Closer Ch. 07


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"Umm, I'm Justin. I need an engagement ring, but I'm having trouble deciding which one."

"Well, what do you think is in your budget?"

"Money isn't an issue," Justin assured the woman, causing her smile to grow wider.

"Well tell me about her," she urged like a child waiting for their parents to read them a bedtime story.

"She's classy, smart, beautiful, independent. She's amazing," he explained in one breath.

"Well, what type of cut were you looking for?" She glanced down at the glass display and looked at the various rings. All different shapes and sizes. All unique and pretty. "We have heart-shaped, oval or round shaped, princess cut, and tear cut. Oh, we have everything you can imagine," she said in a giddy tone while bringing her hands together.

She walked over to the other side of the counter and grabbed several rings the were mounted inside a black case. "This can seem overwhelming at times, I know. Sometimes, its better to actually get a feel for the ring before making a decision."

Justin accepted one of the rings she offered and examined it from all different angles. He concluded that the ring was beautiful, but too simple. He accepted more rings and got the same feeling throughout his search. When Greta brought out the next case of rings, Justin repeated this procedure with each of the rings.

He was almost finished with the case and there were two more rings to go. He picked up the second to last one and examined it closely. He didn't get the same feeling he got from the others. This ring was exquisite. It gave off a positive energy that seemed to last forever. He couldn't peel his eyes away from this ring and Greta picked up on this.

"Ooh, I think we've found your ring," she exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah," Justin replied, still engrossed by this ring's mysterious powers. "I think we did."

"So, when are you going to give it to her," Greta asked.

"As soon as possible."


We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

Kim, Helen and Steve listened to the carolers that were standing on the porch. Kim was standing there smiling, but for the most part her smile was fake. She was happy to be with her family, but there was someone missing.

She had gotten a call earlier that evening from Justin and he didn't give her good news. Apparently, there was some huge snow storm that hit unrepentantly hit Chicago and his flight had been cancelled. They wouldn't be spending Christmas Eve or Christmas together. Thanks a lot Chicago, she thought bitterly.

She had spent most of the day cleaning around the house and trying to pick out what outfit to wear and it was all in vain. She wasn't going to kiss her fiancé under the mistletoe or hold his hand while watching everyone open gifts. He was in snowy Chicago and she was in sunny California. Damn.

We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some

So bring some out here

Kim finished listening to the carolers and waited until the crowd had dissipated before walking back into the house. She wished that Justin was here. She had always spent Christmas with him and now he wasn't here. It seemed so out of place. Like the Twilight Zone almost.

"Aww, Kim don't look so down," Helen said, sitting next to her on the love seat.

"We'll see him on New Years. I hope," Steve replied, sipping some eggnog.

"I know," Kim replied nonchalantly. 'But I want him here now,' she added silently.

"It's getting a little late and I'm tired," Helen exclaimed, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to bed," Kim agreed, looking at the clock against the wall. "See you in the morning," she said, already heading towards the stairs.




Kim cursed silently under her breath, reaching over to grab the phone on her drawer. "Hello," she said groggily.

"Hey, beautiful," replied the deep voice on the other line.

"Justin? Do you know what time it is in California?"

"Hmmm around 3:45," he replied easily.

"Yeah, it is and I was sleeping."

"Sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice," Justin apologized.

"Why are you awake?" she asked, turning over so that she could lay down on her back.

"I was thinking about you and I couldn't sleep."

Kim smiled despite her tiredness.

"What about me?" she asked, waking up a little.

"What are you wearing?" he asked, his voice turning husky.

"Some shorts and a tank top," she laughed. She knew where this was going.

"Take them off," he commanded.

"Haha, no," she replied.

"You know you want to," he exclaimed, she could tell he was smiling.

"Nope, I wanna go to sleep," she replied. They both knew she was lying, but she wanted to at least pretend she wasn't interested.

"Aww, you don't want to touch yourself for me?" he teased, listening to her laugh a little.

"Well that depends."

"On what?"

"Will you touch yourself for me?" she replied in a sexy voice.

"I already am, baby," he replied. His voice seemed even huskier and it was turning Kim on.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and got them nice and wet. Kim began to run her hands down her body slowly. She closed her eyes and imagined her hands were Justin's skillful ones. Her hands slipped past the elastic band of her shorts and touched her pussy. She teased her slit for a moment, imagining it was Justin's tongue down there pleasing her body. When she flicked her clit, she groaned out involuntarily.

Justin felt the corners of his mouth move upward into a smile when he heard a small moan come from the other line.

"You touching yourself for me baby?" he asked.

"Yes," she sighed.

"That's a good girl."

"Tell me what you want to do to me?"

"Why don't I just show you," Justin replied.

"Haha, sexting?"

"No, open your door."

Kim sat straight up and darted towards her bedroom door. She took a moment to fix her hair a little bit before taking a deep breath. She turned the knob on the door and swung it open. There he was. Justin Cook.

Justin wasted no time in picking up Kim and moving inside her room. He kicked the door closed and walked towards her bed. He gently lowered her down and placed her on her back.

"You're supposed to be in Chicago," she said in amazement.

"I lied. I've been home for two days. I wanted to surprise you," he replied, kissing her.

"You jerk," she laughed. "Do you know how depressing my Christmas Eve was?"

"Well, what was the biggest thing you wanted for Christmas," he asked, looking down at her.

"You. Here with me," she replied with a smile.

"I see Santa came through," he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, I guess so," she joked. "What was your Christmas wish?"

"To be inside of you."

Kim playfully swatted his arm and giggled. "Real romantic."

"I try. So, since I made your wish come true, can you do the same for me?" he whispered against her lips.

"Of course."

Justin brought his lips to hers again and deepened the kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him closer to her wet pussy. She could feel his erection poking her pussy and the feeling drove her crazy. Everything about him drove her crazy. She moaned softly into his mouth as she felt him squeeze her tits like his life depended on it. He moved his mouth over to her neck and began to lick and nip at the spot on her neck that drove her crazy. She couldn't help the groans that escaped her and she knew her pussy was soaked by now. Justin dipped his hand into her pussy and teased her by stroking her softly and then speeding up before going slow.

"You like that?"

Kim nodded her head and bit her lip to suppress a groan.

"Yeah, I can tell you like it by how wet your pussy is. You wet for me, baby?"

"Yes," she whispered. "I want you to fuck me. Right now."

She didn't have to tell him twice. Justin quickly stripped both of them down and spread her legs further apart.

"I missed you," she whispered.

"I missed you more," he replied, plunging his hips forward and entered her. The both groaned as their bodies became one for the first time in what seemed like forever. Kim sighed softly as they found a small rhythm between them.

She felt the corners of her mouth tilt upwards as Justin buried his face into her neck. Every single breath he let out tickled her and made her pussy tingle slightly. She locked her legs around his waist and began to raise her hips slightly to meet his thrusts.

"So amazing," Justin whispered in her ear over and over. His hips slightly picked up speed and Kim threw her head back against her pillow.

"You are too," she said softly, unable to pronounce her words clearly because he was stealing her breath away. In a moment she felt herself being lifted off the bed, but their bodies never disconnected. Justin had flipped the over so that he could be on his back and Kim would be on top of him.

"Ride me," he commanded in a very husky tone.

Kim rolled her hips slightly so that she could feel him everywhere. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself before raising her lower body slightly and then quickly slamming it back down.

"Shit," Justin groaned, slamming his eyes shut as she repeated this move. She would raise her body until only the tip of his dick was still inside of her and then lower herself back down. Each time she made sure to twirl her hips slightly and it was driving him crazy. Justin grabbed on to her hips and groaned as she pumped her hips faster.

"Baby," he whispered, still enjoying the feeling of her wrapped around his cock.


"It's been a while. I don't know if I'm going to last much longer."

"I'm close too. So close," she replied, tilting her head back and moaning for emphasis.

"Yeah?" he asked, gripping her hips tightly.

"Yes, I want you to cum with me."

"Okay, baby. Make me cum," he replied.

Kim began to pump her hips faster and faster. She could feel her orgasm building up and she was trying so hard to get to it. Every second that flew by she could feel it getting closer and she couldn't wait.

"Oh, Justin, I'm cumming," she moaned out when it finally hit her. She could feel her pussy spasm quick and hard around his dick.

"I'm cumming too," he whispered, gripping her hips tighter and leaning his head back. He could feel her muscles spasm uncontrollably around him and the feeling threw him over the edge. His girl was incredible.

When he finally came down from his orgasmic high, he watched Kim on top of him trying to steady her breathing. Her hair was matted to her forehead and her chest heaved up and down slowly. She wore the same expression she always did after experiencing one hell of an orgasm. It was always so sexy to watch her make the expression before looking back at him and sighing.

"I love you," she said, rolling off of him.

"You know what, I love you more," he replied, pulling the covers over them and pulling her close to him.

"Prove it," she dared him with a smile.

He held her hand in his and looked down at her ring finger before giving her a small smile. "Wait here."

Kim watched curiously as Justin rivaled through his clothes on the floor excitedly. She arched her brow when he said, "Ah ha!"

He turned around and looked at her. His naked body kind of distracted her as she tried to decipher what exactly he had planned. "Close your eyes."

Kim covered her eyes with her hands and felt the bed sink down under his weight. She could see through her eyelids that the room became lighter. He turned on one of her lamps.

"What are you doing?" she asked, clearly amused.

"No peeking," he replied. She waited a moment until she felt him gently remove her hands. She looked into his eyes and felt her eyes shift slowly to the black object in his hand. A box? Not just any box. The type of box that held jewelry. Expensive jewelry.

"Told you I was going to buy you a ring. The one you deserved," he said softly, opening the box. He revealed the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen before.

"I love it," she replied, feeling small tears on the brim of her eyelids.

"So to relieve myself, I want to ask you in person. Kimberly Barns will you marry me?" he asked.

"Of course!"

Justin placed the ring on her finger and observed her. She examined the ring with her lips slightly parted and a small tear rolling down her face. He was definitely in heaven now with his beautiful girlfriend. Scratch that. He was definitely in heaven now with his soon-to-be wife. He couldn't be happier. Now, he was going to spend the rest of his life proving to her how much she actually meant to him.


3 years later

Kim looked at herself in the mirror excitedly. She made minor adjustments to her hair, but was careful about not ruining it. She ran her hands down her gown carefully. The soft satin material of her dress made her look like some sort of celebrity. She loved it. She looked at her reflection proudly and smiled.

"You ready, Kiddo?" Steve asked, popping his head through the door. He had his hands over his eyes and Kim found it amusing.

"Steve, how are you supposed to walk me down the aisle with your eyes covered?" she asked.

"Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"

"That rule only applies to the groom," she replied with a small giggle.

"Well then," Steve exclaimed, removing his hands from his eyes. His eyebrows lifted significantly when he saw her. "Wow."

"You like it?" she asked, spinning in a circle.

"Love it. Honey, you look wonderful."

"Thank you. That's the look I was kind of going for."

"You pulled it off."

Kim smiled wide and walked over to Steve.

"If you have any second thoughts you can pretend to pass out. I hear that's what some women do nowadays," Steve joked as she wrapped her arm around his.

"Absolutely not. I'm beyond ready."

"Well, then lets get this show on the road," he laughed.


Justin stood at the alter and smiled as he watched Kim walk down the aisle with Steve. She had the most intoxicating smile he'd ever seen and it little took his breath away. No words could describe how absolutely beautiful she was at that moment. All the words he could think of wouldn't be good enough. He felt his best man pat him softly on the back and smile at him, showing his approval of his bride. Justin helped up to the alter and smiled down at her as the priest began.

Justin listened to every word the priest spoke. He stressed the importance of commitment, loyalty, love and respect. Justin would make sure Kim would always feel appreciated in their marriage. Now way would he fuck it up by taking her for granted. His heart leaped a little when the priest got to the part he'd been anticipating since the moment he proposed.

"Do you, Justin Cook, take Kimberly Barns to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poor, for as long as you both shall live?" he asked.

"I do."

"And Kimberly Barns, do you take Justin Cook to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poor, for as long as you both shall live?" he repeated the question to Kim.

Justin looked her deep in her eyes and felt his heart leap when she smiled and said, "Absolutely, I do."

"You may now kiss your bride."

Justin wasted no time in removing Kim's veil and wrapping her in his arms. He kissed her deeply and relished in the softness of her body pressed subtly against his. Every stroke of his tongue against hers was a promise that he would love and cherish her until death came for one of them. This was who he was destined to spend his life with. He was so in love with Kimberly Monee Cook.


I want to take the time out to thank all those who have stuck with me while I was writing this story. I loved writing this story and I've loved all the comments I've gotten about it. It's very inspiring. I'll be posting another story very soon and I promise I won't make you guys wait forever :-)

~Taryn a.k.a. FatalCharm

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story, but it had a few errors. Justin’s mom’s name was Helen in previous chapters, not Karen. Maybe I missed it, but who is Adrienne that they were talking about? Also, there wasn’t an actual fire in the apartment, just smoke and a burned cake. How did the photos get burned?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This is a wonderful story. It made me so happy, I cried. Well done I wish I could give more than five stars. Keep up the good work

leoginaleoginaover 9 years ago
Great story

I love this story!

ladiebrowneyezladiebrowneyezover 10 years ago

awww coooomee ooonnnn make a series !!! TIME FOR KIDS!! ima sucker for romance

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago

Read this again and loved it even more..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
what happened to anita?!

I hope you keep going! Anita? John?Maria? Cole and erin so many possibities! You are a great writer!

chocolatesistachocolatesistaalmost 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
sooo good

Epilogue please!! this story was great.

colorfullove410colorfullove410over 11 years ago

This was a WONDERFUL story! LOVED IT! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Why the fuck were they engaged for three years

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Maybe you can create an epilogue *batting eyelashes* please :)

I'm serious this story is so amazing and I would just love to see how you describe her and justin as parents and how their child/children would look.

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 12 years ago

This was a very touching story. I just loved it.


right here was a beautiful series on the cares of life and the frailty of love, yet having enough love to persevere and fight for it to stand.

Keep writing please :>)

SashasworldSashasworldalmost 13 years ago
I Wanna marry you...

when Justin said that I flashbacked to Glees remix of the song ' I think I wanna marry you' lol I loved it

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