just as she had done earlier in the shower, and as I leaned towards her I could feel her heat. It grew and grew until gravity took over and my face was on her, at which point she grabbed the back of my head with both hands and began to grind into my face. "That's right, you slut, get in there!"

After a few minutes of that, she tossed the pillows off the bed and laid back with her feet in the air as she held her knees and said, "Finger me and lick my asshole."

A moment's hesitation awarded me a slap across my forehead as she snapped at me, "DO IT, SLUT!"

I did as I was told.

I effortlessly slid two fingers into her and began curling them over and over in a "come here" motion as I drew circles around her other with my tongue while she moaned and ground her hips. She grabbed both sides of my head and pulled me deeper into her, writhing and twisting as her nails dug into my scalp.

Suddenly she placed a foot on my shoulder and pushed me off of her. Her lips were bright red and she was breathing heavily as she glared at me through the mask. "That's enough," she said decidedly. :"Roll over . . . face down, ass up." When I hesitated, she leaned forward and grabbed me by the hair and said, "Are you refusing me?" Terrified, I shook my head. She released her grip on my head and pointed down at the bed, "then DO it."

I laid down on the bed and she quickly climbed on top of me, pinning me down as she tied my wrists together with a leather strap and lashed them to the headboard. She rolled off of me and reached into the nightstand and came out with a thick rubber cock attached to a harness and waved at me with is as she explained, "M is pretty BIG, so I'm going to break you in a little first." Before I could protest, she added, "Trust me, you WANT me to do this."

I really DID'NT want her to . . . but I'd also been around enough to know that if this strange friend of M's was kind enough to give me some free (or nearly free) piece of advice, then I had probably take it. Still, I couldn't help but remember how M had said my ass was for them and them ONLY, and I told the woman so.

"Don't worry about it," she assured me. "M just didn't want you getting fucked by any BOYS."

She stepped into the harness and pulled it up to her hips until the cock was dangling between her legs.

Climbing back onto the bed from behind me, she grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards her until the straps around my wrists were pulled tight. Looking up at her reflection in the mirror hung behind the headboard, I saw that she was smiling at me from behind her mask. She placed her hands on my ass and began slipping her fingertips under my panties. One hand slipped between my legs and cupped my hardened cock through the satin. "You're wet," she purred. Embarrassed, I put my head down and she quickly corrected me, "Keep looking at me, slut."

She slid her hand into my panties and took hold of me, grabbing my cock tightly in her fist and beginning to stroke downwards as she pressed her hips against my defenseless ass. "You like this . . . don't you?"

I nodded and she gave my cock a hard yank in response, "So SAY it then, slut!"

"I LIKE IT!" I cried.

"That's right," she said, "you LOVE it."

She slid her free hand down the back of my panties and abruptly slid two fingers inside of me as she continued to stroke me tightly in her fist. "Cum for me, slut."

"I can't!" I groaned.

She began probing me deeper and faster, her jaw clenched from the effort. Not only COULD I cum under those bizarre circumstances, the fear and adrenaline got me there fast, and when I came, I came VERY hard, almost painfully.

The woman cupped her hand and caught what she'd produced as I unloaded. "See," she teased, "I knew you would. Now it's my turn."

She carefully slid her cupped hand out of my panties and began slathering the contents onto both my ass as well as the rubber cock strapped to her. She grabbed hold of my hips with both hands and pulled me up to my knees as she took up position behind me. I felt the tip of the cock press against me as she wiggled it around, looking for my opening. "Please!" I pleaded with her. "M . . ."

"Forget about M," she said, grinning at my reflection in the mirror.

She paused over the sweet spot and I felt the tip spread me open faintly. Her grin turned into a smile of joy as she leaned into me slightly, and I felt her entering me. "Oh my," she teased, "there you are."

My jaw dropped open and I let out a long groan as she pushed inside of me, deeper and deeper until our bodies were meshed together and she could go no farther. "Big . . . isn't it?" she teased.

I was too overwhelmed to answer. She was stretching me beyond any man who been in her position, and the pain came second to the magnitude of the situation.

I felt her nails dig into my hips as she pulled me towards her and began to fuck me, pushing deep inside of me and grinding her clit into the base of the strap on, both of our mouths hanging open as we watched our reflections in the mirror. It went on for what I guess was about an hour until she finally climaxed. Immediately after which she abruptly pulled out of me and walked out of the room, leaving me laying there, soaked in sweat, panting to catch my breath.

I laid there waiting for M to come in and finish me off . . . and I waited . . . and I waited.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

I awoke later to the driver untying me and tossing my backpack containing my clothes onto the bed. He said, "Get dressed, it's time to go," before leaving the bedroom.

I redressed in the latex pants and walked through the now empty house on my way outside, minus my wig and with my face streaked with mascara.

I slept through most of my weekend, stumbling around in a daze with a very sore ass until it was time to go back to work on Monday morning having not received a single word of explanation from M. I was actually pretty angry about it too. I wouldn't have submitted to all that unless it was to serve a purpose, and that purpose was to END it, and since M hadn't bothered to grace me with their presence, how could I be sure it was actually over?

I got my answer at noon.

I was just coming back from my lunch break when one of the warehouse workers came to my station with some parts I'd requested. A forklift beeped its horn behind me and I walked over to accept the delivery as I always did, when I noticed the woman driving the forklift had no parts to deliver. She was just sitting there, smiling at me.

I looked up at her . . . an attractive blonde of about 40 wearing tight jeans beneath her uniform shirt . . . I'd seen her before, several times, but we'd never spoken. My brain simply didn't make the connection until I gave her a closer look . . .

Those eyes . . .

That smile . . .

And finally, the name on her uniform shirt . . .


"Hey there, Krissy," she said, grinning. "How are your holes?"


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sissyboi69Aricsissyboi69Aricabout 2 years ago

I loved this story; I hope there is more

wazhazhewazhazheover 2 years ago

I didn't expect the twist at the end. I really enjoyed the story. Thanks.

tamis_demisetamis_demiseover 3 years ago

Loved it. Great writer :)

tamis_demisetamis_demiseover 3 years ago

what a hot story. hopefully it happens to me :)

smoothsatinsmoothsatinabout 4 years ago

Thank you, I did enjoy it, a delightful fantasy. Issy

Claudia69Claudia69about 4 years ago
Very Kinky Story!!!

What a lucky sissy!!! He got to suck lots of yummy cocks and taste loads of CUM,plus his sissy asshole got plenty of reaming and he got to suck pussy too!!! What a lucky guy...

jennifurzoejennifurzoeabout 4 years ago

The ending was not what i expected but very good as its also an excellent fantasy .

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