Club MiXXXer Ch. 01


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The silky smooth voice of a woman filled the room. Good afternoon, my name is Sal, your host for the weekend.

People looked around, searching for Sal. After a long pause, the voice was back. Isn't anybody going to say hi.

Forty people replied in unison, "Hi Sal."

That's better. I'm about to make my grand entrance. Can I get some applause?

A smattering of whistles punctuated the applause. When the room went quiet, all the lights flashed three times, and then... nothing.

Did you miss it?

There was confused muttering amongst the group.

The lights, I made them flash. Cool, isn't it? I'm the computer that runs Club MiXXXer.

Everybody talked at once, a mixture of concern and laughter.

You all remember Hal from the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm his much smarter grand... something. I promise that I won't send you hurtling into space; but I might send you to the moon and back. And please, don't ask me to open the pod-bay doors.

A loud groan rippled through the room.

Okay, so I'm a lousy comedian and you're not here for laughs. Let me tell you how we communicate. I can hear everything above a whisper, from anywhere within the walled compound. I have activated your watches, so I can speak to all of you, like I am now; or I can communicate privately by tapping your wrist.

Edie felt the tap on her wrist and looked around. Apparently everybody got tapped.

You can read any message by looking at your watch, or you can listen by raising your watch to your ear. To talk to me privately, just look at your watch and whisper. Speaking into your watch in a normal voice is redundant, since I can hear you anyway.

Edie felt another tap and looked at her watch. Welcome to Club MiXXXer. My name is Sal. She raised the watch and tried listening to the message. Sal's voice was even sexier coming from the watch.

Let me demonstrate my abilities. Carl, step forward and ask me to identify somebody in this room, you can pick anybody.

Carl walked to the edge of the balcony, aware that he was now the center of attention. "Who is the good-looking woman over there?" He pointed across the room.

You're trying to trick me; they are all good-looking women. Now is a good time to mention that unlike Hal, I can't see. There are no cameras in Teal House. Please describe her.

"She has jet black hair and freckles... she's very attractive."

The one standing next to Baako, the tall black man?

"Yes, how did you know that?"

I have the registration information you used to join Club MiXXXer. I know everyone's exact location, your heart rate, your respiration and the amount of sweat on your skin; and whatever information I can glean by listening.

"Okay, but who is it?"

You are right; Edie is exceptionally good looking. I imagine that's why you married her.

That got a few chuckles from the group, not to mention that everyone now knew who Carl, Edie and Baako were.

Did you know that Edie fibbed about her age at registration?

"Hey," Edie said, "I was 44 when I made the reservation, just before my birthday."

I know, and let me wish you a belated Happy Birthday! Anybody want to sing with me?

Edie blushed, while Sal led the group in a rousing rendition of the classic song.

Carl and Edie have given me permission to share information between them, as have all the couples. Edie, shall I tell Carl what you are doing?

"Yes," Edie said after composing herself.

Edie is standing next to Baako. Her pulse is slightly elevated and I have a good idea what she is thinking; shall I tell Carl?

"I'd like to hear it," Carl said.

"Sal," Edie said, "I've heard enough, can I withdraw my permission?"

Of course Edie, do you want to make it permanent?

"No," Edie said, "just this one time."

I'm sorry Carl, I have no idea what Edie is thinking.

When the laughter abated, Carl asked, "Sal, how about Baako, can you tell me what he is doing?"

Baako got a tap on the wrist. He lifted his watch and whispered, "Sure."

Baako is standing close to Edie. His pulse is up about twenty percent. I'll bet he is thinking the same thing every other man in this room is thinking, would you like to know what that is?

"Sal," Baako said, "I've changed my mind about sharing information."

I understand. Just so you know, I am capable of rank speculation and am superb at spreading rumors. If you have any gossip to dish, I'm always listening. Before I turn you loose, we have a few house rules to deal with.

First, removing your watch is a big no-no. If you have not put the watch back on within one minute, an alarm will sound and it will give you a 30 second warning before security enters the premises and conducts a search to determine the problem.

Second, hygiene is of utmost importance. Please use the hand sanitizer often. It really works to slow the spread of unwanted germs. Wet-wipes are available at strategic locations... I'll let you figure out why.

That got the group buzzing.

You'll find disposable sheets discreetly placed throughout the residence. I'll tell you where to find one when I think... the time is right.

The buzzing turned into a low rumble.

Toiletries are available in the locker rooms. It you don't see something you need, ask, and I will show you where to find it. I can best serve you if I understand your needs and desires. It will seem awkward at first, but rest assured, I am here to serve you. Are you ready to get started?

A cheer went up.

You've probably noticed that there are no name tags, no introducing yourselves to the group, none of the typical icebreakers you might expect for a group of strangers. Don't worry; it won't be a problem. Everyone here already knows Carl, Edie and Baako, and you haven't even met them. Are there any questions?

Edie hesitated. "Sal, I have a question."

Yes, Edie, how can I help.

"This is my first time doing something like this, you know... swinging, and I'm have trouble understanding how it all works. I thought we would get a brochure or something, that would explain it."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group.

Yes, that is a common complaint. I've been told there is more information in the nondisclosure agreement than there is in your entire registration packet.

"Exactly," Edie said. "I haven't really met anybody, and I don't know what to do next. Do I just walk up to somebody... well, you get the idea?"

Don't worry Edie, you are not alone. I'll show you how it works here at Club MiXXXer. Imagine you are at a dance, alone, and you don't know anybody.

The lights dimmed and the sound of the Temptations singing "My Girl" filled the room. Shimmering spotlights illuminated an area under the balcony, marking out a small dance floor.

Look around and find somebody you'd like to dance with. Raise your watch and whisper to me, describe who you picked.

She looked around the room and was tempted by one of the younger men. She whispered, "The one standing by the stairs leading up to the balcony. He's kind of cute."

The words were barely out of her mouth when she saw the guy she described look down at his watch. After a brief back and forth with Sal, he walked over and held out his hand.

"My name is Keith, may I have this dance?"

Edie took his hand, and they danced until the song ended. She gave him a peck on the cheek and thanked him for the dance.

Keith's a little shy and wasn't crazy about having everybody watch him dance. Edie is lucky that I can be very persuasive.

Keith blushed, and the group gave him a round of applause.

Edie raise her watch and whispered. "What did you promise him?"

Sal tapped her wrist. I made him an offer he couldn't refuse. I'll tell you when the time is right.

Edie shook her head and raised her watch. "I can't wait."

Orientation starts now, so please get back together with your partner. If you have questions, just ask. I'm listening.


Edie read the message on her watch and said to Carl, "We're starting in the gym."

The gym was spacious and well equipped, with all the usual stuff you would find in a small commercial gym. An area off to the side was set up for boxing and even included a small ring.

A heavy bag was hung from chains, and two black girls with big afros were jabbing at it.

Edie whispered to her husband, "I think they are the twins we saw in the singles count when we made our reservation."

Carl looked them over. They were petite, but handled the heavy bag with a lot of natural skill. They were identical twins dressed nearly alike; one had red shorts and the other blue. He walked over and extended his hand. "I'm Carl."

They each shook his hand. The one in blue shorts said, "I'm Amara, and this is my sister, Neema."

"You look like you've had some training on the heavy bag."

They looked him over. He was a full head taller than the girls and his square jaw exuded strength. Neema said, "Yes, we both work out at Gold's. It's a great way to stay in shape. How about you?"

"I prefer the speed bag."

Amara pointed to the speed bag hanging motionless. "Show us what you've got."

Carl got a good rhythm going with his hands, and his timing was perfect. The girls came over to watch. It didn't take him long to break a sweat.

Edie glanced down at her watch. "Honey, time to go."

"You go ahead; I'll catch up with you." He wiped his brow and followed the girls back to the heavy bag to watch them jab it.

Edie winked at him and left the gym. When she was out the door, she stopped and raised her watch. "Sal?"

Hi Edie, what can I do for you? Wait, let me guess. Your husband is alone in the gym with Amara and Neema. Do you want me to hook them up?

"Can you do that?"

It's what I do, so consider it done.

Edie took a deep breath and raised her watch, "Any ideas for me."

I do! Let's make your next stop the pool table.

Baako had a cue stick in his hands and leaned over the table, lining up a shot, when Edie walked into the room.

"Hi Edie," Baako said, looking up from the table. He pointed the cue towards a woman. "This is my wife, Judy." Baako took the shot and missed.

"Hi Judy," Edie said, giving her a hug. Judy was about her size, with dirty blond hair tied into a high ponytail and a ruddy complexion. She guessed that she was a few years younger, but couldn't be sure. She was curvy and carried a little extra weight in her midsection and ass.

"Edie," Judy said, "this is John and his brother Jack." They each held out a hand.

John took his turn at the table while Jack chatted with the girls. John was good and ran the table on Baako. John racked the balls, but came up empty on the break. Jack stepped up to take a turn.

Edie whispered to Judy, "How do you tell the twins apart?" They had to be the 24-year-olds she expected to see in their group. They were tall, with long narrow faces and shaggy blond hair. She guessed they were athletes, maybe track and field.

"I don't know," Judy said, "I was just getting ready to ask them. Kind of cute; don't you think?"

Edie smiled at her and then looked down at her watch. "Time to go. Let me know if you figure out how to tell them apart."

"Bye," Judy said.

Edie stood on her toes and gave Baako a peck on the cheek. "I hope to see you again soon?"

Baako smiled and gave her a nod.

Judy noticed the exchange and furrowed her brow. 
Edie left and raised her watch. "Do you know how to tell the twins apart?"

No, I hope somebody tells me soon. I'd like to know. How did it go with Baako?

"Fine, I met his wife. I think she might ask the twins about how we can tell them apart."

Good, I'll remember to ask her later. What is she like?

"She's nice, and she's definitely interested in the twins. But she thinks I'm interested in Baako."

Good to know. I'm thinking of making you my honorary assistant.

"Where is Carl?"

He is still with the girls, talking trash in the gym. Hooking those three up will be a piece of cake.

"What about me?"

I was thinking of the twins, but now I'm leaning towards Judy for them. But I'm working on something I think you'll like.

"Rats! That would have been fun, both Carl and I doing twins. We'd have a lot to talk about. When will orientation be over?"

I'll start moving everyone into the lockers in about twenty minutes, and then it won't be long until the real fun starts. Where would you like to go next?

"Surprise me."

Edie entered the master suite and gazed out the panoramic arc of glass. The view down into the valley was spectacular, painted gold by the setting sun. An enormous bed sat elevated on a platform. The master bath was nearly as big, with double everything, his and hers. Several other couples milled around the large space, coveting the bed.

"Hi Edie," said a voice with a European accent. Sal was right, everyone knew her name. "I'm Aiko, and this is my husband Ricky."

She returned their warm smiles and shook Aiko's extended hand. She guessed they were Danish: Aiko was a tall blond with blue eyes; Ricky was handsome, with a clean-cut look, and was even taller than his wife. "I could get used to this," Edie said, sweeping her hand out towards the windows.

"Is this your first time?" Aiko asked nervously.

"Yes, you too?"

Aiko nodded. "Ricky read about it in the Financial Times. Can you believe that? We've come all the way from Denmark to try it."

Edie laughed. "Same here, but I feel so old. Did you see how young some of these girls are?"

Aiko snickered. "That's because we are old. But don't overlook the young guys here. Our husbands aren't the only ones that get to feast their eyes."

Edie winked and gave her a thumbs up. "See you around."

Her next stop was the big hot tub overlooking the pool. It could easily seat a dozen people, She dipped a toe into the warm water.

"Hi Edie," came a voice from behind her.

Good, she thought, another couple her age, that made three. She extended her hand.

"Derek," he said, with a distinctive Australian accent, "and my wife, Jacki." Tall, dark and athletic, Derek had sharp angular features and sported a tightly cropped goatee. A tiny gold ring hung from his left ear. Jacki was much shorter and had long golden locks and a bright smile.

"G'day," she said, doing her best to get the accent right.

They both smiled. "You've been to Australia?" Jacki asked.

"Yes," Edie said, "before we got married. We spent a week in Sydney and a second week up in the Blue Mountains. It was our first overseas trip; very exciting."

Derek was about to speak when they all got tapped on the wrist. Sal was sending them to the lockers to get into their robes. Edie gave them a nervous smile. "Last chance to back out."

Jacki gave her a hug. "No worries."

Jacki's locker was next to Edie's, along with the rest of the older women. She glanced to her left and saw the younger girls laughing and giggling. They stood naked and carefree, doing nothing to hide their young nubile bodies.

Inside her locker was a plush monogrammed robe. She hung her blouse and skirt up in the locker and then slipped the robe over her shoulders. She glanced around before slipping off her panties and bra. By the time she got to the grand living room, she was a jangle of nerves.

She spotted Carl across the room and latched onto his arm. He calmed her down just at the lights started to dim.

Sal's voice filled the room: Is everybody ready to drop their robes?

The room went quiet as the room went dark.

On the count of three. One... Two... Three...

Starting Big

Carl and Edie sat next to each other in the dimly lit grand living room and nervously held hands. A few other couples were seated, but most were milling around. It was eight o'clock, and everyone had dropped their robes. They would all be naked until they served brunch the next day.

Carl whispered to Edie, "What are we supposed to do?"

"Just wait, the drapes are opening."

The late evening light was just enough to make out the people in the room, but still too dark to recognize anyone.

"Do we have to ask Sal something?" Carl asked, his voice barely audible.

"Be patient, I just saw somebody look at their watch. I think Sal is sending messages."

The curtains opened further, letting in enough light for them to recognize the faces in the room. Several were holding their watches up, either listening or speaking.

Carl got two taps on his wrist and looked at his watch. Amara and Neema wish to blow you, do you accept?

He showed Edie the message.

"The two black girls in the gym, the ones with the big afros?"


She could see the lust in his eyes. "What are you waiting for?"

"Are you okay with this?"

"It's why were here."

He raised his watch and whispered, "Sal, I accept." He kissed Edie goodby and followed the directions displayed on his watch.

Five long minutes went by before she got a tap and listened to Sal's melodic voice. Edie, could you do me a favor?

"Sure," she said, in a normal voice. There was no one left in the room to hear her.

I don't think everyone hung up their robes, could you take care of that?

She was more than a little annoyed and asked sarcastically, "Is that all?"

Would you like to watch the twins blow your husband?

It was a start, and she ditched the attitude. "I'd like that." She dealt with the robes and then followed the directions displayed on her watch.

As she entered the pool area, she got another tap. Baako is also watching.

That brought a smile to her face. She found them in a small alcove, just off the main pool deck. Baako sat in a wicker love seat, facing Carl, and watched the twins drop to their knees. She was behind Carl and couldn't see his cock, but knew it had to be rock hard and sticking straight out, pointing at the twins kneeling in front of him.

She stepped into the alcove. "Hello." She felt awkward as hell, standing naked before the strangers staring at her. The twins quickly returned their attention to her husband. She couldn't help but notice Baako's cock.

Carl recognized her voice and turned his head to give her a big grin. She forced a smile and then took a seat next to Baako. She extended her hand. "Good to formally meet you, I'm Edie."

"Baako," he said, giving her a warm smile. His skin was the color of dark chocolate, and he spoke with a thick Caribbean accent. Even sitting down, he looked tall.

She did her best to keep her wandering eyes on his when he took her hand. She smiled, trying to act nonchalant. His hand was big and meaty, just like his cock. She nodded to the twins, "Nice show."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

Oops, she walked right into that one. Might as well be bold. She nodded towards Carl. "That's my husband getting his cock sucked."

Baako chuckled. The way the twins knelt exposed the cracks of their petite asses, and they could see the lips of their pussies.

Edie said to Baako, "How do you tell them apart?"

One girl heard Edie and looked back at her. "I'm Amara, and Neema is the one... you know... doing your husband." She pushed her thick black afro away from her forehead. "I have a blue ribbon, and Neema has a red ribbon."

Neema pulled back off Carl's cock and passed it to Amara. "Hi Edie, I'm glad to meet you." It struck Edie as unusually formal etiquette for somebody sucking her husband's cock.

The petite girls were beautiful and vibrant, enthusiastically sucking Carl. Their skin was a rich mahogany, several shades lighter than Baako's. They were much younger than Edie, and it showed in their firm tits; probably two cup sizes bigger than hers, with very dark areola and pert nipples. Edie squeezed her breasts, suffering a pang of jealousy, envious of her husband's good fortune.