Claiming Marc

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Frustated girlfriend spanks cheating boyfriend.
3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 08/26/2012
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Jenna was angrily shoving Marc's belongings into trash bags. Two full bags sat by the front door in the living room. He had never formally moved in with her, but somehow a ton of his belongs had migrated into her apartment. He burst through the door lugging the sacks of groceries she had sent him out for. A cheerful greeting froze on his lips as he spotted her jamming a pair of his cycling shoes into a half full bag.

"What's the matter?" he asked, instantly pinned by her frosty blue gaze.

"Cheating boyfriends have to go!" She snapped, hurling the bag across the room to land near the others.

"Cheating boyfriends?" His face was a mix of fear and.... Guilt? He was trying his best to look innocent. "What are you talking about?"

They had met over a year ago through the local bicycle racing circuit. The attraction was instant.... She loved his engaging manner, and big brown eyes.... The short blond curls, handsome face, and firm physic didn't hurt either. He loved her enthusiasm, twinkling blue eyes, caring ways.... And lean cyclist body. He was on the Army cycling team, his job to race a bicycle. She was sponsored by a big national cycling team, but worked at a local jewelry store for extra cash in the off season. They had slept together twice before she found out he had a girlfriend. No, not just a girlfriend, a fiancé! It ended just that fast.... Fiancé. But he still sought her out on the training rides, asking for her guidance and advice. She had been racing longer than he had.... In that way he kept the friendship going until he broke up with Kate.... the fiancé . Then he pursued Jenna, hard core.... promising loyalty. No more cheating, no more flirting with other women..... She knew better. In the back of her mind, she knew better, but she just couldn't resist him....his charm, his sweetness, their budding friendship.... And his oh so hot body!!

Even now, in her rage, she knew she would do it all again.... Just for the few months they had, but it was over. She would not tolerate cheating. Marc crossed the living room carefully, and sat the groceries down on the kitchen counter. Hands on her hips, she watched his progress, saw him stalling for time, trying to figure out what she knew. She didn't keep him in suspense for too long. Purposefully she strode into the kitchen and grabbed him by the front of his jeans, yanking him to the side. She shoved her hand into his back pockets, one after the other. "Where is it?" she demanded, hands back on her hips.

"What?" he asked, guilty look in his eye, but voice neutral.

"Brandy's phone number."

"Brandy who?....." He glanced away from her and downward.

"Where do you keep all these girls' phone numbers?" She spat out.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, defensive.

"I am talking about a pretty blond, bumped into you in the produce section? She gave you her number. You put it in your back pocket, and you said maybe you could meet for drinks sometime...."

"Were you spying on me?" He demanded, but it came out sounding slightly unsure.

"No, dummy.... She works with me at the Jewelry store. I set you up! You've been asking to move in here with me.... I had to know if I could trust you. Guess I got my answer...." Her rage had faded, replaced with sadness. "Pack up the rest of your shit and get out."

"Jenna, Please..." Marc begged, as she turned and walked away. "I wasn't going to call her, I swear! It was just some harmless flirting...."

"Whatever you say, Marc" Jenna replied, flatly. "Just leave."

"Isn't there something I can do to make it up to you? Something I can do to show you?" She hated the despairing sound in his voice. "I know I fucked up..... But really, I wasn't going to call her, I swear! You have to believe me!"

"But I don't" She said, keeping her voice hard.

Marc sat down on the couch and dropped his head into his hands. Slowly his shoulders started to hitch with soundless sobs.

"I love hanging out with you...." He sobbed. "I don't want to lose you..."

Crying?!! Jenna was incredulous. She had thought he would pack his bags and leave. They had fun together, sure. Marc was always talking to her about something, sharing ideas and thoughts. They went on training rides, and cooked meals together. There were times it felt like they were best friends, as well as lovers... And the sex was truly amazing! But crying? She stared at his bent head in disbelief; she was sure it was one of his many ploys to get his way. Suddenly she made a decision.

"OK, we'll give it one more try," she said firmly, "on one condition..."

Marc raised his head, swiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. He looked at her hopefully.

"You will be punished for flirting with Brandy... and anytime I deem necessary." She said, with a glint in her eye.

"Punished how?" He looked nervously into her eyes.

"Today you will get a spanking... a paddling actually, for your behavior." She watched for his reaction. She had always wanted to spank a man, but had never taken it beyond the realm of fantasy. She was shocked at how excited she felt by this idea. He had just flirted with her co-worker, took her number! She should be sending him packing... But if he said 'yes'.... He looked away from her, deep in thought, for a very long moment. She was sure he would say no, and that would be alright. It would be over.

"Okay" he said, dropping his head. It was such a soft murmur she was not sure she had heard him correctly.

"Did you just say yes?" She asked in wonder. He nodded silently. Her head spun for a moment.... He had said yes... Her resolve stiffened.

"Then say it out loud. Tell me what you will let me do." She said sternly.

"You can spank me for flirting" he said hesitantly, looking back up into her eyes. He looked scared and... was that excitement she saw? His cheeks flushed and he looked back down.

"Stand up" She commanded. He stood, revealing a growing bulge in the front of his jeans.

"This is not just some sex game" she growled at him. "It is punishment."

He blushed a brighter red, nodding mutely.

"Get into the bedroom, take off your clothes, and face the far wall" She ordered. Their eyes met again for a moment, and then he hastened to comply.

She spent the next few minutes putting away the groceries and putting together a plan. She did not have a paddle in the apartment, but she did have a wooden bath brush. That would have to do. When she was sure he had enough time to complete her orders, she strolled into the bedroom. The sight of him made her catch her breath, and smile involuntarily. He was standing there, completely naked as ordered, facing the far wall. Hands clasped together in the small of his back, feet shoulders' width apart, with head and shoulders squared... He looked like a soldier at the position of 'parade rest'. Well yes, that's right, she remembered, he was in the military. Broad shoulders, narrowed waist, and a muscular ass created a mouthwatering vision. "Hands interlaced behind your head" she ordered. He quickly obeyed. A thrill rushed through her. "Stay there!"

"Yes, Ma'am" he replied. Oh, this was going to be fun, she thought. Why hadn't they done this sooner?

Ten minutes later she had retrieved the bath brush, and he was still maintaining his position, though shifting from foot to foot occasionally. He instantly stilled when he heard her come in the room.

"Marc" she snapped, breaking the silence, "Come over here, now."

She was standing by the bed. Startling a little at the sound of her voice, he dropped his arms, and moved quickly to her side. His cock, slightly softened from the long wait, now bobbed back to attention. She grasped it firmly, pulling him in a little closer.

"Are you ready to be spanked" she asked, staring up into his big brown eyes.

"Yes Ma'am" His breathing quickened. She admired his bare chest, firm abs and muscled thighs.

"This might not last long" she warned, giving his hard cock a last squeeze. "Lay down over the bed, feet on the floor!"

She smacked his rear end smartly, as he turned away from her. The bath brush rested close by and he eyed it warily as he folded himself over the edge of the bed.

"Hands out in front, and they better not come off the bed!" came her order. Again, he complied.

"Why are you being punished?" she asked sharply.

"Because I flirted with that girl in the store", came his reply.

"And what is flirting?"

"Wrong?" came the hesitant response. Jenna chuckled to herself, but responded in a no nonsense tone.

"Yes it is wrong, Marc. But it is also a form of cheating, don't you think?"

"Yes, Ma'am" his head dropped to the bed. He was a natural at this submissive stuff, Jenna thought.

"Since you need to be punished" she decreed "I am going to start with a hand spanking to warm you up. Then I will use the bath brush for your paddling, understood?"

"Yes Ma'am" he said softly, a sudden shiver running through him. She took a moment to admire the perfectly raised ass in front of her. A light red hand print marked his right cheek. She ran a finger nail lightly up the inside of his thigh. He shivered again. Oh what fun they could have, she thought, if they could get beyond his bad behavior.... If she could get him on the right track... and trust him.

The first smack of her hand made him jump slightly, but he quickly regained his composure and kept his position. She rested one hand in the small of his back. Then she began to rain down the spanks slowly, covering his ass in a circle, from the tops of his thighs to the crest of his buttocks. After she had created a nice pink glow, she began concentrating on each area. Three smacks on the lower left cheek, then three on the lower right. Initially, he had been still and quiet. Now he let out a hiss, and bunched the bedding up in his hands. She repeated this process over all the areas of his ass and upper thighs. His breathing was becoming ragged, his body twisting and jerking.

"Stay still, Marc" She commanded, pressing the non-spanking hand into his back.

"But it hurts" he pleaded raggedly.

"Um, yes, I am sure it is starting to hurt" she replied "but it is supposed to hurt. It is supposed to deter you from flirting with other women... and from even thinking about cheating on me!"

With that statement, she began spanking him hard and fast, turning his ass a bright red. Panting and grunting, he fought desperately to stay down across the bed.

"Please" he pleaded, "I'm sorry!"

Ignoring his pleas, she continued to smack away at the firm ass in front of her. After several minutes, his pleas became more desperate, along with his mounting distress. He had a death grip on the comforter. Jenna decided he needed a short break. She did not know how much of this he could take. She stopped spanking and gently rubbed the small of his back.

"Marc, you are handling this punishment very well, so far. However, if this becomes more than you can handle, and you want it done, just say 'enough'. I will stop."

Marc was trying to catch his breath, savoring the respite, yet knowing that there was more to come.

"Will we be alright, if I say 'enough'?" he asked shakily.

"We will be done, if you say 'enough'." Jenna admitted. "You will finish packing your bags, and you will leave. If this was a game we were playing , then 'enough' would simply end the game. But you really fucked up today, and today wasn't the first day you asked a girl for her number, since you've been with me. You probably have hundreds of phone numbers stuffed somewhere in your jeep. I have no idea of how many girls you have called....Or even gotten together with. Makes me want to schedule a GYN appointment and get tested today!" She took an angry breath and then continued. "What you did today deserves a very hard paddling, hard enough to be fixed in your mind for a very long time!"

"I haven't called any of them!" he pleaded fervently, "I swear, I just...."

"Stop" she snapped, "I don't want to hear it. You have not given me any reason to take you at your word. Is it over? Have you had enough?"

"No... I want to stay. I will take whatever you give to me... but please not too hard!! I don't know how much more I can take!" He had turned his head up to see her over his shoulder, eyes pleading. She reached over and stroked his cheek.

"I will take good care of you, Marc. And this really has not been very hard so far. I will do my best not to push you past your limit, OK? Do you trust me?"

Marc nodded silently, holding her eyes, pleading. He had an idea about what was coming. And he wasn't excited about it right now. Please let her go easy, he prayed. His prayers probably were not going to be answered today!!

"Thirty strokes with the bath brush, and I want you to count them out loud!" she ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am" He said a little too loudly.

'He is thinking that thirty will not be too bad', she thought to herself.... Well, they would see about that.

SMACK! She swung the brush down hard, forming a dark red spot on the underside of his left cheek.

"YYYOOOOWWW" he hollered, standing straight up. She was very grateful that she lived in a four-plex, with only one adjacent neighbor upstairs.... A neighbor who worked long hours and was not home right now! Marc reached back to grab at his assaulted ass. He stomped a foot.

"Oh shit that hurt!!" He turned accusing eyes on her; they were watering from the burn.

"Enough?" she asked, facing him with a stony stare. He shook his head, breathing rapidly. Slowly he lowered himself back over the bed. "One" he counted.

"If you come back up off that bed again" Jenna said, "You will get five extra. Clear?"

He nodded, hands reaching to grab the comforter, readier now for what was coming. She laid out the next nine with him panting, grunting, and counting each one. After the 11th, he began begging again, promising to be good. Finally, as the fire ignited in his ass, he reached a hand back to protect his burning rear end. Jenna paused, grabbed the offending arm by the wrist, and pressed in up into his back. By stroke twenty, he was sobbing and apologizing profusely in between counting strokes. She stopped for a moment, to let him catch his breath.

"You're doing good, baby" she said. She released his hand and stoked his back. "We're almost done."

Once he had calmed down a little, she began swinging the brush again. He yelped, cried and counted his way through the remaining strokes. He had, at some point, collapsed on the bed, and was kicking his legs, writhing under her ministrations. He did not try to stand up again, however. Jenna marveled at the full grown man lying over her bed, taking his punishment from a woman half his size. There was no force here... only consent. He did not have to take this... He was taking this for her. A sobbed "thirty" ended his ordeal, and he slumped miserably on the bed. Jenna sat down on the bed beside him, leaning over to rub his back. He came to her quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her side. He slid off the bed and knelt on the floor so that he could hold onto her better. Her shirt was getting soaked from his wet face, but she did not care. Gently, she ran hands through his hair and down over his shoulders.

"That fucking hurt!" he said into her side.

"Um, yes, it was supposed to" she smiled softly. "Do you think you can behave for a while?"

"Heck yea, with incentive like that! I'm not even looking at another woman sideways!"

"Tell you what... Why don't you tell me next time you're tempted to start flirting with another woman." Jenna suggested.

"That would be crazy!" Marc murmured, still snuggled against her. "Why should I do that?"

"Well, if you tell me, before you flirt, the spanking will be much lighter. But, if I find out after the fact, it will be twice as bad as today.... Or simply over." Jenna reasoned.

Marc was quiet for a little while. "Will you let me move in with you?"

"Will you be true to me?" She responded, "and will you let me spank you when I see fit?"

There was a soft brush of his arousal against her leg, and he nodded mutely into her waist. "Marc?" She said in slight surprise, pulling his head up to meet her gaze. He was blushing deeply.

"You want this?" she asked, incredulous.

"Well, maybe not as hard a spanking as today!" He gasped. "But, you being in charge is pretty hot! And yea, I'll stay true to you. I promise! Guess I was kind of like a kid in a candy shop, before.... With no one to stop me...." He looked away sheepishly. "But I think that you can definitely keep my hand out of the candy jar!"

And somehow, this time, she believed him.

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1Martiniman1Martiniman2 months ago

This was a good story and I’m excited to read the next chapter…very well written and the emotion from both characters were very well written and seemed very realistic.

Now for all those leaving negative criticism…did you even read the story or are you just mad that a woman is the dominant in charge? She wanted to know if he was faithful and he proved he wasn’t. He earned either her breaking up with him or his spanking punishment…he chose to be spanked and wasn’t forced. So where is the problem? I absolutely hate cuckold stories, so I don’t read them, simple as that. I do not purposely read cuckold stories and then complain about a cheating wife. Why do that to a writer…it’s very unfair, just don’t read stories with a genre you don’t like. We want to keep good writers here, not run them off. This was a good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

They are both assholes, him for crying, her for enntrapment, coersion assault and just plain meaness. As soon as she copped to the set up he should have been gone. Guys even the wimpiest of us have balls, find them and bring them back. Im convinced that wimp behaviors, simping, being submissive, being into flrs, etc. Comes from being bullied as a child or other ptsd experience. Im not an expert, but i have lived for a bit and read a lot. I know that masculinity can be restored, at any age, with self forgiveness, letting go of shame, and exercise, and maybe porn reduction. If you are into bdsm, find a safe sane and loving partner, not an abuser like the cow in this story. And dont be a door mat. This is not easy. Ive read a bunch of femdom stories, loving wives, etc. i dont know why, i almost always hate them. I guess i dont like to see men (or women) abused because i have suffered under the wimp tag and been bullied and rejected a lot in my life and im on kind of a rescue mission to save other saps from falling for hot but controlling, manipulative women. Find a nice not so hot kind woman whos in your league. She may want you to man up a bit. Ther's a wide span between total sub and total macho asshole. Find your comfort zone and try to be a bit more manly than is comfotable, or just accept yourself as you are, but dont be the guy in this story. And dont do any femdom shit unless you really know what you are doing. Sorry, no judgement on anyone. I just had to get it out. Peace everyone.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

Did anyone write you make it so realistic? Did he read a different story? How stupid you have to be about a girlfriend "Slowly his shoulders started to hitch with soundless sobs." She can safely do without the asshole. That will never be a good partnership and certainly not a good marriage!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well, she clearly doesn't give a shit about him. She threatens him with ending it if he doesn't say "enough"? That's coercion. And his crying only made things worse. She beat him pretty severely. Past the point of safe and sane BDSM. I hate these femdom abuse stories. It isn't even revenge, she has no proof he cheated. Dump this bitch and run fast. Not sexy, just cruel and sad.

cheval219cheval219over 10 years ago
You make it seem so real!

Your account of how the changed relationship comes about -- her breaking it off, him crying and begging for forgiveness, and her ultimatum -- is utterly convincing. That's my favorite part of an erotic story and you do it very well. Thank you!

Irish1876Irish1876over 10 years ago

She had to be worth it for that, but he maybe enjoyed it? Part of me, drooling down between my legs, seems to think so.

jane marwoodjane marwoodover 11 years ago
Excellent start! 5*****

I hope you continue this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very intense

Well written and intense. Great job in bringing an erotic razors edge to the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
is good

this one story sexy. very sexy. better than watching old neigborh lady masterbatering it last satruday nihgt.

MsJess2UMsJess2Ualmost 12 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much for the feedback!! This is my first story. Working on a part II... It will definately be more intense! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story, i really loved how she LIKED doing it to him

I hope you continue this story MS Jess. And that his punishments become more severy aqnd prolonged. A great beginning.

clearlakequeenclearlakequeenalmost 12 years ago
Really Enjoyed!

Really enjoyed your story. I really think women are more ruthless than men when handing out punishment. I thought I would enjoy my first punishment spanking from my wife, but it was brutal with over 100 whacks at full force till her arm gave out. Much harder and longer than any spanking a man has given me. Hoping to read more of his submission.

markellymarkellyalmost 12 years ago
Thank you.

A good tale, I liked it, well written and a very good read. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very nicely done!

She put him in his place 'good and proper'! He'll thank her for it later - in all sorts of ways ;) ! Please consider telling us about some of them! Five stars - thank you.

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