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Jay told her, "Wait a second Margo. We said significant points in our life. Not happy or erotic or loving, but significant. It's obviously an important time for you so it's important to all of us. That doesn't mean we have to end our evening right there. We're all young and resilient so if we're up just a little longer talking so what? Please share with us. If it's important to you, then it is for us as well. And who knows, just maybe talking about it with us will help you tuck it so far back into your mind you'll never have it come to mind again."

Margo looked up at Jay and said, "You're right. Lying here makes me feel so loved, just as Nikki has said. If I can't face it now, then when?"

Jay's hand slid under her top and up her back as he pulled her up to him. He kissed her softly and told her, "One thing is certain honey, we'll all love you no matter what, and we'll support you to our last breath."

Her arms went around him and she held him tight as she whispered, "Thank you Jay. Can I use your leg for my pillow again and you for support?"

"I hope you will."

"One more thing, I love feeling your hand on me, like your hand on my bare back right now. Thank you for that too."

"I like that too love."

Chapter Fifteen

"Okay," Margo said as she got to her feet and Jay's hand slipped out from under her top, I need the ladies room, a snack or two and another beer for strength before I start my story."

"Me too," Nikki said and followed her back and right into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. "Margo, we need to talk for a minute."

"Of course."

"This is a little sensitive, but...don't you think you're allowing Jay a little too much freedom?"

"What do you mean?"

"With his hand. I mean he's really been exploring you."

"Trust me, I know exactly where his hand has been and I'm okay with it."

"But letting him touch your breasts...isn't that...I worry about that having an effect on our little get togethers."

Margo looked at her and said, "His hands haven't been on my breasts Nikki."

"But look, your bra is unhooked and his hand had to be..."

"Not on my breasts. Okay, my bra is unhooked, so what. When he was massaging or rubbing or whatever it was...caressing my back I had him unhook my bra so he could have the freedom to move around and his hand wouldn't be rubbing over my bra strap. No big deal at all."

"But it's still unhooked."

Margo was starting to feel a little testy, so she said, "I have a cure for that," and she pulled her top off and then her bra and put her top back on. "There that's better."

"Margo that's not what I meant."

"Look Nikki, I liked it when my bra was unhooked. It felt good to be free and more like I'd be at home. In fact I just may come braless the next time. Nikki, are you jealous of what Jay and I are sharing?"

"Of course not Margo, it's just that I don't want things to change between the four of us."

"Nikki, the only constant in life is change. We're all changing. We can't stop it, but we can adapt to it or attempt our own changes to cope with it. Either way, change is all around us all the time. One more thing while we're on the subject. I'm going to go right back to Jay when I start my story. This isn't going to be easy for me and in fact it's going to be embarrassing beyond words, but now that I've opened things up, and with the support of you and Tony and Jay, I'm going through with it. I'm going to get it out in the open and hopefully put it out of my mind. Are you sure you're not jealous Nikki?"

"Of course I'm sure. Okay, I'm sorry, maybe I'm overreacting."

"Or maybe Tony's story was getting to you a little."

"Well, yes, of course it did, but I'm sure it got to you a little too."

"Not at first, but I'm sure you'll understand all of that after I tell you my story."

Tony and Jay were in the kitchen when the women came out, and the four of them sipped another beer and picked at the snacks as they talked. Both guys noticed that Margo was braless now, but they said nothing. Jay however wondered where her bra was, because she didn't have it and for sure it wasn't in one of her pockets. He also had to wonder why she had done that. Was she telling him more would be okay? He was afraid to test that, especially in front of the other two. Now he was nervous so he emptied his bottle and retrieved another one. Two things he didn't want to do. One was to erroneously assume she wanted him to do more only to have her reject him, and the other was to get an erection once they were back in the living room and his hand neared her now nearly unhindered breasts. Either of those would be embarrassing to the max.

Margo finished her beer and said, "Well, the longer I wait, the harder it will be to tell my story." Jay's bottle of beer was still pretty full so he had that with him as the four moved to the living room and got settled again. Tony at the end of the couch, but this time, Nikki sat on the floor between his feet and Jay leaned against the loveseat as he sat on the floor across from Nikki. Margo sat down and then lay back and rested her head on his thigh again as she smiled up at him. Before he could move she took his hand in hers and tucked it under her top and lay it on her belly as Nikki and Tony watched them.

Margo, still looking up at Jay said, "I'll warn you right now that I will probably cry at some point of this story." Tony jumped up and retrieved a box of tissues from the bathroom and laid them on the floor next to her before going back to Nikki and his spot on the couch. She tipped her head well back and looked up as she said softly, "That was nice Tony."

"It really was Tony and thank you," Margo added as she looked toward them. She took a deep breath and started with, "I have to go back a long way, so please be patient as I explain a few things first. I was about...twelve I think...maybe I had to be no more than twelve. I was just starting to bloom. You know little nubs of breasts and so forth. I was still a crazy kid that liked to run and chase and be as much of a boy as a girl, but the inevitable was slowly happening. I started to enjoy the more girly things and experimented with makeup and the boys were starting to see me as more of a girl. I liked that, but at the same time, since I was a girl, I often didn't get invited to join in some of the games with the guys. A point of transition I guess. But as time passed...I'm talking at most a few months, I became all girl. My brother was no longer allowed in my room unless I invited him, that sort of thing. And I was traumatized if he saw me in my panties. I didn't even want Dad to see me in my panties.

Nikki had a small smile as she said, "I remember how it was too Margo. One day I was a tomboy and raising hell and the next I'd be in my room trying new makeup and changing clothes as I modeled in the mirror."

"Exactly. Anyway, my breasts developed pretty fast and I grew...I mean down there..."

Jay stopped her and said, "Look Margo, if you're trying to say pubic hair, just say pubic hair and whatever else comes up. We're all adults and if you're going to try to be tactful and proper, it's just going to make telling your story more difficult for you. Tony said cock a few times and we survived that so just be open okay?"

She glanced at the others, and then looking more at the ceiling she said, "My pubic hair seemed to appear over night. Light colored and downy at first, but I was fascinated by it for awhile. I even looked at some naked women's pictures and tried to trim mine into a pattern. A diamond one time and then a simple strip...sorry I'm wandering. Okay, so Dad violated my space a lot and would catch me in my panties or even worse, while I was naked. I don't know how many times he saw my growing breasts and between my legs. He said one day in a little huff that I was his little daughter and there was nothing at all wrong with him seeing me naked even as I continued to develop. I finally quit fighting with him and just ignored his surprise visits. Life went on and Dad would be there for me when things were bad at school or I had a fight with a friend. It was like he was afraid he would lose me or something, because he would hold me close to him and rub my back and butt even if I was in my panties or naked. It just didn't matter to him. I told myself that he loved me and worried about me, but that didn't explain his....his erections. I pretended for a long time that I was imagining that, or that his hardness was caused by something else. Maybe he and Mom had been fooling around. A couple of times he even touched my breasts as he asked me about bras. Did they fit or did I need new ones or bigger ones, things like that."

They all knew where this was leading, but they could hardly believe their ears. Jay and Tony and Nikki could still remember her dad, and he seemed like a great guy to them. Always ready to be a pitcher for them or fix up a backstop. He seemed to like having the kids around.

Chapter Sixteen

Jay gently touched her face with his free hand and asked her, "You okay love?"

She smiled up at him and just nodded and touched his hand with hers in appreciation, and continued. "I don't know how much you remember, but Dad and Mom split and he moved into an apartment in town. I didn't know the whys of their split and Mom cried a lot, but I never heard her say bad things about him. If I asked, she'd find a way to shrug it off or just tell me not to worry about it and that things would work out. The only time I saw Dad after that was on weekends when Mom or aunt Frieda was there. Mom and I would go out to Uncle Norm's every so often and they would talk and I would walk through the small woods behind his place. I liked it out there. There was so much to explore and to discover. I guess my tomboy side came back when I was there. I was still a girl and didn't want to get all grubby, but I was still fascinated by little things, like the tiny creek in the back that trickled through some rocks.

Tony told her, "I think I remember your uncle Norm."

"You probably do. Mom would leave me there with Uncle Norm for whole weekends and one time I got a sliver in my butt. It hurt enough to make me cry and of course it had to be removed, either by Uncle Norm or the doctor and he told me that if the doctor did it, he would give me a shot after he'd pulled the sliver out. About the last thing I wanted was a shot, so I swallowed and said he could do it. I couldn't believe it when he not only pulled my shorts down, but my panties too, explaining to me that he had to be able to see the sliver and to make sure it wasn't getting infected. Of course I didn't know that infection couldn't set in that fast, so I submitted myself."

"Oh god," Nikki said, "That had to be hard to go through."

"It really was at first, but he was so tender and caring and I'd been out there and with him so many times, that to me it was no worse than having Dad see me. I have to go by how I remember it of course. Anyway, I was at Uncle Norm's more and more because Mom was working days and Uncle Norm went to work at midnight. I remember the first time I saw him in his underwear. He explained it saying he was so warm and that was a problem he had. Other people could be comfortable, but he would get so warm and be so uncomfortable. Of course I told him I didn't mind. I mean it was his house and he had a right to be comfortable. Other than almost seeing his cock, I didn't care one way or the other at the time. He didn't do anything more than talk to me and would sit next to me as we watched a movie on television. I remembered Dad's cock being hard sometimes, but now it was Uncle Norm's cock and it was so much more visible through the thin cotton of his briefs.

* * * * * * *

"Margo," he said one day, "Has your mom or dad talked to you about sex?"

My heart started to race and I couldn't look at him. Had he caught me looking at his erection? "Not exactly."

"They used to call it talking about the birds and the bees, but I think you're too old and smart for that kind of baby talk." Well of course I liked hearing that. "Would you mind if you and I talked about it. I think it's time for you to know the truth and sex will be a very important part of your life, so you need to know everything."

"Everything like what," I innocently asked him.

"About boys and their peckers for one thing."


"Yes, you know, between their legs."

"Oh that."

"Before we go any farther, let's have some ice cream. We can talk and eat at the same time." As soon as we were sitting next to each other again, we ate ice cream and he asked me, "Have any of the boys seen your breasts Margo?"

"No, of course not."

"It isn't like that's such an awful thing you know."

"They don't even want me to be part of their ball game anymore."

"I know how to change that. I know how you can get them to let you play."

"Really," I asked as I shoveled the ice cream in faster.

"Sure. Promise their main guy, the one that seems to control things that you'll let him see your breasts if you can play. He'll say hell yeah and after the game you find a private place and let him see them. Not touch you now, because we can get into that later."

"Oh I get it. So all he gets is a look and you get to play with them. I mean the boys, not your breasts."

"I remember laughing at that. I don't know if other girls were that naïve at that age, but I sure was making it easy for him.

"Margo I'll prove to you that will work and you'll get to play ball."

"How is that Uncle Norm?"

"Take your blouse and bra off for me and I'll show you proof." It must have been pretty warm in there because he was starting to sweat. Anyway, I did as he asked and he studied my breasts thoroughly.

"You have very beautiful ones Margo."

"Thank you."

"Okay so now I'll prove to you that boys will want to be around you. That's when he pulled his cock out through the leg of his underwear."

Nikki made a sound of shock and put her hand to her mouth, Jay was studying Margo to see if she was okay and Tony whispered, "That bastard."

"God, my world was spinning. His cock looked huge to me. I mean massive, and it was so hard looking and the tip of it was so wet."

He gave me time to study it before he said, "See Margo, seeing you made my cock so hard. Now those guys will react the same way. They are just like me really. They love to feel their cocks grow and get this hard and they'd love to see your tits. All guys are like that, young or as old as your dad and I are. That's just the way nature makes us."

"Uncle Norm, I've never seen one before. It's so much bigger than I expected."

"Mine is pretty big and the guys that you want to play ball with will have them in all sizes, but they will get bigger as the guys grow," he told her. "Want to know a secret?" he added.

What's that?"

"Put your hand on my cock hon."

"Uncle Norm I don't...."

"It's okay, it really is. I won't do anything but sit here while you see what one feels like and then I'll tell you a surprise."

"I was so afraid to touch him, but he didn't move just as he said and his cock stayed hard as I stared at it. I looked at him and he just sat there as calm as he could be, or that's how he seemed to me. My hand hovered over him as I struggled with my decision, but I have to admit that I was curious. I was curious about so many things and this was a big one...sorry," and they all smiled despite the horrible wrong that was being done to her. "Well I did touch it. My hand curled around it very gently and my little hand seemed so much smaller right then. He kept his word, he didn't move, but his cock twitched and he told me, 'Sorry honey, but that's something I can't control. It does that sometimes,' and I stared. A drop of fluid was on the tip, but I was afraid to touch that. For all I knew it could have been pee. 'Now pull back a little and you'll see how the skin moves,' so I did that and again of course he was right. Now I was looking at the whole glistening and bright pink head. I looked up at him and he just smiled. He looked like the same old Uncle Norm to me. Somewhere inside of me I knew there was a reason that I shouldn't be touching him, but I was curious like I said. I was very curious actually.

Margo was showing how tough she was, but she wasn't making eye contact with anybody. All of them wished they could do something to make it easier for her, but this was one battle she had to fight and all they could do was be there for support.

Chapter Seventeen

Margo finally looked up at Jay and he smiled down at her. She shared a fleeting smile and then said, "Well there I was with my hand on his cock and he said, "While you're discovering what a cock feels like, I'll tell you a couple of interesting things. Men's cock are made up of what's called erectile tissue. That just means that it can get very hard and stiff and yet there is no bone in it." Then he touched one of my nipples. I flinched and looked at him as he said, "It's okay honey. I'm going to show you more. See, your nipple was already hard because of your youth as much as anything, but also when your nipples are touched like this, they get harder," and he continued touch me and explore my whole breast. I was stunned and confused. Now I knew I shouldn't allow that, but again my world was spinning and I did like learning about his cock and my breasts. "See how stiff and hard your nipples are. Now they don't have erectile tissue, but they have special muscles that make that happen. Just as you playing with my cock keeps it hard, me touching you keeps your nipples hard. What you're doing for me feels wonderful and you are doing great. Want to learn something else? Another very important part about sex education?"

"What's that Uncle Norm?" I shouldn't have asked that and it wasn't long before I knew that, but by then it was too late for me.

"Stand up for me honey. Stand right here in front of me."

I did as I was told and I froze as he once again pulled my shorts and panties down and had me step out of them. Oh god you guys, are you sure you want me to continue with this?"

Nikki said, "That's up to you Margo. If you want us to know or if it might help you to get it out in the open then yes, we want to hear all of it. It just might be that hiding your secret under a shroud of denial just might be making it worse for you. If talking about it will pull that shroud away, all of those bad thoughts and memories might die of exposure. This is something only you can decide."

"Maybe if I skip some of the details. He put his hand between my legs and explained about erectile tissue again and then he fingered me. Not deep or hard, but enough to really rattle me. I wanted it to be over with, but what he was doing felt good at the same time. I was so mixed up that I started to cry. He scooped me up and held me close to him as he talked softly until I settled down. Then he said, that we could learn more another day, except for one more thing. That's when he showed me how to jack him off and make him cum. God, when he...I can't even say it. I was stunned. I wasn't crying anymore and I forgot all about being naked or him touching me. He said he'd explain about that the next time we were together. Once he was settled down he told me not to tell my mother, because she might be very hurt and upset that he had told me rather than her. He just didn't want her feelings to be hurt so I agreed everything would be our secret."

"So were there other times Margo?" Tony asked.

"Yes, there were other times. I spent a lot of time naked out there even when I was outside. Then one day not long after Mom had dropped me off, Dad seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was glad to see him and ran to him and he said that I looked so pretty and special naked and he was so glad to see me. Dad and Uncle Norm were so good to me and so flattering that I loved it. I didn't tell Mom about Dad being there because they said it would be bad if she found out. Now I had another secret to keep. The first time I saw Dad naked I had to stare, because to me he looked so much like Uncle Norm, but a little longer. Oh god this is getting harder," and she grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears away. "Yes, Dad was just like Uncle Norm. He even had me jack him off, my own father. but then not long after that day, Dad arrived again and of course again I was naked, but this time he had two boys with him from his neighborhood and they were naked too."
