Coleoidphilia - Synopsis

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A synopsis of all three episodes of Coleoidphilia.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/07/2023
Created 03/09/2023
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Coleoidphilia - Synopsis

Episode 1 -- Coleoidphilia

Emily Wilson is the great granddaughter of acclaimed erotic novelist, Emily Miller. She is a junior officer on a commercial space freighter. Only one crew member is on duty at any one time, the rest remaining in suspended animation. Emily is lonely, bored, and sexually frustrated, relying on vintage porn and the ship's "entertainment center" for stimulation.

During one of her shifts, the vessel is engulfed by a strange cloud, which terrifies Emily, but apparently nothing else happens. Later, while randomly searching for porn, she comes across a strange video in which a girl, looking very like her, is fucked by tentacles. She finds it oddly arousing.

The next day, a giant octopus manifests, to Emily's astonishment. He is a shapeshifting, telepathic alien, called David. He has been banished by his people for the crime of having sex with other species, and has been floating as an amorphous cloud in interstellar space for millennia. Being able to read her mind, David discerns Emily's sexual needs and they become lovers.


Episode 2 -- Determination

Emily and David have been together on the vessel for some time, exploring their relationship, emotionally and sexually. David is preoccupied by the idea that his species are searching for him. Emily is restless and struggling with both commitment, and the concept of consent, when one partner can read the other's mind. She is also worried about what sort of future she can have with an immortal alien. She finds herself very irritable much of the time.

David tries to help and suggests that he could make Emily like him by using a machine. Emily is unsure, and is beginning to yearn for something other than what she has. She realizes that this is her pattern. In secret, David builds the machine they have been discussing, assuming Emily will be pleased. She is apoplectic, and feels that David is pushing her into things she is not ready for. The pair break up, and Emily decides to pursue human relations again.

Reluctantly, David helps Emily to revive a female crew member, Park Na-ri. David meanwhile adopts the persona of another officer. After several false starts, Emily and Na-ri hook up. Emily feels that she and Na-ri are in different places and she seeks solace again with David.

David explains that Emily is pregnant, a result of her and David fucking with him in humanoid form. This explains some of the weird behavior displayed by both David and Emily, though Emily also recognizes the issue of her own fear of commitment. David also explains that there are dangers for both Emily and their potential offspring if she continues with the pregnancy. These would be avoided if she used the machine.

Still not 100% sure what to do, but thinking that she now understands David better, and probably also wants the baby, the pair reconcile. Na-ri returns to cryo-stasis and Emily and David begin to work on what to do next.

Then the vague fears that David has had materialize, and he is arrested by the Banishment Enforcement Agency (BEA). Emily is left pregnant, confused and bereft. After agonizing about options, and discovering a secret message from David, she decides she is going to do all she can to rescue him. That requires using the machine and the episode closes with Emily firing it up.


Episode 3 -- Caputpedes

The machine does not work, but Emily is able to put out a request for a technician. She realizes that she can't abandon the crew in cryo-statis, and that she is also desperate to have sex, for some unexplained reason. She wakes up the only person she thinks might believe her, Na-ri. After failing to convince Na-ri of the truth of her story, Emily proves it by showing her a video recording she and David made. This both convinces Na-ri and turns her on. The girls have sex, ending up asleep together in Na-ri's bunk.

They wake to another intruder alarm, but it is just the technician. A female giant squid, called Duxie, who is actually a telepathic alien, just like David. She can fix the machine, but the payment she requires is to fill both Emily and Na-ri's tubes, explaining that female squids use their tentacles to do this, rather than the semen-substitute used by male octopuses. Emily makes Duxie promise that no harm will come to her embryo during either the rube filling or the transformation. The three have sex, with one of Duxie's tentacles traversing Emily's digestive tract from ass to mouth before doing the same to Na-ri, mouth to ass. Na-ri is changed by the experience and develops a crush on Duxie.

Duxie fixes the machine, and Emily is successfully transformed. However she is suddenly cripplingly sad. Duxie explains that David has altered her mind in a way that his species use to aid break ups with other lifeforms. She says that he was being kind, and trying to help Emily to forget him. The transformation has invalidated this brain change. Emily is angry, but asks Duxie to do the same to her again, so that her grief doesn't prevent her from doing what she needs to do.

Duxie explains how Emily can use her new powers to traverse interstellar space, with Na-ri insisting that she accompany her. She also explains how to get in contact with David. Emily is able to get a faint set of words from David, but also his location.

Emily & Na-ri embark on a journey to save David. They arrive on a moon near his home planet of Caputpedes. Emily is now able to talk to David more clearly, and to "visit" him telepathically, much to David's amazement. He is captive in the BEA's citadel, and sentenced to solitary confinement, in perpetuity. Emily promises to rescue him.

Na-ri now becomes the narrator.

Duxie had told Emily that -- despite the BEA -- there was a thriving underground inter-species sex scene on Caputpedes; one involving many of the great and good. This is run by a shadowy Cartel. Emily and Na-ri become both courtesans and performers. They also remain lovers.

Emily tells Na-ri that her plan is to make contacts and bank favors with important people in Caputpederean society; but Na-ri is unclear how that is going to help. She knows that Emily is keeping things from her. Six months or so after reaching Caputpedes, Emily is now in her third trimester. She tells Na-ri that they have an appointment with a special client. The client is sodomizing Na-ri, with the aim of filling her tube, when Emily freezes him.

She introduces the client to Na-ri as the Caputpederean Attorney General, whose department is responsible for policing inter-species sex, the very thing the AG is currently engaged in. Emily blackmails the AG into opening an enquiry into David's case, which will be overseen by three of the eight Supreme Court Justices. The AG will be the main defense lawyer, and Emily promises to do nothing else to influence the hearing. The AG reluctantly agrees.

At the hearing, Na-ri is astonished to realize that she has had sex with all three Justices. Emily explains that she and Na-ri have actually had sex with all eight of them. This was Emily's plan all along.

Emily returns as narrator, her plan now revealed.

The Justices immediately agree to release David, but Emily has other plans. She wants the Inter-species Sex Act repealed and all "sex criminals" released. The Justices explain that this would require all eight of them to be present, and Emily teleports the missing five into the courthouse. She then explains that she doesn't want to address the Justices, but rather the people gathered in the courthouse.

She explains how ridiculous the Interspecies Sex Act is, using various examples. And then states that all of the Justices have had illegal sex with other species, at least once and probably many times. She says that everyone knows that this goes on and that the Act is a laughingstock. She then invites the Justices to vote on repealing it. As she does, Na-ri begins to shout, "repeal" and her call is taken up by the public. As law enforcement break down the doors that Emily had locked, the Chief Justice stops them, and says that a vote will be held. They unanimously vote to repeal the act and to release everyone held under its provisions.

As Emily and Na-ri are carried from the courthouse, Emily sees David in the distance and they are reunited.


Epilogue (included in Caputpedes)

Emily addresses the remaining issue of requiring consent before Caputpedereans read other species' minds. Bogged down by bureaucracy, she takes it upon herself to rewire every Caputpederean consciousness, using her powers; which seem to be beyond that of most of her species.

Returning to their home, Emily and Na-ri find that David has been captured by the Cartel that runs the interspecies sex racket. The head of the Cartel tries to kill Na-ri, but Emily easily disables him and his goons. She tells the Cartel boss that she has no desire -- as he had thought -- to take over the racket. She asks about business and -- now that it is legal -- this is booming. So an agreement is reached and the Cartel will leave Emily, David and Na-ri alone.

Emily and David's baby is born early, and attends their wedding, carried by Na-ri. As they leave, Na-ri sees Duxie in the last row, and the story ends with the two of them embracing.


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