Clarence and MIllie


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Marcus greeted us with a smile. I was in my boxers and a t-shirt. It was strange him being there with my wife and I and me half naked. But, then, on the other hand, he was in his skivvies and a t-shirt too. We were a helluva sight if it came to that, all of us.

"So how was it last night, Clarence?" said Marcus. He wasn't trying to put me down. He really wanted to know.

"Okay," I said. "I needed it, I guess." Millie gave me a look that could have chilled a serial killer.

"Okay?" was her only comment.

"Okay, it was very good. Better than I thought it would be. But..." I said.

"But what?" the two of them said in unison.

"But, I kept wondering if you were comparing me with him," I said, looking straight at Marcus. "I was wondering just how much better it is with him than with me. I couldn't help it. He told me the night of the wedding that he was better than I ever was."

"Clarence, last night I did not once think of anyone or anything but you and me. That's the truth," she said.

"Boy, what I wouldn't give for a lie detector right about now," I said, only half joking. They both allowed exasperated looks to escape in my direction.

The scene at the breakfast table was not uncomfortable, but we had fallen into a kinda silent mode for a little bit. Finally Marcus, who was slowly chewing on a roll smeared with just a suggestion of a teaspoon of red-raspberry jam, smiled.

"You know, Clarence, it isn't just the size of my dick that makes me a better lover than you, and I am," he said. He continued to smile. Millie shot him a "shut the fuck up" look. He ignored her.

"No," he continued, "it's that I want the woman to be thrilled. I can't even begin to enjoy it myself in any real sense until I know she's getting off. You might try to remember that," he said.

I looked at him like he was nuts. The man who had cuckolded me, and continued to do so, was giving me advice on how to behave with women—no—with "my" woman! The whole scene was strange as hell.

"Really," was my brilliant reply.

"The two of you can just shut up," said Millie. "Clarence, you did fine last night, and you know it. Cuckold or not I enjoyed having you inside of me, so just accept it.

"Clarence?" she said.

"Huh?" I said.

"I hope you'll stay now," she said. "I mean come home and be my husband for real. Any chance?"

There it was. I didn't answer right away. The six hundred pound gorilla was still in the room. Could I forgive her? Would she stop her cheating, as I saw it, ways? Was she lying when she said that she hadn't been comparing me with Marcus? Had she had other men while I was gone, or even before I was gone? She read my mind.

"Clarence, do not over think this. We could be good. Better than we ever were. I love you, always have. Marcus is a good substitute if I have to have one; but, he is not now, nor has he ever been, my main man; that's always been you," she said.

"I'm a one woman man, Millie. I figure I always will be," I said.

"Never say never, cowboy," said Marcus.

"Clarence, I am prepared now, this minute, to go back to what you want and apparently need. I mean being a one man woman and wife. I mean it.

"And oh yes, Marcus and I have discussed it. He knows it's going to be up to you, not him, not me," she said. She looked over at him now and he nodded his agreement with what she said.

I was not looking at either of them. I was looking down and stirring my coffee with a spoon. "I don't know," I said finally. "I just don't know, not yet."


I didn't stay at the house that night, or the next. Too many ifs, too many scars; but I was considering my options.

I'd hired the guy to handle the dispatching and related duties; he looked good. I would be camping next to him eight hours a day for the next couple of weeks and then I would be heading back to my West Coast digs, or so I thought.

A week into the training of the man, I had a visitor.

"Hello, mister man," said Millie.

"Millie! This is a surprise," I said.

"Well, you haven't called or come around for the last five days, so I thought—" she said.

"I've been meaning to. I've just been kind of busy," I said.

"You got an office where we could talk privately?" she said.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said. I motioned her to follow me into the warehouse.

"So, did I offend you at dinner last week?" she said. "I tried to just be honest and not too pushy. Did I fail?"

"No, I really have been busy. And, frankly, I've been thinking about—well about all of it," I said. She nodded looking down.

"Can I ask, Clarence, do I do it for you anymore?" She was starting cry. The woman really did still love me. Enough? That was the question.

I allowed a small laugh to escape my lips. "Do it for me? Oh yes, you do still do it for me?" I said.

"Then why?" she said, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose with a hanky she'd retrieved from her purse.

"All of it. What you did to me before, and the thing with Denise. And most of all; well, my own insecurities," I suppose.

"Damn it, Clarence, you have no reason to feel insecure. Why do you think that I haven't divorced you! Why do you think that I..." she stopped in mid-sentence. I knew what she almost said.

"Oops," I said for her. "You set me up didn't you. I mean the wedding thing. You must have gotten to Mr. Curtis somehow. Right?" She was quiet for a moment.

"Yes, she said. "He's an old high school boyfriend. He used to live right here in Ohio. But, he moved; they moved, decades ago. I actually connected with him on Facebook, by accident, looking for old high school chums. He was there. We connected. Imagine my surprise when he said he'd hired a guy from Ohio some few years back right from our own home town. One thing led to another. And well, you know the rest."

"That explains it," I said. "I knew that there never were, that there could never be, any coincidences as big as the ones that hit me that day.

"Are you mad?" she said.

"A little. But, that said, it worked out for us—me," I said. "So for that one you have not only my forgiveness, but a smidgen of gratitude."

"Could you take me to lunch?" she said. "Or, if you want, have me for lunch." The innuendo was unmistakable. I had to smile.

"If I had you for lunch, would I be having Marcus' famous sauce with it?" I said.

She grimaced. "No! I wouldn't do that to you, Clarence. I swear it."

"Okay, then, let's go eat. I'm hungry too. We can talk about desert over lunch," I said.


We sat at the table after the waitress had taken our orders. She looked at me; I looked at her, and I thought of Rudyard Kipling—Helluva of thing: "..and East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet..." But, what the hell did Kipling know; he'd lived in fucking India!

"So where do we go from here, Clarence," she said. Her tone was—well—hopeful.

"Not sure," I said. My tone was not hopeful.

"Can I make a suggestion?" she said. I nodded.

"Maybe we could start all over again and do it right. You know, not fuck it up like I did the first time," she said. "Or not." Now her tone was kinda pleading.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Millie," I said.

"I wanted to join you in your fantasy. You know, you watching me getting it by some other man, and then you taking me afterwards. You know, before I made the colossal mistake; well, you know all about that, those" she said.

"I'd still like to do it, I mean if you have any of those same fantasies anymore. I mean if I have not turned you totally off to them.

"But, like I said, or not, not at all. We can just be simple, puritanical, the two of us only, lovers." Anyway, that's my suggestion," she said.

I looked at her long and hard. I had been thinking about what I was going to do when the time for decisions was upon us. It looked like they were upon us now. Could I watch Marcus or some other dude pull her panties down and take her? Would I still want to have her afterwards if I did watch her getting it? Decisions, decisions."

I nodded slowly. "Maybe," I said, "Under certain conditions." She had not expected me to take such a tack.

"Oh—I mean—I mean really—you-you might consider..." she was stuttering.

"Under certain conditions," I repeated.

She was nodding furiously for me to go on. "Okay," she said, finally.

"No one lives in our house or stays overnight—ever. No man insults me—ever. It is not a regular thing, more an occasional fun event—period," I said.

"Anything else?" she said.

"Denise never finds out or has anything to do with any decision-making for us—ever," I said.

"Agreed! For sure agreed," she said. She was doing her best to put a damper on her obvious excitement. "Honey, anything else you think of will be the way it will be. I intend to make this new—thing—the best experience that I can for you." She looked thoughtfully off into space for a moment.

"Honey," she said. "What about Marcus?" It was clear that she was afraid that her long time supporter was going to be dumped into the trash bin of history.

"What about him," I said. "He's just a family friend. No more no less from now on."

She seemed a bit confused. "What about—"

"If you choose him," I said. "Who you cuckold me with will be your choice, so long as he understands the rules." She was crying. I pulled out my handkerchief and handed it to her.

"He will, honey. I know he will, no doubt about that," she said.

I headed back to my place for the next few days. I had some thinking to do, some worrying to do. But, at least this time, I had the say; that was everything.


"He okay'd it," said Marcus. He was clearly dubious.

"Yes," said Millie. "But—"

"But there are conditions. Is that it?" he said.

"Yes," said Millie.

"Let me guess, I'm history, right?" he said.

"No, no," she said. "Not history. But, well, you can't live here anymore. We can still have sex, on those special nights—but—well—they won't be as regular as we, you and I, are used to I'm afraid."

He sighed. I figured that that was inevitable. "Will I get to see you otherwise?" he said. She smiled at the man, her surrogate husband for the past several years.

"Yes, he considers you a friend of the family now. We, he and I, are not cutting you off from the family. It's just he will not tolerate more than the occasional fulfillment of a fantasy. He is not into a lifestyle kind of thing. I'm giving him that. He's my husband. He's my daughter's father."

"I understand. I will move out in the morning. I can stay with Demetrius until I can find a place. Any idea when the first show will be?" he said. She spread her hands in an I-don't-know gesture.


It was two days after Marcus had moved out that I moved in. Millie and I made up for a lot of lost time over the next two weeks, and then she laid it on me. Not directly, exactly, but indirectly.

"Been having any fantasies lately that you might like to share," she said. I smiled. The real question was, was I ready to give some serious thought to being willingly cuckolded.

"Maybe," I said.

"Hmm, sounds hot," she said. "What would you like me to do?" There it was. Did I go for it or put the kibosh on it? Decisions, decisions.

"Give Marcus a call I said. Make it Saturday evening. We can have dinner here first," I said. Okay, I had set it up. I had only myself to blame if things went south.

She came over to me and kissed me gently on the lips. "I love you so much. I hope you get that, young man," she said. "Would you like me take care of the details?"

"Okay," I said. "But, I'd like to know what to expect—you know..."

"Well, you are going to become a willing cuckold for the first time, right?" she said.

"Yes, I guess so," I said.

"Well, remember your favorite fantasy? The one you used to tell me about all of the time while you were fucking me. I mean in the old days?" she said.

I had to think back because there had been more than a few different ones. Then I had it. "Yeah, I think so," I said. Suddenly I was nervous. It would be very humiliating if it was the one I was thinking of.

Millie broke into a big smile. "Yes, that one," she said, realizing that I had remembered the one she was referring to. "Are you up to it? Do you think you can handle it; I mean the watching, it could be intense?"

I swallowed big time. "I think so," I said.

"Can't be any think so, darling. You have to know. I do not want to do anything you are too uncomfortable with. This has to be good for both of us, not just me or Marcus," she said. Well at least she was concerned about what I wanted.

"I'll be okay," I said. "But, if after all I find out that I can't do it, we drop it, even if it's in the middle of the thing, right?"

"Absolutely, my husband. And, Marcus will be aware of that little codicil as well; I'll see to that," she said. I nodded. I was shaky as hell, but kind of excited too. I hoped she'd remember the rules: no all nighters and no one stayed over not even Marcus.


We'd all just finished eating and we were into our drinks. It was nervous time. Millie was afraid I'd fall apart halfway into the night's activities. I was afraid I'd fall apart through a quarter of the night's activities. And, Marcus, he didn't know what might happen. He was just following Millie's lead; whatever she said would be the way it would go.

"Let's get started, okay," said Millie. I started at her words. I think I must have been somewhere between lalaland and the land of the actually living.

"Sure babe," said Marcus. He led her by the hand to bedroom, and I followed dutifully already feeling like the willing cuckold I was about to become.

"Sit over there, dear," said Millie to me. I followed orders and took a seat. The show was about to begin. Marcus took her by the hand and led her over by the bed; he looked more nervous than I felt. Just as he pulled her to him, she broke away and came to me.

Leaning down she whispered in my ear. "Are you sure? It's not too late," she said. I looked her in the eyes.

"I'm good," I said. I hoped I was. She nodded and returned to her lover.

For some minutes they just stood there and kissed and stroked each other. Finally with a surreptitious glance in my direction, he began to undress her. Soon she was naked. I worshipped her butt from my vantage point across the room. She knelt in front of him, undid his pants, and pulled them down. His cock sprang loose. It was obviously rock-hard and the tip was oozing precum.

She took hold of it and stroked it a few times. It was clearly at least two inches longer than mine and a trace thicker; well, the mystery was a mystery no more now, I thought. She took him in her mouth and sucked for some time. I watched as he shuddered and made some animal-like noises as he filled her waiting mouth with his spunk. Cum dribbled from her lips and slicked her chin. She looked around at me and smiled, but it was a worried smile. I gave her an encouraging look in return.

Soon he had her up and on her back; he lay beside her. She stroked him and kissed him back to hardness. He slithered down her body and began to lick and kiss her to a state of near frenzy. She jerked wildly as she came seemingly again and again. Arching her back in a final thrust toward his waiting mouth and face; she seemed to ram him, almost to hurt him, as she climaxed finally sinking back onto the sheets.

Rolling on top of her, he forced her legs straight up into the air and rammed home his eight-inch cock. She squealed in obvious distress as he banged her mercilessly. She shuddered as he had earlier and seemed almost on the verge of a coronary. Her final squeaks were almost frightening in their intensity and urgency.

They lay beside each other for a little while totally spent. She looked over at me. I was still dressed, but I was rubbing my cock through my pants. I could feel the dampness within them and it made me feel—something.

"You okay?" she mouthed in my direction. I swallowed and nodded that I was, if not fine, at least not unhappy.

There was some small talk between them that I was not meant to hear, and I didn't. Soon, Marcus rose, dressed, looked over at me, and smiled his goodbye. Then he was gone.

She, for her part, lay still her arm covering her eyes for some time. I remained, where I was, not knowing exactly what my part would be now.

Turning on her side, she spoke to me for the first time since her lover had left.

"Well, it's done," she said. "Did we survive it?"

I rose and began undressing. But, she had other ideas.

"No," she said. "No sloppy seconds for you. You'll have to wait while I shower. Uh—we could even shower together."

I smiled, "I'm a cuckold now," I said., "a real one. I deserve sloppy seconds. It's my fate." Naked, I went to her and mimicking her lover I slipped down her torso and began eating her out. I was trying to suck every bit of his sperm from her. She was at first a little bit shocked and then she got into it as she realized where I was coming from and that everything was okay.

"Oh, my God, Clarence! Where have you been these past five years," she screamed.

We screwed each other into a state of physiological catastrophe and slept.


I awoke to the smell of coffee. I went down and she was already dressed and looking very pretty. She must of gotten up before sunrise to have been able to get herself so dolled up. I was still in my boxers and no doubt smelling like a fish market.

She came to me and kissed me lightly but meaningfully on the lips. "Are we really good, Clarence?" she said.

"Yes, I think so," I said. "So long as we proceed carefully and don't become too far gone with this stuff," I said.

"I agree. Clarence?" she said.


"Last night I took the lead. But no more. From now on, it has to be you. That will ensure that we keep things in perspective and don't over do it. Okay?" she said.

"I think that's fine," I said. "But, I will listen to your ideas too. Just make sure that I'm the first one to hear them, not your bull."

"Absolutely," she said.

Denise and her new hubby returned from their honeymoon a couple of weeks later and we had our sit down. Let it be enough o say that things are fine now, and my daughter has had the good sense to not bring up anything that was said or told to her in the past.

Things were looking good for us. I moved back to Ohio with Mr. Curtis' okay. I was moved into the front office where I was now the Human Resources chief. He appreciated my organizational skills and personnel development ideas and the promotion was the natural result.

Marcus comes over from time to time. Mostly just as a friend of the family, but we have had a few sessions with him of a more sexual nature too. I was his cuckold and my wife's but neither had the bad grace to push it. It was just a definition for us. One good thing to come out of all of the sexual activity was that I was actually learning things from the master cocksman. Millie smiled a lot when she realized I was employing techniques I had learned from my position in the chair.

"Good job, dear," I think you will be getting your diploma one of these days for sure." We both laughed.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Czasami się zastanawiam czy cos glupszego mozna wymyslic, mysle ze nie ale trafiam na takiego autora i takowe opowiadanie i wiem ze glupota autorów nie ma granic. Kolejny przedstawia faceta bez jaj.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dumb from start to finish put this story in satire section. Divorce the cunt 5years ago and find a faithful woman. Dont understand him listening to Millie or Marcus they can fuck off.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good writing explores one or more aspects of human nature or human experience. This story does that. It is well-written. The commentators mostly seem to think that the writers necessarily advocate all of the acts of their characters. That isn't true. I especially noted the dialog in which Clarence and Millie speak of the motivations of a husband and wife that share this increasingly common fantasy. Many readers cannot share or even understand the fantasy. I understand it but I also believe that it is destructive and not sustainable in a marriage. But it is a very real part of human life and rejecting it for one's self does not make it unreal or untrue for everyone. These authors were courageous enough to reveal honest feelings and happenings. They did well and I believe they wrote a worthwhile story, even for readers that may not understand the behavior. I hope they will write more.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

My wife didn't share our fantasies with our children thank goodness but shared it with her friends. I felt like a cuckold even though she claimed that she had never been with anyone other than me. I was totally pissed and ashamed to be around any of our friends. I had told her that the fantasies were not to leave our bedroom. She was getting upset with me because I wouldn't go to get togethers with our friends. I said fine she could do what she wanted I would stay home and pack. That caused another fight and she left so I packed. As I was putting my last bags in my truck a car pulled into our driveway. It was a couple that had been our friends for years bringing my wife home. The wife took my wife in the house and the husband grabbed my arm and motioned me to stay outside. He said I haven't a clue what's going on but she is worried sick that you might leave her. I just listened as he went on about what a great couple we were. It took months to get back to as normal as we could but finally made it. I haven't mentioned a fantasy again. Neither has she. I did walk out of a party later when one of the other wives made a comment. It never happened again.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


ForensicFossilForensicFossil12 months ago

Hey Matt, nice story. Always good to read a Matt Moreau piece.

HighBrowHighBrow12 months ago

Classic Femdom agitprop pits a black sex god and a wayward white wife against a weak, hapless, white husband. All save him are being quite reasonable. He finally comes to his senses, accepting her infidelity and her wonderful bull. This is not a fetish: it’s propaganda.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I've never understood the mind that needs self abasement for sexual pleasure. This story wasn't for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

is there a club on this site for write about men with no balls? holy shit... seriously the amount of you authors who write this drivel is scary...

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Here’s another version. Pretty damn good.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

How about when he walks her to the front, he tells the groom his daughter approved of his mother fucking another man. Just thought he ought to know

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

No wonder author only wrote one story. Probably should have put in fetish. Might still be here.

MC needs a new job, a new wife, a lawsuit against his boss and a different address

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The husband is a douche, the wife is as selfish and as dumb a cunt as there ever was. The story is simply stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Don't bring fantasies into your marriage unless ready to act the out.

eljj546eljj546about 2 years ago
What a stupid fucking story

if you ever write another story give the guy some fucking balls and let him keep them

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