Cheating Wife & Cuckold Husband #05


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Much like what happens to most men, especially when it comes to sexy, beautiful women that they have a sexual attraction for, they're unable to see the forest for the trees. Even the brightest men, the coolest men, the wealthiest men, the most sexually experienced men, and those men who think they're in control of their women are sometimes unable to see past the biggest tits, the shapeliest asses, and the prettiest faces of the most conniving women. It's only after they've married them that they finally see the women for who they truly are, nasty, whores and selfish, slutty bitches.

Twisted around their fingers for the mere promise of unlimited sex, women have their ways to get any man to do whatever is their bidding. It's only after the poor, pitiful men have married them that the true, selfish personalities of the real women emerge. It's only after the poor, pitiful men have impregnated them that the true bitches that they are materializes with vengeance and with their demoralizing demands on their time and money.

"Don't forget to pick up the dry cleaning. Don't forget to buy milk and diapers on your way home from work. And pick up a pizza. I'm not cooking tonight. I'm going out with my friends while you watch the baby," said Ruth to Jay. "And I'm going to need some money," said Ruth holding out her hand.

Instead of working together as a team, too many couples are always at odds and in opposition and in competition with one another. Only Ruth wanted more instead of less. She wanted more than what was required of a husband to give his wife and a man to give a woman. While still staying married and having Ray support her, she wanted her booze and she wanted her young lovers. She wanted it all.

With her not allowing him to get the better of her, she was different than most women back then who were happy being wives, homemakers, and mothers. With her not even allowing him to come home from work after a long hard day at the office and relax with a drink before she's at him about this, that, and the other thing, she was relentless in her complaints and unhappiness. As it turns out all of her complaints were from her not drinking in front of him. All of her unhappiness was from her not having sex with young men because he was home and in her way.

With her off screwing other men instead of him, he decided that the only way he was going to have sex is to screw other women. In all things human, no matter that she was a mere woman who didn't have a job, a college education, and/or an income other than his income, she wanted to be his equal. Difficult for women to be taken seriously back then, she would have been better off had she been born a man instead of a woman. Actually, with him so submissive and the women he's sexually attracted to so domineering, Jay's life would have been much better had he been born a woman instead of a man.

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Men may get women in bed more but woman have a way of marrying those men who have sex with them. If a woman is going to fool around with a man who has money, power, and influence, lots of money, power, and influence, she wants him to put a ring on her finger. As evidence that women are the stronger sex in getting men to the altar, we need only look to strong men, successful men, and persuasive men who have nonetheless said "I do," more than four times to a mere women.

Larry King was married nine times to eight different women. Artie Shaw and Mickey Rooney were married eight times to eight different women too. Richard Pryor and Jerry Lee Lewis were married seven times. Tony Curtis, Fred Berry, Rex Harrison, Boris Karloff, Stan Laurel, and Henry VIII were married six times. Clark Gable, Dennis Hopper, James Cameron, Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Scorsese, Henry Fonda, George C. Scott, John Huston, George Foreman, Geraldo Rivera, Al Goldstein, Idi Amin Dada, Larry Flynt, Lorenzo Lamas, and Kenny Rogers were all married five times. Ben Folds, Eddie Fisher, Louis Armstrong, Ernest Hemingway, Frank Sinatra, Glen Campbell, Willie Nelson, Jason Robards, Tom Cruise, and Ben Kingsley were all married four times.

As if going for some type of matrimonial record, thirty-six men were married, one-hundred-ninety times. Thirty-sex men said "I do," one-hundred-ninety times. Thirty-six men paid millions of dollars to divorce one-hundred-ninety women. Were the women worth all of that time, trouble, and money? I wish I could ask them that question. The wedding planners, florists, and caterers must have loved to see them getting divorced only to get remarried yet again.

Donald Trump, one of the biggest womanizers in the world today after Hugh Hefner, was only married three times, the rest of the men listed above have been married four times to nine times. Yet, forget about marriages and having babies, there are those men who would just rather have sex than getting married. Somehow, the below listed men were able to turn the table on women and use them for sex before finally falling victim to women who got them to church on time.

Fidel Castro, Wilt Chamberlain, Winston Bennett, Warren Beatty, Ron Jeremy, Gene Simmons, Huge Hefner, Julio Iglesias, Jack Nicholson, Bill Wyman, Rod Stewart, and Tony Curtis, all have had more than 100,000 lovers between them. Twelve men had sex with more than 100,000 women. With Fidel Castro admitting to having sex with 35,000 women and Wilt Chamberlain admitting to having sex with more than 20,000 women, those two men are responsible for half of the deflowered women on the list. The other ten men had sex with more than 45,000 women. Those are big numbers.

A dictator, a professional basketball player, a porn star, actors, singers, and a magazine mogul, where did they find the time to have sex with so many different women while doing their jobs and maintaining their successful careers? How did they summon the sexual desire and the physical energy to constantly and continually have sex? Who has that kind of sex drive? How did they keep the women's names straight and remember one from another? It's a good thing they all had a lot of money.

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Perhaps had Jay known that Ruth would become a cougar addicted to sex and a drunk addicted to alcohol, he wouldn't have married her. Only, with her playing him and with his sexual hormones not allowing him to see her for who she really was, she was the She-Devil disguised as a shapely and attractive 20-year-old college coed. Thinking more with his penis than with his big brain back then and thinking what he felt was real love instead of mere sexual lust, he never saw Ruth for who she really was, a cunt and a whore. She was the Devil in a red dress, blue dress, green dress, black dress, white dress or whatever color dress she was wearing. Spellbound and held captive by sex, he never saw the monster behind the pretty face and the shapely body until it was too late and until after he married her.

In essence, growing in his maturity, Jay was the one who changed and not Ruth. Having the bigger transformation of the two, he had morphed from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Jay transformed from a young man in sexual lust, to a loving, faithful husband who truly loved his wife. Then, as if bitten by a vampire craving sex instead of blood, when she refused him sex, he became as sex crazed as his wife. Only, instead of maintaining sexual lust only for Ruth, in the way that his wife had sex with young men, Jay had sex with young women.

He changed for a second time from a loving husband to a sex crazed college professor who had sex with women half his age on campus and off campus. Much later, his biggest metamorphosis, he mutated from a sex addicted college professor to a perversely perverted world traveling businessman who had sex with women and prostitutes all around the globe. Changing yet again after divorcing Ruth, he reverted from a sex addicted businessman and world traveler to a loving husband with his second marriage.

While Jay transformed himself four times, Ruth, true to herself, remained the same most of her adult life. A woman addicted to sex, the only transformation she had was having sex with men her age when she was in her twenties to having sex with men who were much younger than her when she was in her late thirties, forties, and early fifties. In essence, because she still continued to have sex with men in their twenties throughout her adult life, true to herself, she never transformed but remained the same.

A whore addicted to young men and a drunk addicted to alcohol, namely two olive martinis, had Jay paid more attention to his wife, especially in the beginning, before marrying her, he would have seen her for who she was. Only, he was controlled by sex as much as he was blinded by lust that he had mistaken for love. Perhaps he would have seen through her insincere façade of her telling him that she loves him and never would have married her in the first place. In hindsight, it was obvious that not only didn't she love him but also she never loved him.

Someone like her was as bad as a heroin addicted junky. She'd do anything to get her next drink. Addicted to alcohol and using sex to get her next drink, she was incapable of loving anyone, including her own daughter. With alcohol her drug of choice, getting drunk was more important than anything or anyone. Casting a blind eye by allowing her to continue doing whatever she wanted, Jay was more interested in his sexual conquests than he was in hers. By not divorcing her, he gave Ruth his silent nod that it was okay for her to continue drinking and fucking and sucking young men.

With Jay continually changing and Ruth remaining the same, they were never on the same page. Coming together at the right time to share the wrong life, they were two people who should have only had sex and never should have married. It's no secret that Ruth enjoyed sex but not with her husband. She enjoyed drinking but not with him either. Seemingly feeling protective and taken care of, she enjoyed being married but not to him. With neither one of them wanting a divorce and with money the big issue then, they were stuck with one another while making the best of things albeit ruining one another's lives.

* * * * *

A different time then, the 60's, 70's, and 80's spawned a new Age of Aquarius. Although men were still in charge of women, they were slowly but surely losing their control over the opposite sex. With women's movements awakening women all over the country and empowering women all over the world, women no longer felt guilty for behaving badly like men, especially when it came to drinking to an excess and having sex with multiple partners.

With Jay working, traveling, and busy doing his own thing, he was seldom home. Temporarily pardoned from being married, Ruth seemingly felt as if she was given her freedom after being held a prisoner in a jail cell constructed for women by men. With Jay never around and always gone, Ruth was now free to do whatever she pleased, whenever she pleased, and with anyone she pleased.

She was married of course but that didn't stop her from having sexual affairs with numerous, young men just as it didn't stop her husband from cheating on her with college coeds, women he met, prostitutes, and escorts. With Jay a man, Ruth a woman, and both human, the only difference between them was the definition of their roles. Ruth was deemed a whore when having sex with young, college students and a drunk for drinking too much while Jay was deemed an academician when having sex with coeds and a respectable businessman when having sex with prostitutes and escorts. Go figure.

Even though they were both whores for having sex with anyone and everyone, they were both addicted to sex. Only just not having sex with one another, they had sex with whoever, whenever. With Jay doing whatever he wanted, especially sexually, Ruth did whatever she wanted, especially sexually. With the dawning of the new age of Aquarius, it was easier for them to go with the flow of the new modern wave of sexuality than to swim against it and drown in the changing tide.

With them both the same age, actually with her a year older, seemingly early on, once he turned 30-years-old, he was already too old for her. She'd rather have sex with men in their twenties and, even though their sex life was somewhat better but already cooling when he was in his late twenties, she was already looking to other men, especially younger men. Later in life, the only time she made exceptions to her rule of having sex with men not in their twenties and men who weren't twenty years her junior was when having sex with his friends and their neighbors.

As if she went out of her way to get even with him for some unknown sexual transgression against her, when she was just as responsible for sexually transgressing against him, she was a vengeful cunt. With her a cheating wife, he was her cuckold husband whether he liked it or not. With him closing his eyes to her infidelities for the sake of his own sexual affairs, he non-verbally agreed to continue living this joke of a marriage. Aside from him having sex with his students and co-workers, at least he didn't have sex with his wife's friends and their neighbors.

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With Jay a college professor and with them living in a college town, Ruth was a sexy shark in a fish tank packed full of young, available men. Swimming up from the bottom to capture one in her hand, in her mouth, and in her pussy to take home with her for sex, she had her pick of horny, willing men wanting to have sex with an older woman. What twenty-something-year-old man wouldn't want to have sex with some sexy and attractive forty-something-year-old woman? Living life with her was okay as long as he didn't mention the obvious elephants in the room, the men who had been in his bed, on his couch, or on his living room carpet while having sex with his wife.

Then, later, as president of a large Fortune 500 electronics company, Jay traveled the United States and world having affairs with prostitutes and escorts while his wife had affairs with young, male, college students that she picked up at the mall. From all around the country, to Europe, and Japan, as if he was a sailor with a woman in every port, Jay had sex with willing women wherever he traveled. With him having the pick of every female litter, he had the money to sexually indulge himself with whatever decadence that piqued his sexual peccadillo at the time. Everything was copacetic as long as neither one of them rocked the boat by accusing one or the other for this and for that.

Allowing him access to her shapely body in the backseat of his car before they were married, she was more sexually accommodating then, horny and sexually passionate even. Maybe because he was younger, 20-years-old back then, she was more sexually attracted to him. Then, seemingly still an upsetting mystery to him even now, thirty years later, it was a magical transformation when he put a ring on her finger and he said, "I do." Not long later, when in bed in their bedroom and expecting her to give him sex, she said, "I won't."

Those two words, "I do," turned off the switch to Jay's sexual life and turned on the switch to Ruth's cash machine at the bank. Jay marrying Ruth was the beginning of the end of their sexual relationship, especially after she became pregnant with their daughter. Her giving birth to a child sealed the divorce settlement deal, should it ever come to that, and ended Jay's sexual life with Ruth. With both of them addicted to sex, those two words, "I won't," opened the floodgates for the both of them to have numerous, extramarital affairs.

As if she had branded him as her man, now she owned his ass and he was stuck with her. He could have divorced her but at a time he was building his career, divorce was frowned upon back then. This was still puritanical America with the Bible belt beating their moral drum and even though everyone had their dirty, little secrets, no one publically laundered their laundry then in the way they do today. Besides, whatever monetary assets he had amassed in working long hours teaching and/or as a businessman traveling the globe would be divided equally with his drunken, whore of a wife. Not fair and not right, it was as if she had preplanned the whole thing, she never did anything to help his career along so why should she reap the benefits of his hard work? Controlled by sex and blinded by lust in what he thought was love, he never saw this shrewd, sexy minx coming.

As the marriage soured over the years, with him suspecting her of having sexual affairs, he should have divorced her but he couldn't leave his daughter. Seemingly her preferred sexual peccadillo for the sake of getting her booze, Ruth was stuck in a time, warp zone of only wanting to have sex with men in their twenties. With their married life just beginning, their sexual life was slowly coming to an end before coming to an abrupt halt when he turned 30-years-old. With their love for one another already long dead by then and stinking up their marriage, they didn't bury for another 20 years. Ignoring the smell, they just left it there to rot until Jay finally decided to do something about it by divorcing Ruth.

To be continued...

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

That was a downer of a story wasn't it?

oatzaboatzabalmost 9 years ago
An assay?

The womanizer men who had many success at women the majority of them became divorced and remarried men. You showed well in your essay. If somebody has enough money to maintain this lifestyle.......50-50% in the divorce, to pay children support for x pcs kids to pay college fees for y pcs kids. That is they choice.

Yes the heterosexual men's sexuality (who are in not cuckolding fetish etc.) are poligam. This is true.

However the monogam marriage means the poligam sexuality controled husband gives up his poligam tendency. I am not marriage absolutist so I am mutuality believer. This means if one of the men gives up the poligam sexual orientation he was entitled to expect that the other spouse can give up this. THIS MUTUALITY OF THE BACKGROUND OF THE MOST BTB STORIES. The lack of the this mutuality is in the cuck stories.

The survays show about 55% of the wives and 60% of the husbands are minimum 1 extramarital affair in all lifetime. 16% of the spouses are (present time) minimimum 1 extramarital affair in one year time interval. Interesting the 93% of the people say the faithfulness is crucial in the marriage. These cheating statistic figures do not mean the 55% of the wives are sluts and the 60% of the husbands are serial cheating adventure search. A lot of them were cheaters only in their first marriage or only once in their life met with an occassion.

You wrote your husband character became monogam in his second marriage and your wife character was a children neglect sex addict.

Among the 3 type statistics the last survay is the most important. 7% of the women and men are who think the faithfulness is not important in a marriage! THIS IS VERY INTERESTING!

Newer survays among the graduated people the 20's years men believe marriage is an obstacle to their future lives, they are afraid of the bastard kids (lack of mutuality monogamy) and they feel the whole media to show the husbands as negative role people! THE BTB STORIES SHOW THE HUSBANDS TO BE POSITIVE HEROES IN THE STORIES. May it be the next graduated male generation will start to be married above 40 years old?!

Next interesting the newest scientific results show the romantic love is not the fiction of the poets, but the operating state of the cortex of the brain and the romantic love is measurable with scientific instruments.Perhaps the religiouse, responsible for accidental born kid and true love brain state 20's years graduated men will marry in the future before their 40's years? Will the single life be the future before 40's for the men in the future? There are new blood test for the pregnant women above 35 years to detect Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and other embrional chromosomal disorder so after abortion it may be above 40 ears old woman could start to have healthy baby!

May it such world that somebody goes to a net page to get information about another spouse candidate to be alchol, drug, gambling, sex addict, size queen violent etc, to decrease the marriage disasters?

impo_61impo_61almost 9 years ago

After reading your comment (as I stated before, your comments are better than your stories plots), I think you must always write what you feel in you...If we readers don't like it, worst for us...

impo_61impo_61almost 9 years ago
More an essay about cheating than a story...

More an essay about cheating couples than a story..."and with one not sexually wanting the other anyway, they both got what they needed from others"...Why stay married so many years?

tiger46tiger46almost 9 years ago

You have a unique view of life & relationships. Nothing wrong with that. Especially in view of your many childhood traumas. 5* in spite of the many anoying misplaced commas. Waiting for your next submission.

hansbwlhansbwlalmost 9 years ago
Wrong statement!

The writer state that Ruth is no worse no better than the average woman(except for the drinking). In which world does the writer live? Ruth is so far away from the normal as you can get! The story does not make sense. In one paragraph she say that Ruth and Jay does not do it for one another, the both need young meat. In another paragraph she say Jay is sexually dependent on her, that's why he stay with her. I normally do not read cuckold stories, but I noticed the writer had to defend her writing on the feedback portal so I read this chapter - most of it! I have no desire to read another chapter of this story.

SusanJillParkerSusanJillParkeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Good advice

Good advice FD45, thank you, but I doubt that I'll follow it.

Why? You should read some of the hateful e-mails, even death threats just for writing a story, that I receive and delete from my e-mail box.

A survivor of emotional, physical, and sexual incest, I'm can no longer remain quiet when someone physically, sexually, or emotionally abuses me. Sorry but that ship has sail years ago. Pity the poor man who ever lays an unwanted hand on me again.

My uncle forced me to give him oral sex because I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was pretty. I was 5.

My 15-year-old cousin beat me, tortured me, raped me, and then tried to drown me in an icy cold pond in February for fear that I'd tell his mother what he did. Scared silent, I didn't speak for years after. I was 8.

My piano teacher sexually abused me from the time I was 8 to 13 and didn't stop until I started growing breast and I punched him in the balls.

My four, much older, drunken brothers gangbang, raped me when I was 15. Being that all of my brothers were incestuously intimate with my whore of a mother before I was even born, I suspect one of my brothers is my father. How's that for fucked up.

I dropped out of school at 16 to hang around with the wrong crowd. A tough city, street girl, I've been through some pretty bad stuff. Even after years of psychological therapy, here I am writing erotica on a porn board. Go figure.

Writing stories and poems helped me enough for me to get my GED and return to college. I graduated from Northeastern University magna cum laude with a 3.65 gpa. The best compliment I ever received was making my creative writing professor cry when he read my final exam, an essay about a miner committing suicide so that his wife would receive his life insurance. He wanted to give her a fresh start.

My drunken, ex-husband, a bad cop beat me black and blue. He finally shoved me down the cellar stairs and left me there for dead. I awakened hours later. I divorced his ass.

Yet, still, I wrote my stories. Writing is my therapy. But I'll be God damn is some man with more psychological problems than I could ever have is going to abuse me and my writing in the way that men have emotionally, physically, and sexually abused me all of my life.

Women like me should have our own category called Loving Husbands, Loving Brothers, and Loving Uncles. What do you think?

javmor79javmor79almost 9 years ago
Agree with FD45

There comes a point where you start to do more harm than good. I think you are at that point now. You are running the risk of turning off some of your supporters in attacking your haters. The attention is being drawn more towards your attacks than to the story. You want to keep the focus on your writing, not your defense of your writing ability.

Just food for thought. Sometimes silence shows more strength than words can.

FD45FD45almost 9 years ago
I engage a lot

Mostly to ask for writing advice, but occasionally to tell some self important ass that he does not get to tell me what the characters knew or did. I am the author. I KNOW. They don't.

You are engaging too much. Write what you want and enjoy the positive reviews. If they are ALL negative, get some advice since we have enough readers of all stripes that you should be getting SOME good buzz.

Insulting the haters is like telling a guy 'no' while you are fondling his junk: mixed messages. They want attention.

SusanJillParkerSusanJillParkeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
To looking4it

Sorry looking4it but you'll never find it.

Look at you. You're fat, bald, and ugly. What woman would want you?

By the way, wanting to see how to better write a story, I read your two stories, one in the first person and the other in the second person. You gave me a good laugh. Did you really have sex with your pet? Wow!

The only good thing that I can write about your writing is that you stopped writing. On behalf of all of us, thank you for not writing any more stories.

Yet, somehow, you feel that your writing ability is good enough to critique my writing and my stories. Listen, Danny DeVito, if you want to write a story, take a creative writing class. Get back to me when you have a MFA a master's in fine arts or at least a bachelor's degree in English. Seriously, dude, learn how to write plot, backstory, imagery, description, dialogue, and tension before bashing anyone's story.

Talk about throwing stones at glass houses, I'd never critique another author if I were you.

If I'm that bad of a writer on your writing scale of good writing then where are you (lol).

Thank you for the laugh. You made my day.

SusanJillParkerSusanJillParkeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Kettle black

Thank you for making my case and proving my point.

The truth hurts doesn't it? Say hi to your ex-wife for me. A wonderful woman, she couldn't wait to get rid of you lazy, perverted ass.

May a camel never shit on your head. It makes quite the mess. Oh, wait, I see that several animals have already shit on your head...unless that you're face.

Damn. You have a face like a fuck. No wonder why they call you fuck face.

looking4itlooking4italmost 9 years ago

Wow, I've seen tantrums like this posted on Facebook. They are just as annoying in print as they are on video. I hope you feel better now. Sorry your self esteem and self worth we so ruthlessly damage by people callously touching the one star. Hey, guess what? It's not a great story! You can have Laurel clear the stars but they will come back the same because it isn't worth more. If that hurts your feelings then TURN OFF THE FUCKING VOTING. Moronic plot in a moronic story by a self centered, thin skinned and moronic author who self posts a moronic diatribe in her own comment section which can be turned off as well.

SusanJillParkerSusanJillParkeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Now we all know why you're all so miserable.

By your abhorrent behavior in bashing my stories with an endless barrage of 1 votes, it's so telling. Now we all know why you're all so fucking miserable. Now we all know why your wives left you. Now we all know why no one likes you. Now we all know why you're all alone, lonely, and sexually frustrated and reading stories on a porn board 24/7.

All of those maladjusted and malcontented miserable men who gave my stories 1 votes without even reading my stories are assholes. But my calling you assholes is no revelation. You all knew that you are all assholes already. With so many people in your life calling all of you assholes, I'm not the first nor will I be the last to call you assholes, assholes.

Reap what you sow. You deserved what you got. I hope her lawyer took you for every penny. I hope your ex-wives got your mobile home, your money, your pickup truck, and your collection of porn. I hope she reported you to the police for having sex with your daughter and your son.

When you're all done bashing my story, I'll report my story and will PM Laurel, the owner of the site, for her to erase all of your malicious one votes. How about that? In essence you wasted your time down voting my story when all of your hateful votes will be removed.

"Ha! Ha!" I'll get the last laugh and you'll still be stuck with your miserable selves.

Tell me, did it make you feel more like a man to click on the first star. Did you get an erection thinking that you were getting back at me, a mere woman, who you think is as much of a bitch as your ex-wives, your mothers, your sisters, your sister-in-laws, and your current girlfriends. If you all hate women so much, why not turn gay? Why not suck cocks? Why not allow men to fuck you up your asses? Why not blow one another? Why not go and fuck yourselves?

Let me tell you a secret. Come closer to the screen so that no one else can hear. Are you ready? I write for money. I was paid to write this story. What did you get out of this? You gave me a bashing 1 vote. So what? While I'm earning money writing and doing what I so love to do, you're sitting there in your underwear alone with your dicks in your hands making nothing and making no one happy, not even yourselves.

God, you're all so pathetic. Shame on you. You all ought to be ashamed. You're grown men but act like immature, disobedient children. No wonder no one wants you and no one loves you. No wonder why you can't have and maintain a normal relationship with a woman.

Are you happy now that you think you got back at me? Have I given you all something to look forward to doing with your empty lives? Bash away. Bash away.

It's just a story. What I wrote is just a story but you, my friends, must live with your miserable selves every day, day in and day out. Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves. The world would be a much better place without you.

Thank you for not reading my story. Thank you for your 1 votes. God bless you. Have a nice day. I love you.

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