Chance Encounter, A Goblin Story

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Adventuring duo befriends a goblin.
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First of all, apologies for the long delay. I had several stories lined out for the sequel to Fall Break and they all felt very repetitive. So I decided to save them for another time and work on them down the road. I wanted to start another fantasy story I've always been interested in so I hope you'll enjoy. This story involves two young adventurers forming a team to clear a dungeon. Then, the two befriend a wild goblin that will change their lives. All characters are of consenting age. As with my last story, I've marked the erotic scenes with a (E) for the speed readers. Please enjoy 😃


Chance Encounter

A goblin story

Max stared at the job board in the adventurers guild. The influx of dungeons starting to appear in the region was beginning to hasten. Max felt like he still needed more experience to conquer a dungeon but money was starting to become tight. He began his journey as an adventurer just under a year ago as an assassin. His job class made him extremely agile and was able to take out enemies very quickly.

"Umm, excuse me? You're kinda standing in the way there." said a feminine voice.

Max, startled by the voice, turned around to see a very beautiful young woman who was half elf half human. His jaw dropped dropped at her beauty and womanly figure.

"Oh, pardon me." Max clumsily said as she began reading the board herself.

Max began to think to himself, "Hmm, white robe and a staff. She must be a support priest."

"You looking for dungeon to enter as well?" Max asked.

"Sure am! Several adventurers are out of the area so I'm trying to hit these dungeons while they're new. Pulls in more good loot too!" She responded.

"Well, I sorta don't have anyone to party with. Care to enter one of the lower ranked ones together?" Max asked.

"Hmm, you look pretty confident. Sure why not! My name is Lena. I'm a support priest that can also cast enhancement buffs. Pleased to meet ya!" Lena said.

Lena stood about 5'2 and looked to be around 21. Max was captivated at her beauty. He noticed how her chest and hips seemed to be a perfect fitting for a woman. Max couldn't believe his luck.

"I'm Max. Nice to meet you too! I'm an assassin. Look forward to working with you!" Max said

The two shook hands and began to look over the board once more. They finally came across a low ranked dungeon and took the paper from the board. Max and Lena discussed that they'd be grabbing supplies from town and would set out first thing tomorrow morning.

The next day came with Max and Lena making their way to the dungeon's location. During the trip, both Max and Lena told one another about themselves and what their goals as adventures were. As they were walking down a wooded path, Max suddenly heard some rustling in the trees near them. Just then, two red eyed goblins appeared and began to charge.

"Goblins!" Max yelled drawing his blade.

Max led in front as Lena stayed behind. As Max went to make his first blow, the goblins managed to sneak just by him and made their way to Lena. A look of fear came over her face as she watched the red eyed monsters charge at her. Thinking quickly, she began to cast a barrier to protect herself, but it was too late. The tiny goblins had reached her.

"Shit!" Max said, running to her aid.

The goblins began ripping at her clothes trying to remove any piece of clothing in their way.

"Get off me you creeps!" Lena yelled, desperately holding onto her clothing.

Just as the goblins removed the last part of her dress, Max charged up his double strike ability and slayed the two goblins in an instant. Lena laid there in just her bra and panties, somehow keeping her composure. Max quickly removed his coat and placed it over her.

"Lena! Are you ok?" Max asked.

"That.....that was a little scary." Lena said in a shaky voice.

Max placed his arms around her to comfort her, reassuring Lena it was all over. Lena felt safe in his embrace and began to calm down.

"Thank you for saving me Max. I don't know how to repay you." Lena said.

"Don't worry about it. But what are goblins doing down this way?" He asked.

"Now that you mention it, they shouldn't be around these parts for a while. Maybe we should report this to the guild after we get back." Lena replied.

Lena finally got herself together and began searching her bag for her other dress. As she pulled one out, she caught a small glimpse of Max looking in her direction, only for him to quickly turn around.

"Naughty boy!" She yelled.

"S...sorry...." Max whimpered.

Lena gave off a small giggle as she put her new dress on. The group gathered everything and began to make their way to the dungeon location once again. After a full day of walking, the group arrived at the entrance of the dungeon but were too exhausted to enter. They decided to set up camp just nearby in a cave that was pretty well hidden.

"Let's set up here and get a good rest before we enter first thing in the morning." Max said.

As Lena was setting up camp, Max ran out to hunt some monsters for dinner and bring some fresh water. Just as she finished setting everything up, Max appeared at the cave entrance holding several brown hares. Lena's face lit up, as brown hares tasted quite delicious. After the group finished eating they got ready for bed. Max set up the hanging barrier to allow Lena to her privacy, also so he wouldn't get yelled again.

"I'm putting the fire out. Good night Lena." Max called out.

"Goodnight Max...." Lena slowly called out.

Max laid down thinking about what all they should expect tomorrow but with it being a lower ranked dungeon, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just then he heard some small footsteps entering his area.

"Hello?" Max called out, only to feel a soft hand land on his chest and push him back down.

(E) "Hi Max..." Lena said, now laying beside him.

"Lena! What are you doing in h..." Max was interrupted.

"Look, I'm really grateful for what you did today." Lena said.

"I mean that was nothing. You really should be getting r...." Max was silenced once more.

"I wasn't sure how to repay you so I'm just gonna do this for you." Lena said, now undoing her nightgown.

Max watched in awe as Lena's straps fell from her shoulders, revealing her perfects breasts. She fell on top of him and let her tits land directly in his face. Max tried to yell and gasp but Lena began to rub his hair and pull him in for a tighter embrace.

"Please, just let me do this." Lena smiled.

Max finally caved in and let her do what she wanted. As Max lay there still buried in her bosom, Lena grabbed his hand laying at his side and guided to one of her soft cheeks, which then Max took cue and moved his other hand to the other cheek. Max was amazed at how big her ass was. How could cute being have such amazing body he asked himself. Finally after sometime, Max felt Lena's hand move across his crotch. His eyes lit up and stared directly at hers.

"May I?" Lena asked. Max nodded.

Lena moved down to his waist and began to pull his briefs back. Max's hard 7 inch cock sprung to life in front of her face. She smiled and began to play with his package. Max laid back down and enjoyed this moment, making small moans every so often as she played with his manhood.

Finally after several minutes, Lena creeped up his body and hovered her pussy just next to his cock. She looked him deep in his eyes as she grabbed his cock and guided it to her spot. Lena slowly began sinking down on it before she finally bottomed out. Max was now staring up at the cutest girl he'd ever met, only known her for two days and is now having sex with her.

"How does that feel?" Lena asked blushing.

"It's amazing!" Max said.

Lena began rising up and down on Max's cock as he watched her from just below. Her rhythmically bouncing tits were hypnotizing and her soft ass landing against him sent him into a trance. Eventually Max sat up, grabbed her, and turned her on her back. Max wanted full control now. He started making huge thrusts into her, causing her to moan deeply. Her tits began swaying in rhythm once again as he slammed his cock into her. Lena gripped the sheets she was laying on as she wrapped her legs around Max.

After just a few moments, Lena could feel his cock begin to pulse faster. At the same time, Max forced her onto her stomach so he could fuck her from behind. He buried himself once again inside her and began thrusting just as hard as before. The feeling of driving his hips into her ass was phenomenal. Definitely a woman of breeding material he thought to himself. As his speed picked up, Lena slightly raised her ass. As they both moaned into the night, Max began to cum but pulled out just before the first spurt. Max laid his erupting cock between Lena's ass cheeks as he blew his load all over her back. As she laid there, she loved the sensation of his powerful throbs on her skin. Both were in a stage of wonderful bliss.

"Wow, that was amazing...." Max spoke first trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, it was." Lena said with a smile.

Max reached over to his cleaning cloth and began to clean her back. After he was done, she turned around and pulled him in for a kiss to which he didn't argue. The two laid there talking for several minutes before finally drifting off to sleep, as they had a big day ahead of them tomorrow.


As dayfall approached Max laid there with Lena cuddled up to him. Something on his mind was how cute she looked from after what transpired last night. He couldn't get the images of her expressions out of his head while they were having sex. Just thinking about it made him slowly feel hard again. Max tried desperately to think of something else so that Lena wouldn't awake to that. Finally after a brief moment, Lena began to move from her slumber.

"Good morning." Max said with a smile.

Lena still looking groggy glanced over in his direction, "Morning" she yawned.

"Feel like you got enough sleep?" Max asked.

"I think so." She replied.

"Well let me go kill some monsters and we'll have a quick breakfast before we enter the dungeon." Max said gathering his equipment.

Lena began cleaning up camp while Max was out hunting. She carefully checked her inventory and spell list so that she was on top of her game. Just as she finished her spell review, Max entered the camp with another string of brown hares and some herbs. The two skinned and cooked the animals and began discussing strategy for the dungeon. After finalizing their discussions, Max decided to ask Lena something.

"Hey, so last night. Just a one time thing right? That was you repaying me." Max asked.

"It was. I just didn't want that looming over my head if I didn't repay you in some way. Money is a little low on my end so I had to resort to that." Lena replied.

"That's not the first time is it?" Max asked.

".....It's not. Every time I've messed up on a job I've had to repay someone for saving me. Turns out my body is usually the best reward. So I just assumed you'd want the same." Lena said.

"Well, honestly we could've just figured something out after the job, but you looked pretty content on doing that." Max replied. "I will say, you looked like you rather enjoyed being dominated like that. You were making some very cute faces."

Lena began to blush uncontrollably, "I was........pretty hot.....shut up!"

"I'm just teasing you!" Max said giggling. "I was just complementing your cuteness. It's like you get lost in another world. I'm jealous honestly."

" get a little into it. But can we focus on the task at hand!" Lena yelled.

"Sure sure." Max replied.

The two finished up their meal and began to leave the cave. They stood at the foot of the dungeon and asked each other "ready?" They both nodded and entered. Lena had her staff at the ready and Max had his knife ready. The two had several encounters of minor monsters and fought them off with ease. After a few floors, they decided to take a break.

"I'm going to go use the little girls room. I'll be right back." Lena said.

"Keep your guard up, we're still in a dungeon." Max replied.

"I know. I know." Lena said brushing off his statement.

As Lena ventured off to take care of business, Max double checked through his inventory to make sure everything was in place. He began sharpening his knife when he thought he heard a muffled groan. Max stilled every muscle in his body to sharpen his hearing. Suddenly, a feminine moan from his left. It was in the direction of Lena.

"Shit!" Max said, darting towards her direction.

After a few moments of sprinting, Max came across Lena who had her arms pinned to the wall by a goblin. As Max ran closer, he saw the goblins massive cock ramming into her mouth. But for some reason it seemed like she wasn't putting up too much of a fight, almost as if she was enjoying it.

Max drew closer and brought his blade to the goblin, slicing him into several pieces as Lena sat in awe, staring at Max.

"Lena! Are you ok?" Max yelled.

"(Pant) (pant).....yeah." She replied, lunging herself towards Max.

Lena jumped on top of Max and began kissing him over and over. She then began reaching for Max's cock through his clothes.

"Lena, what's got into you?" Max asked, almost yelling at her.

She almost had a blank stare, almost like she was on auto pilot. Max sensed something was wrong. Fighting off her attempts, Max reached in his pocket and pulled out some sleeping weed. He shoved it in her face and she began to doze off. After a few more seconds of fighting the sleeping weed, Lena had succumbed to its contents. She laid there unconscious while Max sat there to asses the situation. He looked over at the goblin he just sliced up and noticed how its massive member was still in tact.

"Wow, those things really are packing. That must be 10 inches long?!" Max said.

Laying next to the goblin were several viles of something in liquid form. "Poison maybe?" he thought to himself. Snapping back to reality, Max grabbed Lena and carried her to a small enclosure near the wall and sat her down comfortably. Max stood guard until the effects of the sleeping weed wore off. He'd figured it would be about 30 minutes or so.

As Max sat and wondered what happened to Lena, Max began recalling those scenes of her as she sat helpless in the grips of the small goblin. She looked so hot, he thought to himself. Just then he began to imagine a goblin taking full control over her. His dick began slowly becoming erect as he imagined her being ravaged by one of those lesser creatures. Max's mind began drifting off before snapping back out of it. As he came too, he noticed the his full erect cock running down his pants leg.

"Did that really just turn me on?" Max thought to himself.

Max suddenly began to go through his inventory again to clear his naughty mind. After about 30 minutes had passed, Lena began to make some noises as she was slowly waking up. Max ran to her side to comfort her so that she would remain calm. As she slowly opened her eyes, she could see the face of Max with his hand by her cheek, gently rubbing it.

"Hey, you ok Lena?" Max asked.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked.

"It's a long story. Let's get you up and moving first. Slow and steady." Max said.

Max handed her some bread and water to help regain some of her energy back. As she was sitting there eating, Max explained what happened to Lena with several looks of shock appearing frequently on her face. Lena felt embarrassed after the whole story was told but Max reassured her that everything was ok and that he would tell absolutely no one.

"Great, now I owe you another favor I guess." Lena said.

"Well let's set that aside until we get out of this dungeon and back to town." Max replied.

After they gathered their stuff, they began moving deeper into the dungeon. Floor after floor proved to be fairly easy for the adventurers when they were on top of their game. Lena's powerful buffs applied to Max and his quick speed were dealing with everything in their path. After nearly an hour, the party reached a big door with no other paths around it.

"This must be the boss room." Lena said.

"It would seem so. You ready for this?" Max asked.

Lena nodded with a smile and the two began to push the door open. Standing in the middle of the room was a large armored knight. The armor looked very pristine.

"Is that mythril armor?" Max yelled.

"It kinda looks like it." Lena replied.

"Shit, we might be in some trouble here." Max said.

The knight quickly charged at the group and they scattered in different directions. Max looked all around the knight to see nothing but mythril armor everywhere. There's no way my knife can penetrate that, he thought to himself. Lena stayed towards the side while Max kept the knights attention to him. Finally he had to see if the knight had any weakness so he stood in the middle of the arena waiting for an attack.

"Lena! Defense buff on the double!" Max yelled.

"On it!" Lena said as she began casting her spell.

With Max able to withstand a huge blow, he awaited for the knight to strike. The knight charged quickly for Max and swung its massive sword at him. Lena's buff was holding up but just barely. Out of the corner of his eye, Max noticed a small opening just below his armpit. That must be its weak point, he thought. After the knight retracted its sword Max went back to speed mode to distract the knight.

"Lena, get ready to cast a speed buff!" Max yelled.

"You got it!" She replied.

Max took position in front of the knight and dared it to attack again. Lena sat by watching and hoping for the best. As the knight charged forward, Max was waiting for the sword to be lifted up for its attack.

Then the moment came. As the knight lifted its sword, Max cast his double time buff to further increase his speed and accuracy. He dodged down just below the knights lifted arm to see the opening. With super fast and precision speed, he launched himself into the spot as hard as he could.

The knight staggered and began bleeding profusely. Not letting the moment slip, Max continued to impale the weak spot over and over. After a few short moments, the knight had stopped moving. The battle had been won.

"Did we win?" Lena said stunned.

"It's over. We won, Lena." Max replied.

The two cheered and hugged each other while congratulating one another on a job well done. Shortly after, the two went to where the knight was laying to examine the body.

"Wow! This mythril armor will definitely be worth a lot!" Max said.

"Oh this was such a blessing! I'm glad we took this job!" Lena replied.

The two began dismantling the corpse of the knight to remove the armor. Just then, a staircase opened up to their left and both stood at attention. The two nodded and slowly approached the door. As they entered, a spell was written on the wall.

"Congratulations to you, the first to clear this dungeon. There are two chest here, one for each of you. The rewards are unique so use them carefully."

Two chests suddenly appeared in front of each of them. They approached with caution and Lena opened hers first. Inside, she received a new one of a kind staff along with a magic book that teaches one spell. She immediately opened the book and the pages flipped quickly before disappearing.

"Wow! I've learned a new spell, Bind! I can now use this do disable movement of my enemies!" Lena yelled.

"Hell yeah! That's great Lena!" Max replied. "Let's see what I got."

Max opened his chest. Inside were 2 accessories and a blade. The first was a very well forged magic knife. The craftsmanship was undeniable and Max immediately knew how great it was. This would certainly come in handy. The next object was a collar that had some sort of engraving on it.