Celeste Side Story: Succubus

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God of lust, Celeste, has sex with a closeted man.
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AN: This has no particular place in the timeline, it's just Celeste feeding his succubus side with a human male. If you are unfamiliar with my Celeste Series here's some notes to help: Celeste is the god of lust and has to get sexual energy from humans about every 30 days. He calls himself a succubus because he can change his body to any gender (or mix of genders) to suit his lover. For more information about him please read my 10 part Celeste Series!


Celeste walked into the hotel bar confidently. He flipped his high ponytail over his shoulder and smoothed down the navy velvet suit he was wearing. There was a convention going on in this particular hotel, three days with lectures, demonstrations and networking, but he could care less. Not that anyone there needed to know about that.

He saw a handsome man at the bar, sitting alone sipping some dark drink in a squat glass. He was in a black suit, though he had already taken off the jacket and had it draped over his lap. He had slicked back dark hair with a nice fade on the side. A strong jaw line and an athletic build that reminded Celeste of Lawrence.

Celeste stepped up and when the man looked over at him he saw his hazel eyes go wide in surprise then sweep over his body quickly in interest. Celeste gave him a small smile then asked, "Are you here for the convention?"

The man swallowed, then looked over, blinking rapidly before looking down into his glass. Celeste found the flustered reaction endearing. He nodded then said, "Yep, third year and it's still boring as all hell."

Celeste chuckled and the man glanced over at him again then quickly looked away. Celeste couldn't tell if the man was trying to hide the fact that he was checking him out or hoping no one else would pop in and notice he was checking him out. He kept looking at the man, his body canted to the side, leaning up against the bar, not hiding for one second that he found the man attractive.

He finally spoke, "My name is Celeste."

The man let out a breathy huff of a laugh, "That's a woman's name."

Celeste frowned and the man caught it. He seemed mortified that he had actually spoken his thoughts aloud. He tried to backpedal, "Not that that means anything! You're lovely, uh, it's lovely...your name...it's fine."

Celeste cocked his head, "Good," he smirked, "I'll let my mother know you approve," his smirk turned into a smile when he saw his companion blush. He decided to put him out of his misery by asking, "so, may I get your name?"

"Oh, yeah yeah," he held out his hand, "Bradley."

Celeste reached out and gave him a strong hardy handshake, knowing that's what most humans expected. Especially corporate men.

Bradley dropped his hand and took the last sip of his alcohol, "So what company are you here with?"

"Oh I'm not," Celeste's smile widened. He leaned forward just a bit then spoke softly, "I'm just looking for dick."

Bradley sputtered on his drink and looked at Celeste wide eyed. He shook his head and said, "Well, you're talking to the wrong man!"

"Oh?" Celeste cocked a brow.

"Yes," Bradley stated firmly.

"Hmmm," Celeste hummed then turned his back to Bradley. He waved over the bartender and once he was there he said, "Please, refill his glass," he indicated Bradley, "and I'll have a martini."

As the bartender began to make their drinks Celeste kept his back to Bradley. He had a little quirk to his lips, he could feel Bradley's desire, but he ignored him. He could always find a more willing soul to feed from, though Bradley's deep seated curiosity would have been fun to explore.

The drinks came and Celeste winked at the bartender and got a wink back. Celeste gave him an open once over and was pleased when the bartender gave him one in return. He took a sip of his martini then heard Bradley clear his throat. He still had his back to him and continued to drink from his glass.

Suddenly Bradley spoke, "It's a nice day we're having huh?" He sounded a bit awkward but tried to put some life behind it.

Celeste smirked then spinning around with flair he leaned forward then whispered dramatically, "Ooooh nooo, I didn't lie and I heard you loud and clear," he pointed to Bradley's dark libation, "enjoy your drink," then turned his back to him again.

Bradley took a beat to look at his drink, then he looked up into the mirror and locked eyes with Celeste. Bradley seemed to think this method was safer and he took the time to let his eyes roam over Celeste's features. When he met his eyes again Celeste was practically beaming.

Bradley took a deep breath then in a low voice said, "I...I might have...been more...defensive than I needed to be..."

Celeste, knowing not to push his luck too much, didn't look at the human. He just dipped his head and whispered into his martini, "Eight P.M. room 1406," then he downed the drink in one go and called the bartender back over, "Put anything he's ordered or will order on my tab," he slid the empty glass across the high gloss table.

The bartender frowned, "I don't have your information."

"Yes you do," Celeste chuckled, "and my number is in your right breast pocket," he winked at him and watched as his powers cleared his mind and shifted his memories. Then he looked over at Bradley who looked equal parts spooked and excited that it didn't take much to bag such a beautiful man. He gave him a wide smile then said, "Please don't back out," then he turned away and left the bar.


Celeste heard the knock on the door right at 8:00pm. He smiled as he pulled it open.

Bradley's eyes grew wide as he took in Celeste's lithe form, wrapped in a sheer baby blue robe doing nothing to hide his blue lace panties. He had put on lip gloss and shimmering body lotion. Celeste smelled like gardenia and looked like an angel. Bradley's desire for him slammed into his body and Celeste let out a sigh and licked his upper lip.

Bradley's emotions were soon clouded by fear, "Maybe this was a mistake," he looked around frantically, clearly worried someone might recognize him though the hall was empty.

Celeste rolled his eyes then reached out and gripped Bradley's arm and yanked him inside. He closed the door before placing both of his hands on his hips and giving the human a long suffering look, "Do you really want to say no to me?" He tossed his hair and his shiny black ponytail fell over his shoulder.

Bradley's desire came back full force and the man swallowed then whispered, "Fuck no..." his eyes wandering all over Celeste's body.

Celeste let out a soft sound that got the human's attention then he moved forward, pressing his body against his and backing him up against the door, "I didn't think so," he leaned forward and touched his smooth lips gently against Bradley's. He felt the man's full body tremble of arousal before he pulled away, "there now, nothing to be so scared about."

Bradley blushed but made himself admit, "I've never...I mean...you're the first...ummm."

"Shhhh," Celeste smiled then leaned forward and kissed him properly this time.

Bradley's body shook with excitement and he let out a low moan before he licked Celeste's top lip. He was surprised, but instantly aroused when he got a taste of the peach flavoring of his gloss. His mind was spinning, he had no idea why seeing Celeste like this, dressed and smelling like a woman, was turning him on so much. He felt worried about what that said about him and his sexuality. Sure, he knew he could be attracted to guys. But they were all built like him. Or bigger. Lifting weights at the gym and walking around unapologetically in the locker room, girthy dicks swinging and slapping against meaty thighs. Men like that got him going to his confusion and horror. It took him a long time to come to terms with it. To not be filled with fear or shame when his body reacted to a handsome man. But Celeste? Celeste wasn't built like that. He was long lines and smooth pale skin. Soft lips that tasted of succulent fruit. His scent wasn't aftershave and sweat, but calming florals. Even his dress turned him on. He never thought seeing a man in panties would ever be sexy to him, but here he was, wishing he could look upon him again even as he was experiencing the best kiss of his life.

Celeste broke said kiss abruptly and whispered against his lips, "Where's your mind at?"

Bradley took a deep shuttering breath then said, "I don't...all over."

Celeste chuckled then took a step back, "It's going to be okay. I want you here," then he took a few more steps back and rolled his hips. His robe peeked open for a bit before falling off one shoulder. He let his own excitement wash over him and his eyes became brighter, half lidded and come hither. Then he said gently, while pushing just the tiniest bit of his gift into the room, "I want you."

Bradley's knees practically gave out and before he could lose his nerve he said, "I want to touch you."

"Then touch me," Celeste untied the belt to his robe then let it drop to the floor. He stood before Bradley in his tiny lace panties, his cock and balls barely contained within the baby blue fabric. He ran his hands over his body, his flat toned stomach, hairless chest and tight pink nipples. Down to his hips and over his thighs. The whole time Bradley followed his delicate hands with his eyes. The hazel sparking with renewed excitement and Celeste could feel the warmth of it tingle along his senses.

Bradley reached out, dropped his hand, stepped forward, then reached out again. He let out a slow breath, having clearly been holding it. His fingers drew long trails of experimental touch along Celeste's smooth chest, down his toned abdomen and along his lace covered hip.

Celeste hummed in encouragement as he felt Bradley's barely there touch. He was smiling softly, enjoying the pulses of desire thrumming from the human's body. He knew not to push him too fast so he kept his hands to himself and made sure to make a sound whenever Bradley stepped closer or got a little bolder with his touch. Celeste did reach up and pull the tie holding his hair up. His black hair, so shiny it almost looked navy, cascaded around his neck and tumbled down around his body, sweeping the swell of his ass and tickling the skin of Bradley's cheeks. Arousal slammed into Celeste with so much power he gasped and staggered back. His eyes went wide as he watched Bradley run his fingers through his locks and bring them up to his face. Celeste was instantly hard watching this human get off on his loose hair. He could feel Bradley's ecstasy taking over and Celeste's shock quickly faded and suddenly he was grinning.

Now he reached out and touched Bradley's blazer. He undid one button, then another until he could pull it open. Bradley looked up, brows raised, a bit of panic trying to come back, but Celeste just tilted his head forward and slid his hair along the man's face and neck. He saw Bradley shiver and he reveled in the zing of pleasure he got. He got the jacket off then walked backwards until he was at the bed. He sat on it, legs wide, and beckoned for Bradley to come closer.

Bradley gulped but made his way over. He settled between Celeste's legs and looked down at him. He whispered just how beautiful he was and apologized for being so nervous.

"It's my first time," he spoke quickly and softly, "like, with everything...I've only thought about it."

"Well, you're in luck handsome," Celeste took his index finger and tapped Bradley's belt buckle, "it's not my first time and I really want you to enjoy yourself," he gave him a wicked grin, "allow me," then he began to undo the belt then the fly.

Bradley closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. Never in all his dreams and fantasies did his first time with a man involve such a lovely being. Celeste was elegant and understanding, patient and sexy. His body was perfect and he had to admit the more he saw it the more he liked those skimpy panties on him. Bradley opened his eyes when he felt long fingers wrap around his cock and fish him out of the confines of his slacks. He looked down and Celeste was looking up at him, one hand holding his hair back, his mouth open, tongue out and just a hair's breadth from his leaking tip. Bradley groaned and whispered, "oh God."

The god of Lust looked amused, "Well what do we have here?" he used his tongue to flick the piercing at the head of Bradley's cock. The Prince Albert was coated in precum and Celeste took his time licking it free of it, "I love this surprise," Celeste saw Bradley smirk down at him, the first bit of confidence he'd seen from him and he got a thrill out of it, "It's impressive," he whispered just before he wrapped his lips around the tip.

Bradley shivered at the sensation and not that he hadn't already suspected it but he could tell Celeste was skilled at this. He looked down and watched as the beautiful man worked over his cock like he was getting graded for it. When he felt his tongue flutter along the underside of his cockhead he groaned and gripped Celeste's hair and pulled him closer. He was pleased when Celeste shifted his weight and relaxed his esophagus, seemingly uncaring of the jewelry slipping along the walls of his throat.

"Fuck," Bradley grunted out and rocked his hips a bit, getting lost in the sensation of Celeste's mouth and tight throat. He sped up just a bit and groaned when Celeste swallowed and the contractions milked more precum out of him.

Celeste pulled back, gasping for air, his lips wide, mouth wet. He opened his eyes and licked his lips, "You have a lovely body," he whispered as Bradley boldly touched his slightly swollen lips. He moved his head until some of his hair slid over the human's throbbing erection. He felt a tingle throughout his body as he triggered Bradley's particular kink and he loved the feeling that such a simple act had just a huge impact. He reached up, gathering more hair, and wrapped his hand around the cock and started to stroke.

Bradley actually buckled a bit, his mouth falling open at the pure arousal that flooded his body as he saw all that gorgeous hair wrapped around his aching cock. The beautiful man in front of him smiling with delight, fully aware of the affect his hair was having on him. Bradley felt a momentary pang of embarrassment, but looking closely at Celeste he realized that the other wasn't judging him. In fact, it seemed like the other man was finding enjoyment in his bliss at this specific play. Bradley felt his body relax and when he heard Celeste moan and whisper 'that's it' he decided he would enjoy himself fully tonight.

His whole body felt too hot, but in a good way. The way that made his dick harder and his nipples stiffen. He moaned and rolled his hips, "More," he whispered and somehow Celeste understood and wrapped more hair around him. Bradley gasped out and rocked his hips faster, fucking the sheath of hair that was driving him crazy with lust. He didn't know why his satisfaction was arousing Celeste but he reveled in the soft pleasurable noises the other was making beneath him. He suddenly wanted to hear more of them, louder and begging.

Bradley gripped Celeste's wrist, "Stop stop stop stop stop," he panted out and pulled his hips away, "I need to fuck you," his eyes bore into Celeste's, he wasn't begging, he was demanding.

Celeste bit his bottom lip and looked utterly cute as he nodded his head yes. He went to crawl to the center of the bed, but instead was manhandled by Bradley. The human reached down and wrapped his arm around his waist and threw him further onto the bed. Celeste's laugh was cut off by Bradley's forceful mouth and tongue, kissing him until he was moaning and rocking his hips.

Bradley broke the kiss just enough to undress himself then he whispered against Celeste's lips, "Keep this on, it's so hot. You're so hot. Fuck, you feel so good," as he said this his hands were roaming up and down Celeste's thighs, brushing past his balls and caressing his cock gently straining against the underwear.

Celeste was trembling in anticipation. Bradley's soft touch belied his true hunger for him. A desire that Celeste was drowning in. Soaking up the life force of the human with glee he spread his legs and offered up more. Bradley was finally not thinking about his fear or shame or consequences. He was just enjoying the opportunity to finally be himself, his full self, and his happiness and pleasure would feed Celeste for days.

Celeste reached up and placed his hands on either side of Bradley's face, "I want you, I do, but I'm not ready yet handsome," he could be, he was a god after all, but he also liked to be watched so he decided to take the longer option.

Bradley looked confused for a while before his expression changed to one of understanding as he watched Celeste suck on two of his own fingers. He took a deep breath as Celeste leaned back and spread his legs more. The human felt his face flush when he saw Celeste pull aside his panties and reveal his puckered opening. He watched as slick dainty fingers began to trace it and his craving for him deepened.

Celeste let out soft gasp when he pushed against his opening with a finger. He moaned as his insides clenched and he pressed deeper to wet himself some more. He began to move, sliding the one finger in and out over and over again, feeling the ripples of his inner walls. Finally, he began to work in a second finger and watched as Bradley started to stroke himself, every once in a while flicking his jewelry. Celeste performed for the human, rolling his hips, moaning wantonly, pumping his fingers faster and faster until he was finger fucking himself properly. He reached up and tweaked his nipple to hardness and smirked when Bradley groaned at the sight.

Bradley was dripping precum and practically salivating at the thought of fucking into that little opening. He wanted to slam home now, pull those fingers out and press his cock to the hilt. He was so glad he wore his smooth PA jewelry, though he would have just taken it off temporarily if he hadn't because there was no way he wasn't going to fuck this pretty little man before him. All of his fantasies and desires rushed to the surface and suddenly he needed Celeste right now.

Celeste threw his head back and cried out in reaction to Bradley's shot of desperation overflowing his senses.

"Hold yourself open," Bradley demanded, falling back into his old sexual habits.

The god obeyed and used his index fingers to spread his tight opening.

"Fuck that looks good," Bradley released his cock so he could use both hands to steady himself as he bent down to get a better look. Without thinking he spit directly into Celeste's tight passage, an action that made the other jerk with a gasp of surprise. Then he thrust a finger inside and heard Celeste's choked noise of shock. Bradley's finger quickly went in and out of the other man, "you're so fucking tight," he inserted another and Celeste started to roll his hips, a third and Celeste was crying out in pleasure.

"Oh please please!" Celeste begged as he kept playing with his nipples and rocking his hips to fuck himself on the human's fingers. He could feel the burn of the stretch but he loved it.

"You told me you wanted cock," the human's lip curled up, "so do you always ho it up or are you just extra horny today?" he picked up the pace again, ramming his fingers as deep as they could go. He watched as Celeste's panting turned into soft grunts from the force of his fingers but he noticed Celeste didn't answer his question. He narrowed his eyes and sneered, "I asked you a question," he reached out and wrapped his hand around Celeste's neck but didn't squeeze, "Whore."

Celeste's eyelids fluttered in response to Bradley's sudden dominance. He liked this side of him very much. He lifted his own hand and covered the one over his throat then he squeezed slightly. Bradley cocked a brow and Celeste nodded his head once yes. Bradley smirked and bore down, being careful not to hurt his beautiful lover, just block his airway. Clearly he's done this before. Celeste moaned and gasped out, "I'm not a whore."