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"It sounds like you guys are having a good time with the team. I would love to stay and chat with you, but I better get out of your hair. I know Amy is anxious to get going. I hope you take good care of her and show her the ropes."

"Oh, we will," Sarah assured Bob. "She's in good hands."

I got up. "Come on, Bob, I'll walk you to the door." I told the others I'd be right back.

When we got to the door, Bob grabbed me and gave me a big kiss. "I really want you to have fun. Maybe you can find another Dante tonight."

"Here's hoping. It won't be an overnight deal tonight. I'll wake you up when I get home."

"I probably will be awake. I think I'm more excited than you are."

The hours flew by and Dante and Sarah dropped me off a little after two, and sure enough, Bob was still up watching television. I hardly had time to put my purse down before he was all over me, asking how it went. "Let's get in bed and I'll tell you. It was quite a night."

I went into our closet and took off my dress. When I came out in my nightie, Bob said, "You won't be needing that," and then threw back the covers revealing a rock hard cock.

I dropped my nightie on the floor and climbed in. "My, my. You did say you were excited, didn't you?"

"Off and on all evening. I want to hear every detail." He then started rubbing my tits.

"Honey, I am so excited, too. Can I straddle you as I tell you?"

He grabbed me and I rolled up on top of my horny husband, sliding him right in. "Before I get into any details, I just want to say that if there was any doubt about what we are going to do, tonight made that go away."

"Oh, Amy, I am so glad you said that. I could hardly stand it, waiting for you to get home. I was also worried that you might not like the whole idea."

"I'm going to love it. I have been wet all night. When we got to the club, we grabbed a table and ordered some drinks. I felt like everyone was looking right at me. Dante asked me to dance so that my jitters would go away. We danced close and he actually got a hard-on. I asked him what was going on and he said that he wanted me to know what I would be feeling the rest of the night when the other men would be dancing with me. When we got back to the table, Sarah stood up and then sat down on Dante's lap. She just wanted the men in the club to know that I wasn't with Dante. That way they wouldn't worry about his presence. It didn't take the guys long to figure it out. As soon as Sarah and Dante got up to dance, I was swamped with requests to dance. In the next several hours, I must have danced with twenty different guys."

"Did you do anything naughty?"

"I really didn't want to get too carried away on my first night out, so I played it pretty cool. I couldn't believe how aggressive some of the men were. I did get felt up a few times. It seemed like I had hands on my ass all night long. My ears got nibbled and my neck was nuzzled a few times. Two guys even copped a feel of my tits. I did kiss a couple guys, but that wasn't exactly being naughty, was it?"

"Did anyone notice your chain? Charms?"

"Oh, yeah. Whenever I was back at our table, I always sat with my legs crossed and most of the guys looked right at it and some even reached down and saw the charms up close. One guy rubbed my calf and played with the charms. He asked me if I was serious and when I told him I was, he insisted on giving me his phone number. He was really disappointed that I wouldn't go outside with him. I didn't give him my number."

"Why not? I thought you would come home with Dante number two right away. Did you feel any hard cocks?"

"My tummy probably still has dents I got when I danced close. I'm pretty sure that I am going to have no trouble hooking up with any number of hot guys. You are still certain about this?"

"You bet! Now, if you don't mind, I want to show you just how certain I am."

For the next hour, Bob hammered me like there was no tomorrow. I told Bob that I could hardly wait to get really started on our new adventure. He said I should touch base with Sarah to see when we could go to the club again.

Bob and I didn't get up till ten, Saturday morning. I called Sarah right after we had a bite of breakfast. But Jimmy answered the phone and told me that Sarah had spent the night at Dante's place. "She probably won't be home till evening and she has a date later on. Why don't you wait till Monday to call her? She'll probably be recovered by then. You sound pretty excited. Did you have a good time last night?

"Oh, Jimmy, it was amazing. I can't wait to talk to Sarah."

"Well, give her a call on Monday."

"Ok, talk to you later."

Bob and I spent the rest of the weekend rehashing my evening at the club. He wanted me to get some action the next time we went. I told him that I felt my feet were wet enough now, and I would feel more relaxed then. I told him I could hardly wait for my first time with another man. Bob said that he could hardly wait either.

Monday morning, I had a difficult time waiting to call Sarah at a decent hour. At about ten, I finally could wait no more and Sarah said I should come down right away. The coffee was ready and we settled down in the den. "I'm sorry I couldn't talk Saturday, but I stayed with Dante and then I had a date Saturday night with those two guys I danced with at the club. And then when I got home Sunday afternoon, I had to give Jimmy some loving. My poor puss is sort of worn out. Anyway, how did you and Bob like your first trip to the club?"

"I loved it and Bob wanted to hear every detail. We can't wait for me to see somebody."

"It might not take as long as you think. Remember when you and Dante came back to our table after you danced? And when I sat down in his lap. I felt that hard-on you gave him while you danced. He wants to see you. Is it ok if I give him your number?"

"Sarah, I couldn't see Dante-he's your boyfriend. I couldn't do that."

"Amy, Dante and I are not exclusive. As a matter of fact, I had sex with Dante and his roommate both Friday night. They wanted me to stay the whole weekend but I told them that I had a date later on Saturday night. They understood and said they would see me the next time. I won't be seeing only Dante after I quit taking the pill. I have four other guys I see regularly and he may or may not be the father of my next baby. So, it will not be a problem if you want to be with him. He really wants to see you."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. I can give him your number when I talk to him this afternoon."

"Well, ok, I can see why you agreed to have a baby with him-he is gorgeous and sexy."

"You know it. And he is a great lover. He will be great for your first time."

Bob just about went wild when I told him that Dante wanted to see me. He was so excited he could barely talk. Dante called the next morning and we decided that he could come to our house on Wednesday at ten. I told him I was very excited, and I kidded him about that hard-on he got when we danced. He said that I hadn't seen anything yet. Later I called Sarah and told her. She was excited too, and said she knew I would have a good time.

That night, Bob and I had a little talk and he told me that he wanted me to really let myself go with Dante. I knew then that Bob was fully behind our new lifestyle. In the morning we even got up a little early and he helped put clean sheets on the bed. He told me to call him as soon as Dante left. He wanted to come home early and make love. He said he hoped to find me with a nice cream pie for him.

Dante showed up right on time. It was not in the least bit tense and we sat on our couch and made out like two lovers. I felt like I had known him for ages and things proceeded naturally. He was very charming and twenty minutes later we were up in the bedroom undressing each other. Those cool, clean sheets felt so good. We melted into each other and I was ready to feel him inside me in no time.

I was so excited when he climbed on top of me. We kissed a few times and I told him that I was ready. I was a little surprised when he said that I would have to wait, and he began making love to my breasts and then moved on down to my pussy. He spent what seemed like an hour licking and sucking till was just about out of my mind. Finally I grabbed him and pulled him up and kissed him hard. I told him I was really ready now and I brought him to my entrance. He slipped in and started pumping at a rapid pace. My first orgasm crashed down on me like heavy surf and after that a steady set of waves kept me in a constant euphoria. After I had ridden a few of them, I felt Dante tense up and he flooded my quivering pussy with five or six hard shots of cum.

He pulled out and we lay there gasping for breath. After a couple minutes, I finally got enough air and told him that I wanted more. He said he was hoping I would say that and we started to cuddle. He started in on my tits again and I scooted around so that I could lick his nipples too. He moaned when I gently bit one and I could feel him getting hard again. Another couple kisses and he was in me pumping away. He went a little slower this time and yet I think I came just about as much. When he reached his climax I was coming right along with him. This time we were content to just lay there cuddling for a while. He said he wanted to take me to the club on Friday. I asked him about Sarah and he said she was going to a different club with one of her regulars. I told him that I would love to go and that maybe he could take me to his place afterwards.

"It's a date." We lay there for about an hour and he started to get it up again. Our third time really lasted a long time and when he finally got off, he looked at his watch and said he had to get to practice. He threw his clothes on and kissed me at the door, saying he would pick me up at around eight on Friday. I went back up to the bedroom and lay down to rest before calling Bob. In twenty minutes he was coming in the door. He ran up the stairs and burst into the bedroom saying "How was it? Did you do it? Did you come? Did he?"

"Oh, Bob, it was wonderful. I must have come ten times and he came in me three times. He is in great condition-he almost wore me out."

"You did save some for me, didn't you?"

"I said almost, dear. Get undressed and I'll tell you all about it." In the blink of an eye, Bob was in bed and climbing up on me. As he eased in me, he said "This is what I remember the most about that year in college-you know-how great a well-fucked pussy feels."

"I'm pretty sure you are going to get a lot of that. He wants to take me to the club Friday and I want to stay at his place overnight. You won't mind, will you?"

By this time, Bob was laying into me real hard. "If it feels this good, you can see him every day, if you want."

"No. I have to save some time for other men I meet. I don't think Dante and I will ever be exclusive, and I have to keep you happy too."

"I'm already happy and I want you to go crazy with a whole bunch of men, although I think you might have trouble finding a guy as nice as Dante. Even I think he is quite a hunk. Is Sarah ok with you seeing him? I got the feeling that they were pretty tight."

"She said everything was alright with her. She said that Dante wouldn't be her only lover when she goes off the pill in a few weeks. She said that she would be seeing Dante and four other guys who would be in the running to give her another baby."

"And I take it that Jimmy is happy with this?"

"Sarah says he can't wait."

"Hmm, maybe I should start going down to see Jimmy while you and Sarah are busy. I bet we could watch a game or two and maybe I could see what he thinks about all of this."

"He would probably really like some company, although, according to Sarah, he is really into their lifestyle. He would be more likely to want to know what you think. As soon as you give me your second load, I think I'll run down and talk to Sarah."

"You aren't trying to get rid of me, are you?"

"Not at all. I'm just getting a little tired and my pussy is starting to get a bit sore. A break for a while would feel good and I'm sure I would be ready for another round later. It is going to take some practice if I'm going to be able to handle five, six or more sessions in a day."

"Ok, ok, I get it. Why don't you take a shower and go see Sarah. I'll fix dinner and you will be fresh when you get back. I'm not done with you yet."

I called Sarah and see said to come right down. When she answered the door she said "Well, how was it? You don't seem any worse for the wear."

"I did have to take a shower. I was pretty messed up between Dante and Bob. They were both animals and had me cumming non-stop. I'm pretty worn out. I'm going to ask you one more time if everything is alright if I see Dante. He wants to take me to the club Friday."

"Amy, everything is fine. I'm going out with another guy that night too. I take it that Dante took good care of you."

"Sarah, today was one of the best days of my life. Dante was terrific and Bob really nailed me when he got home. He left work early and he really likes sloppy seconds. Actually it was sloppy fourths."

"No sign of jealousy?"

"None. That is one thing that I will have to get used to. No one seems to be possessive or jealous. I thought you would surely be and I wasn't totally sure about Bob."

"Remember, it was both of our husbands' idea that we should get into this. Dante has a whole harem of chicks who love being with him whenever he has time. Keep in mind, I have been with about twenty guys since Dante got me pregnant, so how could I be jealous? I pay a lot of attention to Jimmy and I'm sure Bob will be alright as long as he knows that you'll always come home to him."

"Jimmy and I are both excited about my getting pregnant again. We were talking just last night and we've decided that I will go off the pill after next month."

"Ok, I'll take you at your word. I'm certain that Dante will take me to his place after the club. I talked it over with Bob and he is ok if I stay overnight."

"You better hope that Dante's roommate is gone or you'll see that Dante is really not jealous. I hardly ever get out of there without screwing Ron as well as Dante. They love doing me at the same time. And I love it too."

"Well, I guess I better be prepared. I have never been double-teamed. I can imagine that having twice the attention could be awfully intense."

"It is. I was with two guys Saturday night and they both were the proverbial thugs we talked about-one of the best times I've ever had."

"I have goose bumps just listening. I better get home. Bob is cooking dinner and I think he wants to go to bed early, if you know what I mean. Oh, I almost forgot-do you think Jimmy would like it if Bob would come down and watch a game with him sometime when we go out?"

"I'm sure he would like that. I'll talk to him about it tonight."

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow. About ten? We can compare notes some more."

"See you then, Amy."

Dante and I went to the club Friday and I did go to his apartment afterward. His roommate wasn't there and Dante spent the night screwing my brains out. Bob was very aroused when Dante dropped me off in the morning and we had a good time the rest of the day. Every time he asked me about the night before, he would get hard and we would go at it again. Sunday morning we had mostly calmed down. Bob was just about fucked out and I was pretty trashed, too. We didn't get up until almost eleven.

"I think Jimmy really liked it when I went down to their house Friday night. Those twins are sure cute. I had one on each knee for a while. Jimmy sure does know his shit when it comes to basketball. I didn't believe it was so complicated but he showed how the teams set screens and how the coaches used end game strategy. He invited me to come over whenever you guys are going out."

"Did you get around to talking about our lifestyle?"

"Yeah, he was very open and I could see that he is totally into it. He is very excited about Sarah going off the pill in six weeks. He thinks it's cool that Sarah won't know for sure who the father will be. He really doesn't care as long as he is healthy, attractive and that Sarah is happy with her studs. I couldn't help getting a little bit excited myself. He is very enthusiastic."

"I know. Sarah is keeping me posted. She is literally marking the days off on their calendar. I don't think she is even going to tell her five candidates that she is going to have another baby, so it will be a surprise for all of them. She is almost giddy with excitement."

"I'm sure that Jimmy and Sarah will relish the suspense. Jimmy told me that Dante had her pregnant in only two months."

"Well, with five guys pumping away at her, it surely won't take long. By the way, Dante wants to come over a couple times this week, probably Tuesday and Thursday. That's ok, isn't it?"

"I told you that he can see you every day if you want. You know, by now, that I wasn't fooling about liking sloppy seconds."

"As long as you're happy, I'll try to keep a good supply coming. One other thing, Sarah wants me to go to the club by ourselves on Friday. I guess she wants to see how I handle myself since I have a little experience under my belt. I think she wants to keep an eye on me so that I don't get in any trouble. I feel that I'm ready for all those guys circling around. Maybe I will go out to someone's car and bring you home a new cream pie."

"Boy, you are really getting into things aren't you?"

"I know that's what you want, but I will be careful and choosy."

All in all, it was quite a week. Altogether, I had sex with four different men-Bob, Dante and two guys at the club. The next week we didn't go to the club but I did get to meet Dante's roommate. My first double team was amazing. Bob was ecstatic when I got home and he couldn't get enough.

Bob and Jimmy were fast becoming good friends, and Bob kept me posted on Jimmy's thoughts about the countdown on their calendar. And of course Sarah did too. Dante and I saw each other pretty much twice each week at our house and the three of us went to the club several times together. Sarah and I went with Dante one time after the club when his roommate was going to be home-my first foursome. I actually met an insurance agent while shopping for groceries one day, and I invited him to our house twice. He was very nice but I still liked Dante the best. I went out with a couple more guys at the club, but they really didn't measure up.

Finally Sarah's six weeks were up and she and Jimmy had us over for a celebratory dinner where she flushed her one remaining pill down the drain. We all cheered and clapped. Bob gave Jimmy six dozen condoms as a joke gift and I gave Sarah two pairs of booties, just in case she had twins again.

When Bob and I got home we had a drink and then went to bed. We were cuddling when Bob whispered in my ear "I think I'm going to get a vasectomy."

I rolled over and said "What did you say?"

I said "I am going to get a vasectomy."

"Why would you do that?"

Bob sat up in bed and reached over to the night stand, turned on the lamp and pulled a little package out of the drawer. "I got you a new charm. I had it custom made for you if you want it." It was a white oval with four black sperm cells attached and one of them was burrowing into the oval.

"What exactly does this mean?"

"It means I want you to go off the pill and I will need to get a vasectomy. At least think about it. I want you to do what Sarah is doing."

"Bob, I can't believe it. I was just thinking about this tonight when I saw how happy Jimmy and Sarah are. Are you serious? But why the snip?"

"You know I live for your sloppy seconds and I don't think condoms will do it for me. I'll probably be all healed up by the time you would be fertile."