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"Oh, god!" I moaned, throwing my head back so as to expose the full length of my throat and chest to him, so as to invite him to further and ever more tantalizing meanderings. He responded by tracing a trail of cool breath along the river of my neck, down the valley between my pliant, heaving breasts, stirring them, making the nipples stand up like flags of conquest, alive now to the thrilling sensations created by the gentle windstorm of his breath.

"Oh, Paul! Sweet Paul!" I moaned " you're driving me crazy! I must have you!"

"You will," he murmured, pausing briefly as he trailed his breath down a scintillating path to my navel.

"When we're both ready."

"I've been ready since the minute I saw you," I breathed. Inside I was screaming, fuck me! Please, oh god, please fuck me! Fill me with your wonderful cock! Let me turn on it, let me hide it, let me take it up inside me and polish it until it gleams!

Somehow I controlled myself, even though the feelings raging through my overwrought body were rapidly becoming all but uncontrollable. It was as if I had swallowed the sea itself, and now the mad ebb and flow of its surging tide was making my breasts rise and fall in a symphony of longing, turning the distended pink nipples into the foaming crests of breaking waves, rushing to crush themselves against the hard male touch of the waiting shore.

But Paul continued to play me like a bamboo flute, his breath continuing to suggest what his fingers, and ultimately his cock, could do. I shrugged my blouse from my shoulders impatiently, almost petulantly, and lay down across his gleaming bed. He did not follow me down for the moment -- again I screamed inside; oh Paul surround me bathe me with your juices --but simply bent over me, tracing and retracing with his breath the route that already had my breasts and belly on fire with yearning.

Then suddenly, in one deft move Paul reached up behind my undulating ass and swiftly pulled my skirt down below my knees. I kicked it off my ankles and arched my back so as to give him ready access to my panties. But instead of responding immediately to my cue, he raised himself up off the bed; imitating the arc I had already made of my body, and locked me in the first real embrace we had yet had. His wiry strength was somehow a surprise to me as he pulled me to him (although I knew I should have expected it), and as I ran my fingers through his thick blond hair, I felt as if he were melding our bodies into one another with the fiery pressure of his fingers on my back. We were a twin rainbow, a set of perfect curves, and I felt that if he did not make love to me soon I would tear myself apart in an explosion of riotous color.

But as quickly as he had turned strong he turned gentle ageing, letting me settle softly on my back against the cool sheets. For an awful moment I was entirely out of contact with him, a lack of contact that only served to double my mounting desire and impatience.

"What's wrong?" I said, not daring to open my eyes for fear of seeing him in the corner of the room, hastily putting on his cloths in an orgy of second thoughts.

But his voice was soft in my ear. " Open your eyes," he whispered.

I did as he asked and saw to my pleasure that he was now as naked as I, his glorious body hovering over me like an angel of life. The combination of purity and sexual power that emanated from that body was something I shall never forget -- and my mortal legs spread rapidly in sacred invitation to this god.

How I wanted him! I yearned inside to be plundered, skewered on the gorgeous rod of flesh that even now was thrusting forth from his belly! I wanted to feel the powerful ripple of his assault, feel the walls of my creamy pussy clench around him, and feel him drive toward the completion that would mean an end to this sweet torture!

"Look at your body," he said softly.

I raised my head a bit and looked down, half expecting to see steam rising from the twin volcanoes of my breasts, or to find that he was somehow turning me into gold. I stared a straight line down my torso to the patch of curly hair that crowned my vagina, and my eyes became like fingers as they plunged through the hair and down to the spot where the ridge of my labia was turning oily with lust.

"Look at the shadows," he said, a bit more urgently.

Startled, I looked down again and saw immediately what it was that had drawn his attention. There were reed shades covering the window above his bed, and in front of the shades he had hung a single palm frond. With the afternoon light thus filtered, the shadows which lay across my body were themselves a topography of sex, a system of peaks and canyons that conformed almost perfectly to the vibrant contours of my breasts, that flat valley of my stomach, and the broad delta that led inexorably to the cavern of my longing.

Without further hesitation Paul began to explore the shadow lines with his fingers, tracing a delicate, lacy path along the lines made by the palm frond to encircle my breasts, then down the middle of the frond shadow with his fingernail, passing over my rippling belly, through the indentation of my navel, and down slowly, maddeningly down, through the thatch of pubic hair to finally dip his finger in the honey of my sex and make a passing stroke along the throbbing ridge of my clitoris.

"Yes Paul, yes! " I hissed, by now quite beside myself with the electric fury that his touch generated in me.

He raised his dampened finger to his mouth and gave it a languorous lick. " Wonderful," he murmured. " Like ambrosia."

He then turned back to me and duplicated the tantalizing stroke, once again tracing the shadows on my body with his marvelous fingers, leaving a trail of tingling heat as he ignited my body once more, and driving me to desperate thrashing on the bed as he stroked my clitoris again.

I could barely stand it. I was grinding my buttocks furiously into the bed, writhing and thrashing and throwing my head from side to side as an outlet for the tumultuous sexual energy that was gathering force, gathering charge, turning me into a windmill gone mad in a storm of passion. If I did not have him soon, knew, I would come involuntarily from sheer need and frustration, leaving us both unsatisfied.

"Now, Paul!" I practically screamed. " Take me now! I want you in side me! I want your wonderful cock filling me! Please, darling.... take me now! "

"You want me now?" he said, breathing heavily as he once again passed his fingers along the shadow lines of my body. This time he lingered over my breasts, pulling gently at the nipples and rolling one, and then the other between his thumb and forefinger (god, what delicious torture!) before skipping lightly down my belly to run a finger along my hardened clitty.

"Yes, Paul!" I cried. " Now, Paul! Please, don't lose me!" I was beside myself at the thought that I might pour my sweet juices over his finger, that I might have a premature orgasm without ever feeling the truth of his hardened penis inside me. Under most circumstances I'm quite willing to take my orgasms as they come, knowing with some inner patience that I'll eventually have my sex every way I want it. But with Paul I was hungry for more than just the sensation itself, I wanted to feel him, to have him, to know that there was something more essential about our lovemaking than a simple exchange of sensations.

I suppose I was already in love with him, although I would not have admitted it to myself at that point. All I could tell was that he was already more than just another in a long series of lovers (almost all of them excellent, by the way), more than just an instrument of satisfaction. There was something timeless and indefatigable about his sexual beauty, something that promised a fusion so pure, so complete, and so thrilling that it would have been a silly shame to waste it by coming too soon.

I had to have him inside me, and that was all there was to it!

I reached out and encircled the shaft of his cock with my fingers, feeling the wonderful warmth of it, warmth that seemed to radiate down my arm until it filled my body with a sort of suffused glow. I let my fingers dance along the surface of it, lat them caress the shining head, while with the other hand I reached up to flick my fingernails lightly along the sensitive under skin of his scrotum.

With that he came alive, shifting from the languorous tempo of his previous stroking to a more insistent, stronger touch. Whereas before he had simply been content to brush and fondle my nipples with his fingertips, he now sank his mouth onto them and sucked greedily, hungrily, pausing occasionally to roll them between tongue and teeth.

Now it was as if we were wired together in the same circuit, passing a sexual current that now belonged to both of us equally along inner channels that could no longer be identified as purely mine or purely his. Each pull of his mouth on my nipples made me tighten my clenching grip on his cock shaft, each tiny bite brought another flick of my fingernails along the surface of his balls. We were playing each other now, a lustful duet that was steadily building up a rolling power as we teased and touched each other, fingered and bit, stirring our loins and our mutual desire until we had built each other to a boiling passion.

My hand began to pump madly up and down the hot flesh of his prick as my fingers kneaded and caressed his brimming testicles. At the same time, his finger rubbed ever more maddeningly along the sensitive edge of my clitty, driving me berserk with the deep inner wellspring of my flesh, could feel the first sparks of my internal explosion dancing in the depths of my belly, and I knew there was no more time for this teasing foreplay.

I had to have his perfect cock inside me, deep inside me, plowing new furrows in the soft, yielding flesh of my cunt! I had to feel him filling me, pressing my pussy walls out, pushing, driving, and searing me with the hot skin of his passion!

"Paul," I yelled in desperation. " Fuck me! It's got to be now, darling, before it's too late! I'm on fire for you, Paul! Please, fuck me now!"

This time I gave him no chance to respond, no chance to invent some new and artful way to tease me to distraction. With one hand firmly wrapped around the base of his cock, I reached around behind him, placed my other hand on the firm muscles of his ass, and pushed him towards me. I continued to push as I guided his cock with my other hand, until the soft purple flesh of the tip rested against the tingling skin of my outer labia. My pussy lips seemed to come alive, parting slightly and nibbling at the flesh of his cock head as if they had a mind of their own, as the hot cream of my desire bathed him and invited him further.

By this time he needed no further prompting. My desperate impatience had been transmitted to Paul, and after a first few exploratory thrusts, he drove his wonderful cock straight into the depths of my hungry vagina with a smooth, powerful stroke, pushing the full length of it up inside my hot channel, rippling the walls of flesh before it as it came.

I sucked in my breath, too overcome with the unspeakable pleasure of his entry to even let out so much as a gasp. I felt his strident cock come to rest with the head nearly touching my cervix, and groaned in ecstasy as the inner walls of my vagina closed tightly, maddeningly around it. When I finally let out my breath, the accompanying groan sounded like a chord played simultaneously by a cello and the deep bass end of a pipe organ, a sound that belonged more to a primitive animal of the Pleistocene than to a civilized and presumably sophisticated woman.

"My god," I finally managed to say. "You feel so perfect inside me, darling."

"You're so beautiful, " he said in a voice that sounded almost like a lament. " one hundred percent beautiful, right down to the core."

And it was at the very core of my being that Paul was continuing to play out the adagio of his song of passion. He now began to move the lovely rod of flesh that was imbedded in me, stirring my insides as he moved with delicious confidence in the deep and mysterious within of my body. My pussy was on fire with his artful penetration, and the little stirrings in my belly were becoming more pronounced, more insistent, setting up a demanding rhythm that was a perfect counterpoint to Paul's unrelenting movement.

I spread my legs as wide as I possibly could and pulled my knees up under my chin to allow him unimpeded access to the plain of my vagina. With a groan, he immediately slid further inside me, until I could simultaneously feel his cock reach its maximum depth inside me and his abdomen make contact with the now fully exposed flanges of my aching cunt.

What a sensation! It was as if I had only been half a person up to then, and that now, with Paul's magnificent prick filling me and his smooth flesh pressing against my tingling clitoris, I was whole, a complete woman with all circuits connected and all voids filled. At the same time I was being driven mad with yearning for the only form of fulfillment more complete than that I was already experiencing.

"Oh!" I cried again in rhythm with his plunging cock.

"Oh!" I cried out as Paul began to move inside me with even deeper strokes.

"Oh!" I groaned as the sparks in my belly rose higher, as my inner temperature continued to soar and my cunt flared in and out around his penis like a bellows gone mad.




I had taken leave of myself. The colors of day, the rich brightness of the festival, the magnificent flow of Paul's mime routine, the white heat of his attention, now merged with the incessant rhythm of his thundering body to transport me through a whirl of time, space, and sensation. The flame inside me roared ever higher as he plunged back and forth, the strength of his heaves matched by my own thrusting hips as they rushed to meet him.

And all the while the sensation in my burning belly continued to grow, from the nagging tickle it had been in the beginning to what now amounted to a soaring fountain, a cascade of pure feeling that threatened to silence me, drown me in the power of its release. I was beside myself with longing for that release, and as it finally washed over me I screamed out my gratitude.

"Oh! Oh my god! Yes, Paul, yes! Oh, my gorgeous lover!"

I had never experienced such a powerful climax. It seemed to drive my very being out through every pore in my body, until my sole turned to vapor and passed harmlessly out to mix with the steamy air of Paul's studio. At the same time, Paul was gasping out his own climax, an explosion of breath that seemed to bathe me in the glory of his exertion. I opened my eyes just in time to see the look of pure, transcendent ecstasy on his face, then closed them again as I welcomed his collapse into my open arms.

Later, when we awoke, the first thing I saw was the shadow of sunset lying across our bodies, the lines made by the window shades now highlighted by the deep red trails left on our bodies by the dying sun.

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therabidnicoletherabidnicoleover 16 years ago
I am at a loss for words, almost

This is the H.P. Lovecraft of erotica. It was so awful it was good. I could picture this being read by a man in a beret and woman in dark sun glasses smoking a cigarette. Pseudo-intellectual is how I would describe it, where you are constantly writing these beautiful but long winded and overly flowery descriptions. Don't get me wrong, I do like this and find it bizzarely beautiful. I'm not making much sense and it's four in the morning so, sorry.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago

Almost a waste of time reading this one. Very boring....Content was there but very misused.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

'...he turned gentle ageing...'

Such fancy language should have been better editted.


rgraham666rgraham666over 18 years ago

That was good!

The characters well described, their dance of seduction drawn out and erotic, his teasing of her skilled and maddening, their climax complete and intense.

Such rich language and strong metaphors!

I loved it.

Beautifully done!

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