Christmas and Mom Ch. 01


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"Chris, we live two blocks from each other. I think that should go both ways," She looked over at me.

"Right, except I don't have a jealous husband that can pop in at any time," I chuckled.

"I may not either, for much longer. Things have been a between me and David the past couple of years," She picked off another pepperoni.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing," I took another drink.

"To be honest, neither am I. I love him, but not the way a wife should. I feel more like a sister or distant cousin. We haven't even had sex in 5 years, at least not with each other," She sighed again.

"The man should have his head examined," I shook my head and filled my mouth with hot bubbly cheese.

We finished our dinner, drank another beer, and then got ready to lock up for the night. I had never worked this late into the night shift so I just followed her around. After locking us in, she pulled the cash drawer from the register and led me into a back room. The office was little more than a closet with a desk and chair. She shoved some stuff aside and had me sit on the desk as she climbed into the chair. With the drawer between us, we started counting.

While I handled the bills, she handled the loose change. She pulled a deposit slip from the desk and we wrote down how many bills, coins, and checks. Then we counted the total of each before she added up the final total on a machine. Once the final number was written down she put all but $100 in small bills and change into a deposit bag and locked it in an iron safe underneath the desk. Then she lifted her eyes to me and I saw something in them that caused my heart to race.

She lifted her hand and laid a stack of twenties on the desk, licking her lips she opens and closes her mouth. I waited for her to find the words.

"This is for the next seven days $300, as of right now you are not on the books. We can keep it like that and be friends, you come in, we hang out, you help me lock up and stay with me until I go home...I'll still pay you and have a pack of cigarettes waiting...or I put you on the books with a set schedule and be your boss like before. I'll leave the choice to you, but I had fun tonight," She looked at me as if waiting for a response.

I can't believe I actually had to think about it. Could I go back to being just her employ? I took a long moment before I said anything. She just waited as if she had all night and was in no hurry to go home to her lonely one bedroom house.

"I don't want to be just you're stock boy," I admitted to her and myself.

"Then consider this a loan, between friends, and you'll work it off. Take this, in case I need to get hold of you for any reason. I'll cover the monthly bill, don't worry about that," She handed me a cheap prepaid cell phone. "If you need a ride or want to talk, my number is already programmed in it. Call any time, day or night."

"Thank you" I slipped the phone, and money into my pocket.

"You're welcome, now walk me to my car, and don't forget the beer and pizza you're supposed to take home," She took my hand and pulled me off the desk.

She held onto my hand as we walked through the store and didn't let go until she climbed into her car. There was a moment, just before she closed the door that I thought she might kiss me, but then it passed.

"See you tomorrow, same time," She closed the door and started the car.

I went to the rust bucket and climbed in, stuck the key into the ignition, gave it a twist, and banged my head on the dash. I tried three more times before I heard a honk behind me. I looked in the rear view and saw Nichole's Mazda, the passenger side door open. Taking my key out I opened and locked the door, wishing someone would just come and steal it. I held my head low as I walked towards her car and slid into the passenger seat.

"Can you ride?" She asked backing out of the parking lot.

"A bicycle? Sure," I shrugged.

"No, a son left his in my garage... I don't know if it'll still run but it is ...taking up's yours if you want it."

"Does it have a title?" I was certainly interested.

"I have the title...and David hasn't even tried to start it since Jason's death. He was killed in Afghanistan, his hummer ran over an IED..."

"I won't mind looking at it, fixing it up if it needs it...but if you or David wants to keep it..." I didn't know what to do.

"I'll talk to him, but I don't think he'll mind you just taking it."

"For now, we'll just think of it as a loaner..." I decided that would be best.

"Deal, so I'll take you to see it...then home if that's alright with you," She grinned.

"I could walk home from your house...its only two blocks," I chuckled.

"Would it be wrong, if I said, that I just don't want to be alone, just yet?" She looked at me through her mirror.

"No, and I don't mind if you want to just hang out for a while," I looked over at her.

She sighed as we pulled into her driveway,

"I have been married since getting pregnant in high school, never once cheated on my husband. We had a beautiful son together...but since Jason died, things just haven't been the same. Having you around, well it's like having Jason back...I know that sounds bad but..."

"When dad left, and mom fell into a bottle, you were there. Every time I got suspended from school, you were there. You didn't judge, you never tried to change us. You just listened... So when I look at you, I see a beautiful woman who has never been anything but nice to me and mom. If you want to think of me as a son then go ahead, but I don't want that to be the only way you think of me," I told her.

"Then what do you want, Christmas?" She asked.

I didn't know how to answer her with words, so I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. I didn't try to force anything, I just kissed her soft lips, held it for a few seconds, and then pulled back. She groaned softly as my lips left hers and I noticed she had closed her eyes. She kept them closed a second longer as she licked her lips.

"Let's try that again" She said softly.

With a chuckle, I leaned over and gave her a real kiss. I licked around her lips and they parted, accepting me into her warm mouth. It wasn't the inferno I had felt with mom but a gentle simmering heat. It was like making love to her mouth as our tongues rubbed against each other and our breaths mingled. I felt myself harden, my cock pressing against my jeans. I wanted more, but knew I had to wait. I pulled back, softly kissing her lips before opening my door.

"I think, I can handle that," She opened her own door and stepped out.

"I don't do monogamy, not anymore. Tried it once and well, now she's with someone else," I walked around the car and took her hand.

"That's alright, I already have a husband," She giggled and linked her fingers with mine.

She unlocked the padlock holding the sliding door, I bent down, and lifted it up. It rattled and shook a little, the chain needing a bit of oil. Her garage was just as messy as ours was, except a bit more organized. She led me through a maze towards the back where a dusty black 1990 Harley Davidson soft tail was leaning against several boxes. The image of a white ghost hugging a luscious big breasted blonde was painted on the gas tank.

"The boxes are all of Jason's can look through them if you want. I know he had a leather jacket, and a helmet...David packed everything up so I can't tell you for sure if they are in there," She blinked away tears and handed me a small pocket knife.

With her permission I opened the boxes and looked inside. I tried not to show anything that would make her cry, or damage the memories she had of her son. There were quite a few magazines that I didn't think she would want to see. I found the riding gear in the third box, along with a few medals and trinkets. I didn't understand why a navy cross had just been boxed away and left in the garage so long...That didn't sit right with me. I pulled the medal from its case and turned to her with it held in my palm, there was a trident pinned to the ribbon and I knew what Jason would have wanted.

"As a son, I can say that this," I let the medal dangle as I put my hand over the center of her chest, "Does not belong in a box. It belongs here," I held the medal against her breast as I slid the ribbon over her head.It was a perfect fit so that it hung just over her heart.

"I think that Jason would have wanted you to wear it. Let it remind you of his life, and not his death," I told her softly as I wiped away her tears.

"I didn't even know he had this..." She whispered, holding her hand over the medal.

"As a SEAL it was probably issued after his death... I don't know why it was in a box, but I'm glad I was able to give it to you," I told her before going back to the boxes and looking for other things she probably wanted to keep.

I boxed up everything that I felt she shouldn't see and carried it out to her trunk. I would gladly keep Jason's secrets and make them my own. I hadn't known him but having known his mother practically all my life, I felt as if he was my brother in a way. Hiding his porn just seemed the brotherly thing to do. I read a few pages of his journal, made sure it didn't have anything incriminating in it, then handed it to her. It was filled with song lyrics and poetry, a navy seal who wrote poetry and sang about wild flowers... I wish I could have met him.

The bike didn't start but it wasn't too bad. I thought it just needed a good cleaning and some fresh fluids. I'd come over later and take care of that, right now I had a grieving mother to take care of. I went to her and pulled her into my arms. She was so much shorter that her head only came to my chest. Her tears quickly soaked through my shirt but I didn't mind. I let my hands slide up and down the back of her dress. I held her just as she once held me after dad left and I found mom passed out in the floor, a bottle of vodka in her hand.

"David, he never let me just cry like that. Thank you, it was...sweet," She rose to her tip toes to press her salty lips to mine.

"That's what I'm here for, kitten," I kissed her back.

"Kitten?" She giggled.

"You just remind me of a little calico kitten, playful and loving...and you purr when you're in a good mood," I chuckled.

"Hmm, so what does that make you?" She looked up into my eyes.

"The big bad wolf who just wants to gobble you up." I kissed her again.

"Anything else you want?" She asked stepping out of my arms.

"Yes, but it can wait. I think we're both tired, and you still have to drive me home," I grinned.

She took me home, I put the beer and pizza in the fridge, then went back out. I kissed her goodnight after taking the boxes from her trunk. Something had shifted between us in that garage, but I wasn't quite sure what. I carried the three boxes to my room and placed them against the wall. After undressing I climbed into bed, pulled the covers up and turned to my side, and felt another pair of soft lips pressed against mine.

"How was work baby?" Mom asked breaking the kiss and putting her arm around me.

"Things are good, Nichole loaned me enough to buy some groceries with. I'll do that in the morning, after breakfast,"

"So it's Nichole now, not Mrs. Jacobs?" She teased.

"Does that bother you?" I asked tickling her side.

"Nope," She giggled and squirmed. "I like Nichole."

"Me too, oh the car wouldn't start... She gave me her son's motorcycle, but it needs a bit of work," I told her.

"Oh, I haven't ridden on a bike since High School...You have to take me for a ride!" She squealed.

"I was planning on it" I rolled her over onto my lap.

"I meant on the bike" She giggled as I slid my hand between her legs.

"Oh, well then" I rolled her back off of me.

She groaned and tugged at my shoulder until I rolled over on top of her, my thick cock sliding against the moist lips of her pussy.

"Nope," I teased but kept rubbing my cock against her as she moaned and lifted her hips, begging me to put it in.

"Damn it Christmas, stop teasing and Fuck ME!" She screamed as I held her down.

"Nope, I told you earlier. I don't like missionary, or having the lights off. If you wanted to fuck, then you should have left them on," I told her and continued teasing her clit with the tip of my cock.

"You are despicable" She groaned.

"No, I'm honest and I stick to what I say. I'll fuck you any time you want, but we do it MY way, or not at all," I chuckled and spanked her wet pussy with my cock.

"Fine, what do you want?" She groaned.

"Well, since you've gone and made me all hard I think you should suck me off. Do a good job and I might... I might just reward you," I told her.

I reached over and flicked on my table lamp. She groaned but moved so she could take me into her mouth. She must have been practicing all day because this was twice as good as the one after breakfast.

She swallowed the entire thing from the beginning, her saliva coating my shaft as her tongue licked and swirled. I moaned and raised my knee to give her a better angle. After about a minute I tapped her legs and moved her into position so I could attack that sweet rum flavored pussy.

She had just groomed, the hair removal cream leaving behind a sweet coconut flavor that mixed with her natural juices. It was divine and I thought it might just be addictive. I licked and slurped as she sucked and bobbed. I took her to the brink of climax but never let her cross it.

"That's it, almost there baby. Don't stop until I tell you to," I moved a bit further up and ran my tongue over the rim over her perky pink ass.

She groaned around my cock and pressed her tongue against the shaft. Curious, I ran my finger between the lips of her pussy and drew circles around her asshole, drawing closer and closer to her virgin hole each round. She moaned and whimpered as I reached that untouched place, and gave a muffled scream when I pierced it. My cock exploded into her like an erupting volcano, filling her mouth with my seed. She swallowed convulsively but didn't stop bobbing her head up and down, milking every drop while keeping me hard.

I added a second finger to her ass and pumped them in, gently spreading them apart to stretch her. Her sexy little whimpers and moans vibrated around my cock and I was tempted to just let her keep sucking as I finger fucked her. Deciding I wanted something more, I gave her a pat on the ass and told her to stop.

"I think, you have earned that reward now. Get on your hands and knees," I instructed and watched as she obeyed.

"There are two types of men, mom. Those who harden at the sight of a pair of tits, big or small they don't care. You only have to show a nipple and their dick throbs. Now mom, you have one a great pair of tits, but I'm not a breast man. I enjoy looking at them but they aren't what truly turns me on," I spoke softly as I moved around her.

I placed my hand on her back and gently guided her down, until she was curled around her knees, that fine ass of hers pointed straight up. She was wet, her juices glistening all over her thighs.

"Your entire body is beautiful mom, but this, this right here," I squeezed her ass cheeks. "This perky, round, beautiful, ass has been teasing me for the better part of six years. And tonight...tonight it becomes MINE!" I rubbed the tip of my cock against her anus then pushed, hard.

When all six inches was buried inside her virgin asshole I held myself against her hips, listening to her soft whimpers as her body adjusted to having me stuffing her ass.

"The next time I find you in my bed, I want you just like this," I leaned over her back and whispered, "Naked, with your ass in the air, and the lights ON!" before I pulled back and slammed myself back into her.

I wasn't gentle but I wasn't rough with her either. I fucked her ass with long, hard thrusts that slapped my balls against her weeping pussy. Each time my balls hit, she groaned and ground herself against me. She rolled her hips and pressed back, driving me deeper into her ass.

"Oh, I like that mom, keep fucking me with your ass. Make me Cum" I chuckled and held onto her waist as her hips rolled and rubbed against me.

Since she was being a good girl, I reached around and toyed with her clit. Each time she pressed against me I'd slip my finger into her pussy. Soon she had me finger fucking her as she slammed herself against my cock.

"I hope you're ready to cum" I told her just before I unloaded into her tight little ass and jammed three fingers into her cunt.

I hit her G spot and she screamed as a torrent of her juices flooded my palm. I had to hold her against me as I gently massaged her pussy. She was quivering from head to toe and I knew her eyes would be glazed over. I pulled her tight as I laid down, spooning her from behind.

"You could never seduce me with your breasts, because your ass had done that long ago," I chuckled and massaged her neglected breasts.

"Now sleep, my beautiful pet, and dream of how you will please me tomorrow," I whispered.

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RanDog025RanDog025almost 5 years ago


OpthimusOpthimusover 7 years ago
I don't get it..

Why would he forgive his X and smack talking friend?

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8over 7 years ago

The story started off well, he getting into a fight, suspended from school because his friend literally called his mum a slut, then he himself treats her like one. Where is his true love for his mother? I don't like the way this story is heading now with him Dominating his mum. What I do like with this story is his friendship with his boss. He seems to show more affection, love and compassion towards her than he does his own mother..for me now this part of this story I'm more interested in, you lost me the mother part of this story, sorry ⭐️⭐️⭐️ only..

happymuffinhappymuffinover 8 years ago

man I love this Story five big stars

MrHappy212MrHappy212over 8 years agoAuthor
Edits and Chapter Two

Edits and chapter two are both in submission Que, thanks to you readers I pulled a few more misspellings that my editor and I didn't catch. Thank you and keep up the good work.

And by the way, he name is Christmas, not Christopher.

boaman007boaman007over 8 years ago
Loved it!

Great start, good writing. Can't wait for the next installment.

motordaddymotordaddyover 8 years ago
I Really Enjoyed The Story

Especially the fact you used places in Texas that most people have never heard of. Well maybe Wichita Falls but not Iowa Park, I grew up just an hour or so south of there near Stephenville. Waiting on the next chapter.

MrHappy212MrHappy212over 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you

I know chapter 1 was rough but I think it came out alright in the end. Chapter 2 will be a bit more subtle. This first bit was to show how chaotic things started, now that this part is over I can work on the next step in chapter 2. So I thank those of you who enjoyed the first chapter and plan on sticking around for chapter two. To the rest, well I hope you find something you like in the next story.

By the way, I plan on making a full series from the characters I'm creating in Christmas and Mom, so even Billy and Abs will have a story of their own .... Enough spoilers, until next week.

kuhpa01kuhpa01over 8 years ago
Shows Promise

I give you a 5 rating, not for the mother-son part, but for the way you inserted the other woman into the story. Without that it would have been a 3. Looking forward to further development of this story line.

rodavrodavover 8 years ago
Nice story

Nice and exciting story.

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