Christmas Miracles


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After several sips of the hot caffeinated beverage, Christine spoke first, saying, "Daddy, I had a strange dream last night."

He answered her, "I had one as well, do you want to talk about it?"

She said, "I don't know. I hope you don't mind, because it's kind of embarrassing."

When she didn't say any more, he said, "OK, let me go first. I had a chat with your Grandma Mary last night. She was telling me that she thought you might be having thoughts about us and how we feel about each other. After I went to sleep last night, I had a dream about us, and we were not acting like a father and daughter normally do. I don't know how to say this any other way, but we were making love, together."

Her eyes got big, and she said, "Oh my God Daddy, I had the same dream!" They started talking about each other's dreams and realized that they had dreamt the exact same dream, and Christine finally said, "What do you think this means? Are we supposed to be together?"

Ben replied, "Sweetheart, I fell in love with your mother the first time I saw her on the first day of high school. Unfortunately, so did your father. We had been best friends since first grade, and 'shared' your mother, dating her together as a threesome, all through high school."

He continued, "When your mother chose your father over me, it broke my heart, but I stepped aside, because I loved them both and wanted them to be happy. When you were born, I was there with your father, and was as happy as he was. When your parents died, your grandparents were too distraught to take care of the arrangements, so I stepped in and did my best to make sure you were loved and had a happy childhood. You see, I had been an orphan, and mine was awful. As I watched you grow into the beautiful woman you are today, I saw your mother come back to life in you, before in my very eyes, and was glad that you were in my life."

He finished, "Last night when your grandmother told me that she thought you might love me as more than a father figure, I thought my heart might explode. I guess that is why I had that dream."

Christine took Ben's face in her hands and kissed him passionately, full on the lips, and said, "Oh Daddy, right after I got my first period, I started to think about you differently, and after one of my 'sex talks' with grandma, I realized that I loved you in the way a woman loves her man. I knew I wanted to be 'yours'. I have been praying that you felt the same way ever since. Do you really want to do what we dreamt about last night?"

He said, "Yes I do Baby, but don't you want us to get married first? I know this might sound a bit 'old fashioned', but wouldn't you rather have someone your own age?"

She smiled and said, "Oh Daddy, I don't want a boy, I want a man, and I want you to be that man. I do want us to be married eventually, but right now I want to experience for real, what your beautiful cock feels like inside my pussy, and soon!"

He kissed her again and said, "OK, one more thing, I need to go to the store to buy some condoms first."

"Silly Daddy," she said, "Grandma put me on the pill two years ago. Let's go back to bed, NOW!"

They walked up the stairs, and went into his bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind them, Christine took off the thin nightgown she was wearing, and stood completely nude in front of him. He took off his tee shirt and boxers, and she watched as his cock became completely hard and pointed at the ceiling in front of her.

She looked at his cock, and her eyes got as big as saucers. She was a virgin, and was excited about having sex for the first time, but she had no idea what to expect.

He wrapped his arms around her and gently laid her on his bed. He lay next to her and started to kiss her gently, starting at her mouth, and working his way slowly down her neck and across her shoulder blades, until he was kissing her young firm breasts.

He took both of her small hard nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and rolled them until she squealed. He started to suck in her nipples in his mouth, one at a time, and this caused her to have her first orgasm with another person.

She had made herself cum with her fingers before, and her wet dream had been even more powerful, but this was much more intense than anything she had ever experienced.

He let her recover, and she said, "My God Daddy, you made me cum by just sucking on my nipples."

He smiled and said, I know Baby, but we're only just beginning, and you will have many more by the time I fill your womb full of my seed. Are you ready for more?"

She nodded and said, "Please Daddy." He started kissing and nibbling his way across her tummy, stopping to tease her navel with his tongue, making her giggle. He kissed her smooth mound and asked her, "Did you shave for Daddy, Baby?"

She answered, "All my girlfriends do. They said their boyfriends like it to look nice and smooth."

He looked at her vulva and thought, 'That is the smallest, tightest pussy I've ever seen. She still looks like a little girl. I sure hope I can fit my cock into that tiny thing.' He slid down and started kissing and licking the inside of her calves, switching from side to side until he reached her knees, where he continued his journey to heaven, until he reached her tight virginal vulva that was already leaking.

He kissed her lower lips and parted them, slipping his tongue between them, tasting her delicious nectar, and causing her to shiver. He spread her pale outer labial lips, and licked her pink inner lips, making her shiver again and moan, "Oh Daddy, that feels so good."

He continued licking her labia minora, and she moaned louder and started leaking more. As she spread her legs wider, he was able to spread her inner lips open, and stick his tongue into her virginal vagina, giving her another orgasm.

This time he didn't stop, but kept probing her vagina, and when he brushed her now erect tiny clitoris, she had a screaming orgasm, flooding his mouth with the more of her delectable nectar. He gazed at the unconscious beauty before him and thought, 'I think this is what heaven must be like'.

When she opened her eyes she said, "My God Daddy, that was so intense. You haven't even put yourself in me, and I have already cum three times! I hope I don't die when you finally break my hymen."

When she calmed down, he picked up where he left off, spreading her as far open as he could, and tongue fucking her vagina. He started to lick her clitoris and managed to get two fingers inside of her tight virginal vagina, reaching in and touching that 'special little bumpy spot' just in front of her hymen.

When she started to shake and moan, he pulled back, lined up his cock with her vagina, and started to push inside of her. When he felt her barrier, he looked into her eyes and smiled.

She smiled and said, "Yes Daddy, now!" He kissed her, and as he eased his manhood into her, she screamed into his mouth, as they both came together when the head of her cock touched her cervix for the first time.

As they came down from their mutual orgasm, they both realized that he was still hard, and still buried deep inside of her. As he started to move inside of her, she wrapped her legs around him, and met every one of his thrusts.

They lost track of time as they passionately kissed each other as their 'dance of love' took them to heights neither one thought possible.

When he exploded inside of her for the second time, she joined him and they had their second mutual orgasm of the day. They kissed as he rolled off of her, and they both fell asleep in each other's arms. When he woke up, he felt something wet on his cock, and opened his eyes to see his lovely Christine with her lips wrapped around his hardening cock. He sat up and pulled her to him, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "Oh Daddy," she said when they broke the kiss, "I felt like I went to heaven when I went to sleep. I talked to Mommy, and she told me she was happy that we are in love."

He looked at the mess in the middle of his bed consisting of her blood and juices mixed with his sperm and said, "Baby, why don't we take a bath together, OK?"

She agreed, and they went to the bathroom where he filled the big antique claw-foot bathtub with hot water and bubble-bath. Christine climbed into the tub, and Ben climbed in behind her. They washed and played with each other, and he asked her if it felt any different being a woman.

She told him that she was a little sore 'down there', but she told him, "I know now what it feels like to go to heaven Daddy. I hope it's like this every time!"

When they got out of the tub and dried off, she asked him, "Daddy, I'm still horny, can we do that again?"

He told her they could in a little while, but they needed to change the sheets on bed first. When they walked into the bedroom, she was shocked to see the odd pinkish looking mess on the sheets. She asked him what happened, and he told her that the mess was a mixture of their combined fluids mixed with the blood from her hymen. This made her say, "Ewwww," and blush.

They changed the sheets, took them down to the laundry room in the basement, put them in the washing machine, filled it with water and soap, and left them to soak to remove the stains.

When they got back to the bedroom, they got on the freshly made bed and made love again, twice. Then they got dressed and went downstairs to have lunch. After they ate, they made love again, this time on the living room couch. Afterward they decided to get dressed and visit Grandma and Grandpa.

The second that Mary Darling saw her granddaughter's face, she exclaimed, "You did it, didn't you?" and grabbed her only grandchild, giving her a big hug.

"How did you know?" Christine whispered into her grandmother's ear.

The older woman smiled and said, "You are glowing sweetheart."

Just then, Grampa John came into the room and asked his wife, "Are there going to be wedding bells in the future?"

Before anyone could say anything, Ben said, "Yes, but we haven't set a date yet."

Just then, Ben got down on one knee, pulled a small, well worn, white box out of his pocket, took a yellow gold diamond engagement ring out of it and slipped it on the third finger of Christine's hand. He had bought the ring for her mother, two decades before, and it fit her perfectly.

Christine almost fainted, and Mary asked, "Is that...." Ben put his finger to her lips and nodded. Grandma and Grandpa both realized that this was the ring he had bought their daughter, the same time that Jake had bought his, but was never able to give it to her.

All through dinner they talked about when the wedding was going to take place, but Christine was noticeably distracted by the shiny object on her finger.

Later, as they lay nude next to each other in bed basking in post orgasmic bliss, Christine said, "Darling, how long have you had this ring?"

He smiled and said, "A very long time, sweetheart. I bought it before you were born."

She kissed him, and as she watched the moonlight sparkle in the diamond, and said, "So is this the ring you bought for my mother?"

He kissed her back and replied, "It is the same ring, but I had a much larger diamond put in the setting for you. The original small diamond was all I could afford as an eighteen year-old, and is set in the wedding band I will slip on your finger on our wedding day."

She smiled at him and asked, "When do you want to get married darling? I would do it tomorrow if we could."

He looked deep into her eyes and said, "I would too, but I think we should discuss this with your grandparents. There could be relatives we don't know about, perhaps they should be invited."

They kissed again, and made love until they fell asleep, holding each other and still connected, with his cock deep in her vagina.

The next morning while Ben was at work, Christine and her grandmother Mary spent hours talking on the telephone, planning the upcoming wedding. They decided on Labor Day weekend, and Mary called distant cousins to give them the good news.

It took about a week, but the two ladies finally came up with a guest list of friends and relatives of around fifty. The two ladies shared the list with Ben and Grampa John over Sunday dinner. John nixed about a dozen people that he said would not accept Ben because they were also friends of Jake's family. Ben suggested a dozen of his friends from work and the union, so the list was back up to fifty couples.

Everyone agreed that St. Anthony's church was perfect, and the church banquet hall would work perfectly for the reception. Tuesday evening, Father Murphy met with Ben, Christine, John, and Mary. He had known Christine since she was baptized, and since he had already gone over the parish records, he knew exactly who he was meeting with. Since he was a young associate Priest when Ben, Christine, and Jake were in high school together, he was aware of the unusual relationship between the betrothed couple.

Unlike most clergy, he was not put off by the age difference or even the fact that the prospective groom had been in love with his future bride's mother. When he saw how in love they were, he gave his blessing, and agreed to officiate the ceremony.

He submitted a long letter to Bishop O'Roarke, explaining his support for the couple that were both lifelong members of the parish. He assured the Bishop that this couple would continue to be members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and that their union would produce offspring that would be raised in the faith.

The good father knew that having his support on file with the Diocese, although not necessary to the marriage being blessed by the church, would protect the couple from any scrutiny from some of the more narrow minded and conservative members of his flock. Father Murphy verified that the Saturday before Labor Day was available, and he entered them into his calendar. He only had one request of the young couple, they needed to attend a marriage counseling program. The couple chose to attend a Pre Cana Conference at the Newman Foundation, because attending a weekend retreat meant they would have to sleep in different bedrooms.

Everything about the wedding and the reception went off without a hitch, and even the distant relatives and friends of the couple got along. Christine's best friend and Maid of Honor, Kelley caught the bouquet, and the couple left on their honeymoon, a week in a romantic cabin in the Poconos. When the returned home, Christine started college Bradley University (she had earned a full academic scholarship), majoring in education, with a minor in Psychology. The only thing missing in their lives was a child.

Christine had stopped taking her birth control pills a week before the wedding, and the fact that she had not gotten pregnant by February was bothering her. They had been fucking like rabbits since the day they said 'I Do' together in St. Anthony's and attended Mass every Sunday (even during their Honeymoon). She was becoming depressed, and Ben could see her distress. He had resigned himself to the realization that 'God will bless us when he knows we are ready'.

He was beginning to become anxious as well, until he came home from work one day in the middle of April to hear Three Dog Night's 'Joy To The World' blasting from the stereo in the house so loud he could hear it as soon as he got out of his company pickup. When he walked in the front door, he saw his bride dancing around the house, singing at the top of her voice along with the song. She was wearing a sheer short nightgown, and waving a pregnancy test stick in her hand.

He dropped his lunchbox and ran to her, grabbing her and spinning her around while they kissed. He called in sick two days later, and took her to Dr. Gibson's office, where they found out that she was, in fact pregnant. Her obstetrician said that everything appeared to be normal, and that he could not see any potential problems with the pregnancy. He estimated her due date was December 15, but that date could be as much as ten days off, either way.

Ben then said, "Doctor, I was born at one minute after Midnight on Christmas day. Christine's mother was born at the same time and the same day as I was. My wife was born at the same time and the same day twenty years later. What are the chances that this child will share our birthday?" The doctor scratched his goatee and said, "I won't make you any promises, even with this unusual coincidence, but the probability of that happening is remote.

They thanked the doctor, and drove to St. Anthony's to pray for the birth of their child. When father Murphy saw them in the sanctuary, he waited for them to leave and asked them to come to his office. When he asked them if they were troubled, they told him no, and gave Father the good news. He was overjoyed, and asked if there was anything he could do to help. They told the good Father about the coincidences of their births, and because Christine's mother had the same birthday, they were asking their Lord to allow their baby to also be a 'Christmas Miracle'.

Father told the couple that the parish was having its annual Pentecost Novena in three weeks, and if they were invited to participate. They could submit their petition to Christ, and it would be considered by him. Being devout Catholics, Ben and Christine knew that favors asked for this way, often came true. They trusted their faith and knew that such things were possible if they prayed enough.

They participated in the ceremony, and crossed their fingers, attending mass every week, and praying that everything was going along as planned, but by December 20th, Christine had not gone into labor yet.

Five days later, Christine's water broke, so at eight o'clock on Christmas Eve, Ben and Christine were driven to St Francis Medical Center by Grampa John, and Grandma Mary for the birth of what they hoped would be a healthy baby girl. At one minute after Midnight, as John and Mary sat nervously in the maternity waiting room, Ben held his bride's hand and watched as she gave birth. As soon as the cord was cut, the infant was cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket, Ben was handed his beautiful daughter, Wendy, a true 'Christmas Miracle'.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Jezzzz, that's a whole lot of bodies to build a foundation for a relatively creepy story. I just can't see Ben staying close to Jake and Wendy knowing he wasn't the one getting to fuck her nightly. A constant reminder of his rejection. Nope, couldn't happen. Maybe an occasional text, but nothing further.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Too much!

It started out as a tragic friend/love story with far too many coincidences into a love story between a girl and her “uncle”/god father/man that raised her. Where I’m from that is wrong in so many ways, and would get you arrested or shot.

HecatesChildHecatesChildover 6 years ago
Oh, honey...

Kind of a dumpster fire, at least what I read of it.

I know that's mean but I don't know what else to say...

Labial lips? Labia means lip.

auhunter04auhunter04over 6 years ago
to Annon worth his salt

I assume you are talking about the non gay/pedophile priests. There is not one damn thing illegal or immoral about this..Go stick your head back in the sand....nit wit

chytownchytownover 6 years ago

For sharing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

No priest worth his collar would agree to officiate at the wedding this couple, and if he did, the bishop would have his head. It’s not the age difference, but the fact that Ben had raised this child as a father would for most of the girl’s young life. Just because they weren’t technically related doesn’t mean this wasn’t in every true sense of the world a case of incest.

[Also, a novena lasts nine days— it’s not a single ceremony.]

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Peter Pan Meets A christmas Carol? Really?

This story was just...strange on so many levels. I agree with the first comment, there were way too many dead people in this. What was the Christmas miracle? That some creepy old dude who had a hard on for the girls mother suddenly got to fuck his God-daughter? And how she kept calling him Daddy? Wow. Creepy. I laughed when the grandma asked her if she "did it". Who the hell asks their grand kid that? Actually, normal humans don't converse the way these characters do at all. It was over-all pretty comical and scary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
That's a lot of dead people

The bodies were really piling up....i feel luck to have survived reading your story.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
It had an interesting beginning

At first the names were cute. The coincidences we're curious. The equal three way love was adorable.

But as relatives started dieing, and family relationships became co-mingled, it started to turn creepy. Add the sanction of the church and it fell off the cliff.

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