CJ, Lana and My Daughter Holly

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Swinging, lesbian sex, incest - Daniel sees & enjoys it all.
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Looking back at it now, I suppose all this delicious insanity started when my wife's best friend from grade school moved in with us. Lana had only been married for 3 months when she caught him cheating on her -- with her own younger sister! To make matters worse, the cocky bastard had actually convinced Lana's gullible sister that she was fine with it and that they had an "open relationship". Lana's husband must have had a brass pair although I doubt they did him much good when Lana kicked his family jewels with her high-heeled boots and stormed out. She called CJ who told her to pack her bags and get on the next flight to Toronto.

CJ invited because Lana really had nowhere else to go. Her previous apartment had been rent controlled and rents were now sky-high. Her parents live here in Toronto and their place is too small for her to move in with them. Lana was working part-time as a DJ and brought in okay money, but it was nothing compared to what her soon-to-be ex earned. My wife consulted with me and after I gave the okay, she invited Lana to come and stay with us for as long as she liked. I was to find out later that my wife's motives were not entirely altruistic.

CJ confessed to me the day before Lana moved in that she had been having affairs --lots of affairs. My gut was tied up in knots. I know that I had no right to expect perfection. After all, here I was, a 35-year old creative writing teacher married to a beautiful, 23-year old sweetheart. CJ had been one of my students and she had never tried to hide her attraction to me. Some of my colleagues thought it was cute but I knew we were treading on dangerous ground. She was beautiful even then, a petite figure, her almond eyes from her Korean heritage, the face of an angel with the body of a porn star. I made sure to date as many pretty women as I could to keep my mind away from the distraction this gorgeous 17-year old offered me.

As luck would have it, a few weeks before graduation, I no longer had to resist temptation. CJ walked into my classroom after school hours. I was tidying up some papers and didn't notice her until I heard the clicking of the door locking behind her. I turned to look at her and this CJ was a far cry from the pretty student I held a secret lust for. She was dressed in a black mini the school would have sent her home for wearing. Her top was gauzy and you could easily make out the black lingerie underneath. The heels were equally black and spiky. She looked like a total vamp.

"As of this past week, I am eighteen, Mr. Sutton," she said to me. "I am free to do whatever I want with whoever I want. Can you guess what I want most for my eighteenth birthday present? I want you and me to befucking -- righthere and rightnow!"

I knew that I should have sent her packing right there and then, but months of pent-up desire overwhelmed common sense. I scattered the papers from my desk, pulled the young temptress into my arms and kissed her. I didn't care about my career or anything else. If she wanted to fuck, okay -- we would fuck. She was no longer jailbait and I got on the desk as the lovely teen got on her knees. Those gorgeous eyes looked up at me as her tongue shot out and started flicking at my cock. "I knew you would fuck me if I made the first move," CJ said to me between licks. "I just knew that you would."

It would have been impossible to resist her much longer so I had decided not to. I was rock-hard in minutes but I had to taste that sweet young cunt. I lifted her tiny skirt to see that she had gone without panties. "You little slut, how did you get away with this?" I laughed as she hopped up on my desk.

"I changed in the girl's locker room after everyone went home," CJ giggled. "I hid the clothes in my gym bag in my locker. Oh Mr. Sutton, please eat my pussy, please lick me!"

"I think under the circumstances you can call me Daniel," I chuckled and then did as she asked. It's not every day a teacher gets an opportunity like this, why do anything to ruin the mood? She was wet and sweet and very responsive. She hunched her pussy against my face and only after I had made her cum did she beg me to stop.

I made sure she was secure and then I got up on the desk behind her and fucked her gorgeous, tight pussy. There wasn't a lot of room and it wasn't the most perfect place to have sex, but we made do. She sure as hell knew all the right moves and when I started to cum, she got me out of her tight little cunt and had me cum in her mouth. CJ took all of it with a cheerful smile.

After she got dressed again, I asked her why here and why now? She said she had been thinking for months about fucking me in this room and knew it had to happen today, on her birthday. "Next time, we'll find somewhere a lot more comfortable," she smiled as she kissed me goodbye.Next time! She was so confident that there would be a next time.

Of course, she was right. We started dating as soon as the school year ended. A lot of tongues were wagging. My job was threatened but a phone call from the teacher's union and my lawyer stopped all of that nonsense. My family wasn't thrilled. Her family wasn't thrilled. My ex-wife and daughterreally weren't thrilled and Holly was the most vocal of all of them. Neither of us gave a damn. The sex we had in various locales made it all worthwhile. My young girlfriend seemed to have a thing about being daring and taking risks. My favorite was in a local park after midnight. We very nearly did get caught by a police officer checking things out.

When you find a woman like CJ, if you have half a brain, you marry her. Two years ago, I did exactly that. Most of the nay-sayers had accepted us as a couple by now. Our wedding was a blast and I remember thinking I'd never seen CJ so calm. Most brides are a nervous wreck, but not my gal. She was as cool as a cucumber.

Knowing this gorgeous creature was cheating on me was killing me. I've always been the faithful type. In our 5 years as a couple, I had never once strayed. Never had to, she kept me on my toes. I wasn't sure if I could continue or if I could forgive her. I hated the thought of my wife and another guy. It tied me up in knots.

My agony likely was showing in my face because CJ sat me down and straddled my lap. "You're being ridiculous," she told me in a calm, matter-of-fact manner. "Do you think that I would ever cheat on you with another man? Sweetheart, I've been having affairs with othergirls."

I don't think I spoke for a few minutes. That was okay. CJ did enough speaking for the pair of us. "My first sexual experiences were all with other girls and I liked all of it," she explained. "When I got my crush on you, I figured I could put all that behind me if I could get your attention. I have had the best times with you, but I was kidding myself. I'm bi-sexual and I needed other women in my bed. I hooked up with some school friends and a few girls you don't know about, but I kept it discreet. The best hookup was right before our wedding -- I slept with my maid of honor and all the bridesmaids," she giggled.

Well, that explained her calm attitude on our big day.

"Baby, with Lana living here, I don't know if I will be able to control myself," CJ bleated pitifully. "She's one of the few women in my life I haven't had sex with. I don't even think she knows I like girls and sometimes, she drives me crazy. She has this gorgeous, hot body and the way she moves, damn, that girl gets me hot! I think one of the reasons I decided to invite her was so I could put the moves on her but now I'm not so sure if I can go through with it. What if it ruins our friendship?"

I held my wife close and was breathing a huge sigh of relief. I looked into her beautiful eyes and said without blinking "Don't worry about it. Flirt with her and if she flirts back, go ahead and put the moves on her. I think she'll be really flattered and I doubt very much if it will affect your friendship. It might even make it stronger."

CJ wiggled in my lap and smothered my face with wet kisses. "I knew I married the right guy! Thank you baby, mmm lover, are you going to get a wild fuck tonight. Okay -- when she shows up, I'll start flirting with her a bit and we'll take it from there. Of course, there is one thing you need to know."

I didn't know if my poor heart could take another shock. CJ was going to turn me grey before my time.

"If I get to fuck her,you get to fuck her," CJ smirked at me playfully. "It's only fair."

I sighed. "What in the world makes you think your friend, who you have just told me is smoking hot, would have the slightest interest in fucking me?"

CJ laughed. "Oh baby, don't be silly. Girls talk and we've talked a great deal about you. She's seen your picture and told me she'd love to find a guy like you and fuck him blind. It will be the perfect revenge on that cheating shit she married. I never liked Tom and wish I'd been around when they hooked up, I sure as hell would have talked her out of marrying that creep."

I nodded. We had been invited to Lana's wedding but as it was in Vancouver and the school year had not yet ended, I couldn't go and CJ had just started her new job. Knowing her as well as I did, if they had asked "does anyone object ...?" CJ would have made a two hour speech. It would have been funny as hell to watch though.

"Honey, are you sure you want to do this? Come to think of it, should I do this? I'm 36 and not as young as I used to be," I said. CJ's face got that look she got when I was being an ass and I realized she was right.What the hell was I doing? Trying to talk myself out of the chance to fuck a gorgeous, sexy brunette? I gave my wife a hug and helped her get ready for Lana's arrival.

Lana arrived in a flurry of excitement combined with tears. I told the girls I'd leave them alone but they wouldn't hear of it. Lana in particular seemed to want me there. "I just want to see what a good guy looks like," she sniffed in between tears. "He seems like one of the good ones babe, where'd you find him?"

CJ didn't even blink. "He was my high school creative writing teacher. I put the moves on him a few days after I turned eighteen and we've never looked back," she smiled.

Lana looked at me and I nodded my confirmation of the story. "Claudia Jean, you naughty slut! Well, you always did go after what you wanted," Lana laughed. My wife winced, she hates her full name. "I don't blame you, Daniel,you are one handsome specimen of male," she told me. "If I'd have been in your class, I would have put the moves on you myself. I could have given CJ a run for her money."

Looking at her beautiful face, I could certainly agree that she would have. I could see why CJ was attracted to her. Lana had a presence that was very sexual and she didn't try to hide it either. She was in a very sexy outfit that consisted of black leather pants and a gauzy black chemise with a black jacket and heels. Everything looked as if it had been painted on her sensual, curvy frame.

I had some errands to run so I told the girls to enjoy the rest of the day and that I would pick up steaks to grill later on. I wondered how far CJ would take things. Lana had only just arrived and we didn't want to upset the apple cart by moving too fast. Yet I could see it in my wife's eyes, she was chomping at the bit to get Lana into bed. I had figured if I left them alone for a while, things would probably unfold as they were meant to.

I returned home a few hours before dinner and the girls were nowhere in sight. I heard some low moans coming from upstairs. I recognized CJ's at once and I assumed that the others were coming from Lana. I was thrilled that my gorgeous wife had gotten to fulfill her fantasy. I went upstairs to have a little peek, to play the voyeur. That's when I got the shock of my life.

I looked in our bedroom and saw CJ in the pretty black bra and panty set I had given her for her birthday, complete with her favorite pair of "stripper heels". She was face down in Lana's pussy and from the way Lana was pushing her head against her body, Lana loved it. What I had not expected to see was athird person had joined their little party. I had no idea who she was, but she was a nice contrast to the other two. She was tall, tanned and blonde, wearing skimpy white lingerie and "fuck me" boots and little else. This stranger was eating my wife's pussy with gusto and seemed to really know what she was doing. When the third girl lifted her head from CJ's head, I saw her face. She was my daughter, Holly.

The shock was twofold. First, because I had no idea Holly liked girls, although that was rather evident from what she had been doing. Second, because Holly did not like CJ. As I mentioned earlier, she had been quite vocal about it. Holly was furious I had married someone who was only 5 years her senior and had been very pissed about it over the years we had been dating and right up to our marriage.

I coughed at that moment and everyone looked up to see me standing there. "Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag," Lana snickered.

"Or the pussy, anyway," CJ giggled.

Holly hadn't said anything yet but when I looked at her, she gave me a feeble little smile and said "Hi, Daddy" in a very hushed tone.

"Hello yourself," I answered. "I'm really not sure what to say. What's going on?" CJ looked at me as if I had just said the dumbest thing in the world. "I mean to say, why are you here -- and why are you HERE? I didn't think you two ..." I pointed to my wife who was cuddling with Lana "... liked each other very much."

"I came here to invite you to dinner. CJ and I kissed and made up," Holly snickered.

"Among other things," Lana added to the conversation. All of the girls broke into a fit of the giggles at that point.

I still had no idea of what to say. "I had no idea you were ..." and then realized I wasn't sure quite what to say next "Are you a lesbian or are you bi-sexual?" It really wasn't the easiest conversation to have with one's daughter, adding to the fact she was completely naked and very beautiful. Oddly enough, she didn't make any attempts to cover herself.

"I'm bi, Daddy," Holly admitted. "Although I've been with more women than guys. I'm not really interested in guys my own age, they're too immature. That's one of the reasons CJ and I are cool now. I've come to see where she's coming from." The unintentional double-entendre drew another fit of giggles from CJ and Lana. "My first sexual experiences were with women," Holly soldiered on.

"When she showed up this afternoon, it was a complete and utter surprise," CJ told me.

"I'LL say," Holly smiled. "When I got here, I caught these two going at it on the couch. I didn't know how to react at first and then my second reaction was they looked HOT! I can see why you married CJ now, Daddy," she sighed. "After apologizing for interrupting, I was brave enough to ask them if it would be okay if I joined in."

"You could have knocked me over with a feather," CJ smiled. My daughter's hands were now idly grazing her thigh. "Then, after I looked at Lana, I decided this would be a wonderful way to make peace. I got up and so did Lana, we each took one of Holly's hands and led her upstairs. We've been girl-fucking for about 90 minutes now."

I was trying hard not to stare at Holly, although she was making that darn-near impossible. I wondered just when she'd gotten that sexy, taut body with those legs that seemed to go on forever.

"I know one thing that would make this party even better," CJ piped up.

"What's that?" Holly asked her.

"I think it would be wonderful if we had a man join in the fun," CJ grinned. "Seeing as there is only one man in the vicinity, what do you say darling? Want to join in the fun and games?"

"Fuck, YEAH!" Holly said to my astonishment.

"I've wanted to fuck him since the moment I got here," Lana said seductively, lowering her eyes.

Okay, it is one thing to screw your much-younger wife and her hot-as-hell girlfriend, but it is a much different thing to screw your own daughter. Holly's reaction surprised me. She hadn't even flinched. Where had this sex-crazed bi-nympho emerged from?

I must have been lost in thought because I felt soft hands on my shoulders. I turned to see Holly's face, pretty blue eyes glinting with the promise of playfulness. Her body had sensual, supple curves and she was tanned all over -- no lines. "Daddy, join us. I think it would so thrilling to have you fuck me -- so hot, sonaughty!" Holly wasn't going to take no for an answer. She pushed me down on the bed and the three vixens began removing my clothes. There was nothing I could do to stop them and by now, only a crazy man would have tried.

"Which of you would like to suck his cock first?" CJ smiled, partially for my benefit.

"Lana should go first CJ, she's a guest," Holly squeaked happily. "I know where I want to be and you and I can kiss and play, okay CJ?"

It was still a bit odd to see my daughter and my wife kissing and flirting so openly. The animosity between them had previously been so thick that you could have cut it with a knife. I didn't have much time to think. Gorgeous Lana was now sucking on my cock and Holly's pussy was being lowered to my face. The enormity of what we were about to do hit me like a sledgehammer, but what was I to do? I really didn't want to fight it. This went beyond the pale as sexual experiences went and it was thrilling.

I began to eat my daughter's pussy and tried to keep an eye on the rest of what was going on. There was no more anger between Holly and CJ, just pure, raw sexual passion. They were kissing like they'd been lovers all of their lives. Then, just to keep it interesting, CJ would lean over and lick Holly's lips where she was sucking my cock. My daughter's pussy occupied most of my time, but I was equally delighted by my wife and her girlfriend.

Once I got over the initial guilty feelings of being sexually intimate with my daughter, it felt great. Holly knew what a man liked, so I couldn't have been her first. I was giving her my top treatment and she seemed to love it from the way she carried on. She fell away from me with a satisfied sigh and joined Lana in sucking my cock. I didn't want to cum, but the girls sure as hell wanted me to. They won, I lost -- or did I?

"Daddy's cum is yummy, thanks for sharing." Holly said to Lana. The two of them kissed and fell down on the bed with my wife falling between my daughter's open legs. I watched for a minute, having missed most of the earlier show. Then I moved CJ to one side and let her and Lana have some time together. Now that the seed of lust had been planted, I wanted to fuck my little girl!

Only Holly wasn't so "little" anymore. She was blonde, busty and sexy and as my cock sunk deep into her, I felt as if I belonged there. Her legs wrapped around my back as she fucked me back, the heels of those fucking sexy boots digging in. I could hear the joyous sounds of my wife and Lana lapping pussy. I was thrilled that they had consummated their relationship. Everyone had gotten something they wanted that day.

"Oh God Daddy, I'm so glad you didn't fight me on this, my Daddy isfucking me, he'sreally fucking me and I love it! CJ, I love you, thank you,thank you for letting my Daddy fuck me," Holly howled. Everything she was saying was arousing me further; there was no force on earth that could have pried me away from Holly's sweet cunt.

"You're welcome sweetie, you can fuck him -- or ME -- whenever you want," CJ said as she kissed my daughter softly.

"Include me in that," Lana told them. "If I'm going to be living here for a while, I know I'm going to want to fuck Holly again. She's gorgeous."

"You will, I promise," Holly sighed. "I'm being greedy, hogging Daddy. You fuck him Lana; I'll have fun with my `stepmommy'," she tittered.