College Teacher


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I'd been at the college for nearly a year now and up until this Wednesday and Thursday, I'd only slept on my own that very first night. Now with only two days gone I was already missing what I now was holding in my hand, a rampant cock to either suck or be fucked with. He then pulled my hand up off him and kissed it and I felt him move and turn over onto his side to face me and his hand let go of mine and his now came onto my chest as he leaned in and kissed me. It was when my two hands moved up and held his face for me to return his kiss did his hand then move down over my stomach and under the towel.

I think we both gave out a groan as his fingers curled round my erection and began to rub it as we kissed.

'Make love to me Colin, please,' he begged.

'Let me find a condom then,' I said between our kisses.

'Bugger the condom,' he said, echoing the very words I had once used to Kit. 'I want to feel the you, not a rubber sheath.'

'Okay. Roll over and let me up,' I said and he moved and I could feel that he had gone up onto his knees and felt and found that he was there waiting for me. I got over his bent legs and behind him and stroked his bare back and felt him give out a shiver as I did so. With one hand on his hip, I probed with the head of my cock in between the cheeks of his bum and found the puckering hole that was giving out quite some heat.

Putting it firmly in place, I pushed and felt his muscle trying to prevent the entry and told him to relax and suddenly the head slipped in and the rest of me followed till I could go no further.

It was nice to once again have a nice warm body wrapped round my cock and I heard Thomas give out a gurgle at now having what he'd desired. If the truth be known, I had wanted either him or Fontaine after seeing the two of them in the woods that day. I was glad that when I had brought the supplies up to the tent during the afternoon that I had jerked myself off for I would now be able to last just that little bit longer in giving this young man's body beneath me a good fucking.

I was enjoying this as I moved in and out of his backside and suddenly let go of his hips after a forward movement into him and then raked my nails down over his nipples, chest and rib cage to settle again at his waist. His body shook at the, to him, new experience.

'Oh Christ,' he gasped. 'That made me come all over the blanket.'

'Well I hope it's your side,' I whispered back, keeping my voice low and hoping that the noises he was making was not being heard in any of the other tents. I managed to make the pleasure of having my cock slide back and forth inside him last for well over five minutes before the surge began.

'I'm coming,' I whispered as I held his hips harder and really thrust myself at him and pulled him back at the same time, our bodies making small smacking sounds as they came together.

'I know,' he gasped at my energetic movements. 'Now I want to feel it coming inside me.' It was almost if he had been in this tent before and heard me speak to Kit in almost the same words.

'Yes. Yes. Yes,' he gurgled out at each surge of my seed into him. 'Oh you lovely man,' he breathed out with a sigh as I came to a stop. 'Stay there for a minute or two,' he said and I felt his body start to sink down to the blanket and I went down with him, staying inside, gripped tight by his sphincter muscle.

'Now ride me again so that I can finish coming myself,' he begged. So whilst laying fully on top of him, I rocked and rode him to his delight, saying that he was coming and he gurgled again as he obviously came to add more mess to the blanket.

I gave him another minute or so laying on top of him giving my cock twitches every now and then before pulling out. He gave out a little cry as I did so though he tried to keep me there with his inner muscle. But out I came and got up onto my knees and fumbled in the dark for my towel.

'I've got to go and wash,' I said as I got up.

'Don't be too long Colin,' he sighed and I went out and gingerly got into the pool without making any noise. I then cleaned myself as best as I could in the cold water in the dark and got out and dried myself before going back to the tent. I would liked to have whistled at the pleasure I'd just had but didn't dare. Him being a fit young man, I thought, it shouldn't take him long to recover and then see to me in the same fashion. So we lay there in the dark, fondling each other's cock and balls until he finally began to get aroused again and I continued stroking him until he whispered what I wanted to hear.

'Would you like me to do it to you now? I'll use a condom if you can find them.'

'Go bare back and wash in the pool afterwards, but didn't you mention something about using your tongue?' I asked, wanting to have this experience.

'Okay,' he said and so we moved about, me getting onto my knees and him shuffling round behind me. I felt his hands come to the cheeks of my bum and part them and then had that incredible sensation of having his tongue wiggle about in the entrance to my backside. It sent shivers all up and down my spine and made my insides tingle to feel it dart in and out as it also helped as lubrication. My ring kept puckering up to this touch and he soon moved and I felt the head of his cock touch me and stop momentarily until he pushed forward and entered me.

It was nice to have an erection back inside me and I loved the feel of his hard muscle reaming the insides of my canal and gave myself up to the sheer pleasure of being fucked again after two days lack. He scratched my chest and ribs as I had done to him so at least he had learned something new with me. But still it was nice to have someone moving back and forth behind me, filling me with joy and even better by him not wearing a condom. After a few minutes he gasped out that he was about to come though he didn't need to tell me for I knew by his body movements that he was reaching his peak. Then he held me tight and began to ram into me in sharp small bursts and I felt his sperm come into me and it seemed quite a lot and even though I loved to feel where it was, I knew that next time I would have him come in my mouth for me to taste him properly.

'Hold tight,' I said, breathing heavily after he'd finished coming inside me, and I lowered myself down, keeping him hard and in the right place. I then let him ride me like that for a few more minutes and it was lovely to have his weight on me like that.

He finally pulled out to my dismay and I whispered to him to make no noise in the pool while he washed himself. He left the tent and was back within five minutes shivering.

'That water's bloody cold,' he said as he lay down beside me and I could feel that it was from his chilled damp thigh against mine. So I rolled over top of him to kiss and warm him up at the same time. After a few minutes, I rolled back over, pulling him on top of me now for I had found that I liked the other person on top of me for kissing.

'Thank you Colin,' he said to me between kisses. 'You've made my dream come true for I wanted you to fuck me from the first day I saw you but didn't know how to approach you, you being a teacher and all that.'

'Thank you for the honour, but it was my pleasure that we both have enjoyed our coming together,' I replied.

'It's now easier for me to ask you something. Term finishes in two weeks and I'll be leaving the college. Would you and Kit come, in a month's time to my home where we can spend a week hiking and sleeping out in a tent much bigger than this? Edward would be with us and we can it make a foursome. All mod cons I can assure you,' he said.

'Thanks for the offer but I'd better ask Kit before I give an answer,' I said.

'I've already asked him,' was the reply.

'And? What did he say?'

'That he was willing if you were.'

My heart beat a little faster. A whole week of camping and I would also get to fuck Edward Fontaine as well. The thought of having another different cock up my arse caused me to get another erection. He could obviously feel it growing between our stomachs because I felt his begin to enlarge itself as I agreed.

'Oh wonderful,' he said and then slid down my body and took my cock into his mouth and began playing with his tongue around the partly exposed head.

'Turn round,' I said hoarsely, loving what he was doing and now I wanted his cock in my mouth and hoped to get a good taste of his sperm at the end of it. He shuffled his body round without releasing me until I felt his erection slap against my cheek and I avidly took it in and began to suck and tease the head of his cock. With both of us having spent ourselves twice already, it took some time before I finally got my wish and had him come in my mouth. I rolled it round and over the head of his cock, enjoying the taste of him before swallowing it and then licking him clean as he was now doing to me.

The next day we let the boys make their own amusement either in or out of the water. When Thomas and I were in the pool, he would quite often swim up to where I was standing and give my cock a swift stroke and then lick his lips in anticipation of the coming night and I had to smile back at him. After supper and with the boys ensconced in their tents with the lights out, Thomas and I made love to each other in our tent, twice fucking each other before having oral sex to finish of the session before sleeping. He was rather frantic in his fucking of me and urging me on to ram myself as hard as possible into him for it would be another month before we would be coming together again. Mind you, I wanted it more than him for at least he would be in bed Sunday night with Edward while I would still be alone till at least Wednesday if not Thursday before Kit returned.

There were tears in his eyes as we walked back through the woods with the boys on the Sunday afternoon. We were behind them and just before we emerged from the trees, Thomas pulled me back and flung his arms round my neck and kissed me fiercely.

'Thank you for such a lovely weekend,' he said as two tears ran down his face and he quickly released me and went on ahead before I could say anything and I then followed, seeing him wipe his eyes before catching up with the other boys.


Two weeks left of the term and this Monday morning was the first of the exams to see how much they had taken in over the past year. The five questions had been written out weeks earlier and now they were being handed round for them to answer giving them roughly thirty minutes to write down the answers to each. This morning was the fourth year and the fifth in the afternoon.

Tuesday was the sixth year in the morning and the seventh in the afternoon. Here I got a smile from both Thomas and Edward as I passed out their exam papers and fell a tremor go through me as Edward's hand brushed mine at the passing of the paper, knowing that in three weeks time we would be fucking each other.

Wednesday afternoon was the third year and I waited expectantly for Kit to arrive, but was disappointed that he hadn't arrived by lights out. The exam papers for his classes, like mine, had been written up earlier and it was the Dean himself who supervised his classes while Kit was absent.

But it was a joy for me that he came into the hall just as we had sat down for lunch. I would just loved to have kissed him welcome back but had to content myself with just giving his hand a squeeze as he sat down next to me. He told me during the meal that they had buried his father the day before and that his elder brother had now inherited the Knighthood. This was news to me for he'd never mentioned before that his was a titled family with its own estate and lands. But this didn't alter my love for him for he could have been a king for all I cared and that if he had of been, I would have been his queen.

Then the thought struck me of what I had just said to myself and realised that I had cast myself into the role of being the female of us pair. Maybe that was why I liked having him on top of me and doing the kissing of me and having him act the role of the seducer. This brought forth the vision of Pauline who was definitely the woman in his relationship with Dick, dressing up in the feminine underwear. What would I look like wearing the same things? I didn't know then but would find out a month later.

Back in our sitting room after lunch, we clung to each other, kissing like it was going out of fashion and let him cry in my arms, the first tears he had shed he told me afterwards for he knew that I would be the only one to give him the comfort he needed. We couldn't stay and make love for we still both had classes to attend but promised that we would make up for lost time that night. So with a few more kisses, we broke apart and, after him wiping his face, we went off to our duties.

We were both fidgety during supper and couldn't wait to get to our rooms and quickly strip each other of our clothes and fall onto a bed in a close embrace. Both us up and ready and we quickly had a mouthful each, sucking and chewing till our release.

'God, I've missed you so much,' he said to me as we lay in each other's arms, stroking my face. 'So much that I even began looking at the serving maids who I think would have jumped at the chance of being of service to me.'

'I'm glad you didn't,' I said, 'for I don't think I could stand you being hooked by a woman and leaving me.'

'I don't think you went without completely with me being gone,' he said.

'How say you?' I replied, looking up into his face.

'You've been reading too many historical books to use those words. I heard that Hawkins stood in for me at the weekend.'

'Oh,' was all I could say.

'In more than one way I shouldn't wonder.'

'Oh Kit! I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You weren't there and he...he wanted it as much as I did. Don't be angry with me please.'

'I'm not angry Colin,' he said, giving me another kiss as he stroked my face for he was lying on top of me and supporting himself on his elbows. 'I gather he asked you about the week's hiking being offered?'

'Yes. He did ask me, but I said it was up to you,' I replied.

'Didn't he tell you he'd already asked me?'


'And? What did you say?'

'That we would go then as you'd already agreed.' He smiled down at me and gave me another rather long kiss.

'I think it will be fun. Then you can try out young Fontaine.'

'Have you had him already?' I asked, almost dislodging him off of me.

'Not exactly. That weekend they were at the camp. You know, when you found them fucking each other. Well, I also met him in the woods and before I knew it, he was down on his knees sucking on me. So I finished up face fucking him and then let him do the same to me.'

'So that's how Hawkins knew that we were lovers then,' I said.

'I'm afraid so, but they won't say anything and look what we'll be getting out it. A whole fortnight of debauchery.'

'A fortnight? I thought it was just for a week of hiking and camping over the moors,' I said.

'Yes. Then another week at the Manor.'

'What will we do in that week?' I asked.

'I'm sure that they will come up with something,' he said. 'Talking of something coming up....' He didn't need to finish the sentence for we both knew and felt to what he was referring and so he rolled off me and found a condom and quickly rolled it down on my erection and assumed his position and it was nice to hold his hips again. I pushed my cock into what I'm sure it now felt to be its rightful home and fucked him and cried out in joy of coming inside the man I loved. Then I had the pleasure of having my husband do the same to me.

Husband? How did that thought jump into my mind? Was it because of the thought reference I had earlier of him being a king and me his queen. Husband. I rolled the word round in my mind as he was moving his cock in and out of me. Well I was now acting the part of a woman by having my man fuck me. The fact that it wasn't a vagina didn't make any difference, I was being fucked by the man I loved and ergo, I must be the woman for I loved it when he was doing exactly what he was doing now. I cried out in delight at bringing myself to terms with my own sexuality and therefore I would forever act the role as his wife and bow down to his wishes and serve him as he dictated.

I loved his throbbing cock inside me and gurgled with pleasure as he held me tight and came inside the condom and even though I cried out in dismay at his withdrawal, I quickly turned round and pulled off that rubber to suck and squeeze out was left of his sperm to savour the taste before swallowing the little that had remained inside his iron rod. There was no more sex that night for he was tired from his journey and we soon were asleep.

Friday morning was my last class exam, that being the second year's, and I'd already marked up Monday's and Tuesday's and would take these from today plus Wednesday's and Thursday's with me to the camp and mark them up over the weekend.

I wasn't surprised to note that my Thomas Hawkins had come out top in his class for he must have hung on to ever word I had spoken throughout the whole year. Edward Fontaine had come a close second, so I think they would be pleased with this.

In the afternoon, I took the barest of supplies to the tent for this would be the last weekend of the term as most of them would be leaving for their summer holidays on the following Saturday.

The boys were as exuberant as ever but more so I think with this being their last swimming till next term as they were led to the camp. Where, as soon as we entered the clearing, were stripping their clothes off and jumping into the water. They had a lovely weekend as did Kit and I.

After being well and truly fucked by him I told him of what I had been thinking over the last few days that I had come to the decision to be the wife in our relationship and I would do all that he told me to without question. This statement, which resulted me in getting a multitude of kisses from him and also brought on another aspect which transpired towards the end of the holidays. But for the moment, I was on my back with him on top kissing me and telling me how much he loved me, which I loved to hear and then said the same to him.

So the weekend passed with us making love at night after getting the boys to bed after spending most of the daylight hours in the water. The last week of term was for sports and not teaching. Inter-house football, cricket, rugby and hockey out on the playing fields. Our house, overall, came second in the games and also second place in the academic stakes.

As expected, Hawkins was named the top student of the year and had the honour of making what was a traditional speech of thanks to all the teachers and kitchen and cleaning staff at our final supper on the Friday night and after being there for seven years, wished that he could have stayed for another seven. He made me embarrassed by pointing out with his accolades, that as a teacher in his first year, I had done exceptional well and was to be applauded. This the whole college did making my face go red as I stood up and give him a bow to show my thanks.

'Would he have said that of me if I had fucked him?' Kit asked me in a whisper as I sat back down.

'Shut up,' I hissed back, my face still red, even more from what he had just said.

We were back in our sitting room and not really surprised when Hawkins and Fontaine asked for permission to enter and speak to us. They thanked us for the teaching over the year and re-iterated the offer for the weekend at the Manor as he called it.

'Don't bother with bringing dress clothes for dinner, we've plenty there to fit you out. Saves on the baggage. So we'll see you in a fortnight's time then?' Hawkins said. To this we agreed and got a good smile back from both of them as we agreed and I got a swift kiss on the cheek from both Thomas and Edward as we shook hands to say goodbye to them both.
