Coming Home


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"You sure about that darling? Strange things happen out there." He said pointing out to the open sea behind them.

"Is that a threat Miles?" Kim asked.

"You know better than that Kim-love. I'm not a threatner. I'm a doer" Came his almost bantering reply.

"No Miles, you hire thugs like Malcolm to do things for you. Get off Miles, take your slimy brother and hired muscle out of my sight, don't threaten me, or trying to get to Ria behind my back or I'll tell the cops. I swear, I know things about you Miles. You know that. We go way back, don't we? Things, maybe stuff that Karl Hamilton wants to hear. I am not the dumb bunny you thought you knew, now leave, before this gets ugly."

The dreadlocked younger brother stepped forward towards the gunwale. Where his brother exuded pseudo charm, he exuded pure malevolence; his accent was identical; his voice had a nasal pitch. "Miles, we aught to have got rid of the useless lesbo bitch when we had the fucken chance, I told you she'd end up nothing but trouble." He said to his brother, before moving forward lifting his fists aggressively." Listen to me you fucken dumb dyke cunt; if you know what's fucken good for you and your butch friend, you'll uh... " He stopped abruptly in mid sentence, and began to back off, Shelle looked at him, then at Kim and the menacing black pistol that had magically appeared in her left hand and was aimed at his head.

"That's right Kilos, come on, get rid of me," She said, exaggeratedly beckoning with the fingers her right hand, then quickly added while never taking her eye off her target." Malcolm if you even so much as breath, Kevin here, is dead, I want to see both hands, come on, you too Miles, either of you move I'll blow him away." Kim ordered in deadly earnest.

"Now now, Kim-darling, lets not get over anxious about a little boat, shall we? Kev, give it a rest, eh?" The elder Harris said, his hands and those of his bodyguard clearly visible.

"Listen to him Kilos, I swear you take one more step or threaten her and I blow your dreaddies right off! Now fuck off, all three of you. Get out of here! Now!" Kim ordered from behind her pistol.

The tension was broken as Shelle spoke, " This isn't going to end well for anyone, you guys just leave. Speak to our lawyer if you want to buy this boat, but I think you'll find its in probate and can't be sold, even if we wanted to." Kevin began to walk backwards until he was behind his brother, muttering something to his brother as he passed.

Kim lowered her weapon but held it at her side. The three men slunk into their limousine and drove off.

"Oh great! Now Miles will know who you are Shelle." Kim said breathing deeply.

"And that matters? Why, Kim?" Shelle asked, still shocked at what had just happened.

"He's an insidious snake, he'll use anything, or anyone he can to get what he wants, I used to work for him, I know how he works, and who he works for." Kim answered.

" I know, drugs. You used to crew boats for him, Karl told me" Shelle said.

"Yes I did stupid things before. Its far more than just drugs, Shelle, much more, he's contracted to the Colombian Cartel, the Russian Mafia, and half the Cuban, Haitian or American thugs that litter the Caribbean with their filth." Kim said bleakly." Come on lets get this boat underway, jump off, and quickly untie to bowline, that's the rope at the front. I'll do the stern." She said while nimbly jumping ashore and untying the rope from the metal bollard on the concrete jetty.

Shelle quickly jumped ashore and similarly untied the bowline before springing back onboard. Kim turned a key and simultaneously punched the two green buttons on the console beside the marine spoked steering wheel. The twin Russian copies of Caterpillar Diesels wheezed then sprang into life with a muted roar, and settled to a dull rumble beneath them. Kim expertly manipulated the helm and throttles and maneuvered the large craft away from the jetty and out of the yacht basin and into the open sea, with casual ease.

Once safely out in open sea, with no other boats nearby, Kim stood back from the helm, "Here, it's a good time to learn, as any, take control, keep heading on a course of 018." She ordered, pointing directly ahead.

Shelle stepped up to the wheel. Kim stepped behind her. The helm was positioned so that an average height person steering could see forward to the bow, and beyond. A large compass was positioned above the console dials, switches and the twin throttles stalks.

The outer ring of the compass chattered as it moved off course. The choppy sea and propellers pushed the bow off its heading. Shelle, on her tip toes, was still to short to see over the bow, tried to counter the action of the sea and propellers, but the chattering compass moved off course faster, Kim stepped closer until their bodies were touching, the tall blonde reached the wheel and gently led Shelle's hands in the opposite direction, slowly the compass slowed and soon the bow began to return to the original heading, Kim stayed close, almost molding herself into Shelle's back. "It's a natural mistake, Shelle. You are trying to follow the compass, think of it this way instead, and think of the center of the compass as this boat. See? It even has the bow on it. See, Ok?" She said pointing to the center of the compass. Now think of the outer ring as the sea, it does not move but the inner circle does, now keep it on 018 degrees, a degree either side is also ok, got it?"

Shelle nodded, yes consider the outer ring as not moving, and the inner circle of the compass as the part that was moving, easy.... Shelle sensed a change in the woman standing behind her. It came to her subtly, she not only felt it in the way Kim pressed herself into her back, there was that faint aroma a woman gives off when sexually attracted, Shelle had begun to noticed it when she, herself began to press herself back shamelessly, her emotions were edgy and nervous for the first time since she was thirteen, she felt gawky and tongue tied, her own arousal began to betray her. Kim lifted her hands from Shelle's but remained molded to her. 'Kim wanted her, Oh my god, her knees quivered, Kim wanted her!' she thought. Shelle's nostrils drank in Kim's subtle telltale scent, her warmth, Kim's nipples had hardened and now penciled themselves into her receptive body, which began confusing her own resolve and the promises she had made to Marnie at one time, it was a humbling yet emancipating at the same time.

Shelle watched the compass and this time properly moved the helm to correct the action of the sea, Kim stayed at her back, those marvelous breasts pressed warmly into her receptive back, After a while the steering became more natural, as did the feeling of Kim at her back, with her arms now clasped lightly across her hips and belly, like it was an everyday thing, not their first lovers touch. Their knees bent and moved in unison as if they were slow dancing while their boat cut a path Northwards.

"You said, earlier before I came aboard, onboard you're the boss?" Shelle queried softly." What about when we're ashore?"

"Lets see when we're ashore ok?" Kim whispered in her ear, before kissing her neck with a wet warm loving kiss; that melted all Shelle's inhibitions.

Kim's hands traveled under Shelle's shirt, her warm fingers and palms slid over her belly, elated at finding no bra beneath the vastly oversized shirt, each hand chose a breast, lightly she clamped her hands over each still sensitive nipple. Her palms slid over one of Shelle's most erogenous zones; her nipples burgeoned and hardened themselves as her excitement quickened. She was finding it impossible to concentrate on steering.

Kim's one hand slipped momentarily from caressing her left nipple, slid out of Shelle's shirt and pressed a button beside the compass Shelle had been trying to concentrate on. The original Russian had been dynotaped over, and now read, Auto Pilot.

"Oh my God, you scheming witch." Shelle said, as a little red light came on, on the console and the craft's gyroscopic compass began to steer their craft for them. "You knew all along that you could steer and sail this boat alone, the whole 'poor me I cant do it alone' thing of yours was a ploy."

Kim's hand had returned to her waiting supersensitive nipple. She tweaked it, pinching lightly, as she spoke." How else was I going to get you to want me?" she asked teasingly." I messed up our first time together, I had to make sure our second, was way better. Isn't this way better?" she asked.

Shelle's answer was a sensual moan; she could feel the wetness seeping between her spaghetti soft legs. Silently she begged for one of Kim's hands to slide down her torso but Kim seemed content in teasing her fat feverish nipples with tweaks, pinches or feather light caresses.

When Shelle could stand it no longer her hands reached down, she pulled the button free at the waistband, and one handed began to wriggle out of her cargo pants and boxers. Kim slapped her hand away gently and whispered, "No baby, let me do that." Knowing hands tugged gently downwards and Shelle felt her pants and boxers slide to her ankles.

Next Kim lifted both Shelle's arms; her shirt was drawn over her head. Shelle stood naked as the day she was born in front of the helm, still set on autopilot. The wind blew through her hair, over her naked body, cooling the warm dampness under her breasts, armpits and dank pubic hair, but not the wet warmth in her cunt. It was all so deliciously intoxicating, the heat of the sun on her shoulders and soft skin of her breasts, she felt so wanton. She wanted Kim. She needed Kim.

The moment Shelle was naked Kim got bolder, the caresses on her nipples were extended along her neck, jaw, and back, her thighs, the soft globes of her ass, her supersensitive sides were treated to soft loving exploratory touches and kisses, as each new erogenous zone was discovered so the slow sweet torture began again, Shelle stood with her eyes closed as her new love took control of her body and mind, the transition was slow and tranquil, however it became evident, that Kim's control superceded anything she had experienced before, the soft words, whispered in her ear were answered and kisses were placed. Shelle's inner thighs began to make nervous little tics that quickly became the telltale and uncontrolled sexual spasms, hydromatic pulses surged through her nervous system, she began to pant, and jerk as if her cunt was being electrocuted and her eyes rolled back, sweet ecstatic ripples raced through her, without Kim touching her pussy, Shelle exploded, benefiting from the most fulfilling orgasm she had ever experienced.

Kim pressed herself against Shelle, holding her close; arms wrapped possessively around her each hand cupping a breast again, her wet warm mouth rested beside Shelle's ear. She whispered. "You belong to me from now on, both aboard and ashore, right baby?"

Shelle knew she was infatuated, dominated and possessed. Her shaking hands reached up and covered Kim's. "Yes Kim, oh God yes." She said, her heart beating in time with the surging pleasure still radiating from her gaping vagina. Her obedience and proof of her gratification, which had begun as sweet smelling dew, began dribbling down her inner thighs.

The rest of the trip to the Main Island was a haze for Shelle; she lost count of how many times Kim's lips or fingers brought her to orgasm or how Kim brought her to the brink, only to begin something more erotic and sensual. In due course as a smudge on the horizon came into focus as green tropical land, she ached, the multitude of tiny nerve-endings she called her clit were enflamed and her entire cunt felt raw and deliciously stretched from having Kim's entire hand and half her wrist buried in her, but she didn't want the gratifying exploitation to end.

Eventually Kim allowed Shelle to dress. She swapped places with Shelle and conned their boat with competent ease through various lanes and painted buoys, into a narrow channel that led to the Main Island's yacht marina. The radioed instructions Kim received gave them the necessary permission to tie up alongside a busy jetty that had sufficient depth beneath it to tie up their large deep draft sailboat.

Once ashore they walked hand in hand, giggling and chatting, ignoring the stares and sometimes disapproving glares of Islanders or holidaymakers. The trip across had given Shelle an inner glow. Gone was the slitty-eyed aggressive stare that had habitually formed Shelle's facial expression, and she giggled and laughed with her lover. The gray in her eyes had morphed into a warm meadow green. They wandered from Boutique to Boutique along the waterfront; before Shelle realized it, she was receiving a complete new wardrobe, while Kim's Visa acquired hefty new balances. The androgynous golf shirt and cargo pants had been left at the first boutique, replaced by a pair of designer white shorts, fitting her as close as a second skin. Kim had drawn the line at Shelle wearing any underwear; the shorts were pulled up, splitting Shelle's plump, achy and abused little mons, describing more than just her well-muscled ass, to anybody's downward glance. A green tank top of soft Irish wool bared her milky midriff and hinted she had exquisite unfettered breasts that undulated freely as she walked. Her darkened puffed-up nipples poked unabashed through the expensive weave. The top also highlighted the beauty of her collarbones and neck while accentuating the flatness of her belly for the very first time. Other stores added more blouses, shorts, skirts, exotic bikinis and erotic sleepwear. A hair salon, softened and curled her unruly spikes, finally a plucking and shaping of her brows totally reversed her earlier truculent façade; her face took on an elfin look. At a designer cosmetic counter a cosmetician brought out the beauty of her eyes with subtle eye shadow; then showed Shelle how to apply simple tones to enhance her natural beauty. Luscious pink gloss was liberally applied to her kissable lips.

Multiple orgasms and shopping had made Shelle hungry. The girls deposited themselves and a pile of shopping bags at a table for six at one the Main Island's steakhouse style restaurant. Shelle wanted a burger and fries; the server shook her head at the mad women, but took the order for 4 burgers with fries and a glass of red wine from a waiflike like Shelle, and garden salad with a diet Sprite from the statuesque Kim. The afternoon ended with ice cream and extremely intimate kisses and not so innocent fumbling that embarrassed everyone except the two lovers.

The trip to back South Island was way to swift for Shelle; Kim held her close, again, to a casual observer it looked as though they were slow dancing as their boat rose and fell to the whims of the ocean, Kim's soft words of love weakened any possibility her previous gruff persona had of reappearing, the slim elfin Shelle was integrated into the warmth of Kim's arms, and the strength of her tall strong body, for the first time Shelle could remember she was in a relationship where she did not have to be strong and self sufficient all the time, she understood, finally, and reveled in her femininity for the first time in her life.

Their boat was tied up and locked as sunset painted the sky with of shades of red, orange and pink. Ria's expression, when she saw the metamorphosis and beauty Kim had started to create in Shelle, began with an open mouthed stare, and ended in speechless happy tears.

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HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 7 years ago
Very good story!

Thank you for sharing this, and the other, stories!

BugattiTBugattiTabout 11 years ago

That was so crazy, nice story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

great story!! and i loved the sex in here, it was so hot! and unique not like ur other stories.. great work!!

ladyviperladyviperover 16 years ago
And then.....................

aaww...come on. Don't stop it there. I can't wait to read more of this one. Excellent!!!!!!!!!

RightThereRightThereabout 17 years ago

I hope you won't keep us waiting too long for more. The plot and characters are very good, but you do need an editor. I'll take a look at the next installment if you're interested.

hammer17hammer17over 17 years ago

More, more, more. GREAT story, we await your next chapter!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Hurry up, then, get part two posted! (Don't hurry so much that the story suffers, though) xx

PoutineFanPoutineFanover 17 years ago
Just a bit of constructive criticism for you

This is a well done story, but I do have one bit of constructive criticism for you. You really should have had someone take a look over this before you posted it... there are comma splices all over the place. It gets rather distracting after a while.

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