Centaur Love Ch. 04


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"Do we have time to run to the pond?"

"We only have an hour or so till the bread is done, and if no one is here it might burn, I don't know how well your oven heats up so I sort of guessed at the amount of wood it would need."

Mathew took her hands, "In that case we will just have to use the water closet, and it might be a little cramped for a human, centaur couple, but it does fits two humans well enough." Mathew open the hall door, the water closet had two rooms separated by a little open closet that held drying racks for the towels, the other side was the indoor toilet.

The shower was spacious enough for two humans, if slightly cozy; many of times, Mathew had heard his parents in the shower together. There was a small cistern on the roof of the house that warmed the water for an overhead shower, but only if it was sunny out. With Mathew standing inside the shower, he showed Felicia on how to get the water to flow. Mathew knew he was going to have to disintegrate the inner walls so Felicia could get her back half inside the shower, but for now, he would just have to help wash her in two half's.

He tried to concentrate on how to modify the shower as he washed himself, then Felicia's front half. When those thoughts escaped him Felicia slapped his hands, "As much as I would like to play I don't want dinner to burn, it is sort of a custom that a new mated pair share the first meal in their own house together for the first time that it isn't burnt."

Mathew looked at Felicia, "Huh?"

"It sort of shows the new stallion that his chosen mate can manage the house and especially the kitchen."

Mathew reached up and cupped her face delivering a deep kiss, "I would keep you even if you couldn't cook...you are my...mate and that is all I care about!"

Felicia smiled placing a hand on his cheek, "Thank you my stallion, but this is sort of a custom, and one I don't want to mess up." Backing up she reached for a towel and started drying her front half as she turned to have Mathew wash her backside. It felt a little weird standing in the hallway as he did a quick wash. Handing him the towel to dry her when he was done washing her backside. It only took one or six admonishments, she turned and said, "Don't forget to shave, tonight is sort of special as well."

Mathew quickly washed and shaved, as he was stepping out of the water closet he saw Felicia pulling the two loafs of bread from the oven. She still did not have her wrap or blouse on, he knew in most centaur households that nudity was common. When you walked around all day with no clothes on your back half, none on the front was not sort of a big deal. Only when guest came by did everyone put on clothes. The concept was, different for Mathew growing up in a human household where walking around naked, The concept was, different for Mathew growing up in a human household, where walking around naked, was, rather, frowned upon. He stood there undecided if he should or should not. Taking a deep breath, he closed the water closets door and walked into the kitchen naked.

Felicia did not know what he was thinking when he walked out of the water closet. But quickly guessed. The deep sigh and the forced smile was all the clues she needed. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, just yet, talking about it, she set both loafs down on two trivets on the table, then leaned in and kissed him, "My stallion, go sit down, so I can serve you dinner." She poured to bowls of the green pea melody, one large and a smaller one for Mathew then put them on the table, "Do you want a spoon for the stew? Or?"

Mathew looked in the bowl; it sort of looked like a pea soup that his Aunt makes but this one was thicker and had many more vegetables in it and small chunks of either ham that most likely was freeze-dried or salt cured. Mathew looked up at Felicia with a frown saying he did not know...

Felicia smiled, remembering her mother's words of advice, how it was going to be trying to fit Mathew into a full herd's acceptance and mentality. Moreover, she fitting in a human type of family, that they need to work together to make it happen. "By you coming out here undressed as you are, I take it your trying to make me feel comfortable, as trying to be as centaur as humanly possible. As much as I like the view, and as much as you do as well nodding at his manhood. What I really want is you feel as comfortable as possible in our home. I know humans do not walk around their home naked as most centaur's do. If it is too much I could go put my wrap on and blouse and try to make this work...as a human house hold."

Mathew stood, "No, no love I..." and waved his arms down his side, "I am not uncomfortable like this with you, actually I have no problems at all, and I want this household, no, our household, since you are my mate now, to be what makes you and I comfortable. Therefore, whatever it takes I am good with it... You had a frown on your face asking me if I wanted a spoon. I didn't know if was polite to eat with one or some sort of...?"

Felicia laughed, "My Stallion, and you're trying so hard to be one...I guess it is going to take us a while to make this, our household. I guess I asked as a courtesy, you see," and she pointed to the two different sized bowls, "most centaurs," then laughed, "No all of them, don't use spoons it just takes too long to eat with one. The only time we use them is with human guests, since it is considered rude in human customs to drink from the bowl or in Centaur terms a small cup."

Mathew grinned and sat back down and lifted the bowl to his lips as an answer. He only ate about a half a loaf of the rye bread with his green pea melody. He offered Felicia his other half as she finished all of hers and a larger bowl of the melody, "As much as I would like too," And smiled, "I am full as well, and I don't want to be uncomfortable later on..."

Mathew only grinned. After dinner he was going to help Felicia with the dishes but she shewed him out saying, "Another thing my Stallion, the herds stallion and the men who belong to that herd, they don't do, the dishes. So for tonight just let me do them. You were up on the grove today, so I can do my part."

Mathew went into the front room lighting one of the table side lamps and went into the magic room to check the message book. Nothing was new, he saw the basics of magic sitting on the desk so he leaned out asking if she finished it, when she said yes he put it back onto the shelf and dug around till he found the 'Farm's charms' book. She might not be able to cast the spells just yet but she could start learning the ten or so she would need to know. He also grabbed his 'Transmorphation' and 'Obliteration' books. He sat down and quickly glanced at his Obliteration book to re-familiarize himself with the spells he was going to need to modify the water closet.

Once he found the right spell and key words needed, he set that book down and opened his Transmorphation book. He just started the section on transformations spells a couple of weeks ago and needed to finish them to to modify the stone piping of the shower head. He was just finishing the last chapter when he noticed the light from the bedroom lamp. Looking up he saw Felicia standing at the doorway to the front room.

She was slightly leaning on the side post, she had both hands clasped near her secound shoulders. Both her arms hugging her massive chest. Even having a larger chest than most human women, he had noticed there was no percievable sag. But with her two arms pushing them slighty together made them appear even larger, but that wasn't what caught Mathews stare. With her front legs standing still in that pose, it was her rear legs, she was litterly dancing on them. Her trail swishing in opposite direction as she danced that made him get hard. There wasn't any doubt in his mind as to what she had on her mind. Her tail brushing her mound as she danced hoof to hoof was the eqivulant of a human woman rubbing her legs together as she was getting excited. With a growing erection and a smile he turned the front rooms lamp off and stood up walking towards her.

Felicia smiled as well knowing that he was thinking the same, it was very hard to stand through dinner watching him sit naked, she didn't know what it was about him that drove her crazy, his strong arms or the way his rippling chest muscles moved as he ate dinner or the slight looks as he tried not to stare at her naked chest. Or it could be that she was just with 'her' mate in 'their' home at last just being free with each other. She noticed several times that Mathew struggled several times with a a hard on throughout dinner, and every time she saw it he was staring at her naked chest. She thought to herself, it most likley will take him some time to get used to centaur customs, but it made her smile inwards that at least he was trying, and of course that her mate found her body sexy.

As he walked up she reached out her arms and embraced him in a deep kiss. Even holding him like this she couldn't keep her backside from dancing, she wanted him.Mathew wrapped his arms around Felicia in a tight embrace as they kissed. As the kiss lingered he started rubbing her back up and down to the hair line just above her withers. Curling his fingers he ran his finger nails up along her spine, as he slowly made his way up, she stopped the kiss and inhaled through gritted teeth.

Mathew smiled inside, Felicia's human skin half was very sensitive when she was aroused, nearly every place Mathew tried was an eroginose zone when she was in the mood. As she was slightly distracted, he kissed her cheek and went immeatialty for her ear, he gently bit her ear lobe and kissed all around her ear, getting a few licks in before she shuttered and pulled away. He looked down to make sure his bare toes were out of the way then slowly looked up, stopping to see that her nipples were a dark pink and hard. Looking up into her face, she had her eyes closed and was still shivering. Her ears was a definate eroginose zone that made her weak in the knees when he could get a kiss or two in before she could pull away.

"Eww Mathew you sneaky human..."

Before she could finish that amonishment he reached down with his left hand cupping her right breast and quickly leaned in and took her nipple into his mouth. With her her nipple between his teeth, he flicked the tip with his tounge as fast as he could. Holding his right arm still behind her back kept her from pulling away . Felicia wrapped her arms around Mathews head, "Ahhh Mathew" She screamed.

He changed breasts to keep from over stimulating right breast. Leaving his left hand to rub her full breast and occasionally lightly brush the tip of her nipple. It had the desired effects he was hoping for as her front hoofs starting dancing in the opposite directions of her back hoofs.

Mathew carefully started pushing Felicia backwards towards the bedroom, it took a few trys to get her through the bedroom doorway because of her shimming of rear hips. Once through the doorway and onto the rush mats of her sleeping stall, he released her breast and drug his left hands across her human waist and started towards her hind quarters. Moving her tail up he could see she was already very wet, the aroma from her sex was over powering. He could see she had been wet for some time, her juices nearly ran down half her back legs coating her fine brown hair.

Without any warning, Mathew leaned in and ran his tounge over her libia and down to her extended clitiours. Just as his tounge touched her clitiours she screamed, "Mathew"! and came.

Mathew let her only have a few seconds as the first orgasm rolled through her stifle. With a firm pressure on his tounge he covered her pussys lips and just a few quick licks to her clitoius till she startied dancing again, as soon as she started voicing her needs again he attacked her clit with a vengence. Mathew loved listening to Felicia's little wimpers as she got closer to her climax. He hooked his arms under Felicia's legs and sucked in her clitiours and viciously attached it with his tounge holding her clit within his teeth. This brought Felicia over the edge again.

Felicia went weak in her rear knees but with Mathews strong arms holding her up he didn't allow her to lay down. "Mathew! Please..., no more stop! I beg you...please!"

Mathew relented and released her clitiours but held her upright till she could stand on her own. As soon as she was able to stand on her own he lined himself up and without notice he slid himself in. Felicia pussy was tight, but with her juices flowing as it was it only took a little extra pressure from his hips to slide all the way in.

Felicia screamed, "Mathew! Oh my gowd Mathew! Oh! Oh my,'as he neared and bottomed out. Felicia purred as mathew pulled himself nearly out then slowly pushed himself back in. Felicia was sopping wet, and offer no resistance as he slowly started moving himself in and out.

Felicia's croup shook with a mini orgasim as Mathew's long cock touched all the right placed deep with her. She knew he was extreamly horny by the way he took command and wasn't playing gentle. Mathew slid his hands along her haunches and grasped her flanks and started pulling himself deeper within her womb with every stroke.

She could feel his testicles hitting her clitoris every time he thrusted into her with a bit of force She felt him working himself into a frenzy as he increased his pace. It was driving her wild knowing that just spending a few hours together naked inside the house was making him this way. She started pushing back as he thrusted forward trying to drive him deeper trying to hit a certain place deep within her. Every touch was sending shivers down her two backs. She could feel the orgasm building. Just a little more!

Mathew was on a single-minded path, having just spending the evening with Felicia naked had given him an ache. He knew he would be sore later on with blue balls from nearly the constant erection he sported all evening. With a chance for some relief, he was going for it. Thankfully, Felicia was just as horny and he could forgo some of their foreplay. As he worked himself up for his first, he felt Felicia's withers start to shake and her knees soon following suit. Opening his eyes and looking down at Felicia's wide hips and butt as his dick slid in and out of her sex did the trick and his orgasm hit just as Felicia screamed his name, at the same time her rear legs collapsed from under her.

He held on the best he could as he felt the second wave of seamen shoot along his cock. They both went down hard but he managed to stay within her as his third and four wave of ejection rolled down his aching cock. He stayed firmly rooted within her as his scrotum clenched a few more times.

Mathew lifted Felicia up slightly allowing her to reposition her hind legs so she was laying on her right hip. This was the most comfortable position she could be in while they played. Without missing a beat, Mathew attacked her pussy again with gusto. He was slightly sensitive from his first orgasm, but it did little to satisfy that ache, that deep ache in his balls from spending all night, throughout dinner with a constant or near constant hard on.

Mathew leaned in and started driving himself in and out of Felicia, with reckless abandonment. Mathew heard Felicia scream, mumble and shout instructions to him, but he chose not listen, for Felicia had called him her stallion!

Tonight he was going to act like it and tonight was all about him! He lost count how many times Felicia screamed she was coming, he closed his eyes and squinted through his. When the pressure or need was not giving him enough feedback, he leaned in, hooked his left arm under her left leg and haunch, and lifted it forcing her butt muscles to squeeze her pussy until he had to work harder to slide in and out.

Felicia knew Mathew was in one of his sexual frenzies. He was not being his usual gentle self, giving her a few moments between orgasms. She could feel this through the millions of protesting nerve ending in her vagina as he came numerous times without slowing nor stopping. His passion and lust was taking her over as well as each orgasm ran into the last making it a near continuous one for her.

She knew she was going to be sore in the morning in more places than usual, as he abused her swollen pussy. Her hindquarters was aflame of over acted nerves and she was going to need several hours until she could stand. That would allow her weight to press on her leg muscles and floor leaving a deep muscle bruise and would take a few hours to walk off.

She grinned with inner delight as another orgasm passed through her pussy heating up the passion she had for Mathew and her secret delight of being, taken this way. Being forced to the ground like this and taken this way, forced even, to submit to someone rough passion was adding to her sexual fever. She roughly pinched her breasts adding to this mild pain, closing her eyes letting the feeling take her into this fantasy. Just when she thought, it was over she felt Mathew slip his arm under her left leg and lifted it squeezing her pussy around Mathew's shaft increasing the pleasure she was feeling inside her vagina.

Sweat rolled off Mathew as he lifted Felicias leg, lifting her leg added just the right amount of resistance he needed as he drove himself in and out of her. His knees burned, but he did not care. His right hand was under her tail and holding on to her right, sweaty croup hip, as he felt the orgasm he was searching for coming. He was vaguely aware of Felicia's screams had ceased and were now muted cries of continuous pleasure, even whimpers of pain. The sexual fugue did not let him care; it was all about him tonight! The Stallion, her stallion that she submitted too!

Sweat rolled into his eyes, he just closed them feeling the sexual feedback from his cock as the pressure built in his balls. He kept up the pace as he lifted her leg even higher, enticing a yelp of either pleasure or pain from Felicia as another wave of orgasms passed through her shivering body, her dark brown coat was sweat stained in numerous places. Her body quavered from the orgasm just as much from his relentless pace.

Mathew looked down to see foam starting at Felicia's front lower shoulder and around his arm where he was holding her leg up. His sweat was running freely down his body. He only got her this sweaty once and was ashamed of it for several days until Felicia confessed on how much it turned her on when he could push her this hard in their lovemaking. The sight of her foaming sweat was the trigger for him a massive orgasm overcame Mathew. The pain and relief was nearly too much as his first load of ejaculate shot out of his burning cock.

Felicia felt his come hit her inflamed womb and vaginal walls; it sent her over the edge into a massive orgasm, everything inside was being short-circuited, as every nerve fired at once. The world flash so brightly she screamed and closed her eyes, then went dark, so did she.

Mathew felt the third or was it the fourth ejaculation spurt out of his abused cock, he watch Felicia collapse screaming out her last orgasm. He looked down just in time to look at sweaty, foaming croup, to fall face first into it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Enjoyable but the spelling and grammar were even worse than the last. I think you only managed to spell clitoris correctly once. Also, it's pea medley, not pea melody. And the school of magic is usually called either transmogrification, or for simplicity's sake transformation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story!

When can we expect a follow-up?

Jollygreen98Jollygreen98over 4 years ago
Waiting for next chapter

Well qritten and keepa your attention, keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I have been waiting for a follow up chapter to this tale. Please keep it up !

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