Coming to Grips Ch. 04


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"I probably should have told Suzanne to fix her lipstick," Colby told herself. "Come to think of it, I probably should have checked my face." It was too late. Jillian caught sight of them coming out of the bedroom. Between Colby's hair being mussed up and the lipstick smudged around both of their lips, it was clear that things had changed.

"Oh," Jillian couldn't prevent herself from saying.

"Yeah," Colby said with a grin best described as shit eating. Tugging on Suzanne's arm, Colby pulled her close and leaned into her. How good that felt showed on Colby's face, especially when Suzanne returned the pressure.

Noticing the open bottle of wine, Suzanne reluctantly let go of Colby's hand to grab another two glasses. After pouring, she handed one to Colby and then picked up the other. Raising her glass, she looked at Colby as she made a toast.

"To new beginnings," Suzanne said. Her eyes shone as she took a sip of the red wine. Colby needed to first control the grin on her face before she could take a sip of her own. When she finally took a sip, both she and Jillian echoed Suzanne's toast.

"It's so nice to meet you, Jillian. Colby's been excited about your visit for a while. I've heard a lot about you," Suzanne said.

"Mhmm. I hope it was more accurate than what I was hearing about you," Jillian said, managing to keep any expression off her face. Her attempt at remaining impassive failed, as Colby turned completely red from the look Suzanne gave her. Jillian started chuckling, but after a moment, she grudgingly went on. "Maybe she was more correct than I thought. She assured me that you just needed time."

Hearing that gave Colby enough confidence to look Suzanne in the eyes. "Which I also told you I was willing to give her," she said to Jillian though she never took her eyes off Suzanne's face. At the same time, she offered no hint of apology that she told her friend about their relationship.

Any tension evaporated as Suzanne pulled her close. "It wasn't just time I needed. Your unfailing love and support helped me to get here. Without it, I'm not sure I could have heard Chloe, or maybe even faced her." In the dark thoughts that still held some sway in her mind, she knew that without Colby she might not be alive. Rather than pushing the thoughts aside the way she normally did, Suzanne acknowledged them. "She made me want to live again," she thought. "That isn't me anymore."

At Jillian's raised eyebrow, Colby shook her head. "Not now," she thought and Jillian seemed to get the message. While she told Jillian much of Suzanne's story, she didn't need all the details. Suzanne letting go of the past was what mattered, and it was clear to Jillian that had happened.

"Maybe I should go get dinner by myself," she suggested to the two women who were both figuratively and literally wrapped up in each other. "You two want to be alone."

"Yes we do," Suzanne said with a smile, "but nonsense! We have all the time in the world to be together. I want to go to dinner with my girlfriend's college friend. She's heard all about my life, but that has distracted me from getting to know her life."

Hearing Suzanne call her girlfriend put a huge smile on Colby's face. "Not so fast," Colby said. "I want to take my new girlfriend to her bed and show her another way to use it besides sleeping." She looked up at Suzanne and added, "Please." Her pleading tone was so exaggerated that it was obviously mostly for Jillian's benefit.

With a smile almost as big as the one Colby was trying to suppress, Suzanne shook her head. "Nope. And she's staying at your place; so, I guess tonight you will have to stay there."

Now Colby's face really did fall. The look she gave Jillian was priceless. It was a combination of crushing disappointment and accusation, as if Jillian did this on purpose. Despite the fact that the situation was more Suzanne's responsibility, she didn't get any of the accusatory glare when Colby looked at her. It was just the longing actually to be with Suzanne after her long wait.

"Awww, honey," Suzanne said as she hugged Colby against her. That helped. It was the first time Suzanne used any type of endearment with her. It felt nice, as if it made things more real. In addition, when Suzanne pulled her close like that her head fit perfectly just above Suzanne's breasts. They weren't large but Colby felt them fill the space next to her neck. She playfully stretched her neck, knowing that it would brush against them.

"If I can't sleep with her tonight, I'm going to tease her so that she suffers as much as I will," Colby thought to herself. From Suzanne's little shiver, Colby suspected it would be easy to succeed.

It was not long before they finished their wine and headed out to dinner. As Suzanne went and got her coat, Colby watched her. "She looks so lovely," Colby thought. "I wish I'd known so I could have dressed up for her." It couldn't be helped, though. There was no way she could have anticipated the change. "Thank you, Chloe," she whispered.

As Suzanne pulled on her coat, her eyes were on Colby. "She's so cute," she thought to herself. "Even when she is just dressed for a day sightseeing, she catches the eye. Those low cut jeans fit her perfectly and that mock turtleneck hugs her curves just right. I have to make an effort but she looks good without even trying." Her thoughts drifted for a second to Chloe. It was still hard to avoid the feeling of guilt, but she almost managed. What was easier was retaining the feeling of relief Chloe's forgiveness brought. If anything, it was stronger now than when Chloe was there. Accepting it was getting easier, as was truly forgiving herself. "Thank you, Chloe," she thought.

As they walked to the door, Colby linked arms with her. It wasn't unusual for two women to walk that way and not have it mean anything more than friendship. No one could think that about Colby and Suzanne. The love there was obvious. Jillian shook her head as she followed them out. Her readiness to defend her friend was still there. She wasn't completely convinced that this lovely woman with so many problems was right for Colby.

It didn't matter. "She won't hear anything I say tonight," Jillian told herself. "I will just try and be happy for her." It's what friends did. Support them and then help pick up the pieces if needed.

It was hours later when they finally headed home. Colby smiled at the thought of Suzanne's apartment as home. It was unstated, but she knew both of them expected they would move in together. She already slept over at Suzanne's much of the time, and it was a much nicer apartment. As the door opened, Tuptim greeted them. She smiled and scooped her up.

"Hi there, Tup," Colby said as she scratched her ears. "I know I said I wouldn't be back but my friend Jillian told me to come over here for the night. So I'm back!" Colby talked to the cat but her eyes were on Suzanne. She couldn't keep the smile off her face.

Dinner was wonderful. Suzanne picked one of the famous Seattle seafood restaurants. Coming from the Midwest, it was a new experience for Jillian to eat freshly caught salmon. While she loved that, Jillian was less enthusiastic about the oysters on the half shell. Suzanne had introduced Colby to them months before and she was now a connoisseur of them. She managed to get her friend to try a couple, but the most Colby could get out of Jillian was that they "were less disgusting than she expected."

While the food was good, it was being with Suzanne that made it special for Colby. The only time she ever saw Suzanne acting upon her sexuality was the trip back East. Even after she accepted herself, Suzanne didn't go out with anyone. She might look at attractive women, but they were casual glances that anyone might make.

Tonight was completely different. The fact that the two of them were together was unmistakable. Beyond the frequent touching, there was a degree of intimacy present. Normally that would have meant that they were already lovers. Despite some remaining underlying concerns, Jillian enjoyed watching the two of them. Sometimes while Colby spoke, Suzanne would get a look in her eyes that revealed just how she felt. The sparkle of adoration would catch Colby's eyes and whatever she was saying got lost. She would shyly smile and lean over to kiss Suzanne. Whether it was because of Jillian or just being in public, Suzanne returned them but did not allow the kisses to go as far as Colby wanted.

When dinner ended and the three of them continued talking, Colby moved closer to Suzanne and leaned her head against her shoulder. She looked so content that some of Jillian's remaining doubts disappeared. When they were finally done with dinner and ready to leave, Jillian looked at Suzanne.

"As much as I would enjoy torturing Colby, I think I should drop you both off back at your apartment," Jillian said. She had a wry smile. "God knows, I don't want the two of you in the same apartment I'm sleeping in. No matter how quiet you tried to be, I'm pretty sure you would keep me up all night."

Colby tried to protest, but not too hard. Now a little while later, the two of them were alone. Suzanne moved closer to Colby. There was more than a little nervousness about her. Letting Tuptim slip out of her hands and onto the ground, Colby reached up to stroke Suzanne's cheek.

"Hi there," Colby softly said.

Suzanne pressed her face against Colby's hand. "Hi yourself." Putting her arms around Colby's waist, she pulled her close. At first, she was gentle, but as the moment went on the hug got tighter. Suzanne never let herself think this would really happen. She closed her eyes and savored the feeling of Colby's soft body against hers. She felt Colby's arm reach up and go around her neck, squeezing her just as tightly as she hugged Colby. She pressed her cheek against the top of Colby's head.

"It feels so right," Suzanne whispered.

Craning her head back to look into Suzanne's eyes, Colby nodded. "It is right," she said. She looked so happy.

"Her face is lit up like she was glowing," Suzanne thought. Mostly, however, it was her lips that caught Suzanne's attention. She needed to kiss them. Up until now, all their kisses were full of love and caring. She didn't want that type of kiss now. Suzanne felt raw sexual arousal letting loose inside her. She lowered her head until their lips touched. There was nothing gentle in the kiss.

Suzanne's mouth opened as she pressed down against Colby who matched Suzanne's desperation. As soon as Suzanne's tongue touched Colby's lips, she sucked it into her mouth. Colby's arms tightened as she pulled herself up against Suzanne's body. The two tongues danced with each other with forceful thrusts. Colby couldn't hold back a long moan, which only served to excite Suzanne more. Her hands moved and grabbed Colby's rounded ass, pulling the two of them closer. Already, she could feel how excited Colby was. Her hips were moving without conscious thought, grinding against Suzanne's leg.

"Fuck! Suzanne, take me to bed! Please!" Colby gasped as she pulled away from the kiss for a second or two.

"Oh, God! Yes!" Suzanne desperately replied. The kiss continued and deepened. As much as they wanted to get to bed, neither one of them wanted to stop kissing either. They slowly moved sideways towards the bedroom.

Like any good cat, Tuptim wanted to be with the two people she loved. She pranced in front of them, completely getting in their way. After the second time that Suzanne accidentally kicked her, Colby burst out laughing. She looked down at the cat and her completely offended look.

"Tup, your mommies don't have time for you now. Mommy Suzanne is going to fuck the shit out of Mommy Colby! If you get in the way of my getting fucked, you get no sympathy!" Colby said to the cat as she pushed her out of the way with a foot. Even still she knew better than to shut Tuptim out of the room. When it came to letting Suzanne know she wanted in, Tuptim seemed to be able to scratch at the door forever. Nevertheless, as Colby ripped off her clothing, she managed to toss the pieces down so that they only barely missed Tuptim. After her jeans landed an inch from Tuptim's tail, she seemed to get the message and left. It was either that or her dignity was offended. Whichever way, they were left in peace.

Looking over at Suzanne, Colby took the time to admire her girlfriend. She had been more careful in getting undressed, although she did it just as urgently. It wasn't the first time Suzanne was naked in front of her. A few times when she was taking care of her, Colby got Suzanne ready for bed since she did not seem capable of it on her own. Seeing her then was never like this. No longer did Colby protect herself with the armor of just taking care of a hurting friend; now she was free to marvel at Suzanne's beauty without holding back.

Still even as she saw her beauty, Colby recognized how fragile it was. Suzanne's long body was too lean. The tragedy of it squeezed her heart. As a model, Suzanne might have fit in with long legs that drew her eye, but the knees were a little too obvious in comparison to the size of her thighs. She had that flat stomach that every woman wanted; at the same time, the sharp edges of her hipbones and rib cage were evidence to how she had neglected herself. What made it worse was that Colby knew she had gained some weight. It was worse before.

"I helped," Colby thought to herself. "I helped her start down the path to recovery, and I will make her fully healthy," she promised.

Still it was the beauty of her face and her smile that Colby saw the most. They filled Suzanne with a liveliness that was usually absent. Maybe she wasn't all the way back physically, but emotionally it was like night and day. Someone else, someone like Jillian, might just see the damage and warn Colby away. Having been there at the depths, she could see how far Suzanne had come. There was further to go, but Suzanne would get there. Now that they were being honest with each other, Colby had no doubt about it.

Taking a few steps, Colby jumped onto the bed. "Come here, you sexy thing," she said in a throaty voice. It was a tad chilly in the room, but she knew that wasn't the reason for her goose bumps. She watched as Suzanne covered the distance to the foot of the bed in two long strides.

Climbing up the bed on her hands and knees, Suzanne licked her lips as she looked at Colby's luscious body. Her big breasts fell a little to each side and Suzanne looked forward to discovering how each one felt. Her raspberry red nipples were hard and jutting out. They reminded her of gumdrops. As soon as she was close enough, her head dipped down to take one into her mouth. Somehow, it actually tasted of Colby, as if her skin tasted just like she smelled. It was warm in Suzanne's mouth and as she scraped her teeth against it, she both heard and felt the reaction.

"Ohhh, fuck," Colby hissed as she arched her back up, pressing her breast against Suzanne's mouth. Pulling back, Suzanne stretched the nipple and was rewarded with a shudder that ran up and down Colby's body. After being with Piper, she was sure she could please Colby. Getting confirmation was still nice. She let the wet little nub slip from between her teeth, only to be caught again by her lips. This time when it popped loose, she noticed Colby's whole breast jiggling.

"So unlike mine," Suzanne thought. With almost no breasts, she loved the feeling she got playing with Colby's big ones. Taking them in both hands, Suzanne pushed them together. She smiled at Colby. "You've got boobs!" she said in a voice that was both teasing and admiring. "You've got great big boobs!"

That made Colby laugh. "Yes, I do. I couldn't stop them ..." she said, trailing off into a gasp as Suzanne began to flick her tongue back and forth between the nipples. Each little flick was like a tiny jolt of electricity through her body. Colby found it hard to think as she felt Suzanne suck a nipple into her mouth and start to swirl her tongue around it. "I ... I think ... fuck ... you like my ... big ... boobs," she managed to get out.

Rather than saying anything more, Suzanne showed her answer by closing her teeth around the hard nipple and capturing it while her tongue flicked at it. She began to pull back, letting her teeth scrape against the rough skin. The sound of Colby groaning was confirmation of how good it must feel. Letting go, Suzanne switched to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment. She felt Colby's hands sliding into her hair and pulling her head down as she arched her back at the same time. It forced her breast further into Suzanne's mouth.

"Shit! Oh fuck," Colby continued to mutter obscenities as Suzanne found the most sensitive spots. Her excitement built each time Suzanne switched breasts. She seemed to know just how long to stay to avoid it being too much. Colby wasn't arching her back anymore. It wasn't necessary, though she still held Suzanne's head tight against her breast. Instead, her hips were lifting up to rub against Suzanne's belly. The smell of her excitement was filling the room. As Suzanne shifted positions, Colby coated another spot with her pussy juice. The overwhelming smell drew Suzanne's attention away from Colby's big tits.

Colby watched as Suzanne lifted her head. There was a little thread of spit that went from her mouth to the shining wet nipple. The raw passion in Suzanne's eyes sent a shudder through Colby's body. Licking her lips broke the thread, but only added to how erotic Suzanne looked. Her lithe body wiggled as she moved downward. A tiny portion of Colby's mind noted just how thin Suzanne was, but instantly reassured herself that things would be better now. It was a long time coming, but she was finally healing.

Even though she desperately wanted to get to Colby's pussy, Suzanne took her time. She made a trail of kisses down Colby's belly. Colby's hands stayed on her head, but didn't press as they had when Suzanne played with her breasts. For now, she was content with caressing Suzanne. The moans became soft little mutters in response to the light brushes of Suzanne's lips; though when Suzanne dipped her tongue into Colby's belly button, Colby couldn't help a loud gasp.

Finally, Suzanne was at her destination. She looked down at Colby's pussy. The lips were puffy and wet. Unlike Suzanne, Colby kept her pussy bare. It was completely smooth, different from either of the two pussies Suzanne had licked before. Whether or not Colby knew how much her hips were thrusting up was not clear. There was no doubt, however, just how desperate she was for Suzanne to eat her. She was pushing Suzanne's head now, trying to get the satisfaction she needed.

Despite the pressure, Suzanne held back. Finding Colby's large clit protruding from between her pussy lips, she lightly blew on it. That elicited a long moan.

"Oh, please! Suzanne, don't tease me! I want your mouth on me," Colby whined. Her hips lifted up until her pussy was almost against Suzanne's lips. Moving her head forward just enough, Suzanne's tongue flicked out. It brushed against the shell of Colby's pussy. The spasm that went through Colby's body caused her to collapse back on to the bed. Before Colby could gather the strength to lift her hips up, Suzanne swooped down and pressed her face into her lover's needy pussy.

"Fuck!" Colby moaned as Suzanne moved her face from side to side, worming her way in deeper. She felt Suzanne's tongue extending, gently pushing into her wet pussy. As Suzanne swirled it around, Colby cried out again and pulled Suzanne's head against her mound. As much as Colby wanted her deeper, it just wasn't possible. Suzanne couldn't get her face any further in than she already was.

At first, Suzanne's tongue was slow and gentle. Colby was already worked up and could have cum quickly with only a little help from Suzanne. That wasn't what Suzanne wanted. She wanted to drive Colby to new heights. The first orgasm she gave her needed to be massive. "I'll enjoy trying to surpass it," Suzanne thought to herself.
