Change in Management Ch. 01

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A focused business women reunites with love of her life.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/02/2012
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(I'd like feedback from readers since this is my first submission. If there is a chapter 2 it will be filled with hot steamy scenes.)

Lil Bit worked hard bringing in and keeping investors happy for the company she worked for. Work had been especially stressful the last few months. Her boss Shelia had been given a new division in the company which meant after eight years of working side by side with Lil Bit she would be moving up and on. Mr. M was going to be her new boss and had a reputation for doing things his own way. Lil Bit had heard of the many things he had accomplished within the company since she'd been there, and always pictured him being in his late 40's, tall, thin, with balding grey hair.

When Mr. M arrived she thought him to be the new investor scheduled for the morning meeting they had set. Introducing herself she showed him to the conference room. He realized right away she had no idea he was actually her new boss. Wanting to see her in action he played the investor role and followed her into the conference room. He had to admit she was better than he had expected.

Lil Bit however felt flush as she found herself drawn to the man that sat before her. This hadn't happened to her since high school so it both scared and intrigued her. His eyes pierced through her and she began to wonder if he could see the lust that must be obvious in her eyes. He stood taller than her with broad shoulders, a muscular build, black hair, and when he spoke his deep voice sent chills through her. Just as she was finishing with the company portfolio her secretary Stacy came and asked to speak with her. Apologizing Lil Bit excused herself to the hall to see what could be worth interrupting her meeting. Her secretary informed her that Mr. Fitz was stuck in Dallas as a storm had shut down the airport with no sign of resuming flights any time soon. Looking puzzled she asked how that could be if Mr. Fitz was sitting in the conference room now.

Mr. M saw the confused look on Lil Bit's face so he came to the hall to ask if everything was alright.

Looking up blushing she asked his name realizing now she had never asked. With a devilish grin on his face he introduced himself. She was both speechless and mortified. So many things running through her mind not knowing what to do next.

Mr. M still held that grin when he explained he had never been given a chance to see a new employee in action so soon and he couldn't help but jump at the opportunity. He said he was very impressed and would be investing if he were actually an investor. They all laughed about it on the way to their offices.

Sitting in her office Lil Bit told herself "to bad he's my boss that might have been fun". Pushing the lust she felt for him aside she sat down to email Mr. Fritz with the usual sympathies at his not being able to make it and telling him she could reschedule when he was ready. Hitting send she began her daily routine and got to work.

So involved with her tasks she had worked right through lunch when there was a knock on her door. Stacy never knocked who could be at her door? Opening the door she found her secretary at her desk shrugging her shoulders apologetically. Mr. M stood there asking if he could interrupt. Heading back to her desk in a hurry to tidy up she said absolutely apologizing for the mess. She offered him the seat that Shelia usually sat in when they were in her office together. Then Lil Bit shut the door never even considering he might prefer it to stay open. Grabbing her note book and styles she sat across from him. She expected him to ask about reports and the usual things she was responsible for. The table they sat at was purposely placed in front of the large window looking out over Irongate with the mountain scenery in the background. She loved the view and it was one of the reasons she accepted the position.

Mr. M said "I don't mind the mess as a messy desk in the middle of the work day means you're working hard and focused on your job." Pulling out two sandwiches he went on to say, "you have worked through lunch so I called Shelia and asked her what you usually ate and sent my secretary to get us lunch." Passing her a sandwich and ice tea he continued, "I don't want you working through lunch again."

Lil Bit sat there not sure what to say. Thinking quickly she thanked him and promised to not miss lunch again. Though bringing her lunch was sweet she couldn't help being a bit angry at the demand "she was not to miss lunch again." He didn't have control over her and if she wanted to skip lunch then she would. At the same time she got a little excited by his demand but she wouldn't let herself go there. He was her boss and that meant it had to stay professional. Didn't it?

Suddenly very aware of his eyes on her she looked up and asked if he wanted to go over her reports. Taking a bite of his sandwich he shook his head no. After swallowing he went on, "do you always close the door when men come in your office?"

Fighting back the anger once again she said "I'm sorry I never really thought about it if you'd like I can open it."

As she started to stand to go open the door he stopped her laughing at the change in her demeanor. "I don't mind but you should be careful as someone could easily get the wrong idea." She hated to admit it but he was right, and she wasn't about to tell him that she liked the door closed for the quite so she could stay focused."Anna, tell me something about you."

Wanting to stay professional she said, "I have been with the company eight years, I've landed investors like GE, Bosh and Lomb, and Microsoft, and I've only taken vacation time twice due to medical reasons." Then she went over all the things she was responsible for as the assistant manager while working for Shelia.

Sitting back folding his arms across his chest Mr. M shook his head "I know all about your time here with the company I want to know something about you, like what do you do in your free time?"

A little uneasy at his question she couldn't help but wonder why any of that mattered. She decided on just some basics, "I liked to curl up with a book and drink blackberry wine on Fridays. I never take work home with me and I enjoy things like gardening, most music, and thunderstorms." Not wanting to say anything more she turned to ask what he did in his free time. Stopping her in her tracks she found those eyes piercing through her again. She prayed he couldn't see the lust return as she took in every inch of his body. Pulling herself together once more she watched that devilish grin come across his face. Not knowing why she continued, "no one outside of work calls me Anna."

With an arch in his brow he asked, "What do they called you?"

Sheepishly she said, "I was given a nick name in high school, and ever since everyone has called me Lil Bit." She was not going to tell him who gave her that name as it was none of his business.

Without another word Mr. M got up and left.

He sat in his office remembering her from high school. He knew why and how she got her knick name. It was what he called her. To find out after all these years she still went by Lil Bit gave him hope. There was something he couldn't understand though, why hadn't she recognized him. True he had come a long way since then but she really hadn't recognized him? About an hour later he called her, "Anna sorry for leaving so abruptly I had a meeting I almost forgot about, and I have another in five minutes so I must go." Telling her the lie he'd practiced to hide the surprised look on his face when she said Lil Bit.

Lil Bit and Ashe (Mr. M) met freshmen year and were very close friends. It wasn't until the middle of sophomore year she gave him a letter saying she had been afraid to say anything because she was afraid of losing his friendship, but could no longer hide her feeling for him. He knew how she agonized over telling him since he had fought with it himself. There was one thing that got in the way though. His girlfriend Cynthia and. It was Lil Bit who had hooked them up. In the letter she said she was on her way to tell him everything when Cynthia stopped her. She asked Lil Bit to see if he wanted to go out. Never believing for a second he would say yes she asked trying to be a good friend. When he said yes her heart broke and decided she would never tell him about her feelings. That weekend Ashe took her out. Feeling guilty for betraying Cynthia they tried many times to call it off. However as soon as they'd rejoin their friends moments later Ashe would come put his arms around her again. She wasn't about to push him away and give him up if she didn't have to. Lil Bit tried to be ok with being the other woman, but by the end of junior year she couldn't do it anymore.

Ashe had promised to leave Cynthia one too many times. When he came to tell her he'd finally done it Lil Bit was getting ready to climb in a truck with a guy he had never met. Furious he came up yelling "who the hell is he." Turning toward the other guy she asked for a moment with her "friend" and went to Ashe's car.

Lil Bit knew if Ashe thought this guy was here to take his place it would end their relationship. Looking at him in tears she spoke the words that for years to come she would always regret. "He is taking me out on a date. I'm done waiting for you to leave Cynthia. I can't take the pain you keep choosing her over me. If you knew how much it hurts wishing you would pick me, you would never put me through this!" Ashe tried to tell her he left Cynthia, but Lil Bit didn't believe him. Stepping out of his car she asked Ashe to leave. Revving his car he peeled out speeding down the street.

The thing Ashe never knew was the guy was Mark, and he was like a cousin. Their parents had been friends for years. If she had told Ashe his name he would have known exactly who the hell he was.

Instead of going to the movie with Mark as planned she ran to her room crying into her pillow wishing she could call Ashe to say "I'm so sorry I didn't mean. The guy she was leaving with was Mark. She was just angry and didn't want to leave him!"

She knew Ashe wouldn't answer and forced herself to leave him alone. Two weeks later her Mother got a new job and they moved away. She was grateful for the move since it meant she wouldn't have to face him senior year.

Lil Bit didn't date for several years after that, and even when she had they weren't Ashe. She had tried many times to find Ashe over the years but had given up hope she ever would. She knew she would never and could never love anyone the way she had him. Having never found the one worth settling for she focused on her career and became a very successful business woman.

She lived alone in the home she now owned. Weekends were spent at her little cabin in the mountains. The cabin was laid out just as she and Ashe had planned as kids so she never brought anyone with her.

After college she landed her first job back in her home town and moved back. After two years she found out about this job and applied. Once she saw her office view and heard the benefits she accepted the job. Later she told Shelia of how Irongate was her and Ashe's favorite place to go together and that he was the only man she would or could ever truly loved.

It was finally Friday. Lil Bit had decided to stay late to make sure everything was ready for her Monday meeting with a new investor. She already had her bag in the car ready to head to her cabin when she finished.

Mr. M called her into his office a couple hours before everyone would be leaving. Her notebook in hand she headed up. He was on the phone when she arrived he pointed to the table now sitting in front of his window that also overlooked Irongate. For an instant she felt as if she was somehow letting Ashe down by sitting there with another man. Pushing the thought away she sat and waited for Mr. M.

Once off the phone he joined her. "Anna I was wondering if it would be possible for you to stay a little late tonight. I'd like to go over some things with you that just came in. I can ask my secretary to stay as well so you wouldn't be here alone with me."

Looking into those eyes doing her best not to blush she said "I was staying late any way so that's not a problem. It doesn't seem fair to ask your secretary to stay and I really don't think it's necessary."

Lil Bit returned to her office and finished up the business proposal for her meeting. She was just finishing up when Stacy called on the intercom. "Anna I have finished with my work. Do you need me to stay late tonight and help with anything else?" Looking at the clock seeing it was almost five she replied, "No go home and enjoy her weekend. Stacy, thank you for all your help, I don't know what I'd do without you." Filing the last of her paperwork and tidying her desk she grabbed her not book and headed to Mr. M's office.

When she got to his office she saw his secretary had left and the door was open. Approaching quietly she gave a soft knock. "Come in Anna."

Entering she found he had his back to her looking at a book. "Anna there is something I have to show you." Walking to her he handed her an open book and asked, "Will you please read this?"

Not knowing what to expect she took the book in hand and saw an old letter tucked in the cover.

It looked so familiar. After reading the first line a look of shock came over her. Light headed she looked up wondering how the hell he got this. "That's not all" he said stepping forward to remove the letter. Revealing the yearbook from her high school she found the words she wrote to Ashe many years ago signed "Your Lil Bit!"

Her head started spinning what was going on, what kind of sick joke was this! Seeing anger flash across her face Mr. M knelt down grabbing her hands. Holding her full attention he spoke in a tender loving voice, "My Lil Bit do you truly not recognize me?"

Starring at him, drawn in yet again by those eyes, fighting back tears she asked, "Ashe, is it really you?"

A smile swept across his face and her tears began to fall. She cupped his face in hand not believing he sat before her. Pulling her up he wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her he spun. Without hesitation she wrapped her arms around him burying her face into his neck unable to stop the tears from falling.

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SensuallyHisSensuallyHisabout 12 years agoAuthor
Working on....

As many of you may already know chapter 2 has been submitted and is currently pending approval. Thank you for all comments good and bad. I am a tricky trickster so for those who doubt the stories ability to move forward and it's placement in NonConsent/Reluctance please continue reading. I am working on Chapter 3 today and it has what we have all been waiting for. My hope is to sway the non believers.

Watch for the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i love it please put in part two asap i wanna keep reading lol

JonTaylorJonTaylorabout 12 years ago
Woman Not Women

There's a difference you know. Singular vs plural.

FSU1980FSU1980about 12 years ago
I liked it!

This story has great potential.....I look forward to chapter 2

SensuallyHisSensuallyHisabout 12 years agoAuthor
The ground work....

I have so many ideas for this story. I want readers to understand who the characters are and what they want. In chapter 2 you will see how Ashe's dominate side started a long time ago and how.....Soon Lil Bit will submit to Ashe again.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


dirt043dirt043about 12 years ago

Awesome loved it hopefully looking forward to more !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This should be in romance, not nonconsent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
High school?

The writing is well done. But you've got two failing premises that prohibit story development.

It's really hard to identify with characters when the drama in high school is the foundation on which they interact. Anyone beyond the age of 30 looks at the high school romance as nothing more than kindergarten training for the real thing. A high school girl seeing the boyfriend of her friend for a few months, waiting for him to break it off with another 16 year old... Hardly to be taken seriously. Oh to be sure, at the time it's the end of the world but 10 years later it's nothing more than an embarrassing episode from the past.

Secondly, unless they both had serious plastic surgery or an equally serious bump on the head, it's not even a little bit possible that they would not recognize each other immediately.

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