All Comments on 'Circling the Drain'

by StangStar06

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Definition answer

A "duna" is the Albanian term for a dirty shepherd who buggers his billy goats. First used in the Middle Ages, the term fell out of use until recently when a resurgence was noticed on the heels of dozens of reports of buggered billy goats in Albania.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Can't Figure Her Out

I'd actually have more respect for her if she WAS having some sort of a fling.

But she just let this ass hole fuck her over with no benefit to her.

Why she didn't just knee him in the balls the first time he walked into her office and ordered her to her knees is beyond me.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
I agree...

I agree with all that Karen commented...

Tootight1Tootight1almost 10 years ago
good story

liked it, because it showed how office life can be at times.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Company Suing HER?!

If anything, she has a suit against the company!

Someone in a supervisory role is sexually abusing her at work?

That's sexual harassment and there are laws against that.

JounarJounaralmost 10 years ago


Can't see how she could prove sexual harassment seeing as she went along with it and never once complained. All she had to do after the first time was go to the police and file rape charges, go to the companies HR department or tell her husband.

cap5356cap5356over 9 years ago
great story

great story just to bad it ended the way it did. but it did give the insight of things from a womans point of view. sometimes the excitement of things aren't always better

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
confused,conflicted,surprised .

great story , did a fair job of coming at this from the cheating wife's side o the tale.

actually made me feel sorry for her in some ways , even though it was all self inflicted.

have had to re-read the story , to try and work out how you managed that ..and even now i have no clue.

often in these storys i smile when pple BTB , but this time i was just sad.


jounar , is correct ,



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Agree, great story.

If she had of reported the guy after the first time, all would have been well.

But allowing what she did was lust on her part or mental illness.

I suspect she will suicide, the story left her destroyed and alone and with no outs.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

the old time out-house sans drains looks real good. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Interesting story

Obviously, it was rape. The sad thing was that she didn't report it, nor tell her husband so he could take care of it for her. Instead, she allowed herself to be used like a fuckbag. It's a husband job, it IS part of the job description, to protect his wife, therefore his family, at all times. No matter what, whether it is going to the police or finally to the extreme if it isn't legally taken care of.

I asked my wife what she would have done and she answered, exactly what she did the only time she was ever given a hard time at work. The instant I walked in the door after getting home, she explained two regulars that came in where she worked as a waitress had been all over her, wanting a threesome with her. She was angry, but more importantly to me, she was frightened. Something they said or did had scared her.

I didn't spend much time there so few knew me. I was waiting the next time they stopped by and my wife dropped of a note at my table telling me it was them. Waiting until they had their coffee served, they started in on my wife as I watched. They weren't truly nasty, at least, that time they weren't nasty, but that was my wife they were talking to as if she were a whore on the sidewalk.

I slid in next to the smaller one, they were both in their 40's, my wife and I were in our late 20's. They were surprised and angry someone they didn't know had made himself comfortable at their booth. The guy I was sitting next to was about 5'8" and 150lbs, the other guy was 6' and perhaps 250lbs of big belly. I am slightly under 6' and at the time, about 180lbs and in great shape working as a logger. I spoke not a word, not a single word and gestured to my wife to come on over and she did, carrying a coffee pot.

I introduced her to them and explained she was my wife and had told me the sorts of vile things they said to her. The bigger one started to bluster and I told him to shut up, it was his turn to sit and listen. Explaining my wife was a lady, she not only didn't need to hear the vile things they said, she didn't need to be in a hostile work environment. Then I explained as her husband, it was my duty to protect her and she'd lodged her complain of them to me.

I went on to explain they weren't to come back. If they saw her on the street in our little town, they'd better walk the other way. It would take only the smallest of reasons for me to hunt them like they were a deer. The big one started to bluster again and my wife was becoming uncomfortable so I asked her to leave us alone. Then I took my time to explain every breath they took from then on, was due to my allowing it. In my mind, they were dead, I just needed to take the time to make it so. In fact, I let them know I wasn't sure if they would leave the parking lot alive but if they left right then, I was undecided enough to probably not do anything that day, but couldn't promise anything for the future. Of course, they blustered, angry I would threaten their lives but I stood firm and told them their lives were in both their hands but especially my own.

They left, I paid for their coffee and I followed them to the parking lot, taking the time to explain yet again, I wanted them dead and all it would take was an excuse. They left, never to return, at least never when my wife worked. I talked with the owner and explained I didn't want them back in and why. They were horrified it had happened and since my wife was a valuable employee they'd see the two guys weren't welcomed.

From time to time I see them and I'm sure my look tells them I'm still not friends, even though I'm in my mid 50's and they are in their 70's. But they haven't accosted her again so they still draw breath. That could all change if they ever cross that line again.

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
good story

liked the story, but not what happened of course. real life goes that way though. I read a lot of these stories, and if there is a singular motive, or culprit in them, it seems to be communication. we are all human and make mistakes, that's understood. I seem to think that they will get back together, why, he went through her parents, which means he respects their minds and feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
from Duna

SS06 sent the sequel to me. I do not publish it (I have not get permission for it), but I admit only she will not get suicide in the sequel.

xtchrxtchrabout 9 years ago

Why are most comments talking about rape? This cheater wanted it, she liked it, and she continued it. The low-life guy was just taking what she was willingly giving him. She started treading her family like sh*t with her lies and her secret life. She put this supposedly rapist??? first and her family second. She had choices and made all the wrong ones for her family. She got off easy. Thanks for a good story.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 9 years ago
I see the rape morons have returned

she was willing slut and xtchr is right. Can't rape the willing.

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfealmost 9 years ago
@ Anonymous 01/24/15 re: Obviously, it was rape.

Obviously you used that comment to set up your own fantasy story. Unfortunately for your comment, SS09's story had NOTHING to do with a rape but was about an amoral, thrill seeking slut of a wife.

You have written several stories in LW comments and most were at least similar in nature to the original story line.

This time you totally failed the test and went completely astray with a story that was both uninteresting and so dissimilar to SS09's that it made no sense at all to be here.

Just saying, YMMV

Morgan DeWolfe

Tootight1Tootight1over 8 years ago
good story

2nd read, and my previous comment I still believe to be true, but I also see the wife as a victim here. along with everyone else in this story. if she had come clean with him it could have worked out, but two things happened in this scenario. 1: being she had never been unfaithful to her husband before, its not like wrecking the car. telling him what happened would have been very hard, hence her reluctance. she had never been in this position before 2: his position (supervisor to director, raising star) power, alpha male, womanizer. how could she fight a company backed heavy weight, which was also new to her. would HR even listen to her, or blackball her, which many know happens.

because of his love for her, after he calms down, and all the facts are in, i believe they will get back together. her lack of trust in her husband hurt her all the way through this. she will see that eventually.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Strange Plot

She seemed more mentally ill than scheming cheater. Her husband did not seem to recognize that his wife was very sick. While staying with her may have not been good for him and the kids, someone should get her some help. As far as he is concerned, he was right to take the kids and run. I have seen crazy mothers get the kids in divorces and destroy the kids. He did the right thing for the kids. Unfortunately, the omnipresent, omnipotent powers of the husband and her father were kind of a plot cheat. It is more interesting to try to come up with a viable, realistic solution to this dilemma of custody. Such as having her parents and former friends testify against her in family court. Rough, but possible and realistic.

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 8 years ago
Why Do Women Marry And Have Families

...If they can so cavalierly cast them aside for a meaningless, insufficient fling. Why did she not ever go to HR and make sexual harassment charges against her boss? Another story worthy of 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Another Classic StangStar Cartoon

Yes, cartoonish bullshit reigns supreme once again in story number one hundred and fifty bla bla bla from the most conspicuous waste of writing talent on Literotica.

Here's the synopsis: Snow White and her Prince Charming live in suburbia with their replacement birth-rate two kids. Super-bastard predator Porky Pig bursts in and inexplicably gains full and unrestricted access to Snow White's sweet pussy in a black-comical ten seconds flat, which he then abuses with extreme prejudice. Snow White is mesmerised by his daring and his prowess and submits to brutal, dehumanizing, and humiliating fuckings for weeks on end until, predictably, her marriage implodes. The long suffering Mr. Charming executes a coup de grâce by snidely assisting the children's alienation from their mother and then erasing her from their lives with a CIA-style bugout - complete with nasty and bracing threats backed by DVDs of her adulterous sex acts.

Does that cover it?

Unfortunately, no, it does not.

As per usual there are the flighty, fugue-state ramblings of another denizen from Stang's seemingly interminable list of cardboard cutout, clueless, low-IQ women. Indeed, there must be a small army of readers here on Literotica that would agree how nice it might be to burn a StangStar bitch that actually had a believable internal struggle with her infidelities.

Remember, Stang is the writer that had Granny out back in the barn blowing her grandson while her neighbor cheat was pounding her from behind. So, typical Stang personnel are not exactly wrestling with existential moral quandries.

As in all literary endeavors, a certain equation is posed by the writer as his characters freely roam the mind of his reader. And the words and various deeds of these characters become quanta in this human calculus of the heart and mind. When these characters refuse to present themselves in a comprehensible and human manner, sort of like dividing by zero in the realm of mathematics, then the patience generously granted by the reader is taxed. And StangStar himself, the object of so very much adulation here on Literotica, has grossly taxed the patience of his more discerning readers with the mind-numbing nimbus of tedium that issues from his cadre of boring, bleary-eyed bimbos.

For all of you drooling StangFans, that means these stories kinda suck if your IQ ever roams into three-digit territory.

Anyway, perhaps the most obscene flaw in these cheating tales is when the husband not only places himself beyond reproach of any kind, but has become so obtuse in his moral abstractions that he self-righteously anathematizes the very existence of the cheating mother - she must be erased from reality itself. And with Stang, Project Erase is a "Go". Likewise, as the reader of StangStar stories can attest, he has no qualms about using the children as pawns in his scortched earth war with his wife.

It is one thing if a man wants a seperation or a divorce from his wife, but it is another thing entirely should he decide to arbitrarily eliminate all maternal contact whatsoever with the children.

In this case the children are relatively young and yet plenty old enough to remember their mother. The type of cataclysmic shredding of the family that Stang frequently promotes will have devastating results on the psychological condition of the children.

As stated previously, it's great to burn a bitch once in a while. But why degrade the hearts and minds of innocent children just because Hubby wants to turn himself to stone?

And not to mention the fact that Hubby is crassly and hatefully repeating to the children that Mommy doesn't love them anymore. That isn't entertaining. It is despicable.

Why promote that type of thing?

One can only hope that StangStar will have some sort of epiphany and start adding some depth of character and a more humane element to his stories.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Only Fair

“Washing away the fact that not only had it happened, but that this wasn't the first time from my face" – If she’s so damn guilty, why does she do it again?

“let's face it you can't eat steak every day, made the same way every time, without wanting some chicken or fish every once in a while.” – That’s fine, IF you talk about with your husband FIRST, he agrees, AND has the same privilege!

“I truly love my husband and I would do anything for that man.” – Except be FAITHFUL to him!

“A couple of them had complained and were soon free of his advances” – A couple complained, and he wasn’t brought up on sexual harassment charges?

“I knew I needed to stop, but I couldn't.” – I am SO tired of that excuse! Unless he’s a Jedi or something, you’re a grown woman and can stop any time you want to. You’re not stopping because you DON’T want to!

She HAD to know it was her last chance (why it wasn’t already over is beyond me!), yet she does the stupid “good-bye fuck”, an of course gets caught! Not to mention she should have bitten DZ’s dick off!

And I’m really tired of the “suing the company for not enforcing their morals clause” trope. Those clauses are to PROTECT them, not EXPOSE them! Those clauses make it easier for them to fire guys like DZ. The only case you could have against a company, with or without a morals clause, is if they knew about it and did nothing and/or enabled it.

Tootight1Tootight1about 8 years ago
good story

I liked the story. I kind of wished they at least had some kind of communication about it, or a confrontation. According to the story, she did resist at least the first time, even telling him she was married and showed him the ring. She did realize that what she was doing was wrong, and I believe that if there had been some type of communication with her husband, he could have helped her, and himself, and family. His statement that it was her problem isn't entirely true. It is their family that was falling apart.

The fact that ole DZ got fired would not be enough for me. He'd only move on and fuck up someone else's family. There's only one way to deal with people like that, well there's two actually. Cut their desire off, or just make them fish food.

Did she make a mistake, yes, a big one, but not necessarily un repairable. He was just as bad in not confronting her, or talking about it. letting her get eaten up by the predator. They were partners, lovers and mates, they should have had some communication.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

The "morals clause"in an empolyment contract DOES NOT CREATE A CAUSE OF ACTION FOR A THIRD PARTY!!!!! How fuckng stupid are you authors on Literotica?????? It's not just this fool who thinks a mustang is something other than a POS, virtually all of the authors who create a senior-subordinate office fling use this absurdity! Let's imagine for a moment how the CEO, the CFO, and the Personnel will explain to the Board of Trustees this "several million dollar" payout to the scumbag husband:

CEO: Well, we thought it would be a good idea to create unlimited liability on the company's part if any of our employees, whether at work or not, did something, "immoral". So the "morals clause" states, "if any employee of [the company] does anything, on or off duty, at any time, and any other person (or entity having the status of a person, such as a corporation) on this planet is injured in any way, shape or form, whether physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, or in any other way, then we, [the company] agree to pay that person unlimited monetary compensation for the entire compensatory cost of the damage (that, is actualy money damages to the third party), anticipatory damages ( for example, medical care needed for years in the future), and punitive damages (money from the company to "punish" it for not having prevented the company's employee for doing an " immoral" act).

Trustees: So how much did you pay the husband?

CFO: $X million.

Trustee: And who in management knew about this office tryst?

CEO: No one.

Trustee: So, tomorrow, if one of our employees robs a bank, shooting and killing a guard and a teller, and gets away with $5 million to Lower Armpit, Africa, a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S., you have set this clause up so the company reimburses the bank the $5 million, pays all the funeral expenses of the two employees, gives each of their spouses an annual payment equal to the dead spouse's salary, with presumed pay raises and inflation added in, all for the rest of their lives?

CEO: Yes.

Trustee: And that also means the company would pay for the two deceased employees' children's education through college and grad school?

CEO: Yes.

Trustee: and this "morals clause" means we would pay for all the mental health counseling the other five employees at the bank are getting, as well as the same counseling for the six customers in the bank at the time?

CEO: Why yes, that's what the clause would mean.

Trustee (to Trustee # 2): you've been keeping a running tally of thecosts as I've been mentioning them, haven't you?

Trustee #2: Why yes, I don't have that M.B.A. and C.P.A. for nothing. I've used average salaries for both deceased employees' occupations, brought forward for forty years, and then took today's college tuition cost for an Ivy League College (remember, the fool CEO put no limits on this "morals clause", so today's costs of $76k for one year at Harvard, with inflation at 4% per year for the next 15 years means about $125k per year then, for each of the five children). All told, our CEO, CFO, and Chief of Personnel have agreed to pay out, the way my quick calculations have it, about $25 million.

Trustee: well, CFO, what were our gross revenues last year?

CFO: $1 million.

Trustee: And our net worth today?

CFO: About $2 million.

Trustee: so, you put us on the hook for $23 million more than we have! You're all fired, and the Board will sue all three of of you personnal for willful, wanton, and deliberate malfeasance in your position to come up with something as stupid as this "morals clause". [To the rest of the Trustees:]. I see no other option but liquidation in Bankruptcy, and to wait forcthe stockholders to sue us all for hiring these three idiots who came up with this stuoid morals clause.

But in reality, it doesn't work that way. Virtually every company that has a "morals clause" will specifically state that nothing in the employee handbook or even employee contact can, will, shall, or may create any interest of any sort whatsoever in any third party.

The type of "morals clause" the mustang hero and the other authors describe, "employee, you will be 'good' at all times, and if you are not, we will compenate with big bucks anyone you hurt" simply does not exist.

Older employment, "morality clauses" may have provided: employee, you will be 'good' at all times, and if you are not, we will compensate with big bucks anyone you hurt" simply does no exist.

Older employment, "morality clauses" may have provided: employee, you will be 'good' at all times, and if you are not, we will fire your ass and immediately terminate or cancel any benefits from the company! Profit sharing, company car, insurance (except what we have to provide under COBRA), day care for your kid, all gone!

Actually most off duty clauses like this are no longer enforceable. So, if old-line conservative, 19th Century Horse-Drawn Carriage Company wants to fire an employee because he's a swinger on the weekends are SOL.

The few that remain enforceable are limited to public figures and ceratain organizations that have "old-fashioned morals" as part of the organization's purpose. So a Christian grade school or a Muslem madrasa could have a clause in the employment contract that provided the teachers had to uphold Christian or Muslem standards of behavior. But here again while the older employment, "morality clauses" may have provided: employee, you will be 'good' at all times, and if you are not, we will compensate with big bucks anyone you hurt" simply does no exist. What these old style companies would have is that, if a teacher at one of these schools had a part-time job as a prostitute, the school could simply fire her (him), it would't have to pay anything to a John he/she gave an STD to.

The final area of an enforceable moral clause is the celebrity arena. Sponsors pay good money for celebrities to wear the sponsor's logo, clothing, etc. The sponsor, whether it's Nike, Arnour-All, Tag-Heuer, or even the USPS, wants the celebrity to be seen as "good". So when Tiger Woods gets caught cheating on his wife, Lance Armstrong admits to drug doping, or Maria Sharapova gets suspended for doping, their sponsors terminate the contracts with them. The sponsors want good P.R. about the celebrity, and their contacts with the celebrity reflect that. So Gillette, AT&T, and Gatorade drop Tiger Woods. But they DON'T pay damages to the husbsnds of the women that Tiger boinked!!! And that is the great error that stangsix and other authors make.

Negative 100 stars for the morals clause.

That being said, the wife appears to be too dumb to walk and talk at the same time. She was raped! Complain about it! I am aware that women often don't report rape or work sexual harassment. I don't understand that, but I'm a man, and this aspect of women is just one of the many things men will never understand. The male resdership here totally ignores the diffrtence between the sexes on this matter. After being raped,men would say report. But so many women don't, which is why rapists get away with it. Wifey persists in this and begins to enjoy being raped. Stangster has a junior high school fantasy he plugs in here--of the wonen who enjoys being raped. Doesn't happen in reality.

Hubby is a dispicable, loathsome, vile, reprehensible, santimonious, uncaring, piece of garbage! His wife is being raped, and he doesn't do a damn thing to help her, nor does he do one thing to take out the rspist. Instead he hires a P.I. to get good pictures of the rapes! He is s total piece of shit!

Daddy, with access to either all the left-wing and right-wing nuts superscret agencies, or a Capo in Organized Crime, doesn't do a damn thing to help his daughter! Why doesn't he make the rspist disappear with all his undercover or illegal powers and connections?

Lowest rating I can give is not to rste this piece of shit story.

Mustang boy, please stop writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
To anon of 6/23

Hmmmmm...I have read your statement and I have only one thing to say in response.

ITS A FREAKING STORY!!! Get over it.

Laws in each state vary, each country vary and they continually change. Hell companies of a certain stature would pay off a situation like that to avoid negative publicity. If the guy was willing to do that to one of his employees, they may have happily paid her ex in showing them a weak link in their corporate structure. Imagine what he could have done to provide sexual harassment suits against the company?

Stang, thank you for your writing and hurry back if you can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Having read a number of your comments, you might want to check the wrapping-it is too tight cutting off circulation to brain

Then again name might be anatomical reference, but given your predilection for taking cheating wives' side, I DOUBT THE VERACITY OF THAT CLAIM

MaFreplerMaFreplerabout 7 years ago
Because being a man means being a coward and an asshole

A coward because he won't directly confront his wife about the cheating. An asshole because he just leaves and takes the kids. Why does anyone like this crap?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Reply to comment by MaFrepler 04/18/17

It's YOU who's the asshole... an ignorant one, at that, because there was no need for him to waste another split second of his life dealing with that cheating slut. The way he did it hurt her more than anything else because he left her no opportunity to try to justify her unjustifiable actions with meaningless explanations. He explained his feelings in the Christmas letter. If she'd thrown that cocksucker out of her office on that last day, she would have had a chance but she let him fuck her and then she sucked him off and that was THE END. You assholes just don't get it that honorable people DO NOT COMPROMISE THEIR PRINCIPLES.

This was a sad, very well presented story that gets a well earned five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
because being a woman means being a whore

and a cheat .

right MaFrepler ? shut your whore mouth MaFrepler while the adults are writing/reading stories about your sisters in slut-hood .

great story 5*

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
Another Sad Story

A woman who had it all throws it away, succumbing to the "overpowering" lust of a repulsive predator. Of the possible "freeze, fight, flee" reactions Laura could have chosen during the first attack in her office, "freeze" was the worst possible choice.

Scream bloody murder and fight back, for crying out loud! Oh, yeah, now I remember: she was somehow "turned on" by his offensive behavior and already had wet panties.... (Sorry, I'm gagging here at that thought.)

I find that premise bit of a stretch -- I suppose some women are like that, but I've never met any (that I know of).

Well told, even if I find the characters unsympathetic and repulsive.

LimchenghoeLimchenghoealmost 7 years ago
A good BTB story

It was a good story with the wife's pov given for the benefit of those unwary working wives who tend to stray.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

and why is DZ still fucking alive

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Brian’s a better man than I am. I think I would have turned good ole “DZ” into alligator bait. Or maybe coyote supper. Either way his days would have been numbered. What a sleazy character he was.

YouamiYouamialmost 6 years ago
Another pearl from StangStar06!

Dear SS

Thank you for this contribution. It is a pleasant change to see a husband character find the cajones to stand his ground, rather than the usual swill of CuckoldWimpHusband fetish fodder that infested the Loving Wives genre. Another great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The slut betrayed her husband, her family and her wedding vows. What the fuck was he waiting for and why? Even if she'd stopped, she was still a slut who'd betrayed him. You write some very good stories, SS but then you write some really fucking idiotic ones, like this, and tarnish your own image.

jrphdojrphdoover 5 years ago
Great Story

However unlikely it is to get a new identity and get away with taking someone's kids away from them. I want this bitch to hurt and still find myself saying "consult a good lawyer first, you have a right to your kids, you didn't do anything illegal, what is he going to do to you?" Good read!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

That was nuking the bitch, and she deserved everything she got.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Who got screwed. You

She got everything she deserved

SanzegoSanzegoalmost 5 years ago
A bump in the road

More more like a short fall and sudden stop. How does a wife justify elicit sex in the work place? She blames her boring routine with the perfect husband, thats how. I get that DZ was a force to be reconed with but, in the work place? she called it exciting. I call it stupidity and improbable, but I'm not the expert here. 🌟🌟🌟

RodimusMikeRodimusMikealmost 5 years ago
Poetic Justice or To Err is Human

The author clearly stated Brian sued the company and DZ but left Laura alone.I admit Brian was right in leaving Laura after she hauled off and slapped her daughter the way she did,and Laura will have to live with that for the rest of her life.But it was stated that Brian would not divorce Laura as long as she didn't try to locate them but if she did then he would go after her with everything he had.

Should Laura be forgiven for all she did to her family,not just her Husband and Children but also her Parents,my answer is complicated,DZ pretty much degraded Laura into cheating by calling her a whore and slut,but wasn't it just as much the other employees responsibility to stop DZ from his immoral behavior by reporting his and Laura's ass to HR.

Also wasn't Laura's case similar to a drug user or alcoholic that pretty much hit rock bottom,shouldn't there be a chance to pick yourself up and try to rebuild your life to make up for what Laura did?.Now you ask me should Laura be given a second chance and the answer to that is not at first but if she could go to her Parents and try to make amends by self-inflicting injuries by hitting her back with those multi-strapped whips out in the front yard of her Parents and allow them to insult her unmercifully for days or weeks or even months to drive the point across what there daughter did was disgusting and wrong until Laura learned her lesson then I think her Parents should contact Brian and the kids to give Laura a second chance maybe she could atone for her sins.

All-in-all I think Laura was as much a victim by DZ's office bullying that caused this than it was her fault,DZ never should have been hired by that company to cause this in the first place.That is my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What a whore! How can a woman spread her legs just because the man is an animal?? And treats her like shit? She initially found great excitement being treated like and even called a whore and just couldn't stop! A disgusting specimen! But one would have loved to see retribution visited on the asshole DZ. He was fired but free to continue his merry way with other women. He needed to be taught a severe physical lesson.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

A mature married woman meekly becomes the slut of a bullying boss? Skips family events to be fucked in a motel, when she doesn't even enjoy it?! What the fuck is wrong with the woman? Is her job worth her self respect, the love of her husband and her marriage? She is unable to tell the bastard to fuck off?! Amazing! DZ the bastard needs his knees and nuts shattered, to save other women from his lust!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
S are shallow and ignorant

Of what goes on at the work place. While I was single and in my early twenties, I experimented with dating. Among those women were 7 who were married, but hid that part of their life. Three that I know of had children. This condition is a consequence of women going to work out of the home, and the impact of influence of culture and media which have erased stigmas of divorce, having children out of wedlock, and acting like puntas. And I wasn't even great looking. I imagine extremely handsome men who are big, strong, and athletic have to beat women off with a stick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Following Quote Is The Only Reason

That I didn't do this very same exact thing myself forty years or so ago:

"As to the second part if I killed your lover I'd end up in jail and I can't do that because I have 2 kids who need their father, especially since they've lost their mother."

Many memories Stang, a lot of them not so good but later on they did improve. It's amazing the number of ones soon to be exwife's coworkers who can find out where you've moved to and come knocking on the door... Laura got smoked and ghosted, not enough for DZ though by far. This one wasn't a fun read for me for obvious reasons, but as usual thanks for the short ride. Signed: BTW

MormonJackMormonJackover 4 years ago
Love your stories, even if I don't agree with what happens

Also, a shout out to your editor who does an amazing job.

BUT.... here is an error from this story that I see far too often, and it slipped by your editor: "I could care less..." Noooo! It should be "I couldn't care less."

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
Does it get much sadder?

People get caught. She should ask herself why she threw it away.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 4 years ago
Really unoriginal asinine story

There is nothing about the story that is good or worth reading. Just copy and paste of any number of hundreds of stories in LW. Then we end with the stupid canard that "The company had settled out of court with Brian for several million dollars." This is also typical of LW even though no one can sue an employer on that basis.

So nothing but asinine claptrap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

How can any woman be this stupid. Sheesh

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

Love it!!! BTB!!!!

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Again. This is one beautiful and complete BTB.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I Have to Wonder

If she had been with the company long enough to be a good rep for them why didn't she go to senior management and fill them in the scum bags attitude toward long time customers, then HR to file a complaint followed by a rape charge against DZ. The character lacks all sense of intelligence.

JRandyJJRandyJalmost 4 years ago
MormonJack Comment 11/27/19

Mormonjack, your comment couldn't care less.

I'm no English major, don't need to be when it's important. I have google. So I checked. Could care less vs couldn't care less. According to Merriam-Webster carry the same meaning, one is not correct over the other.

StangStar06, I enjoyed the story. The negative remarks you receive you should care less, or should that be, shouldn't care less.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

As has been said, the husband has ZERO case against the company. The company CAN'T fire her, she's the victim of sexual harassment. Her consent is meaningless, because DZ was her superior, there was an implied threat of termination, loss of raises and/or promotions.

The fact that there had been other complaints, and that DZ's activities were apparently common knowledge simply makes the company's liability even GREATER!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

@JRandyJ, I don't care what Merriam-Webster says, many incorrect phrases have become common usage so are considered "correct," that doesn't make them REALLY correct!

"Couldn't care less" means that you already care as little as it is possible to care. COULD care less means that there is some tiny bit of caring that it is possible for you to do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just Fired??!

Douchebag DZ was just fired? Someone - one of his victims' husbands should have knocked him out and castrated him. Wherever he goes he'll do it again, so solve the problem once and for all! Laura had to want it. No self-respecting woman would allow herself to be treated as she was treated. Didn't care for this at all. As bad as "Kissing My Angel Goodnight" Both 2*s and not in the same class as this author's other excellent work.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Put the barrel into your mouth, and take it from you stupid bimbo. You’ll work it out all on your own

Scores 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A story about a cheating wife..........

My hats off to the author here...we got to see some of what the wife goes through when she's caught cheating...I hate to guess what really happens...but we do know here........Thank You................

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Laura's father was a very vindictive man.

Not only was DZ fired but on News Year Eve he was hurt very badly.

Laura's father called in some favours and had DZ kidnapped while he was leaving a club after celebrating the New Year. He was taken to a warehouse in town and tortured for hours.

His toes were removed on at a lime as were his fingers. They left him with his little finger on his left hand only.

He was castrated and had his penis removed. His knees were shattered as was his arms. Every tooth in his mouth was pulled out without anesthetic. A lot of bones were broken in his body.

DZ spent several months in hospital but never recovered mentally or physically. The case was never solved and went down in the annals of violent crimes and is still discussed to this day by law enforcement in their town.

When Laura read about the assault she knew it was her father and not Brian as Brian was a gentle soul not like her father.

She eventually saw her kids again at her son's graduation from University but they did not want anything to do with her. Timmy did not remember her and Janet told her that they had had a good life with just dad. Brian was cold and indifferent to her.

She lived a solitary lonely life with nothing but cats to keep her company, which is strange because she was allergic to cat fur.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thus conscience doth make "fools" of us all.

It's not fools, it's cowards you tool. Showing that Brian has no idea what the quote means and is a pretentious idiot. Your misquote changes the entire meaning of Hamlet's speech. ROFLMFAO

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Circle the toilet should be title

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Great story about a fool losing her family with senseless cheating. I love her pain and hope it keeps coming for a long time.

skruff101skruff101about 3 years ago

Just gotta say to all the commenters why are you bothering, Stangstar migrated to another site years ago, pretty sure he makes no effort to check on any of the comments here, so you are quite literally talking to yourselves or maybe each other. Just saying.

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

Great story about a stupid ass woman losing her family with senseless cheating. Storyline was bleak to say the least. 5 stars for the writing and 1 star for the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

In My Book She was Raped .. She should have told her husband and the police and HR .. I would have Taken DZ hunting One time . Rapist deserve what they get . Hell I kicked the Shit out of a so called friend for grabbing My wives Boobs . I do not blame her Parents She could have told them also . Why didn't someone in the office tell some Boss or HR .

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago

Wait a minute. The wife is being raped and it could be seen in the videos? But the hubby found it easier to leave her than confront her attacker? Not much of a man there. Now if she tries to find him, he's going to ruin her? How? He already sued her company and got her fired, and showed videos to her parents. Those videos can be sold or something, but they can not be used in court because the evidence was taken illegally, I don't believe the company nor the motel gave anybody permission to videotape anything that could come back and bite them in the ass. In fact the pi and the husband could be charged if those videos were shown around. A cheater does not a bad mom make. Now she could turn around and turn this into ww lll. First. he took the videos illegally. next he got her fired with those videos then he has her father help him get fake papers so the she will never find him. Plus he kidnapped her children. There was no court decree that gave custody to him. Now why would any person involve her parents and the kids? I think he was trying to hurt her through the kids. Anyway. The police will find her kids for her, he will go to jail and the pi too. the father will be lucky if she forgives him. but he had to have seen how she was being raped repeatedly. This story did not present any men here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

does job and money worth fidelity and family ?

seems women are insane and take everybody as granted ?

LacastrianLacastrianover 2 years ago

How can anyone have the nerve to defend this bitch and blame her husband?

"Before I could even react he pushed me down to my knees and started unbuckling his pants. I wasn't even shocked. I was just numb as he pulled out his penis and thrust it towards my face. Almost on auto pilot, I STARTED TO GENTLY LICK THE HEAD OF HIS DICK, GIVING NO THOUGHT TO MY HUSBAND OR OUR MARRIAGE. MY VOWS OF FIDELITY AND MY CHILDREN WERE FORGOTTEN AS WELL".

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just another Narcissistic bitch. Nothing here to see. Break it up people, move along. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The first time he raped her, should have been the end of it. She should have reported it to upper management, the police and her husband. Apparently she enjoyed it and totally allowed it to continue, forgetting and ignoring her family. She was a great wife and mother and then gave it all away, a real piece of work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

whew, finally a SS06 that is short, strongly written and to the point. So different from the rest of the stuff that at best rates a "meh" as it relies on his reputation and not writing / story telling skills.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago

Well written.

Pure fantasy, too fantastical. Almost to the extreme. The first time she was assaulted in the office and mouth raped would have been the last. Then, somehow, she allowed it to turn into a long term subservient affair. HR would have stopped it. Her husband would have stopped it. Her bosses' boss would have stopped it. I know your intent was to show she somehow enjoyed being dominated, or even that she felt powerless. I wasn't quite sure which. As a literary device, it just exceeded my tolerance for fantasy in the LW category.

He did confront her, but your third person approach enabled her to sidestep the accusations. You know it doesn't work that way in real life.

Still, 5 ⭐️ for a well written, well conceived, error free story. No, it didn't conform to my desired outcome, but it's your story, your universe, your fantasy.

pummel187pummel187over 2 years ago

lol... oh this was fucking classic.. haha

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Usual over the top bullshit from this author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The first time that my wife came home from work upset that her new boss had laid hands on her,i realized that a call to my "street friends "was definitely in order. My wife had mentioned that two of her fellow coworkers had already gone to HR with nothing being done,so calling my former associates was not a knee jerk reaction.

One week and 1500 dollars later,asshole was "mugged" coming out of a club,and in addition to his legs and back being broken, his junk was rendered useless as well. My wife and i both slept well,and she eventually left her job for maternity leave.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Parental child abduction is a federal felony, and her father is looking at serious jail time on multiple counts of conspiracy. I doubt he will remain quiet for long once he is arrested and denied bail since his crime proves that he is a flight risk.

The husband and kids should be found within a few weeks at most. The husband will then promptly be stripped of his parental rights pending adjudication of the abduction charges. Oops...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

For those who complain as to what is legal or not...It's our stories and we make the rules. As far as him taking his children...he had a new identity and other then her, no one else is really looking for them.

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Not even remotely close to being his best.

Preposterous plot that might have been ok if it clearly wasnt just thrown together to get something out.

He wrote the usual cut and paste wife that really gets at the grunting part of the knuckle draggers, which is why the same exact wife is used over and over again, because it works on those not sharp enough to catch whats going on.

OdessaLesOdessaLesalmost 2 years ago

Lust, heartbreak, revenge and Justice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

excellent plot .

long enough for details and consequences .

5 stars .

one of your top ten for sure

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was dumb. With a capital "D". The wife gets forced but somehow submits. No seduction just shows up and whips out his dick and forces her to suck. How the heck did this guy get past high school or hold down a job? Then he orders her to cut her husband off and he spanks her ass and she submits? Wtf? This is beyond even Martian Slut Ray. How did the wife even get out of college without ending up in a Mexican whorehouse? Their is no seduction, no blackmail, no harassment, just the mean Alpha claiming his prize and she is somehow a closet submissive who cucks her husband? The characters read like dum cartoons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A woman who could so easily forget her husband and children as she delighted in being the submissive slut of her arrogant lover would not grieve the departure of her family for very long. There were so many domineering men in the world for whom she couid slut herself shamelessly. They would have kept her far too busy to be able to spend much time missing her former family. A true slut's work is never done, you know. There's always one more glory hole to service or one more attempt at setting the Guinness Record for length of time kept continuously airtight.

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago

Idiotic story with equally idiotic characters. Slutwife dropped down to suck dick almost as fast as Ruttweiler does.

Also, the moronic idea that forgiveness & reconciliation are "strengths". Only to beta bitches.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Did you even use your second brain cell when you wrote this trash? Read it do to some solid previous work but now to fearful to read any others

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Hell she was raped and should gone to hr immediately and the police.

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker12 months ago

U sure Knew how ta stir in ppl up SS6 ASHAME UVE BEEN GONE FOR AWHILE. THKS FOR UR STORIES AND TIME..... TAKE CARE !! 👍👍👁️👁️🤷😉😁

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Why is the DZ character not found in an alley missing his dick and balls? In my book that would be a moral imperative to visit terror and pain on this P.O.S.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Epilogue: Laura finally came to her senses and did the right thing, taking a full bottle of sleeping pills. Brian was so thankful he and his kids could now get on with their lives without the cheating skank slut. Her parents cried a little, but they too were so happy to have their grandkids back in their lives, they never bothered to go visit her grave. DZ was kidnapped tortured and eventually tossed over the side of a shrimp boat in the Gulf of Mexico. Nobody missed him either.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The story being told from her pov was a good idea and a nice change from the normal in these stories. My issue is the total unbelievable nature of how things started and continued. Its totally inconceivable that anyone, a sexual predator or even a total idiot would just walk into an office rip off a co workers clothes and fuck them without any form of interaction with them. It just wouldn't happen, ever. This totally spoiled the whole story for me. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Irrational, unexplainable behavior. Sorry, this is just ridiculous.

Medussa55Medussa557 months ago

Well the first part read like classic rape followed by sexual harrasment. She has a pretty good case for sueing the company for failing in their duty of care especially as the affair was common knowledge around the building and they did nothing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


FluidswallowerFluidswallower5 months ago

WOW!!!! Just WOW!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hated the story but the writing was very good. She had options but refused to use or even see them. Too bad.

Liked your writing as I have most of your others.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

People calling this rape are purely delusional. This is not a rape, yes Dz was forceful but the slut was willing she never resisted. How some of the anonymous calling this a rape and feel sorry for her wow.

jflindersjflinders2 months ago

I really wish this story didn't include the common LW fallacy about the wronged spouse suing a company for failing to enforce a morals clause, something he has no standing to do and which in this case really didn't add anything important to the story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This morals clause BS is just that, BS. HE has no standing hence no case. If he goes public, if they don't meet his demands that's extortion.

A cheap and useless literary device. Likewise, if she were complicit, repeatedly she'd have a hard case to make.

All of it is absurd.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Stupid start to a stupid story.

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