College CFNM Society


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As she went to put the document back in the cabinet she just couldn't help it. Checking to see that Leo's door was still shut, she reopened the restricted document, eager to see why the girls thought it was so hilarious to obtain. As she expected. Just a boring list. Names of the 1st year guys on the course. Their height, weight, boring notes, blood group etc etc, hard, limp. Wait what?!

"Hard and limp?" She said out loud, shocked.

Her eyes ran down part of the list. 4.5 inches. 6.1 inches. 4 inches. 5.3 inches. 8.2 inches. These were measurements of the boy's dicks!

She sat on the floor enthralled, quickly going through each secret measurement of a males' most private part. And then read it all again. She felt incredible guilt for having access to such intimate details - and yet she could not stop smiling. She noticed some of the names, Simon - that arrogant foreign student - 4 inches hard, 0.7 soft! Linnea giggled to herself at the thought of the cocky American strutting about with a tiny limp dick between his legs. She looked at the bigger ones, Erik Forsberg 8.2 inches, wow! That hot jock just had no flaws. Linnea had long swooned over him when she cheered on the varsity soccer team. She felt empowered to know what he was hiding under those little shorts.

After running through the numbers again and again Linnea resolved to put them back, safely hidden away in the cabinet. Time ticked away slowly for Linnea, as she daydreamed over wild thoughts of the 1st year boys submitting to having their dicks measured, it was incredibly wrong and yet she was so horny just thinking about it. When it came time to leave for home she had already fallen to temptation. She left too with a photocopy of the document, hidden away in her purse.


In her usual fashion, Ester did not warn Leo of her arrival, she simply barged into his office, awakening from his daydreams. He attempted to greet and make small talk with his Vice-Chancellor and yet she remained frosty and silent, looking down on him with a patronising stare.

"Cut the crap Leo, clothes off. Now."

He spluttered at this absurd request! She was wasn't a member of the CFNM Society! To which she smugly reminded him his vow was to obey all women. And if he didn't think so, she would happily call Tamika to come and warmly remind him of his obligations.

As he sullenly stood up and began to undress, Ester brazenly sat in his chair and rested her feet on his desk as she watched him slowly unclothe.


Leo obeyed. A minute ago he was acting like a boss to his deputy. Now he was naked, kneeling to the woman sitting in HIS chair.

"I've actually just been chatting to Katrina. She's busy with an essay but we both agreed something had to be done about this horrid display of foliage!" And with that she used her high heel to gesture towards the thick pubic hair masking Leo's stubby little penis.

"So I bravely volunteered to do the deed as I need to discuss some things with you anyway. Go lie on the couch Leo."

Her matter of fact way of ordering him about had its effect. Scared and humbled, he laid face up on the couch, wondering what she had in store for him next. Rummaging through her large handbag she picked out her weapons of inquisition. A large dollop of cream was sprayed onto his groin and he finally understood. She was going to shave him.

Despite lying so still and calm, Leo's mind was racing 1000mph as she slowly scraped the sharp razor along his testicles. She seemed particularly thorough and Leo prayed that she knew what she was doing. As she continued to shave him, she brought up the national meeting of University Chancellors. A very prestigious event. Wouldn't it be better if she attended this year, given his large workload?

Leo meekly agreed though was secretly devastated that she'd so effortlessly stole this expenses-paid trip from him. She then brought up the pay rise he'd declined her previously...

Leo's anger got the better of him. "What? No! Even I didn't get a rise!"

Ester remained calm despite his sudden outburst. Taking his penis in her thumb and index finger she held the razor against it. "I realise that. But if you were to reduce your exuberant salary there would be plenty to increase mine. And maybe even Linnea's too. And then we'd have better parity wouldn't we?"

Leo looked into Ester's stern glare and then to his poor little penis against the razor. Tears glistening in his eyes he agreed. With a smug smile, Ester left her demands at that, proceeding to carefully, even lovingly, shave his penis and balls until he was completely smooth and naked down there.

"All done! Do you know something Leo? Without that bush your penis actually looks pretty impressive now!"

"-It does?" He said excitedly, inspecting his smooth new look.

"LOL NO you idiot. It looks pathetic, absolutely pathetic!" As she laughed at his expense she dumped the shaving gear onto the desk and walked out.

Leo was still tucking his shirt in when a bemused Linnea entered. "Ester just said my raise and hers have been approved. Is this true sir. Oh..."

Leo's young secretary looked to the shaving gear and then to him, trying to figure it out.

"I'm sorry sir, have I interrupted something?"

"-no no its fine." He said, trying to sound casual as he did his shirt buttons up.

Linnea's eyes looked down and then quickly away. "Your zip is undone sir..."

There was the slightest hint of amusement in her voice that scared Leo senseless. He did up the zip on his trousers and tried to bluff his way out of it.

"Look I was just shaving my face that's all."

"-hmm. Your... face sir? Seems you missed a bit..."

Leo could have wept. He had a heavy five o'clock shadow, what was he thinking.

With a scowl of condescension, Linnea looked once again at the shaving gear and then at her boss, and walked out. Leo could have sworn he heard her giggling from her desk later.


Leo did not go into his office that morning. He was still trying to think of a way out of the embarrassment with Linnea. It wasn't until after lunch that he skulked up to the office. She was already there of course. Happily munching on an apple at her desk. He noted with satisfaction the lovely tight knitwear sweater she had on that really accentuated her pointy breasts. She also had a flower in her hair and even a floral skirt. Certainly better than those boring pant suits of hers, he thought to himself.

"Oh hi Leo. I was wondering where you had got to!" She put down the apple and went to open his office door for him "She we get right down to it?"

Relief washed over him as her professional manner and no mention of yesterday soothed his lingering worries. He slumped onto the coach and told her to go for it.

"So there's three messages. One from Miss Claudia Nyberg, Katrina's mother - do you know Katrina? Anyway, Claudia had some ideas for more revenue raising; another message from Coach Karlsson asking you to ring back - he seemed a little anxious - oh and Tamika stopped by with some very specific instructions for you."

Leo's relief had lasted but a moment. Tamika? She had been here again? Talking to Linnea? This could be trouble...

"Um, did she stay long?"

"-Oh yes!" Linnea happily replied "We chatted for quite a while. She's so interesting!"

Leo could not detect anything untoward in her tone or manner. After all, Tamika was hardly going to spill the beans on everything to his secretary was she! He relaxed back on the coach.

"Tamika? Hmm yes, I vaguely recall her. Well what did she have for me?"

"-Something to wear, sir." And with that, Linnea produced from her purse a small pink ribbon and twisted it around her finger. Her mouth was now fixed in a suggestive pout and her eyebrows raised in expectation of Leo's response.

They remained silent for a while. Leo trying to comprehend the gravity of this. The last time he had seen a pink ribbon was tied in bows around male initiate's dicks at the Society's meeting. He'd been told Tamika demanded all new guys wear them. But she can't have told Linnea about all that surely...

His secretary cut off his trail of thought: "And what's more - Sir - she told me exactly where it has to go, that I'm to see to it, and she wants proof pictures of it on you."

Leo gulped while he tried to come to terms with this. The one woman around here were seemed oblivious to his cfnm submission was now deeply involved. Even she had him by the balls. He sensed a new-found confidence in her. Perhaps even a mischievous side, as she played with the ribbon and pouted at him. No longer a submissive secretary but a playful vixen.

"Shall we get down to it sir? Remove your clothes if you please."

He was struck with the nurse-like professionalism in the way she said this. And she even seemed unabashed as her began to slowly strip off. She even smiled along enthusiastically, putting him at ease a little. Pausing at his underwear, she was quick to take charge,

"Allow me sir. There's a good boy." With that she dropped to her knees in front of him and yanked down his pants, playfully slapping his ankles as she instructed him to step out of his underwear.

"My oh my! What a fuss over such a little thing!"

Leo could not bear to look at her as she made this joke. Was she been supportive or mocking? Had he looked down, he'd have seen Linnea grinning from ear to ear as she stared at his little cock, trying to size up where he would fit into the chart of men's dick sizes in the filing cabinet. Playfully untwirling the ribbon she looked up with wide innocent eyes and asked, "please sir, is it ok if I touch it?"

Those beautiful green eyes really got to him, muttering his approval, he looked away, desperate not to get an erection. Linnea cautiously took his penis in a light grip and pushed it side to side, inspecting the smooth job she knew Ester had done shaving him. She gently squeezed his balls, amazed at how big and full they felt. That touch was too much for Leo, his penis was now fully erect, saluting his pretty secretary. Raising her hand to her mouth she looked away and tried to stifle a laugh. Leo felt both utterly humiliated and yet strangely very protected by her delicate handling of him.

Years of nothing but his own hand to pleasure him and yet now he had an attractive secretary playing with his penis. His inhibitions were giving way to lust. It was actually rather nice being naked for her. Maybe she'd let him be nude in the office more. Protective of him like she was now.

"I'm sorry if this hurts sir!" She said, screwing her pretty little face up with effort as she tried and failed to tie a bow around his hardon. As she tugged both sides too tightly, Leo doubled over in pain.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry sir LOL!" She placed a caring hand on his cheek and then quickly untied the tight knot, affectionately rubbing his shaft gently and apologising for hurting it. Leo looked away. He knew if he looked down once more at this beautiful woman playing with his cock it would explode all over her. Wincing as she continued to twist and tug he tried to think of anything but the incredibly hot situation he was now in.

"There! Doesn't that look cute!"

She was done. Leo looked down to the cute pink bow around his penis. Cute? He didn't want his penis to be thought of as cute! Cute wasn't manly.

Getting up off her knees, Linnea pulled out her phone. "Now I can send the pictures of proof Tamika demanded. She gave me her number. She was very serious about all this you know."

Before Leo could stop her she was snapping away. A full range of pics to enshrine his newly submissive state. His erection subsided and Leo began to regret not spunking there and then all over Linnea's face.

"Wonderful sir! I'll send those over to her right now." She said, making towards the door.

"-wait hang on! You'll delete them straight away after sending them to Tamika! W-won't you? Please?"

Linnea slowly turned back to him, her eyes fixed squarely on his small penis, tied with a pretty pink bow: "I hardly think you're in a position to be barking orders are you?"

He gulped. Realising he may have pissed off a woman who was until then seemingly nice to him. "No I - I guess not."

"So?" She said mockingly. "Apologise."

Leo meekly uttered some confused words of regret. As she left the room Linnea mentioned that she would be leaving early today. Leo realised he was not even in charge of his secretary anymore. Although it must have taken just five or ten minutes, this incident had drove Leo to the point of madness. He had to cum! Would Katrina really know if he had a cheeky wank? He decided to text her. She replied three hours later, informing him she would be pleased to visit him tomorrow.


There was zero chance of Leo concentrating on anything else throughout the day. He delegated all outstanding matters to Ester who was more than happy to take the reins off him. The minutes ticked by as he lay on his couch until finally, at 4pm, a knock on the door.

And she entered. Beaming with a fulsome smile and happiness, Leo was once more struck by her radiance. She was wearing a silky blouse with enough buttons undone for Leo to spy her purple lace bra. Her flared skirt was the shortest he had seen on her yet. He could not believe such a beautiful young woman was wasting even a minute on him. Hugging him she kissed his cheek and whispered 'I've missed you' into his ear.

"But first things first..." She said assertively, settling down to sit on his couch.

Leo thought for a moment and then realised what she was getting at. He removed his clothes, pulling down the new boxers he had worn especially to reveal his newly shaved look, accompanied with a pink bow that he'd tied on that morning. Getting down onto all fours, he began to lightly kiss the strappy sandals Katrina was wearing.

"Hmm...wonderful!" she remarked, faking very pleasured tones.

"So Leo. You know the funding allocated by the college to our Society doesn't cover all the costs? So the male members are obliged to pay a rather large subscription fee. And you haven't yet..."

Leo profusely apologised and said he'd be very happy to write a cheque.

"So the amount is usually 200 euro. But as you're on a big wage and not a student...we thought: ten times as much?"

Leo swallowed hard. Yes, he could just about afford 2000. It was worth it just to kiss Katrina's feet. Scrambling over to his desk he quickly wrote the huge cheque to her personally. Before he could bring it Katrina she told him to stop.

She pointed to the floor, and then to her teeth. Leo understood. He placed the cheque in between his teeth and crawled like a faithful dog to his mistress. She looked very satisfied as she took the cheque and placed it into her purse.

"And that's monthly of course."

He was dumbstruck. Oh wow, 2000 a month, he'd have to seriously cut down elsewhere, but he could probably just about scrape it together...

Katrina patted the couch gesturing him to sit with her like an equal. As he did, she boldly moved up so their bodies were touching.

"I'm so very proud of you Leo, we all are. Well-behaved men like you get rewards. We appreciate our obedient boys. Very nice rewards." Her hand was now lightly playing with his balls.

"My! These are full! You poor thing! You've been so good abstaining like I asked you too. It seems we won't have to place a chastity cage on you after all. Would you like your reward now?"

With that Katrina unbuttoned her shirt and threw it aside. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall down to reveal a lace purple thong. Leo stared at the delicate, wispy piece of fabric that was all between him and Katrina's pussy. She twirled round to show off her beautiful bottom perfectly complimented by the thong.

Taking charge, she buried his head in between her breasts, with Leo gratefully nuzzling on her lace bra, tasting her perfume as he did so. His hand was placed by her on her bare leg and he lovingly squeezed her thigh. He dared to roam his hand up further, briefly touching the warmth of Katrina's gusset before she quickly grabbed the offending hand and moved it back down to her thigh. With his other hand, he tried to undo her bra, desperate to see her pale breasts, but again she playfully stopped him from doing so.

Her long fingers expertly brought him into a state of erection and gently began to jerk him off. She whispered into his ear. "The power of the pussy, Leo. Perhaps if you're good I will let you kiss mine. Gently, like you kiss my shoes. Would you like that Leo? Would you? But only if you behave of course. Only if you OBEY."

Leo was in a blissful state and it didn't take long. A few pumps of Katrina's hand and his little cock exploded in ecstasy. He shouted with delight! "Yes! Yes! Katrina it's all yours! Everything! Everything belongs to you!" His body quivered in the exquisite relief he now felt. Katrina held him close for several minutes afterwards so he could feel her racing heartbeat between her breasts.

Kissing his lips, she then stood up and began to put her blouse on. Leo gazed until that last moment as her pert breasts and their lacy bra were finally hidden away again.

"I meant what I said darling," she said tenderly while dressing, zipping up her skirt "You and I could have a lot of fun together, but you must abstain until I decide. Any hint of you jerking off and I'll slap a steel cock cage on you and give Harriet the key. And when Harriet has the key, good luck getting it back! Understand darling?"

Leo said it and meant it, he would not dare to ruin the pleasure Katrina gave him. It was worth the wait. He couldn't believe he'd seen her stripped down to her underwear! Leaning down over him she kissed him again. It was an extended kiss, with her tongue willingly playing with his.

"Don't forget, Society meeting tomorrow!"

As he looked longingly on she turned before leaving and said,

"Did you know that I don't have a boyfriend yet?" She smiled and left him to spend the night trying to decode this flirtatious goodbye. Was he to be her boyfriend? Surely not? Whatever was in store for him next, from now on, his enchantress, Katrina was in charge. Everything was hers to rule.

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LeoLewinskyLeoLewinsky3 months ago

I like this story as it is very well written. What really disturbed me is, that it is in the end simply about money. What a shame for the females and their ideals. Also I miss collars and leashes a lot, they are far more important than unhealthy chastitydevices.

SenhorMastoSenhorMasto11 months ago

Again, I really liked it! I would love for it to continue with more of the Gatherings and less of this Chancellor.

SenhorMastoSenhorMasto11 months ago

Very good! "Female Authority" is one of my most potent turn-ons. I want continuation. When possible ???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It is interesting how several comments have talked about how girls got the better of the boys but of course that is not hard to do.

One story said that if the boys tried to see a girl that he should go to all his classes naked and say he was story to each girl as he was standing before her naked.

That happened to me when I was around 15. My family often had the boys go naked while girls had to be dressed but one time my sisters had several girl friends over and while they were here, they told my parents I and two other boys peeked in on them as they were changing. We did not see anything as they were all dressed when we did it but that did not matter.

My parents and a neighbor husband and wife listened as my sister told them so they deicide a good lesson was to hold a "court" to hear the "case" Since there were only six girl here, they wanted twelve jurors of our peers so dad told mom to call six more of my sisters girl friends to have them come over but they also told all of the girls moms about their plans and ask all the mothers to come over. 12 of my sisters girlfriends and their moms plus my sisters and a couple of couple of female cousins.

Well my parents told them what our offense was and even hinted at what our penalty should be saying "since they tried to see girls without clothes on would it be fair if they had to take ALL their cloths off for you? My dad even said that if it were approved ALL the males would have to take their cloths off for the rest of the evening.

Of course all the girls loved this and after checking with their moms, all the moms agreed that this would be a good punishment since several of the girls had never seen a naked male before it would be a good chance for that to happen in a controlled setting so my dad told the boys to strip and take EVERYTHING off and no covering anything with our hands. The girls loved it as we did as we were commanded so after a few moments, a 10 year old, a 12 and a 14 year old boy were standing naked in front of a couple of dozen women and girls an we knew this would be going on for a couple of hours.

Well one of the girls who was around 11 or 12 at the time got the best of my dad and my neighbor. who had encouraged all this to happen. She addressed my dad and asked him "did you say ALL the males would be naked? My dad did without thinking say yes I did . (by this time my mom and most of the other moms knew where this was going and they all had big smiles on their faces) Then the girl ask..."then why do you and Mr Brown still have your cloths on?

My mom and several of the other ladies then added "yes why do you? Another girl then chimmed in and said shouldn't the adults set an example?

To shorten this story, it everyone agreed that the adult males had to get naked and stay naked for the next two hours too.

Because a few boys TRIED to peek at a few girls and even though they did not see anything, over a couple of dozen girls and their moms got to see boys and adult males completely naked for over two hours. My dad was circumcised while Mr. Brown was not and the girls did not miss this fact so they started asking questions and they were given answers and were shown how the foreskin could be pulled back and expose the glans. Each girl was able to see from a foot away how this was done and of course, then their moms could explain why the penis was growing and then they were told all about erections but they were told they would explain why males got erections when none of the males were around to hear. I guess talking about a female's anatomy was not something males should hear although they were all seeing our cocks and balls and each of the females including the moms were able to touch the boys (they were not allowed to touch the adult males although each of their moms did handle my dad's an Mr. Brown's pricks and nuts much to my mom and Mrs. Browns amusement and encouragement.

Looking back although I did not like it then, I would love to have it happen all over again. That helped me to learn to love being naked with a lot of women around, all who remained dressed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

CFNM was common in a lot of schools in 1940- part of 1960 I have also noticed that some here have said women are superior to men and part of this story shows how girls were a lot smarter then the boys so I guess that shows they were superior right?

In the 60's I was on the swim team in my school. All the males around the pool area had to be fully naked but all the girls and women had to wear one piece suits with no cleavge showing.

At swim meets, we often had a few hundred spectators, mostly women and young girls, some around 6 or 7 y/o but mostly teenagers and often our classmates. We still were totally naked, while the males were anyway but not all of the males, the adult coaches and life guards wore trunks.

Well the girls on the term (all wearing one piece suits) were talking to several of the boys and of course the boys had their pricks and balls on full display for them. Anyway the girls started talking about how the adult males wore swim trunks while we were all naked (and they pointed to our dicks as they said that with a little chuckle.) They got us to complain about it saying it was not fair. Oh we never thought anything about why males were naked and the girls were not, just that it was a double standard the adult males wore swim trunks. Anyway the next week before the swim meet, there was a sign on the doors coming into the pool so all the spectators would see it (and they were told verbally before coming in) that the adult males would also be nude so those coming in could decide if they still wanted to enter and if they wanted to bring their kids in. Almost all of them did enter.

When we won the team with have a meet and greet where everyone could come and shake our hands which would certainly have them right next to us and we were still naked a a jay bird. One woman was talking to a coach with her twin daughters who had to be around 6 or 7 were standing eye level to his naked cock about a foot away from it. I though his cock was going to poke the girls in the eyes they were that close. No one thought anything of it but the girls sure were looking and they got a good view of his nuts too since he had a huge hard on.

Before the meet, we all lined up facing the crowd, the males in the front, our naked male coaches at the ends as we were read the instructions which including telling the naked males standing in front of a couple hundred girls that we would get in trouble if we asked any girl or woman to show us their bodies in any stage of undress and we certainly could not touch them (I think a good penalty for any male who asked a girl to do this is that he should have to go totally naked the next school day to all his classes and in each class go to each girl and apologize for asking a girl to show herself. If he tried to touch her, the girls should be able to have 30 seconds each to feel his cock and balls. Of course if this happened, I would a have made sure I asked a girl to show herself even though I would not have wanted her to as only males should be displayed.

Double standards that the males were naked and we would not have a chance to see a girl without all her clothes on, of course but it was a double standard I loved. I was over 18 before I saw my first breast although hundreds of girls had seen my cock and balls for extended times. In my whole life I have seen 3 naked women and by now over a thousand women have seen all of me.

This is pure clothed female NAKED MALE and that is the way I love it. The only time a naked male should be with a naked or half naked woman is if they are in a relationship, other then that, a naked male in the presence of clothed women should have no prospect of seeing her naked.

I have been to dozens of CFNM and this is one of the rules, women will remain dressed while the male are always totally naked and not allowed to cover. We can touch each others bodies on any part that is covered. Of course nothing on the males is covered. At one event, a naked male told a woman she was showing a bit too much cleavage. She told him he was not showing enough dick, as his foreskin was not pulled back so that she could see the head of his now hard cock. I loved it . Oh the not exposing women met that none of these women could expose themselves after the event of they did not have a relationship with the male so all of us knew we would not have a chance of seeing them naked. and that is they way it should be. I would love for it to be far more common and for it to be a TV show with nothing blurring the males.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"Anonymousabout 1 month ago

Female Superiority

Although I had the misfortune to be born with a cock and a pair of balls, I have known since grade school that women and girls are far superior to us male"

It is refreshing to see more males accepting the fact that women are superior to the human male. It is about time. Now that girls are getting an equal chance, they are surpassing the males at everything. That is one reason I love the stories where women are at an advantage over men. I strongly agree with everything the author of the above said but with the change in format here I wonder if by the comment that he (it has to be an he if he has a cock right?) agrees with the comment above that he means the federal law comment. If so I fully agree with that one too. Not sure if that one is a male or not but if so again it is refreshing to see some more men make sense. There may be hope for the male yet, and I did say MAY.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Female Superiority

Although I had the misfortune to be born with a cock and a pair of balls, I have known since grade school that women and girls are far superior to us males. I am happy that you have brought this out and I believe one reason CFNM is 100 times more popular then the reverse is the most males realize women are our superior but they do not have the balls to admit it. Being naked in front of dozens of women is a reminder of their being superior. I agree with a poster above this that no male should see a naked woman or girl but naked males should be the law of the land so that every girl of all ages would not only know what a naked male (both boy and adult males) but be able to feel their pricks and nuts and see everything a male is able to do with his dick. Nothing about males should be kept secret but everything about girls should stay secret from the males.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Bot groups have their hang-ups, such as "male dominance" or "white fragilty".

The diference is, the difference is, well, just WHAT is the difference - both want a black female (female black??) democratic VP candidate, as if excluding 90% of all possible candidates means a good candidate will be chosen...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Federal Law

It is about time for women to take over and make the whole nation CFNM. ALL males should be totally naked all the time in all places. No woman or girl should ever wonder what a male looks like or feels like. They can use any terms they want for male anatomy such as cocks, dick, pricks, nuts or balls but if male dare uses any term for a woman, the women or girls that hear it should be able to kick them in their nuts for doing so to let them know women and girls are their superior. It is time for every nation to go fully CFNM and no male should see a female undressed until he is 18

AdrianTannerAdrianTannerover 4 years ago
Hot Story!

Well written! The slow build-up had me laying in heat. I just wish the final scene where Katrina gave Leo his reward lasted a little longer. She finished him off a little too quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved the Story! I wish my work place was CFnm:)

What a wonderful story! I wish my work place was CFnm. I have always wanted my female boss to know how small my penis really is. I guy can only hope that someday women will rule!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story.Not the usual anatomy lesson

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Unrealistic and just plain dumb

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Absolute Best!

I love this type of story that involves college girls and small penis humiliation. Only complaint is the author seems to have vanished and doesn't write anymore. Very sad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
More please

Please continue to write your stories! I can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
great story

Make a second part plz, very good story.

spikedlockedspikedlockedover 6 years ago

Wonderful humbling and enslavement of a male, as it should be

willowindwillowindabout 7 years ago
Better Future for all.

I really enjoyed this story. Hopefully it is a prophecy for the future. Women consistently do better than men in education. It would be good to see more Women running countries, companies and being in positions of power. Men generally are more suited to physical work and could do this without creating the sort of mess we seem to be making of the world at present.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love your ideas of bringing men down to slavery.

I like your ideas to humiliate men and to get their good jobs. It need not always be the privilege of men to gawk at nude females and masturbate. Why shouldn't we women take also photos of nude males? I think I am not the only woman enjoying big dicks and male asses. The males who have treated us as sex objects are worth to get our sex objects and loose their good jobs. Therefore it is the right decision to publish these humiliating pictures in the internet.

Furthermore, old men keep young females for their fun. Why shouldn't old ladies use young male sex objects? I had the following idea for the last comment: A sport team of young males get a new old lady trainer who forces the males to train in the nude. I enjoy right the idea of absolutely ashamed young men taking naked exercises. However, the humiliation should increase. What's about the trainer bringing a digital camera for her training? You can also enjoy filming these males. The dot of the i would be filming their erect dicks swinging around while exercising. I love males getting red skin, erect dicks or even producing praecum because of this humiliating shame. The trainer can invite their mothers who also photographs their nude sons and show their results to their coffee rounds. Perhaps the sons have to strip in front of these old ladies also taking pics.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A suggestion

I like your stories very much. They are absolutely arousing with these resolute women. Have you thought about young adults without any sexual experience getting caught by old dominant ladies who forces them to strip and who takes digital photos and videos. How does such a man feel? Is he controlled by shame or by his arousal? Does he tells his friends while masturbating together? Is he shocked when finding his spicy pictures in the web so that each woman can watch him naked and humiliated?

I think you are right. Now it is time for the males to be the sex objects for us! They have used us long enough!

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