Changing Destinations


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Randy had leaned forward for that evolution, but when he leaned back his middle fingers began working on each woman's slit simultaneously. Each woman was now leaning back in the seat, her legs wide, her ass pushed forward to the edge of the seat, opening her sex to the bastard diddling them.

Sitting behind them Darwin could see each woman was gushing her juice over Randy's hands and onto the theatre seats. Seeing that, he looked down to give the seat he was in a close inspection. Satisfied his lounge seat was dry, he returned his eyes to the three in front of him. As he watched Randy's middle fingers disappeared, each inside a different woman.

On the screen the cheesy blonde was moaning, groaning and writhing as three different men were working her over. One was finger fucking her, the second was playing with her tits and the third man had his erection out and was trying to feed it into the woman's mouth. It was a prodigious erection and an amazing feat when it began to disappear into her mouth and then down her throat.

Sitting behind his wife and her 'date' for the evening Darwin had gone beyond the sick feeling in his gut, well beyond the white-hot anger that had filled him as he began watching the sick behavior of his wife.

Now he was in an ice-cold fury. Before he had been a hairs breadth from losing complete control, Darwin now had the control of hate. There would be no sudden suicidal attack; but no forgiveness either. His wife had chosen this tonight. As soon as he was gone she had arranged for Darla and her husband to go out with her tonight. She had not only gone out, which would have angered him in itself. He could have understood that, but still been angered. The bitch was now playing the slut-whore. This was the woman who had been nagging him to give her a child. She claimed she wanted to raise his baby.

Not in this lifetime, bitch.

Remembering one of the things Susan always carried in her purse he dug into it to pull out her small canister of pepper spray. Things had gone on far enough. Certain as he was that the familiarity of Randy with his wife's body was not a first time thing, he couldn't take any more.

Leaning forward he shoved his head and an arm between Randy's head and Susan's. It was a close fit and he crudely knocked both heads away to give him room. First he turned to whisper in Susan's ear, "Think I'll head home bitch. The doors will be locked, so find someplace else for the night."

Susan's eyes got big as she turned to look at the face next to hers. Drunk as she was it took her a moment to process what had been said and who had said it. By the time she had it was too late, immediate retribution had already been given.

The hand Darwin had pushed through between Randy and Susan held the pepper spray. Reaching down he gave Susan's hot, juicy, wet slit a longish spray of the painful irritant. It was designed for eyes, but worked well on any wet, sensitive tissue; such as a wide-open vagina.

Not waiting for Susan's reaction, he reached across Randy to give Darla's gash similar treatment. Then as he leaned back, pulling his head and arm out from between the agonized Susan he gave Randy two long sprays, one in each eye.

Susan was now gasping, doubled over with the pain as the spray acted on her most tender of places. Darwin leaned forward again, "I'm taking my Beemer home, but you won't be coming back to the house anyway. Good by, bitch." Then he dropped her purse and the pepper spray into her lap.

Side stepping along the aisle he watched both women leaning over, cupping their crotches. They hurt too much to make much noise, certainly not enough to be heard over the movie soundtrack. Randy had yanked both hands roughly out of the tender centers of the women and was frantically clawing at his tearing eyes. Each hand was soaked with vaginal juice which of itself would have burned his eyes, but they were also covered with the spray. Every wipe of his hands delivered more pepper spray and female lubricant to his eyes.

Randy was making a noise but it was still barely heard over the loud soundtrack. He was keening while he rocked back and forth in the seat.

Outside Darwin strode to his Ford, and looked around. Just down the street was a lighted, attended parking lot advertising twenty-four hour surveillance. Driving the Ford there he left it and walked back to the Beemer. As he approached a couple punks were looking it over, one of them holding a short length of pipe down alongside his leg where he thought it was hidden.

Both of the creeps looked him over carefully as he walked toward them trying to look nonchalant as he approached. As he got to them he paused, took a step toward them and asked if they knew where Alex's Pawnshop was. He had seen it as he drove in.

The punks looked at one another and Darwin could see the slow cogs in their heads working hard against whatever they had been taking tonight.

"Sure, dude," the one with the pipe started as his buddy broke into a grin and reached in his pocket. Not wanting to delay things, Darwin kneed the pipe wielder in the groin. The knee drove upward, raising him off the ground a foot as he rode the knee up into the air. The pain hit him, knocking the wind from him. By the time he landed on his side he was nearly comatose with pain. Without turning Darwin swung his left hand in a backhand swing; his fingers outthrust and together in what martial artists called "the knife." He couldn't be careful but hoped he hadn't killed the asshole as he swiped it across the punk's larynx. As the street punk was falling to the ground his hands flew to his throat. The brass knuckles he had slipped over them fell onto the street.

Snatching up the brass knuckles, Darwin hauled the two punks away from his Beemer then dropped them on the sidewalk. The kid he'd busted in the larynx seemed to be breathing without too much difficulty so he probably hadn't killed him. At the moment he wouldn't have cared if he had.

Climbing into the Beemer he pulled immediately away from the curb and into the street. Traffic was light and he was around the next corner before either punk knew he was gone. He didn't think anyone had seen him, but even if they had, in this part of town no one would say a thing.

It was an uneventful drive home, where he locked the Beemer in the garage and closed and locked the doors and all the windows into the house. Turning off all lights, he went to bed.

He didn't sleep much with the cold fury still on him. He knew better than to take a drink feeling the way he was and it took another hour before the adrenaline had worked itself out of his system.

The sun coming up ended his night of brooding. He had loved Susan, but the woman he had seen last night hadn't been the Susan he knew. It was a new facet to Susan, one he couldn't live with. If he tried to preserve the marriage he would always be aware of what she was capable of doing. He wanted kids, but that was not a woman he wanted mothering his children. What if they had a couple girls? The thought alone almost had him puking into the ceramic altar.

In the light of day Darwin made a phone transfer of the money in their checking account into their savings account. He left only enough to pay for two months of routine monthly expenses. He made several phone calls to credit card companies and other money handlers of theirs, then called a taxi.

The cab left him off a mile away from where the Ford was parked, a comfortable and safe walk at 8:00 o'clock on a Sunday morning. Paying the attendant, he headed to the airport.

- - - - -

The flight back from Houston Thursday was uneventful, and a day earlier than had been planned. From the airport he drove immediately to work to meet with his boss. There he handed the man his resignation.

That got the anthill moving.

Darwin had always valued his contributions to the company, but never believed the company placed a value on his services. That changed with a bang.

When he tried to hand in his resignation his boss asked him politely to wait for him while he checked with personnel. Twenty minutes later Darwin found himself in the CEO's office negotiating as the CEO worked to find what it would cost the company to keep him. He finally agreed to stay with a new title, "Vice President of Corporate Maintenance" and a thirty-five per cent raise. He would have carte blanche to inspect every one of the company's facilities and would head up a small staff. It had been accepted before his return. Darwin had been complaining bitterly that constant repairs were costing the company twice what regular maintenance would cost. Somehow over the years factory managers had constantly reduced maintenance costs to the point that down time alone was more expensive than keeping everything fit.

From that point on he would be the one contacted when something went Kablooey. And he would be the one seeing that the factory equipment was kept current. He anticipated his emergency trips would soon be a thing of the past. He would be traveling extensively the rest of the year seeing the reforms he wanted were carried out, then he anticipated staying close to home.

When he arrived home in the Taurus Susan was out. Darwin immediately began packing his clothes in the boxes he had picked up on the way home. Before he was finished with the bedroom the movers he had contacted pulled into the driveway and immediately began hauling the boxes to the truck.

It didn't take all that long for him to go through the house and have the men pack the things he wanted to keep. In the future he would remember this experience. He had been pack ratting away anything and everything that looked interesting; never again.

By 3:00 he was done and the truck just pulled away when Susan turned into the driveway in her Volvo. She left it in the driveway and wasn't aware he had made it home until she walked into the kitchen, saw a man in her house drinking coffee and screamed.

Darwin just sat watching her as recognition came into her eyes and the tension from fear eased out of her.

"My God, Dar, you scared the hell out of me!" she finally whispered.

"Sorry about that, Susan," he replied. "I wasn't sure you'd be home at all. Are you all right now?" he asked, looking her over. "I was a mite angry Saturday night. Not sorry I did it, but I hope no permanent harm was done."

"Well," Susan replied, trying to give him a smile. It came out almost woefully inadequate. "I was walking funny until Tuesday, but nothing was really damaged. Poor Randy is a mess, though. Darla says he's going to be OK now. For a while the doctors were wondering if his sight was damaged." She looked at him seriously a moment before adding, "When you get mad, you go all the way don't you."

"I've never felt like that before, Susan. My reaction was a surprise to me too. But then I never expected you to be slutting around like that, either. I guess the one extreme brought on the other."

"Oh, Dar! I'm so sorry for that. I can explain. It wasn't what it looked like."

For a moment Darwin looked steadily into her eyes. Then, "Yes it was, Susan. It was exactly like it looked." She gasped and tried to interrupt him. He just held up a hand until she stopped talking.

"Yes it was. The woman I thought I married, the one I was in love with, never would have been out with another man. We'll leave the detail of whose husband he was and who else was with you alone. They don't really matter in the overall picture. I can't love a woman who would behave like that. I couldn't trust you enough to leave you alone for a day or two. The woman I watched Saturday night certainly would not be a good mother. And Susan, before you say anything, I was watching. That wasn't the first time you had been "familiar" with Randy. From the first moment I saw you at the restaurant it was obvious you two were an... "Item" I think is the word I'm searching for."

Susan gasped again, and tried to say something, but it just wouldn't come out.

"I've talked to my attorney, Susan. The divorce papers should be in the mail Monday. Call my attorney and give him the name of yours so we can get this thing over with. Unless you fight this, I want to make a fair settlement. I'm thinking of giving you the house, the Volvo and a third of the money that was in our savings account when I left here Sunday. I assume you have checked and know where I transferred the cash." Holding up a hand again to keep her from breaking in he continued, "I have the figures of what was in that account Sunday, a third of that will be yours. The equity on the house and the value of the car far exceed the cash I will be keeping. I keep that cash, my Beemer, my corporate 401k account... oh yes, and half of the money we'll get for selling the beach house."

"Susan," he went on, "if you decide to sell this house you will be able to find a nice home and live on the balance for an unlimited time if you are wise. I'm sorry I can't do any better, but you could go back and finish your degree easily with the money you will receive. I pray this experience will teach you what you risked with your behavior."

Looking hard and long at the woman he had married, he had a hard time seeing the woman he had watched last Saturday. But that woman, not the one he had asked to marry him, would haunt him for years. This was something he had to do. The one he thought he had married wasn't really there.

Susan just stared at him, a tear running down her cheek as he finished, "I'll leave now. You can have your lawyer call me at work and I'll give him a phone number where I can be contacted outside business hours. It will take me a while to get settled and until I am I can't give you an address. Give me a call at work next week or on my cell phone and I'll let you know where I am until I get an apartment or condo... I'm so sad this happened Susan. But I didn't do it... I can't undo it... We can't undo it... I'll let you know when I'll be by to pick up the Ford."

With that he walked out to the garage, climbed into the Beemer and backed out of the driveway. Susan followed him into the garage, calling to him, "Dar, that wasn't the real me Saturday. Come back and we can talk, honey. Please! Things just got out of hand. We can make this work..."

She was still calling, now from the top of the driveway, as he drove away.

_ _ _ _ _ _

That's it folks. Not the way I like my people to end up, but sometimes there is no hope.

Please, take a look and send me a note. Let me know if you liked it and why, or if you didn't like it, tell me that too. And vote. Let's me know how I'm doing.

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desecrationdesecration9 days ago

Eject narcissist before breeding with it and having half-narc kids. Keep the reptile people away.

Ursus1932Ursus19323 months ago

What's not to like. I think it came out perfectly. Good show mate.

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Great story. There was no coming backs from her actions.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He did the right thing and it was very succinct. She wasn't who he thought she was and he could never trust her again. There is absolutely no doubt she would be cheating eventually - in fact if he hadn't been there night I'm certain it would have been a threesome back at Randy's. Maybe not with Randy after the interference but definitely someone at some point. Perhaps she will learn from this and be a better person in future for someone, but he's not going to take that chance and I don't blame him one bit; I wouldn't either.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow! For a story with no sex in it this sure had a lot of, well, sex! Or did you just mean no sexual intercourse? Anon below has missed the point here, while I can agree that the MC watched proceedings for far longer than is feasible, what anon has missed is that there was nothing to salvage. The damage was already done and this wasn't the first time the three had played together. It seems quite a stretch to me that Darla was so relaxed about her husband getting up so close and personal with her best friend and that leads me to believe that the MC's affection towards her was somewhat misplaced.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Let me see if I have this right. In the restaurant, Randy had his hand inside Susan’s blouse, but Darwin seemed more concerned about who was paying the bill???

If he’d stepped in immediately, there might have been a chance to salvage the marriage. Damn, these stories where the husband just watches and lets it go on until it’s too late? So stupid…

114FSO114FSO8 months ago

Burn the Entitled Bitch. Leave her in the burning sage grass.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0359 months ago

Pretty good but the ending seemed rushed and incomplete.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not bad. Would have preferred the ending to have been drawn out more.

Schlouis57Schlouis5710 months ago

Quoi,c'est tout? Et le connard de Randy s en sort avec les yeux piquants et sa salope s'en sort trop bien. Nul. Très déçu.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I do like that he got to keep the writing money.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Just a selfish thought... I would have liked a dust-up between the two men, toe-to-toe, so Randy could learn that his size didn't mean he was the king.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Randy didn't get all that he deserved.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

I knew there was trouble as soon as Susan said, "Bring your hunky husband."

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerabout 1 year ago

Loved the story and thank you for writing and sharing it % stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What Dar said, " I was watching. That wasn't the first time you had been "familiar" with Randy. From the first moment I saw you at the restaurant it was obvious you two were an... "Item" I think is the word I'm searching for."Yeppers, she be history, she a lying faithless cunt, she been cheating long time(ie this is not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time getting familiar)and let her anger delude herself into thinking that she deserved her fun and hubby deserved to be cuckolded, altho primary thing was her entitlement to get her itch scratched. MC was right on with deduction conclusion and reaction. I think its a shame we didnt get to see how the little man would easily tune up big bad fagboi. rk

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