Chinese Eyes


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Okay, five past eight and I was late and that Holden Sandman was sitting right outside the front entrance 'n Alex was there, standing next to it looking totally casual in those beach baggies and a totally ratty old tee. This time though, Tiff was standing there with him 'n there were Lays and Phoenix, all totally casual in old shorts and tee's. Me, I was a total fashion icon by comparison. Okay, overdressed, but then I always was. By comparison.

"Hey, Charlie." Alex saw me first, waved.

"Gidday," Lays said, and she was smiling.

"Let's go," Alex said. "You're good enough to survive this one, Charlie. Taking you to Snapper Rocks. There's a nice swell there, Lachlan and Colin and Ken 're already there, the did the dawn patrol. Said the break's a bloody ripper, good southerly swell and the wind's right 'n they said you could handle it so today, you're surfing, baby. For real."

* * *

"Just look at that swell," Lachlan said. "You could ride that all the way to Greenmount."

There weren't too many others out here either. Guess that winter weather kept the aussies away, except for maybe some of the diehards.

"Here's a good one," Colin called, and he was going for it and Phoenix and Tiff and Lays were right behind him and then Lachlan was going for it and Ken and Alex gave me the go and we went last. Paddling like crazy, feeling the swell lifting me, angling the nose down, stroking hard, just behind Alex and we were on it, dropping in on the face.

Ahead of us the others were carving their way along the face and Alex 'd popped up and I figured I better stop dick dragging so I popped up, on my feet, on the face and cutting in tight behind Alex and copying his moves coz he knew I was and he wasn't being to rad about it and it was just one amazing wave that went on and on and on and on.

Nose down, picking up speed, and I could see Lays doing some aerials and she was really having a ball there and I was pretty amped myself coz this wave was just awesomely good, big and smooth and clean and I was carving on the face, Alex cutting back, then back towards me, and I'd never tried that before, cutting back towards the surfline so I did, a quick one, back and then a quick turn back and away and then following Alex as he kicked out and we joined the others.

"All the way to Greenmount alright." Colin was grinning.

"Long paddle back." Tiff was looking at the downside.

"Awesome break. So lets do it," 'n we were paddling back which was gonna take some time but at least my arms weren't noodles at the end of a long day anymore.

"Wanna do that again, Charlie?"

"Fuck yeah." I was keen. "That was just epic, Alex."

* * *

"This one's maybe a bit big for 'ya, Charlie," Lachlan said but I went for it anyway, coz, you know, confidence and I could handle it.

"Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh," I screamed, just totally elated coz I was, like, one with my board and I was on it and I just rode that wave, staying ahead of the curl and I was totally balanced, low crouch, weaving up and down the wave in fast curves doing my best not to come off and my board was doing everything I wanted it too and this was just so totally awesomely great that it was almost better than sex.


"Fucking acing it, Charlie," Alex yelled and he was right beside me, paralleling me higher up the wave and grinning down at me and I grinned back and did that cutback he'd taught me, and looked at him as I came round him and thought about sex and god, I lost it. Lost that focus on the wave coz for a moment all I could think about was Alex doing me like he had last night in the back of the Holden and next second I was flying through the air thinking "oh fuck" and it wasn't going to be good coz this was one massive frigging wave and I was gonna be so fucked.

Washing machine. Someone had hit me with a massive body blow and dumped me into the wash cycle and I was spinning and being beaten by some massage therapist from hell and where the frigging heck was up. My leg rope was jerking my ankle like it wanted to pull my leg off and Jesus I needed air and there wasn't any and I was stroking like there was no tomorrow and where the fuck was the surface. My head popped out. Air and I sucked it in and again and again, totally grateful that I could breath.

Jesus, where the frigging heck was my board? Spitting water, swimming blindly, the leg rope tugging at my ankle so I knew the board was there. Somewhere. Thank god Mom and Dad had made me take those swimming lessons for years, but this was nothing like the pool coz another wave of white roared over me like an express train and the leg rope was jerking me and I was kind of panicking now, needed to breath. Badly. It wasn't as bad as wiping out though coz this time I had an idea where up was.

Needing to find my board, but I wasn't even sure coz that wave spun me like a dishrag in that frigging washing machine all over again and now I was starting to freak out coz this was worse than I thought it'd be. A hand grabbed my wrist. Pulled hard and my head popped out of the water and I was sucking in air again. Coughing. Flailing in the white froth.

"Hold on to my board," Alex said, and there was something floating right in front of me and I grabbed it and held on like it was him and we were in the back of his Sandman and that panic kind of subsided now coz I could breathe and see.

"Hold on." Fuck. Coz another wave of white was coming down on us and Alex turned the board and we rode up and over it and now I was smiling coz that was fun.

"Here you go, climb on and we'll paddle back out." He had my board and we were pointing back out, straight into those oncoming waves and I slid over and up onto my board and copied Alex, using my hands to stroke, paddling straight at the oncoming wave, up, holding on for a second, over the top, down and on towards the next.

"Fun isn't it?" Alex gave me that grin and I was grinning back now coz we were almost past the break and over to the right I could see another gaggle of surfers sitting there on their boards, watching the waves. Every now and then a wave would come, some of them would get down, paddle, catch the wave and they'd be up and on their feet and then they'd disappear as the wave took them in towards land.

* * *

"Going to take Charlie to get her own wetsuit," Alex said after we were back at the shag wagon, throwing everything in.

"She can keep using my old one, no probs," Lays said.

"You're off back to Melbs sometime," he said, squeezing my hand. "She needs her own, Lays, really."

"Yeah, she should," Tiff said. "She's gonna be here for a while Lays."

* * *

"That is so cool," Phoenix said, couple of hours later when we met them further down the beach, sitting around a fire with a couple of riot packs on ice in an Esky. "Love the tribal print."

"Totally sick," Tiff said. "Doesn't stand out like that one of Lays though."

"Nothing stands out like that pink," Lachlan was laughing.

"Got her a board too," Alex said. "McTavish."

"Rincon," I said. Coz I was still carrying it. I didn't want to put it down.

"Have a sausage," Ken said, coz he'd been cooking one on a stick. Colin flipped me a bread roll and yeah, we'd eaten but I was starving all over again.

"Pass me a tinnie, bro," Alex took one from Lachlan, sat down beside me, opened it and he was smiling at me when I offered him a bite. Taking a sip from his tinnie, chilled, enjoying the taste now and I hadn't at all before.

* * *

Sitting around a fire on the beach and the guys were drinking tinnies and talking about the waves 'n Lays and Tiff and Phoenix were bitching about some friend of theirs back in Melbs and Alex kind of smiled at me and my heart pittered and pattered.

"Wanna take a walk down the beach with me?" he said, holding out one hand.

"Sure." I took it and he just lifted me to my feet totally effortlessly.

Lays glanced at us as we walked off into the darkness and grinned. Tiff gave me a wave and I kind of waved back coz hey, they were all hooked up. Wasn't like I was the odd one out here, they all did it too. Alex didn't walk me that far, down the beach far enough we'd disappeared into the darkness and down on our beach blanket behind a huge old log and I was down there with him in the darkness, in his arms and kissing him and he was kissing me and both of us were taking my bikini and my tee off and his beach baggies just disappeared.

"Charlie," he was kissing me everywhere. "Charlie." Touching me and I was so wet and eager.

"Alex," and his cock was hard in my hand and I tugged at him, urging him over me, spreading my legs for him, guiding him to me and he was pushing, urgent, wanting and I guided him there.

"Uuuuhhhhh." My breath huffed from my mouth, fingers digging into his shoulders, looking up at him wide-eyed, my feet bouncing off his hips. Oh god, that was just so amazing. His weight on me, chest crushing down on my boobs, my thighs spread wide, cradling him and he was inside me. All of him inside me. Hard and long and deep and thrusting and it didn't hurt at all.

"Oooooooohhh." So good when he moved inside me.

"Aaaaahhhhhh." Oh god, yes... yes... yes....

On and on and on, fast, hard, riding me. Taking me and I clung to him, spread beneath him and he was fucking me and I wanted this and he was faster and faster and I knew. I sensed his need, his urgency and I wanted him to finish. Wanted him to enjoy me completely.

"It's okay," I gasped. "I'm on... I'm taking... just do it in me..." Coz he was almost there and I wanted him to finish inside me and I'd been taking those pills. "Do it, Alex... do me... I want it in me... finish in me... oh please... yes...yes... yes." Coz he was, he was close and I'd never done his before but I knew it, he was almost there and his cock was plunging into me again and again, rigid, swollen, thrusting deep, thrusting high inside me and he was almost... almost... he was going to any second.

"Nnughhh," I gasped, clinging to him coz I wasn't doing anything else as he had me. "Nnughh... uuhhh... uuhhh." Nothing else at all except lie beneath him as he sheathed his cock inside me again and again and again and he was driving me crazy.

"Uughhh." God, that was so good and my heels were beating a wild tattoo of their own on his butt as his hips rose and fell, his cock no longer easing into me. Thrusting. Thrusting and plunging and he was doing it harder and faster and I was squealing now with every movement of his body on me.

"Ohhh... uughhh... ooohhh... uughhh." His cock throbbed, spurted hot wetness inside me, his semen bursting out, pumping into me, filling my sex and he shuddered on me convulsively, emptying himself inside me in those hot thrusting spurts that I felt within me and I held him and cradled him and smiled as he sagged down onto me.

"Sorry, Charlie," he gasped. "That was too fast."

"It's okay," I breathed. "I'm yours, I'm here for you." And I was.

"Next time," he said, kissing me slowly and I kissed him back but really, I didn't mind. It was enough that he'd found his culmination and he'd enjoyed me and I reveled in the feel of him inside me and I knew next time would be really good.

* * *

My iPhone pinged and it was, like, seven in the morning. God, who was it? I kind of yawned, stretched and smiled coz yeah, I knew who it was without looking. Who else? Last night, that'd been so amazingly good and I just kind of hugged myself coz, well, wow! I'd done it and he loved me and I loved him and today with him and then tonight. I was totally looking forward to everything about today and I just wanted to do it again with him as soon as.


Jesus, stop daydreaming, Charlie. I grabbed for my iPhone, caught it in mid-air when it went flying and yeah, it was him. Coz who else?

"Hi, Alex."

"Hey, Charlie, did I tell you that I love you?"

"Yeah, you did." I just kind of smiled at the ceiling. "Lots of times. I love, you, Alex."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to tell you I love you all over again, Charlie and hey, you ready? Gonna be there in half an hour. Went out on dawn patrol down the road, the breaks down at Currumnin are just epic and you're no kook now, reckon you can ride them, no worries. Bunch of the dudes are already out. Tiff and Lays 'n Phoenix said they'll be along later. You good for the day?"

"Yeah, I'm good for the day. Anything I need?"

"Nah, just the usual. That wetsuit and some clothes for later, bring jeans and a jacket, gets a bit chilly at night down there and we got a beach barbie lined up for tonight. I've got everything else. Borrowed Lays' board for you. Got food. Got a riot pack. You won't starve. Get you back round midnight if your Mom's good with that."

"Cool. Give me half an hour then. Love you." What the heck was a riot pack? Guess I'd find out.

"Love you too, see you out front, Charlie. I'll be waiting."

* * *

"I'm off, Mom," I said, heading for the door. "See you tonight some time. I'll be late, going to a barbie after the surfing."

"What's that you're wearing?" Mom asked, looking me up and down, yawning. Smiling. Someone was happy. Great. That'd keep her out of my hair.

"My wetsuit," I said. My new old Billabong one and good thing she couldn't see the Wicked Weasel bikini under it. Not that there was much of it to see. Kind of made the Minkpink one look conservative. "I'm off surfing, be back late tonight. Got a date. Tiff and her friends'll be there too." They would, but the date was with Alex, so it'd be real late tonight but I didn't think Mom'd notice. I'd been home before her every night so far.

"Surfing?" Mom asked. "Is that safe? I've been down to the beach with..." She hesitated. "That surf looks dangerous."

"Nah, no worries, Mom." I grinned. I mean, Mom! What did she think I'd been doing the last two weeks? Playing on a splashpad? "I hooked up with a few Aussies that're here for the surfing. They're all real cool. They've been teaching me. Got my very own babysitters when I'm out there." One special babysitter anyhow. "I don't go out when the waves get too big."

All relative, of course. When Alex'd called to make sure I was ready, he'd said the break was just totally bitchin' and yeah, I knew what that meant. So okay, if they were too bitchin' I'd just play around in the shore-break. They knew me now, nobody'd give me shit 'n if they did, Alex and his mates 'd sort 'em. Like that last time. Alex 'd sorted that wave hog that'd cut me off fast enough.

I gave her a hug. "You have fun, Mom. I gotta run. Getting picked up out front in five minutes."

"Bye, Charlie. You enjoy yourself."

"You too, Mom."

"Who's picking you up?" I heard but hey, too late to answer and I kind of shook my head as I raced down to the front entrance. Mom? Kinda acting strange but I guess she was enjoying herself and as long as it kept her outa my hair and yeah, there he was. Holden Sandman parked out front, arm hanging out the open window, feet on the dash. Big smile when he saw me, kinda nonchalant wave and me, I dived in the passenger side. Hard to get used to that being on the wrong side but I was getting there.

* * *

"Tomorrow?" Alex said, holding me and I was nestled into his arms, my head on his shoulder.

"Every day," I sighed, not moving. Breathing in the scent of him. Salt, sunscreen, sweat, him. "Tomorrow and every day." I smiled, more to myself than him. "I'm here for another four weeks and Mom's out every day. I can spend them all with you. Every single one. How about you?"

"Another four weeks," he said. "Then it's back to Melbourne with Dad." His lips brushed the top of my head, his hand stroked my back. "Every day while we're both here? I'm good with that. Just wish it was forever."

"Me too," and for a moment I was sad coz this had to end, I knew that. Back home and he'd be here and we'd be over but I didn't want to think about that. "Speaking of good," I lifted my head and smiled, coz my hand was holding him and he was liking that. Easy to tell. It was getting bigger. Swelling. I stroked him slowly, enjoying the way he hardened under my fingers. "Does somebody want to do something again?"

Somebody did alright, and we did and then I curled up in his arms and this mattress was actually really comfortable and Alex's arms around me and his body spooning me was everything I wanted and needed and my eyes closed.

* * *

"Oh fuck!" I kind of shook Alex awake coz he was fast asleep and I had been. "What time is it?" Coz we were curled up in the back of the Sandman on that mattress with the beach blankets and it was way too dark and silent and there wasn't any noise at all from the beach.

"Crap," he said. "Three. Come on, jump in the front."

"This really goes," I said, coz we were back on the Highway heading north towards surfers and the Sandman was really honking.

"V8," he said, easing us through a long curve.

"We can slow down," I said. "If Mom's not back it doesn't matter and if she was, she'd have called me and there's no messages."

"Oh," he said, slowing.

"Good call," he said, about five minutes later when we passed a police cruiser coming the other way.

Four in the morning and Mom wasn't back when I eased in. Easy to tell, her bedroom door was wide open and the bed was made up. She hadn't called me or texted me and I just frigging breathed this huge sigh of relief.

"I'm cool," I texted Alex. "No worries."

"Good," he texted back, like one second later. "C u tomorrow."

"xoxoxoxoxo." My fingers flew.

Half a dozen hearts came flying back and then I was in the shower, yawning. Shower. Bed. Sleep. I didn't even wonder for a second about where Mom was coz all I was thinking about was tomorrow, or maybe that should be later today with Alex. Alex and me, another day surfing, another evening making love, just him and me. Bliss, and I was smiling as I drifted off to sleep, wishing this holiday was endless, that it would go on forever. Sun and sand and surf and me and Alex together.

That'd be heaven.

* * *

"Have you ever done it on a surfboard?" I asked Alex. We were sitting on our boards, out beyond the break, waiting for a good wave and it was early afternoon. Perfect weather. Blue sky, sun, warm. The water was cool, not really cold, my wetsuit kept me warm and the waves were good.

"Never tried," Alex gave me a grin.

I looked around and yeah, we were well away from the others, they were off to one side where the waves were biggest and I wasn't up to those ones. Not over there near the point. I looked at him and I grinned back. "Want to try?"

"Uh." He looked around. "Might be a few too many spectators, Charlie. Unless you don't mind an audience."

"Uh, yeah, well." I hadn't thought about that. I just wanted him so much.

"God, Charlie, I love you," he said, just lying on his board smiling and watching me.

"I love you, Alex," I said, pausing, just looking at him and next second he was in the water beside me and we were kissing.

"Let's catch the next wave in," he said when we came up for air. "There's something else I'd rather do than surf right now?"

"There is?" I kind of reached down and confirmed that, yeah, there was and I didn't need to say a word. He just smiled and I smiled and we both knew that yeah, there was.

"Come back to our apartment," I said. "Mom won't be back until sometime early tomorrow morning."

"Bed?" he said. "That'd be nice. We've never done it in bed."

"Bed," I said. "Mmmmmm." Then giggled. "Shower. Floor. Couch. Armchairs. Table."

"Chandeliers?" he asked. "Do you have any?"

"No," I said, kind of sadly. "But there must be something we can swing from."