Collective Bargaining

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Collective bargaining.
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts group sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


"Damn him" Cindy whispered under her breath. Her husband Rod knew what strings to pull to get a rise out of her. He was away attending a three day conference and had bet her that she couldn't get this order completed while he was away. They ran the company together and divided their time to suit their respective skills, she in charge of the Customer Care, HR and Administration, he in charge of signing off the customer requirements through to delivering the order.

He had already announced "The place will go to hell while I'm not there" knowing his words would get her back up "There's no way that order will get out the door on time even as simple as it is."

His wife, Cindy, had taken the bait straight away as she stated, "You'll see, how much are you prepared to lose when it goes out the door?"

Rod hid his knowing look and feigned surprise, after a few minutes of thought he announced "I will take you for a five star pampering weekend if you can steer this motley lot to get the order out of the door. You don't need me to tell you how important this is to our business. If I win however, I claim Anal sex, it's been years since we tried it and I feel confident that standards will slip while I'm not here."

Cindy was now on the wrong foot; they had engaged in anal sex a few times but they hadn't had much success and it was always uncomfortable for her on the receiving end. Rod liked it but didn't push the issue until now suspecting he held the winning hand. So, the bet was made and she knew her husband would fully expect her to fulfil her side of the bargain.

Sure enough, she was now sat in the office on the afternoon that he departed for his conference and she could see the younger guys larking about because she normally faced away from the shop floor. This could potentially spell what to expect for the next three days and she would have lost the bet; the timescales were tight but not impossible. She paced the upstairs office for a while debating how best to encourage the lads to complete the job. She could hardly implore the group with some rousing speech; her husband could but she doubted it would make a blind bit of notice. Just at that point Jerry walked out on to the floor and chivied them along back to their benches; maybe that was the answer.

Cindy opened the door to the upper floor office and shouted down, "Jerry can I borrow you a moment?" She received his usual wave of acknowledgement and he started towards the open stairs that led to the office. Jerry was a good and conscientious employee; she knew her husband valued his input; he wasn't one of the more vocal staff members but the workforce had learnt that it was worth listening to what he had to say when he did pipe up.

He stepped into the office and assumed she wanted the door shut behind him. "I guess you're the boss for a while, what can I do for you?" He was tall by Cindy's 5 feet 4 standard and broad shouldered from years of manual work. His dark hair was greying at the temples and the tattoos on his bulging upper arms told of his former life in the navy. His square chin and square nose gave him a distinguished look even if he rarely traded on his looks.

"Well, it's like this" Cindy began "We've got to get this order out by close of play Thursday and I'm concerned with hubbie being away that the lads will see it as an opportunity to lark about if they are left to their own devices. I know they listen to you, could you keep an eye out to see they keep to the plan?" Jerry started chuckling and so Cindy asked, "What's so funny?"

Jerry held his hands up in defence "It was just something the boss told me. I'll do my best to keep them on track but I suspect Rod made the timelines tight on purpose." He liked Cindy; she was a few years younger than him, blonde and petite that meant she was curvy in all the right places.

She adopted a very conspiratorial expression as she asked, "What has he been saying?"

Jerry looked uneasy as he replied, "He confided that he had made a bet with you about getting it out the door and it would cost him a pampering weekend if you managed to get it out the door."

"And did he confide what penalty I'd pay for not hitting his 'tight' timelines?" Cindy enquired further.

Jerry looked uneasy at that question and the colour drained from Cindy's face. "A little birdie may have confided that you're going to have to take it somewhere unorthodox if he wins. Please don't say anything to him, I'd like to think he trusts my discretion but I don't like telling lies."

Cindy fumed "The little shit." Her choice of words made him bark a laugh but she continued "Please don't mock me, it's bad enough I fell for it but now someone else knows it's even more embarrassing."

Again, the defensive pose from Jerry as he answered "My lips are sealed. I won't be telling anyone, especially when you are walking a little funny."

"Please don't, it's bad enough he will win. I won't hear the last of it for years to come" she stated but then asked "Is there anything you can do to keep them on track. I can pay you if it'll help."

Jerry had blabbed more than he wanted to do and was certainly not going to confess that Rod had already slipped him an envelope of money to ensure the job went out first thing Friday morning by express delivery which would placate the customer. "I'll see what I can do" was all he would say by way of consolation. True to his word, when Jerry returned to the shop floor, he ensured he had a quiet word with each of the employee's and they responded favourably with the minimum of banter as they went about their jobs.

The following morning had yielded a quiet and industrious team going through their roles and Cindy began to feel that maybe -- just maybe - they might hit their target. Unfortunately, Jerry had to pop out on an errand and it seemed the minute that he stepped out the lads started to mess around and Cindy's hopes dropped. This was no longer about the bet -- well, okay a little -- but her spirits were linked to getting the job out for a customer that could be lucrative for them in the future and that is what fed her despair. Cindy did try going down to the shop floor to gee the lads up but all they seemed interested in was watching her stocking clad legs as they descended the stairs and giving her suitable platitudes only to resume their former lackadaisical habits the minute, they had finished watching her butt and legs climb back up the stairs.

On his return Jerry went up to the office to find a very worried Cindy sat at her desk tapping her painted nails. When she heard the door open her head shot around and he saw her worried expression and asked, "What's the matter boss?"

She waved her hands around "I just can't see us getting this job out. The minute you were out the door they were messing around. I can ask them until I'm blue in the face but as soon as I come back to the office to get on with my other stuff it's as though I wasn't there at all. What am I going to do?"

Jerry looked suitably apologetic as he suggested "I can have another word with them as it seemed to have worked yesterday but we have another two and half days yet and I wonder how much we can actually achieve." He knew full well that he would have them under the cosh on Thursday to ensure he would get the job out first thing Friday. Rod had assured him that the customer would accept that as long as it was first thing but the deadline meant he got his way over his wife.

"I could pay them extra out of my pocket but I don't have much that isn't tied up in the business and I can't lose face with Rod by putting in through the books" Cindy stated as she sat wringing her hands in her lap.

The way Jerry stood over her, he got a nice view of her modest cleavage down her blouse and he chuckled as he replied, "Well I guess you're just going to have to bite the bullet with the bet, or I suppose the correct term should be bite the pillow in this case."

Cindy looked even more dejected as she sighed heavily "He's told you want the penance will be if I lose this bet." Jerry raised his eyebrows and nodded his head a couple of times prompting her to say "It's not the price anymore, it's letting a customer down and I don't see anyway of getting it done. What does Rod do to get them motivated?"

Jerry shrugged and replied "He started this on his own and he's worked his way up from the shop floor so he knows their ruses and their scams. Some he plays along with, cutting them some slack; some he has to act tough. Those of us that have been here with him from the start know what he likes and respect him, the newer ones, well, I suspect you going down just gave them an opportunity to ogle your legs or your butt on the way back up."

"Is that what motivates them?" she asked.

"Probably" Jerry answer as he shrugged again "but it's going to be time consuming flirting with each and every one, plus they won't be working while watching you smooch the others."

Cindy looked thoughtful as she mused to herself 'If I just need to flirt with the one that will make them all deliver' just then she dramatically looked up and caught Jerry staring down her blouse. He had the good grace to look embarrassed and look away out the big window onto the shop floor. 'Bingo' she thought to herself. "You are the only one my husband has confided what price he will extract for not delivering?"

"As far as I know. I doubt he would confess that type of detail to anyone else" was Jerry's reply, wondering 'where's this going?'

Cindy adopted a strange expression Jerry couldn't read. He failed to hide his shock as she opened a button of her blouse as she asked, "You obviously like what you see, if I flash you some more can I get you to rag the others until this order gets out the door?"

Jerry may have been stunned at her actions but he knew enough to reply, "I know what price you will have to pay Rod, I'm afraid a flash of tit is nothing compared to what the big man would be getting."

Cindy sighed heavily as she asked, "So what will it take to swing you in my favour?"

Jerry was silent for some time as he weighed up what a unique position, he now found himself in control of the negotiation and so boldly stated "I'd say a blowjob is the least you can offer but I think letting me fuck you will get the required result from that lot and is certainly a better prospect than taking your husband up the ass?"

Cindy displayed her surprise at his forthright statement but the more she mulled it over in her head, the more it made sense but how would her husband react if he found out "Do I have your word that this will not get back to my husband?"

'She's obviously thinking about it' Jerry mulled in his head "I promise not a word will cross my lips. As much as I like working for your husband it doesn't compare to his wife."

She asked, "When and where do you want to do this?"

"I suggest we wait until the others have clocked off although I will take a down payment. If you slink down to your knees, I will block the view of you giving me a blowjob." Jerry was now stood with his hands on his hips.

Cindy sank to her knees and was about to reach up for his trouser zip when she clarified "This remains between us two and you'll get on to them as soon as you get back on the floor?"

"Scouts honour, I won't utter a word of this to the boss" Jerry replied 'Although I was never in the scouts' he inwardly chuckled to himself. He did add "I'd like to see some stocking top, it'll get me there quicker.

Cindy wriggled her hips as she raised the hem of her tight skirt just enough to reveal the top of her stockings. As soon as he saw the thicker, darker band Jerry's heart started to race. It had been a long time since he had received a blowjob and especially someone so hot as Cindy. The zipper was pulled down and she reached in her slender hand into his trousers and after a little furtive wriggled extracted the dick for her inspection. Cindy's pussy had pulsed at the first contact her hand made with his dick as it appeared a substantial width but once it was clear of his trousers the shocked gasp and impulse rearward jerk of her head demonstrated Cindy's surprise at what he was packing. Jerry could see was how her nipples pinged erect, he didn't realise the involuntary pulse her pussy made as a reaction to seeing it for the first time. Cindy admired his appendage for a few hearbeats but soon leant her head forward to take the head in her mouth. An admiring "Mmmmm" came from the boss lady as her lips flexed and gripped the silky skin of his dick to meet each ridge and undulation.

"Oh man" was the only response that Jerry uttered, in reality the thought rattling around his head was 'Cindy knows exactly how to pleasure a cock, I just wish I could get this treatment more often.' The speed that Cindy dipped her head was increasing dramatically, the chances of someone climbing the metal stairs was real, if rare, but she didn't want to take unnecessary risks. Jerry's groaning indicated that he wasn't far off but they had failed to agree what to do in the event of his coming, not that she minded as she regularly swallowed her husbands come even if his equipment was substantially inferior than Jerry's.

His come was imminent and Jerry would have preferred to let the whole world know but given their circumstance his muffled grunt was all he gave as Cindy felt the shot of his come hit her throat four times before he gave his final groan. Cindy pulled her head back as she sucked her lips tightly along his length. Once his dick was clear of her mouth Cindy made a very exaggerated gulp and smacked her lips, she then smiled and said, "Very tasty."

Although Jerry was reluctant to put his dick away he too was conscious of getting caught and so made the minimal amount of movement to put his cock away. "Hang back after everyone has gone and I'll meet you up here." For her part Cindy's pussy was juicing up just thinking of what his length would feel like inside her. Some might say she was a slut for allowing Jerry to come in her mouth and that she was betraying her husband but she didn't think Jerry would ever say anything to Rod and early in their marriage Rod had been forgiven for an affair with his secretary - this had ultimately led to Cindy coming to work here, initially to keep her eye on Rod but also to take a more active role in the running of the company.

She was delighted to hear Jerry barking out instructions to the team once he had left the office and a quick glance out of the window demonstrated just how industrious the team could be with the right sort of encouragement. As the shift came to an end, a quick glance out the window as they filled out showed just how much they had achieved and although she couldn't relax just yet, the signs were positive. With the last one out the door Jerry climbed back up the stairs two at a time. Cindy wheeled her chair around as the door opened and she smiled at him as she said, "Thank you, they did really well this afternoon."

Jerry smiled back as he shrugged and replied "I pride myself on delivering what I set out to do. Now strip, I want to see that body that I'm about to fuck." The truth of the matter was that Cindy's eyeline dropped to his crotch as it showed the significant outline, knowing what it was about to reveal was making her pulse run. Jerry was quick to dispense of his own clothing whereas Cindy decided to make a show of the removal of hers. First came her suit jacket which was followed by her skirt after much bumping and grinding.

Grant was cursing himself for leaving his wallet in his work body warmer. He had settled a bet earlier and had been distracted before putting it back in his jacket he wore to drive home. He was just thankful for remembering as soon as he had, he climbed in his car and fastened the safety belt but then the realisation hit making him curse as he climbed out of his car again. The main door he knew would be locked but he could probably get in through the broken fire door at the side. Having gained entry and retrieved his wallet Grant was about to make his way back to the door when he heard a chuckle from the office upstairs and this was followed by an approving "Oooooh." The sound itself was innocuous, it was the context with which it was delivered that it seemed strange.

His first thoughts were to make a swift exit and yet he was curious what was going on. His first thought was 'The boss is out and so I guess the boss lady is on the phone. One quick glance at those lovely stocking covered legs wouldn't hurt if I'm careful.' He didn't want to have awkward questions pointed at him and so he stealthy climbed the metal stairs leading to the office. He had to be careful as his steel capped work boots were liable to make a clanking noise if he trod carelessly. Slowly and steadily, he climbed up the steps although he need not have worried as the giggling -- there was definitely two people in there -- drowned out the slight noise he was making. Slowly he peered above the half wall of the office looking forward to seeing those legs.

He certainly saw the legs - and the stockings - and her black lacy panties as Cindy was bent over with her skirt removed. What Grant also saw was a naked Jerry lounging in one of the office chairs with his head tilted backwards and a hand on the back of Cindy's head guiding it up and down as her mouth worked along the length of his hard cock. Even Grant had to grudgingly admit his mentor was packing as he watched the boss lady -- the married boss lady -- expertly administer to the cock in front of her.

It seems Cindy ministration of Jerry was a mere precursor as she stood back up and quickly dispensed of her panties by pushing them out of the way while wiggling her hips. With those out of the way Cindy slung a leg over Jerry's legs and wriggled forward so the head of his dick lined up with her pussy and quickly descended along his length. Her groan of satisfaction could clearly be heard from Grant's position. Cindy started to rise and fall along Jerry's length, he thought he had been patient long enough and reached up to remove her blouse to gain access to her modest chest.

Cindy's lacy bra was quickly discarded off to her side providing Jerry with the opportunity to reach up and cup the nicely sized boobs; not large but enough to fit in his palm. This was the point that Grant gets his phone and starts to record the action through the glass door. At this point he had no idea what he would do with this recording but he figured it was better to have it than not.

The boss lady's blonde hair jumped and jiggled around as she rode her pussy up and down Jerry's impressive cock. Her butt was doing a similar motion and it was perhaps this that focused Grant's attention. He had marvelled at her perfect round butt as often as he could when she walked around the shop floor but especially up the metal staircase to the office area.

Being armed with the video gave Grant a strange sense of daring, especially as he had made sure it was backed up to the cloud, and so as Cindy was hitting her crescendo, he stood up on the platform for a better view. The boss's wife hit her climax and slumped forward on to Jerry's chest panting deeply from the exertion. This was the point when Grant gave a loud round of applause shocking the other two out of their revere.

Cindy was the first to react, jumping up and swinging round before she had the presence to bring her left hand over to cover her breasts and her right hand down to cover her sparsely haired pussy. Jerry sprung up with clenched fists making no attempt to cover his appendage which was at that point dripping Cindy's copious juices on to the office floor carpet "What the...?" he began to ask.