Chance Meeting in Paris

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How I got to know my favorite adult entertainer personally.
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As the Airbus A320 from Stockholm descended towards Charles de Gaulle airport, my heart raced with anticipation. I was focused on making my connecting flight to New York, where my friend awaited me.

Impatiently I waited for the seatbelt sign to switch off. The moment it did, I was up, grabbing my carry-on and joining the throng moving slowly towards the exit. Every minute felt like an eternity as we shuffled forward, and I silently cursed, anxious to move quicker.

Once on solid ground, I broke into a run, weaving through the crowds of travelers in the terminal. But as I reached the long line at the passport control checkpoint, I groaned inwardly. It snaked on endlessly. Every tick of the clock was a reminder of the precious minutes slipping away.

When I finally reached the officer, I thrust my passport forward with a sense of urgency. He scrutinized it suspiciously for what felt like an eternity before finally returning it and motioning me through. With a muttered 'merci', I rushed past, solely focused on my transatlantic flight.

At the gate, my heart sank as I realized that it was completely deserted and my plane had left. With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to the situation and went to a transfer desk where I was promised a room for the night and directed to a distant waiting area which I moved towards at a more leisurely pace.

As I sank into the hard, uncomfortable plastic seat in the almost empty transit area, my eyes were drawn to a familiar face sitting just a few seats away. My heart skipped a beat. No way, that couldn't be Nicole Andersson, could it? The Nicole Andersson whose videos I had watched countless times, whose poster had once adorned my bedroom wall?

She was dressed casually in a purple crop top with spaghetti straps and a short yellow skirt. She was barefoot and between her carefully pedicured feet and her small carry-on was a pair of sandals with obscenely high heels. Her elaborate tattoos made her easily recognizable.

My heart thumped erratically as I considered approaching her. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to speak to someone I'd always longed to meet. But the thought was terrifying. What if I said something stupid? What if she found me annoying and dismissed me? I could already imagine stumbling over my words, face flushing red, making a complete fool of myself. Stars like her probably dealt with overzealous fans all the time. Would I want to be just another one of those?

She was a star and I was just a dumb guy from Sweden, who jerked off to her videos. What would I even say to her? 'Hey, I loved you in that scene'? What a cliché!

But then, as I watched her quietly scrolling through her phone, seemingly as stranded as I was, a rare opportunity presented itself. We were both just human beings, temporarily removed from our usual lives, stuck in an airport late at night, having nothing better to do. Maybe she'd even welcome a little smalltalk.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, my curiosity and admiration overpowered my reluctance. I knew I needed to try to speak to her. After all, how many times do you get the chance to meet someone like her in person? If nothing else, I could tell my friends about it. Or some of them.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up, rehearsing my opening line in my head, hoping above all to come across as respectful and composed. I cleared my throat and reminded myself, "You'll never know unless you try". I walked toward her with deliberately casual steps, repeating a simple greeting in my head. "Hi, I'm Alf," I planned to say, hoping my voice wouldn't betray the nervous excitement bubbling inside me. As I approached, I prayed silently that this encounter would be anything but embarrassing.

"Um, excuse me, is your name Nicole?" I asked nervously.

She looked up from her phone, brushed her long, blonde hair away from her face and took off her headphones.


I stood there frozen for far too long, not knowing what to say.

She gave me a charming and confident smile. "Do you have any follow-up questions?"

Did I detect a hint of irritation in her voice?

"Yes. What's it like being a pornstar?" I blurted out, anxious to come up with a question while I had her attention.

She burst into a bubbly and charming laugh. "That's a great follow-up. You're the kind who gets straight to the point, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry... I guess I'm just a little nervous... I didn't mean to..."

"Don't be sorry. And don't be nervous. I like it when people are curious. And to answer your question: Life as an adult entertainer is a fucking rollercoaster. One minute you're the admired center of attention and desire, the next you're scraping cum off your tits on some shithole set in the middle of nowhere. It has its ups and downs, like any job. But I love what I do."

Her graphic and detailed response was more than I could have hoped for. She smiled at me, expectantly, as if she was waiting to hear what else I had to ask her. I hesitated for a moment before I felt compelled to break the silence.

"I'm a big fan of your work," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm Alf from Sweden by the way."

Her smile widened, and she extended her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Alf from Sweden. I'm Nicole Andersson."

"Ehhh... My last name is not 'from Sweden'. It's Andersson. Just like yours. In Sweden it's a very common name."

She smiled ambiguously. "Oh? You're an Andersson. Maybe we are distant cousins then, Alf?"

"I don't know. I..."

"I was joking. Obviously, Andersson is not my legal name. When I got into the industry, I figured a Scandinavian name was fitting. With my blonde hair and all. Don't I look Swedish to you?"

"Yes. Very much."

"I'm not. Why don't you sit down and talk to me, Alf? Please!"

She made an inviting gesture towards the seat next to hers and I sat down.

"Looks like we're both stuck here for the night," I said into the moment of awkward silence, eager to keep the conversation with this uniquely sexy woman going.

Nicole shrugged and smiled sarcastically. "Another glamorous day in the life of an adult entertainer. But hey, it's not every day you get to spend the night in Paris, right? Where are you going, Alf?"

"New York."

"I'm headed home to L.A. myself. Too bad we won't leave on the same flight."

"I'm a big fan of your work, Nicole."

"Yes. You mentioned that."

"I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be. It's always nice to meet a fan. And very few men want to admit that they have seen my work. I often get that look, you know, but... It was so brave of you to come over and talk to me. Anyway, Alf, I guess you are familiar with a few of my videos. Which one is your favorite?"

I smiled, realizing that I actually started feeling relaxed and comfortable in her company. I thought for a moment, then explained:

"I absolutely loved your performance in 'Hot Day at the Office'. The one were you complain to your boss about the air conditioning that doesn't work and end up having sex on his desk for almost an hour."

Nicole's eyes lit up. "Oh, thank you, Alf! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was fucking great working with Dick Longo in that one. I just love working with him. Even though that desk had a very hard surface. I do prefer mattresses. At least when I don't get to be on top. But tell me, what specifically stood out to you about that one?"

I leaned forward, eager to share my observations. "Well, for one, I found the way you took the initiative and made the swift transition from being the sweaty and frustrated subordinate to having your boss's dick in your mouth incredibly exciting. It felt like I was right there with you."

Nicole's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "So it felt like having your dick in my mouth?"

"Kind of. Yes."

She winked and smiled at me before she continued. "I'm very happy to hear that. Are there other parts of my... oeuvre that you like?"

"Oh yeah. Lots. I like some of your early work. Like the locker room scene from 'Taking Off with the Girls Basketball Team'."

"Oh. I'm surprised you mention that. I was practically boobless then. Does that mean that you don't like my big tits, Alf? Please be honest with me."

She smiled enticingly, cupping her fake tits with both hands and narrowing her cleavage by pressing them together.

"Please, don't get me wrong. I love your big breasts. But I also like your schoolgirl appearance in some of your early work."

"I see. I don't blame you. But that was really early in my career. I had only been like four or five months in the industry when I got this huge set. And I think they are the reason why I have done porn for a living ever since. It's been almost 15 years now. The implants were a fucking good career investment. And you can't look like a schoolgirl when you're past 30. I've been labeled a milf for years now."

As we continued to chat, we were recounting some of the standout moments from Nicole's career. With each video I mentioned, her smile grew wider. I noticed the telling gestures of her beautifully tattooed hands as she described naughty scenes from her videos, and the thoughtful pauses she took before answering more direct questions.

"It's moments like these that make all the hard work worthwhile," she remarked. "To know that my work has excited my fans and made a connection - that's what it's all about. It's so humbling to hear from fans who like my work. Did you have a chance to talk to a famous pornstar before?"

"No. Never."

"Oh. Please use the opportunity now. As a fan, you must be curious about a lot of things. You can ask me anything, really."


"Yeah. Fucking anything. And remember, there are no stupid questions."

As we sat there in the dimly lit transit area, the realization slowly dawned on me: I was alone with Nicole Andersson, the famous pornstar. The few tired passengers around us seemed to fade into the background. Just me and Nicole. It felt like stepping into a bubble that the rest of the world couldn't see into, a temporary space where usual rules didn't apply. The realization that she was right here, talking to me as if we were old friends, sent a thrill through me.

Nicole's beauty and sex appeal, of course, were undeniable, but it was her eloquence and straightforwardness that really drew me in. She had this unapologetic honesty about her that demanded respect.

In the intimacy of our encounter, it struck me that right now I could ask her anything. My mind raced with questions about her career choices, her aspirations, the challenges she faced in the industry. How could she possibly like doing what she was doing? How did she handle the public stigma of being a pornstar? What were the untold stories behind her success?

"Okay, then.... You always seem to be having such a great time whenever some guy puts his dick into one of your body openings."


"Well, are you?"

"Good question. I guess the answer is, most of the time. I mean I've worked with a lot of great, considerate and professional guys."

"And when you're not having such a great time?"

"That's where my acting skills come in," Nicole explained and flashed a charming smile.

"I don't think I can tell the difference. You always seem happy to take any dick into your mouth, your pussy or your ass."

"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment to my professionalism. But I can definitely tell the difference when I watch the videos. Which I don't do a lot. And to be completely honest with you, I'm no fan of anal."

"As I said, I can't tell."

"Good for you, Alf."

Sitting there, listening to Nicole, I realized how much I wanted to get closer to her, to continue to peel back the layers of her slutty pornstar persona and connect with the person beneath. I wanted to know her beyond the persona, to understand the nuances behind the public image. It felt like a genuine desire to be part of her world. It struck me for a second how fleeting and bubble-like our encounter was likely to be, which made me feel a mixture of urgency and melancholy. I wanted to make the most of the moment.

"What was it like at the beginning of your career? Wasn't it weird meeting a guy for the first time and a few minutes later you have his dick in your mouth?"

Nicole laughed. "Good question. Sure. It took a little getting used to. But as long as they are clean, you know. And it's just a fucking dick. There's no mystery about it. Generally the male performers are really nice. The industry normally is a very safe environment. People are generous and respectful. On every set I've been on I've never felt being pressured into anything."

"Really? I thought porn could be a tough business?"

"I have to admit that when you're new, they kinda throw you to the wolves a little bit. But I learned pretty quickly what I didn't wanna do and simply stopped doing it. And I found out that it was cool to say, like, I'm not working for this company again, because this day on the set felt weird. If it didn't sit right with me, I just didn't work with the people again. I've never been traumatized or anything."

Nicole's eyes sparkled with intelligence and mischief, hinting at a person who navigated her world with a strong sense of self-awareness and boldness. Some of Nicole's best videos flashed across my inner screen.

"I think I've seen you in more than a hundred different videos."

"Then you haven't seen all of them. The first couple of years, I was working four or five days a week. I have a huge back catalogue."

"You said you love what you do?"

"Yeah. I work with friendly people. And I get by, moneywise."

"What about the sex? Do you really cum on camera?"

Nicole's laughter filled the space between us, genuine and infectious. "Oh, that's a classic. No. Of course I don't. It's a job, Alf. It's acting. Or, well, it happens."

"How many men have you had sex with?"

"Why do you ask that? Do numbers matter?" Nicole asked teasingly.

"You just said there are no stupid questions."

"Right. And you just want to know about the men and not the women?"

"Please tell me about the women too."

"Okay. And you mean on camera? Not in my private life?"

"I'd like to know both. "

"Okay. I don't really keep track. But I think it must be around 200 men and 40 or 50 women. That's on camera. But most of them were in the early years. Lately I've had the privilege of being able to be picky. So now it's a select circle of 10 to 20 people that I like to work with. Apart from this trip to Europe, that is. Normally we're a close-knit community of professionals. We fuck without condoms, we get tested all the time and we have to be able to trust each other."

"And in your private life?"

"Far less. Maybe 50 or so. Dating is really difficult when you're a pornstar."

"You must get a lot of offers?"

"Sure. But very few men are cool with their girlfriend going to work to fuck other men on camera. And you only find out once you've started dating them."

"I see. And 15 years ago... When you first got into it... You had to cross a line. Weren't you... ashamed?"

"Sure, there's a stigma to my profession. Definitely. But I didn't have any attractive alternatives. I dropped out of college and had a lot of bills to pay. So I saw some easy money and got into the industry to pay the rent. But once my ass and pussy were spread on screens across the country, I figured, I might as well keep doing it. My bad reputation was established so to speak."

There was this honesty to her, a vulnerability she didn't hide, that made her all the more intriguing. Encouraged by her openness, I continued eagerly. "I guess you were very experienced sexually before you started your career?"

Nicole smiled and surprised me with her response.

"Not at all. I had never masturbated. I had never had an orgasm. I was really inexperienced, when I got into the industry. I'm a late bloomer sexually. And I'm still kind of using porn to learn about myself as a woman. Before porn, the act of sex was like a duty to me. It was very mechanical. And now when I fuck on camera I guess it's a different kind of mechanical. But working as an adult entertainer definitely opens up your mind to other possibilities of what sex can be and how great it is."

"I can imagine. And how did you break the news about your career choice to your parents?"

"At first, it wasn't easy. But I took it up front. I wanted them to hear it from me directly. And they've come to terms with it many years ago. It probably helps that my fake tits and generous pussy pay their rent."

Nicole's beauty was the kind that lights up screens and magazine covers. But sitting next to her, away from the spotlight, I realized that the way she talked about herself wasn't just polished PR-speak. It was loaded with an honesty that you wouldn't expect from someone whose life demanded constant performance.

"Can I ask you another question, Nicole?"

"You can ask me anything, dear."

"I've always wondered... Why do you keep your high heels on when you have sex?"

Nicole smiled.

"Thanks for that one. I've wondered too. The short answer is, because the director says so. If you want to dig deeper into the psychology of it, I think it has to do with making sex look spontaneous and urgent. Like you're so horny you don't have time to kick off your shoes. Which is ridiculous because you just took off a shirt, a skirt and underwear. And the woman appears available at all times when you get to fuck her in her heels. I think it's something like that. But I'll make a mental note of asking the director next time. And for the record, I always take off my shoes when I fuck in my private life," Nicole pointed out, stretching her beautifully tattooed legs and wiggling her very agile toes.

As we sat in the sleepy and almost empty transit area, surrounded by the huge airport with the distant sound of a floor cleaning machine, I found myself unable to contain my excitement as I expressed my admiration for Nicole.

"Nicole," I said, "I have to say, you're beyond beautiful. Apart from your big breasts you also have a very appealing smile and a prettier face than most. And you have a very natural way to act. I'm sure that talent must have played a significant role in your career?"

Nicole considered my words. "Thank you, Alf. It's kind of you to say. My good looks helped me a lot, obviously. But personally I think the acting is my weak spot. I mean, I'm very good at fucking and give great blowjobs. But every time I've finished a scene with a lot of talking, I feel like apologizing for the bad acting."

"Please don't, Nicole. I just love your talking scenes. When you have some dialogue before you undress and have sex. I always find it interesting to go from your first meeting with a man to having his penis in your mouth minutes later. Even though the dialogue is not always completely believable."

"Absolutely not. But we only have the plot that the director gives us to work with. And you need to get to the fucking without too much blabber. It's porn, after all, isn't it?"

"It's admirable what you can turn a ridiculous plot into with your presence," I remarked sincerely. "I can only imagine how difficult it must be to say idiotic lines with any degree of credibility."

Nicole smiled wryly. "Oh, you have no fucking idea. But at the end of the day I'm just grateful to be doing what I love, and to have the opportunity to share my passion with others."

"That makes a lot of sense. You insist on always delivering high quality work."

"Exactly," Nicole affirmed, a sense of conviction in her voice. "Ultimately, I believe it's about embracing the fact that you're in porn and owning it without any shame. When I meet new people, the first thing I tell them is, 'That's me, I do porn for a living'. I'm proud of my work. It's that simple."

As we continued to chat, I couldn't help but feel great admiration for Nicole. It was a privilege to glimpse behind the curtain and learn more about the person behind the performances. I continued quizzing her about her job.