Comeuppance Pt. 05-06


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Rene came toward them, limping, with blood on his pants. "Nah, it's just a scratch. How did it go at the Franklin Ranch."

"The family is safe, the missile launchers destroyed, the enemy is mostly dead and the survivors are captives," Carl responded. "All is good there, compared to here, although they did lose the old barn.

"Are all our people here okay?"

"We aren't sure yet, but we know we have three KIA and at least a dozen wounded. It was a fierce firefight; there were more of them, they were better, and better armed than we thought," Cross told them. "Ambulances and air ambulances are on the way."

"Where have the A-10s been? I can't believe they got this close with the Warthogs above!"

"Believe it or not, all the Recon missions we flew with the UAVs, we completely missed a couple of missile launchers hidden in the hay barn on the back pasture. When they launched the first two the Warthogs were here, so they had to be retargeted to the launchers, and just returned.

"How exposed did you feel on that ridge when the BRTTT started?"

"I about pissed myself, and I heard Jack start crying and begging. That's the most terrifying sound I've ever heard! I may never sleep again, for dreaming about that sound!"

"You pissed yourself, AND that was you whimpering and crying, not me, you little bitch!"

"Okay, okay, I'll bet you were both whimpering. I was, and I was behind the APV" Rene interjected with a laugh.

"So, you two may as well move to town for the foreseeable future," he warned. "This whole area will be a crime scene for a good while - likely weeks - because state and federal law enforcement agencies, and the military are going to want to study this to death. As far as I know, this is the first pitched battle with foreign mercenaries fought on American soil since the War of 1812, so keep that in mind when you get impatient."

"Can we still use the basement?" asked Alfred. "There is a lot that needs doing in cyberspace!"

"I'll do my best to make the case that it and the shipping containers are not part of the 'crime scene,' but I'd sure as hell shut it all down and take what I could while chaos reigns.

"By the way, are you civilians alright? This may be your second battle of the day... and third of the year, but killing has a way of sneaking into our nights and slapping us around. And you two did a lot of killing today."

"I'm not speaking for Carl, but it's like my approach to rattlesnakes, Rene. When I encounter one out in the pasture, I give him distance and let him keep killing those pear rats; it's live and let live out there. If they build a den by my house and threaten me and mine, though, they die!

"These fuckers are a lot less useful than rattlesnakes, which eat rats. So I'm not feeling particularly distressed. Maybe later, who knows... but probably not. I sure haven't lost any sleep over the gangsters, and I consider them more human than these assholes."

Rene looked at Carl. "What he said. Maybe later, but right now I feel less angst than when I had to put my mare down."

"Okay, Mariachis, then let's help Sue and Croc," Rene said with a shake of his head, "but let me know if you need a counselor."

Cross looked confused; Carl explained, "He's likening us to El Mariachi. You know, the movie with the same name." Cross continued to look confused. "You know - the guy who kills everybody for revenge?"

"No, I don't, but I get it now, and I'll watch the movie when I can."


One of the three defenders killed was an FBI agent; another was an observer from the DOJ, and the third was a recruit who had just joined Delta Cross. The losses hurt everyone, but they also caused the DOJ to loosen the reins a bit. Losing their own men made it personal, and less 'structure' was required in interviews of captives. They were also slow to 'secure the scene' because they knew about the basement.

Alfred had released the package on King and his minions as soon as the first bullets flew, and the turmoil and consternation in Washington had already made its way back to the federal operatives in Cowtown. The packets having been sent from servers all over the world so the media had no place to go for interviews; therefore, they descended on Washington, exacerbating the turmoil and consternation.

Before they left the basement, Mule forwarded a FAA flight plan for a corporate jet flying to Mexico City from Boerne, Texas. The pilot and passengers were not in the US data base, which raised enough suspicion that the plan was flagged and sent to the FBI. Mule's net caught it, and sent it to her collaborators on the ranch.

"Two women, three men, including the pilot; do we have anything on the plane?" Rene asked.

"It's registered to a shell corporation in Venezuela, and the records indicate this is its maiden flight, at least in the US," Charlie replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, get into Mexican flight data and see if a plan has been filed for the Middle East, or maybe Africa, or even Eastern Europe. These guys don't have to play by the rules, because they aren't coming back."

"Hey down there - y'all about through?" a voice asked. "We can give you a few more minutes, but a deputy director is on his way and y'all need to be gone when he gets here. Don't worry - we won't mess anything up. In fact, we'll do as little as possible, since this area wasn't directly affected by the battle. Just loop us in when you should."

"If only all those fuckers would be this reasonable all the time!" Rene said with a shake of his head, "I'd always 'loop them in.' Since they are, though, let's make sure we keep them as informed as we must - not should, must."

"Bueno, Jefe!" Jack replied, "Heavy on OUR interpretation of 'must,' right?"

"Right!" the sheriff replied. "Not mushrooms, like they treat us, but until we're 100% certain, use a very loose interpretation of must."

They carried up the necessary belongings and stashed them in one of the vehicles in the barn that wasn't fully of holes and had four tires with air. Luckily, it was Carl's Mega Cab Ram, so there was room in the covered bed for servers, laptops, monitors, and a wheeled transit cart filled with discs and printouts no one else needed to see.

Alfred looked forlorn. "I almost pulled the burn switch when we left, but I can do it remotely if they bring in a good enough team. I hope they don't though - that is my design, and it's my happy place."

"Well, friend, my happy place is lying in ruins above it, so I'll tell you what I told Carl: it's a building - we can always rebuild. Besides, once we make sure there is no one following us, we're going to Happy Place Too!"

"Really? Oh, hell yes, man! I could use some sea breeze and fresh fish!" Carl enthused.

"You sorry cabrones need to let me off in town, then. I have a million pages of reports and ten thousand hours of interviews to engage in. I obviously don't have any idea where you disappeared to, but remember that they do have resources, so expect visitors."

"They better hurry, or we'll be at Happy Place 3."

Rene laughed, but cautioned. "Might want to go ahead and talk to them, Jack; you don't want them finding all your happy places."

"Mañana en la tarde estas bien, but not today, tonight, or in the morning; we've got shit to get done!"

Two and a half hours after dropping the sheriff off in town, they were staring at a table full of seafood at Kings Inn on Baffin Bay. An hour and two beers later, Carl, Jack and Abraham were sitting on the back deck of Happy Place 2, just north of the Kleberg Rocks on Baffin Bay, having a discussion. Charlie was inside delving deeply into the darker parts of the web and Alfred was examining potentially relevant records.

Alfred struck paydirt first. "Hey, bosses - I've got something you need to see."

"Me too! Me too!" Charlie echoed from the panic room - a hardened secure room beyond the den.

We joined Alfred in the secure office. "Look at these security tapes from the Ciudad Mexico Aeropuerto; four people moving from a business hanger to a SUV. They're grainy and distant, but isn't that Janice in front? There's a woman under the arm of the man I think is Daniel King, but I can't get a good view of her."

They watched as Alfred ran the tape back and forth, and then Jack spoke. "That's Janice; I recognize her walk and that dress. I'm almost certain that's April but I can't be sure. However, if that's Janice in front, then that's April with King."

"I don't see anyone holding guns on them," Cross said, "so I think we have to assume they aren't hostages."

"Oh, they aren't, or, if they are, they have internet access," Charlie called. "All three of you come here."

"This just popped up - it answers one question, and asks a dozen more."

"We saw what you released. They're going nuts. Don't release our journal until tomorrow after lunch!"

"You're right. They have internet access and are with them voluntarily. But why ask us to release the journals? When King and the Sheik of Araby see those, April and Janice are dead!"

"That message begets several other questions, but the biggest is: what are they up to? Nothing about this makes sense!" Cross complained.

"I agree - it makes no sense, so let's focus on what does," Jack suggested. "What is the worldwide response to The King of K Street being unmasked, how are the royal families reacting, how many divorces are underway, and how many arrests have been made? I wanted to give it a little time before asking, but this is long enough!"

"Sue, troll the sites again while I update the beer drinkers," Charlie said. "Okay, as of 90 minutes ago: no divorces - it's too early; the three royal families and those of the two prime ministers have 'no comment at this time,' and there haven't been any arrests, but cases have been opened by the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, California, and the District of Columbia. We expect Florida and Texas to follow suit, but King has been a major donor to statewide campaigns in those states, so who knows.

"At the behest of the DOJ, the President has appointed a special investigator to lead the inquiry, citing concerns about classified information and deep-rooted corruption.

"Worldwide, all hell's broken loose! I won't go into the scandal sheets or the online 'news' outlets, but this time it's hard to tell how their content and approach vary from traditional news outlets. When presented with video and audio evidence of the sexual enticement and blackmail of government officials from many countries, clear proof of bribes influencing award of bids, and the involvement of some of the richest people on earth, they went crazy!

"Wrap that in the beautiful women being kidnapped, drugged, and used against their wills, and discussions by the perpetrators about the best ways to silence the women - well, you can guess!

"It's a feeding frenzy that makes the unveiling of the 'senators' Ring' look like a wedding announcement."

"Assuming the state and 'special' investigators actually go after those named and shown on video, when do y'all think we'll start to see warrants and arrests?" Jack asked of the group.

"It's anybody's guess," Cross replied, "but my guess is as soon as tomorrow. It will take a while for the divorce petitions to be filed, but I'll bet every top 'family lawyer' on the east coast is on retainer by tomorrow, and more than a few in Illinois, Texas, Florida, and California.

"Wonder how many corporate jets are in flight to exotic locales without extradition right now?" Carl speculated.


The morning broke with bright sunlight reflecting off the bay waters. Jack was sitting on the dock sipping coffee, which he had brewed outside on the patio so the others wouldn't smell it and awaken. He had gone to bed at eleven, but got up at three to make Alfred and Charlie go to bed, telling them they'd likely be facing a FBI inquisition tomorrow and needed to be rested. Abraham was surfing news sites on a laptop, and he and Carl got hooked, so Jack took it away and told them the same thing.

It was after seven, but he wanted them to sleep until at least nine, so he had all their phones on a table in the shade. The first to ring was his: Rene. "What's up, Sheriff?"

"That's a jaunty greeting for a man in your position: how many cups of coffee have you had already?"

"Just two, but they are the consistency of mud. So... what's up?"

"The deputy director seemed to have been sent here to keep a lid on... well, everything. But after this new 'special counsel' called, he STFU and returned to wherever. More Fibbies and agents for other three-letter agencies showed up last night, so the governor sent more rangers and DPS investigators to offset, and I'm consigned to my office!

"Need some help with the fish? They don't want me to do my paperwork or interview anyone until they decide what to let me say!

"Oh, and the town is flooded with news vans. It seems someone drew the conclusion that the battles down here and the exposures up there are related. Every citizen of Cowtown is getting their fifteen seconds of fame, because if you can talk, you're getting interviewed!"

"The other boys are sleeping in after staying up too late, and I have a pole but haven't wet a line yet. If you and any other unneeded principals would rather fish, come on down; I've got four bedrooms, a bunkhouse, a fishing pier, a swimming hole, and two boats.

"You probably oughta know that, before I made them go to bed, the boys were surfing and caught a few good waves, if that interests you."

"I'll send a head count; see ya at Kings Inn when it opens at eleven!"

Four and a half hours later, stuffed like the flounder and shrimp they consumed too much of, they crowded chairs into the secure office and looked expectantly at Jack. "Well, it's good to have you all here, most for the first time, but if you're expecting me to elucidate you you'll be disappointed. So, who wants to start - LEOs or nerds?"

Alfred and Charlie had taken a break to pig out at Kings Inn, and they had looked smug since before they left. "Y'all go ahead - we'll save it for last."

"Danny, your news is entertaining too - catch them up," Rene said.

With a big grin, Danny began. "We've continued operating the S&R drones, and Red has directional mics scattered about around and inside the house, so we know what is being said and planned. You'd think, since these are federal law enforcers..." he said with a shake of his head, "but we're glad they didn't, so we know what we know. By the way, Red and company are still monitoring pretty much every word said out there.

"Anyway, 'dazed and confused' is descriptive of the herd of new guys, and the guys that were here are exhausted and sick of bringing each new group up to speed. Even the ones that were here for the fireworks and the planning that preceded it are several steps behind.

"One, though, the tall guy who looks like an Arab or Israeli or from someplace over there, is bright and he's drawing good conclusions. He badly wants to talk to you five," he continued, pointing at Jack, Carl, Abraham, Alfred, and Charlie, "but so far that hasn't become a priority for his bosses. However, I'd be ready by tomorrow - he's informed and persuasive.

"They were headed in a dozen directions last night, some of which included burying what they could - until they got the call about the press frenzy. The ATF, FBI, Homeland, and CIA - yes, I said 'The Company' - still weren't coordinated when we left town, but the special counsel is putting heavy pressure on them, and the press questions have them spooked, so I expect them to get it together sooner rather than later.

"There's some humorous stories I could tell, but Alfred and Charlie look impatient, so, the floor is yours, boys."

Alfred excitedly began, "This morning before we went to lunch..."

"No, start with last night. They need background," Jack directed.

Charlie jumped in when Alfred looked disappointed. "Let me do it, Sue, then you can take over again."

Charlie told them about the plane landing and the passengers disembarking at the airport in Mexico City, showed them the grainy footage, and then showed them the text received, purportedly from April or Janice."

"So you now have proof the women are in cahoots with King and the Sheik," Elias asked with a frown.

"So it seems, but the cryptic message is contradictory," Jack responded. "How can they not be concerned about King learning they ratted him out, 'after lunch' today? If they are with him, they're dead as soon as he finds out."

"If you'll give Alfred the floor, maybe we can shed light on that," Charlie offered. They all turned their attention to Alfred.

"They have four rooms at the Hilton Mexico City Airport. The two women are in one, the three men are in singles on different floors. Charlie hacked the security feed, and we have them returning to their rooms with several bags of merchandise late yesterday. This morning, all five emerged from their rooms in disguise - different color and style hair, wearing ill-fitting tourist shirts and shorts, wearing glasses, hats, and dark glasses that cover most of the face."

"Mule let us know a flight plan for the plane they came in on was filed for Madagascar. It's scheduled to leave in four hours, but they already left the hotel and went to the hanger, so we question that.

"I agree this doesn't explain releasing the journals 'after lunch,' but maybe they intend to be in the air. Still, when they land..."

"Nothing else from them?" Carl asked.

"Not as of when we started meeting, but let me check... no... wait! Yes, now there's another message on the same dark site! Want me to read it to you?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Okay, 'Dearest... no, this one is private. Jack, come here; it's for you."

Jack moved to the laptop and began reading. He began to look unhappy, then forlorn, and then tears ran down his cheeks. When he finally looked up, he said, "They aren't worried about the journal because they will be dead soon; they are going to blow the plane out of the sky over the open ocean.

"The rest of their letter is apologizing to me, Carl, and their friends for their actions while under King's control, and for 'taking the easy way out'. There's more, of course, but it's from April to me, and I don't want to talk about it. I will say this: her willingness to die in order to kill King and the Sheik is explained, but isn't germane to any investigation.

"Please print and then delete, Charlie. I don't want anyone else to see it - especially the feds."

"Want me to reply for you?" Alfred asked.

"No, she asked me not to, and said she wouldn't be able to read it anyway."

"We've had Mule looking for business jets leaving the airport, but nothing yet. Charlie, see anything on airport video?"

"Fuck! Yes, they just opened the hanger door and are taxiing toward a runway. Should we try to stop them?"

"How?" Abraham asked. "Can you get into their controls? Because there's no time to contact Mexican authorities, explain, and get them to ground it! Sorry, but no, we can't."

They watched in silence as the twin-engine jet stopped at the end of the runway, accelerated, and took to the air. It banked and headed east, gaining altitude, and was soon out of the feed.

Everyone looked at Jack with sympathy, although Carl had at least as many tear tracks, and everyone had a few. Jack muttered, "Release the journal. It was April's last wish."

Alfred turned, hit a few keys, and added to the dismay of those who had taken advantage of the enslaved women, those who wanted to downplay or cover up the perverse actions of their privileged users, and those who were going to have to investigate and prosecute the new names identified in the journal, many of whom were famous here and abroad.
