Coffee Date

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Who knew helping someone study could be such fun.
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"Hey! Watch it!" Brian yelled as a Frisbee flashed past only inches above his head.

"Sorry!" a bright, cheerful voice yelled in glee as Brian just managed to duck as someone jumped over him.

Brian had a glimpse of bare feet, long, slim legs and a brief peek of bare skin beneath a bright yellow sundress as the person leaped over him only to send his grande caramel macchiato splashing across the grass of the park.

"Shit!" Brian exclaimed as he sat back up on his blanket and reached for the overturned cup, whatever hope he might have had of rescuing even just a sip of his coffee dispelled by the sight of the lid almost two feet away.

"Oh, man, I'm so sorry!" the culprit of the disaster said apologetically.

Brian glanced up and then did a doubletake at the petite girl with short red hair, upturned button nose, beautiful green eyes and freckles liberally splashed across the bridge of her nose and checks who was standing a few feet away with the Frisbee in hand. The girl also happened to be turned slightly away from Brian with the sun behind her which turned the thin yellow fabric of her sundress nearly translucent and let him see the rounded firm outline of her B cup breasts, flat tummy and a tantalizing gap between her thighs. As Brian continued to stare the girl smiled down at him as her nipples quickly hardened to poke at the thin fabric of her dress.

"There's still a little left if you want?" the girl said and proffered Brian one of her small feet with her heel resting in the grass and her toes pointed towards him.

"Ahhh, that's ok," Brian said as he stared at the muddy brown remains of his coffee dripping from the bridge of her foot to run down between her toes and dripping from the bright white edging along each of her toenails.

"Hmmm, can't hate a girl for daydreaming," she said with a smile and then squatted down in front of Brian with her legs spread apart and her dress riding up on her thighs, "Hey, listen, my name is Dani and I really am sorry about spilling your drink, how about letting me buy you another?"

Brian couldn't seem to find his tongue as he stared straight up Dani's dress at her shaved mound and parted sex with her inner lips open to expose her vulva. It took a conscious effort for Brian to drag his eyes away from her smooth pink lips with three bright silver loops dangling from one of them and up to her eyes. She smiled as Brian finally managed to look up to meet her gaze.

"It's probably just me, but I think my eyes are pretty too," Dani said with a grin as she squatted on the balls of her feet, "So what do you say?"

"Huh? Um, I.... ah... I really need to study," Brian finally managed to say and felt his face flush in embarrassment at how stupid and lame it sounded even to him.

Brian pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and glanced away from Dani's green eyes only to realize he was staring at those three silver rings in her labia as well as the soft, wet flesh even deeper inside of her before looking back up to meet her eyes. He hated being so awkward around women, especially all the attractive girls on campus which pretty much meant all of them. He could carry a 4.0 in almost all his classes but sounded like a stuttering imbecile as soon as a girl said so much as hi.

Let alone squat in front of him without seeming to care one bit that he just happened to be able to see her every last intimate detail.

"Are you in Dr. Alcorn's class?" Dani asked after glancing down at the book and notes he had on the blanket next to him, "I'm in her morning Organic Chemistry class and it really sucks and not in a good way either!

"How about I buy you a coffee and then you and I can study for her test this Friday together?"

Brian's eyes flickered down between Dani's legs for another fleeting moment and then up to her freckled face as she continued to smile down at him, "Yea, yea, Ok."

"Awesome!" Dani said and quickly stood up, "Let me get my sandals and we can head to Starbucks!"

Brian felt a flash of disappointment as Dani's dress fell down around her long, slim legs and couldn't help but watch her ass as she ran across the grass to grab a backpack and pair of sandals that she had setting next to the sidewalk. Brian stood and took a glance around to make sure no one was watching before hastily slipping his hand beneath the waistband of his shorts to adjust his growing erection into a more comfortable position before folding up his blanket and placing his book and notes into his own backpack. Brian glanced up to watch as Dani ran back, still barefoot with her sandals stuffed in the side pouch of her backpack and her dress lifting with every step and threatening to flash Brian once more.

He had a moment to wonder what exactly she had meant about daydreams as an image of her toenails edged in bright white and covered in coffee flashed before his eyes.

"Ready?" Dani asked cheerfully as soon as she arrived.

"Sure," Brian said awkwardly before starting towards the Starbucks that was just off campus, "Uhh, you don't mind if I get another grande do you?"

Dani laughed and handed Brian her backpack who eyed it in surprise, "Since I ruined your first I suppose I can spring for another one."

Dani set off and after a moment Brian hastily followed, his eyes drawn repeatedly down to the flash of white from Dani's toenails through the long green grass.

"Do you like Dr. Alcorn?" Dani suddenly asked with a glance at Brian, "I've had two one on one's with her and she came across kinda aloof."

"Uh, I don't know," Brian said hesitantly not wanting to admit that he thought Dr. Alcorn was hot and hadn't even spoken once to her, "She seemed Ok in class."

"Did you pass her last exam?" Dani asked accusingly.

"I did ok," Brian said and glanced down at Dani's petite feet as they reached the sidewalk, "Aren't you going to put your shoes on?"

"Nope," Dani said without any hesitation, "So what did you score?"

"I... huh... I got an A," Brian admitted and winched as they walked over a section of sidewalk covered in gravel.

If the gravel bothered Dani in the least she didn't show it and turned to face Brian, "So, what did you score?

"I barely passed with a seventy two!"

"I got a ninety six," Brian admitted.

"No way!" Dani exclaimed, "I am so going to copy all your notes!"

Brian glanced at Dani in consternation and caught the flash of her breast beneath her loose fitting dress. He wasn't really sure how he felt about her copying from him, but also knew he wouldn't be complaining to much if she kept wearing summer dresses. Without a bra or panties. Dani caught his furtive glance and looked back with a smile.

"Grande what?" Dani asked.

"What?" Brian asked as Dani suddenly stopped.

"What kind of grande do you want?" Dani asked again with a grin as the front of her blouse tented open so that Brian had a view down between her breasts.

Brian was sure it was his imagination, but it seemed Dani had intentionally leaned forward just so her dress would open out. Brian looked up into Dani's smiling eyes and tried to find his voice as she cocked her head to the side.

"Oh, huh... caramel macchiato please," Brian said as he realized that they had already arrived at the Starbucks.

Dani grinned and turned to walk into the Starbucks, Brian hesitating and glancing down at Dani's bare feet and then up to the door to see if there was a sign with something like 'No Shoes, No Shirt' plastered to the glass.

"Are you coming?" Dani asked when she turned back to see Brian standing at the door.

"Yea," Brian stammered and hurried to catch up.

"I bet you will," Dani grinned and walked up to the counter.

Brian turned a bright red and shoved his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose again as he listened to Dani place an order for both of them.

Surely she couldn't have meant what he thought she had.... could she?

Dani paid and walked out with Brian in tow as he glanced down at her bare feet and the flash of white on her toenails.

"Do you have a foot fetish?" Dani asked casually as she handed Brian his coffee.

"What? Ye... I mean, no, but... I mean I didn't think you could go into stores barefo... you know, no shoes," Brian stammered.

"You just keep staring at my feet so it's cool if you do," Dani said with a smile, "I sooo love foot rubs and I can get off and cum from a guy giving me a really good foot massage or even just sucking on my toes!

"My place is just around the corner so you can teach me all about biology."

Brian watched with his mouth hanging open as Dani set off once more until she turned back to look at him, "Aren't you going to come?"

Dani took a sip of her coffee and slowly licked her lips before bursting out laughing at Brian's deer in headlights expression and taking pity on him.

"Come on! I really do need help studying for Dr. Alcorn's test!" Dani said and held out her hand to take Brains before tugging him along beside her.

Brian followed along in a daze, his coffee completely forgotten as he marveled at the feel of Dani's hand in his, the warm, firm pressure and her fingers intwined through his. Brian tried not to be obvious but couldn't help himself as he cast furtive glances down at Dani's bare feet and the neckline of her blouse as it would open slightly for him to see the swell of her breasts before his eyes were drawn again to the bright white edging along her nails as they walked.

"I'm right here," Dani said when they arrived at a slightly run down two story home just off campus, "I have a studio upstairs."

"Oh, ok," Brian replied as he eyed the building dubiously.

"I know," Dani said as she led him around to the side of the house instead of to the front door, "It looks like shit.

"But it's cheap and I have my own bathroom, the rooms downstairs all have to share one bathroom to a floor!"

Dani reached a flight of steep rickety looking stairs and started up before pausing on the second step.

"You're not going to look up my dress are you?" Dani asked suddenly as she turned back to stare accusingly at Brian.

"What? No! I wouldn't do that!" Brian exclaimed as his face turned a bright red having been expecting to be able to do exactly that.

"Oh, why not?" Dani asked mischievously, "I would and I don't mind if you want to."

Dani turned back and started up the steps with a glance back over her shoulder and the hand not holding her coffee reaching back to hike up the hem of her skirt to the small of her back. Brian stared up directly at Dani's very cute, tight ass as well as the flash of the three rings in Dani's inner lip with each step up that she took. Once Dani was almost halfway up the stairs she turned back to smile down at him.

"Come on!" Dani said.

Dani waited with her skirt still lifted up as Brian rushed up the stairs and even managed not to laugh when he tripped and stumbled up the steps not once but twice. As soon as Brian reached her Dani turned back and climbed the last few steps to a small door leading to what Brian guessed was the attic.

Dani turned and leaned towards Brian until her face was just inches from his own as he felt her tugging at something on his side. He tore his eyes away from her green eyes staring back into his to see her pull a key out of the backpack he was carrying for her and then abruptly turn back to the rather small door. After quickly unlocking the door Dani turned back to Brian seeming a little nervous for the first time.

"It's small and the ceiling is kinda low," Dani explained as she pushed open the door and ducked to walk inside, "I hope you don't mind."

Brian followed Dani inside and wasn't surprised to see that the long, low room really was an attic. The celling was even slanted down from a central peek that ran the length of the room where Brian could probably manage to stand without ducking, but a few steps to either side would have him stooping to keep from hitting his head. Brian could see a clawfoot tub and toilet behind a gauzy lace curtain two thirds of the way down the room, a full size bed, desk with a laptop already open sitting on it, a ratty old recliner, and a small fridge the only other furnishings.

"It's not much, but it doesn't break the budget either," Dani said a bit self-consciously.

"At least you don't have to share a bathroom with twenty other people like in the dorm," Brian said, "It's nice, and you have it all to yourself which is even better!"

"Thanks," Dani said sincerely and took her backpack from Brian before walking over to sit on her bed, "Oh, no shoes.... or socks inside."

Brian hesitated and then quickly kicked off his sneakers and balanced on one leg while he pulled first one and then the other of his socks off while Dani smirked at him.

"Did you get all the notes on aldehydes and ketones from Tuesdays lecture?" Dani asked.

"Huh?" Brian said in confusion.

"Dr. Alcorn's class?" Dani laughed, "Organic Chemistry?

"Hello, you helping me study for the test on Friday?"

"Oh! Right," Brian said and took his backpack off to rummage through it for his notes and book.

"Here," Dani said and patted the mattress beside her as Brian looked around for a place to sit.

The next two hours seemed to fly by as Brian relaxed and helped Dani catch up on what she was missing, her questions even making him stop and really think more than once before answering. He was even surprised by how much studying with Dani helped him with the subject as well even with the constant distraction of Dani's feet up on the bed next to him, even touching his thigh, or the hem of her dress riding up without ever going quite high enough for him to see between her legs again. The only problem was the coffee Brian had finished while they studied which naturally enough had him glancing nervously towards the very gauzy and very see through curtain and the toilet at the far end of the room.

"Ohhhhh, I need a break," Dani suddenly said as she leaned back and arched her back while stretching with her elbows pointed behind her back.

Dani's back popped audibly but Brian's eyes were drawn to her breasts as they tented out the fabric of her dress, her nipples clearly visible as dark circles beneath the thin fabric. Dani smiled as she watched him and then stood up and walked down to the toilet.

"You've really been a lifesaver, Brian," Dani said as she casually lifted up her dress and sat on the toilet.

Brain stared in amazement as he clearly heard Dani peeing before she stood up and wiped.

"I was hoping you might want to maybe study every week?" Dani asked as she walked back to the bed, "I mean, maybe I could do something for you too?"

"Like... ah... like what?" Brian asked as he squirmed uncomfortably on the bed.

"You look like my little sister doing her pee pee dance!" Dani laughed, "Go pee for Christs sake!

"I'll even aim it for you if you think you're too nervous to hit the bowl!"

"I couldn't," Brian stammered.

"Come on," Dani said gleefully and took Brian's hand to pull him up off the bed and shove him towards the toilet, "You saw me pee, it's only fair!"

Brian stammered and tried half heartedly to resist as Dani maneuvered him across the room until he was standing in front of the toilet and then looked down in shocked amazement as Dani reached around from behind him to unzip his fly. Brain could only stare as Dani's petite hands slipped inside his fly and after a moment he felt her fingers touch his penis which gave a stir of excitement as Dani guided him out of his jeans.

"Not to shabby Nerd Boy," Dani said as she squeezed his length in her hand while pointing him down towards the toilet, "I bet you'll be almost seven inches when you are nice and hard, won't you!"

Brian felt his face flush in embarrassment as he stood motionless and felt himself growing harder, unable to pee even though his bladder was painfully full.

"Don't you have to pee?" Dani asked with another gentle squeeze.

"I can't," Brian gasped as he grew even harder, "You holding me and.. and I'm ah... getting... you know..."

"You mean you getting hard?" Dani asked softly and squeezed Brian's length in her hand before letting her hand slip up and down his shaft.

Brian sighed at the amazing sensation of having Dani's hand stroke his length and bit his lip as he tried to force himself to pee. After a moment he felt the first rush of liquid as his flow started, the jet arching out to strike the bottom of the lid as Dani laughed gleefully.

"Whoops!" Dani said in delight and quickly adjusted Brian's dick downward which also pinched off his flow, "I better learn to aim better if I don't want to be cleaning up messes all the time, huh."

Brian moaned as Dani squeezed his shaft and tried to bend over a little just to be able to finish peeing. With his erection, Dani's hand still holding him and the uncomfortable angle she was pointing him at it seemed to be taking forever for him to finish. Brian looked down and couldn't help but laugh when he realized that Dani was aiming his dick around the bowl of the toilet and tracing a figure eight in the water.

"What?" Dani said in delight, "This is so cool!

"The best I can do is some silly heart shaped thing in the snow, you could right your name!"

"I've done that!" Brian laughed as he felt himself finally slowing until only a few steady drops dribbled from the tip of his penis.

"Man, you piss forever too!" Dani laughed as she shook his erection.

"It's slower when you're hard," Brian said as he stared down at Dani's fingers wrapped around his shaft, "And... uh, I guess it goes slower when... ah... someone... holds you?"

"Oh," Dani said as her hand started to stroke up and down his length., "I like aiming you though, it's like my own squirt gun!"

Brain stared down at Dani's hand, his foreskin slipping up over the tip of his dick before being pulled slowly back to reveal his pink head.

"Have you been with a girl before?" Dani suddenly asked in a barely audible whisper.

"Uh.... Kinda..." Brian admitted while staring down at Dani's hand.

"That's not a 'kinda' sort of question!" Dani said with a laugh.

"I've... I've kissed a girl down there before!" Brian said defensively, "And... and used my finger."

Dani squeezed Brian's shaft hard and then stepped back to take his hand in hers to pull him towards the bed.

"So you had a girlfriend in High School?" Dani asked as she walked backwards while pulling Brian along behind her.

"Ahhh, no," Brian admitted while staring into Dani's smiling green eyes.

Dani looked at him curiously with her head cocked to the side until Brian blushed a bright red.

"It... it was my cousin, alright!" Brian stammered, "I mean... we were both just kids... and... well, it just happened!"

Dani laughed in delight as she reached the bed and stopped.

"I'd make some jokes about Kentucky or West Virginia or some shit like that, but...." Dani stopped and glared at Brian for a moment, "Don't you dare tell anyone!

"Tell them what?" Brian asked.

"My brother and I used to watch each other," Dani admitted in a whisper and then grinned at Brian's shocked expression, "We even touched each other a few times too until he went to college!

"So, would you like for us to watch each other?" Dani asked and reached down to pull the hem of her dress up and lift it completely over her head so that she was suddenly standing in front of Brian naked, "Maybe would you like for us to touch each other?"

"Yes," Brian said hoarsely as his eyes crawled up and down Dani's body.

"I love Monty Python," Dani said quietly as she slowly reached out and pulled Brian's t-shirt up and over his head.

"It's just a rabbit," Brian mumbled as he thought about the rabbit of Caerbannog sitting on a pile of skulls that was silkscreened on the front of his shirt and how no one ever got the reference. No one except for this amazing, beautiful, smart sensual woman who was slowly and steadily undressing him.