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He knew that her next shift was not until the following night.

By 8 that evening he got in his car and went out to eat.

His emotions were a mess, he was torn between being suspicious of her and having a sum total of zero evidence at all to even be suspicious.

Just comments, reactions, things that were not normal.

Even the waitress caught his mood and simply served him, making no real effort to have any conversation. After eating, Sam drove by his house thinking maybe she was back home. Her car wasn't there so he drove by the little hospital where she worked. Her car sat in the parking lot.

That made him feel guilty, it looked like perhaps she was working an extra shift or something, or he had the days mixed up.

It was damned hard to keep track of when she worked anyway, what with all the crazy hours.

Normally if it was an extra shift she would call but after the short yelling match earlier he could see why she might not. He decided to just go home, apologize when she came home and try to sort things out.

Instead he decided to go in and see her, perhaps she was not busy. He parked right next to her car, the moment he stepped out he heard it.

The engine was warm, and it was making small noises as it cooled off. He reached out and felt the hood, there was no doubt, the engine was warm.

She had been somewhere and only very recently got back.

Backing up across the lot, there was a dark corner with large trees. He parked where he could see but was mostly out of sight, shut off the engine and waited.

It was over an hour, Samantha came out with Raj walking beside her. He realized she had on one of her pretty dresses instead of her uniform. They stopped by her car and were talking, that all appeared innocent enough until Raj leaned in and kissed her.

Had it been a simple buss, that would be one thing but it was a long lingering kiss. Then his hands came up and fondled her breasts, she offered no resistance to that.

Sam slammed the car door open and headed for them in a rage. Raj looked up and saw him coming, he turned and darted to his own car, started the engine and screamed out of the parking lot.

Sam very nearly ran back and went after the man, but instead he turned his attention to his wife. She stood there with a frightened look on her face.

Sam reached her, barely able to contain himself.

"Don't hit me!" She exclaimed.

Sam hesitated, he had no intention at all of striking her.

"What in the hell were you two doing? I saw that!"

"Nothing, it was just a little kiss." She protested. She still looked frightened.

"I saw that, I don't believe you." Sam reached out and grabbed her dress, shoved it up to her waist. He reached down with one hand, felt her.

Now it was obvious. He looked at his hand in shock, his wife was a cheater, he knew that for certain now. Obviously using one of the hospital rooms for a motel, it seemed.

He wiped his hand on the front of her dress angrily.

Then she turned and touched the key fob on her car, opened the door. It was clear that she wanted to get away from him.

Sam stepped up to the window, glancing into the rear he saw the nurse's uniform she normally wore.

For some reason that tore it, he belted the window with his fist, shattering it. She let our a scream, started the engine and backed out, grinding the gears as she jerked the car into first and took off with a squeal of the tires.

Sam just stood there and watched her go. Then he got into his own car and went home.

Samantha didn't come home again that night. Sam sat in his chair, looking down from time to time at the bloody bandages on his knuckles.


She called the next day, instantly telling him how much she loved him and how sorry she was, ending with saying she would never do it again.

"I was so upset at the arguments, I was crying and told Raj, then it just happened!" She said.

Sam listened, as soon as she finished he just hung up without saying a word.

She didn't call any more after that for several days. He kept telling himself that this was the end, his marriage was over but even though he thought about doing something with assets, seeing a lawyer, all he did was go to work like normal.

He kept expecting her to call, but she didn't.

It was nearly a full week later that he followed her in a car he had rented. She left work and drove all the way across town, finally taking the belt line freeway out around the city, then taking an exit to a subdivision outside of town.

He parked and watched as she got up and went to an upstairs unit, and went in without knocking. Sam checked the apartment number, went down to the mailbox section and looked at the name.

It was Cole's apartment. The parking lot had reserved spaces, he looked at the bright red Corvette sitting in the space with the number that matched.

So his guess was right, it had been Cole that brought her home at 3 in the morning.

With no panties on. He knew damn good and well she was wearing some when they left the house, he had watched her dress.

She was not only obviously fucking around, she wasn't even being very careful to hide it.

They were sitting in the kitchen when Sam barged in, he didn't bother to knock. Cole was just getting up, saying "Hey, Bud, it's not what it looks like." Then Sam's fist landed.

That was exactly what he had wanted to do the last time the man had said those same words, and it felt really good when the blow landed square.

It was actually a pretty good scuffle, Cole was fairly physical but most fights are won if the first punch lands and it did. Sam had never really been much of a fighter, so there was no real skill involved. He used his fists, his elbows, his teeth and then finally his feet on the man.

Sam stopped when he realized Samantha was screaming, yelling that he was going to kill him.

"Why?" He asked her after he had calmed down some.

"Oh, God. You have hurt him." She was wiping at Cole's face with a towel she got from somewhere.

"Why do you want to cheat on me?"

"Honey, I'm sorry. It was just that..I don't know why, I have been so bored. It was all exciting and I thought you would never know. Then after you found out about Raj? I thought we were over, so it didn't matter." She started sobbing.

"You are right about that, we are over."

"Oh, please, no! Honey, I am the same person! I love you!"

"You have one fucking funny way of showing it!"

Sam started to turn to leave when far too many men in blue uniforms to count burst in.

Apparently someone in one of the nearby apartments had called the police.

He gave up without a struggle, there really was no point in resisting.

They were not particularly gentle either.

In the back of a squad car, he felt blood running down the side of his face.

Cole had used his teeth also.

Sam laughed at that, then he started singing at the top of his lungs, just a crazy moment of insanity.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole!" A burly cop turned to growl at him.

Then at the police station, they started to hook him up to a chain with three other guys to move them to holding cells, he jerked his hand back but all that got him was a night stick in the ribs so he gave up and allowed that.


He sat for several days, then they let him out on bail. He was surprised as he walked into the main room and there stood Raj.

The man appeared to be nervous but Sam was over being mad, now he was just sick inside.

"You bailed me out? Why?" He asked.

"It's the least I could do, I guess I owe you. I don't want you to do to me what you did to Cole, OK?"

Sam smiled to himself at that. The idea had crossed his mind.

"How bad is Cole, anyway?"

"He won't work for a few months."

"I am real sorry to hear that." Sam said sarcastically.

"I wanted to talk to you, explain, OK?"


They went to a tavern, they had told him he wasn't allowed to have anything to drink but he ordered a beer anyway.

"So talk. How did you end up fucking my wife?" Sam spat out. Raj cringed slightly, but then he explained that she made her interest obvious.

"My own wife and I have an open lifestyle, I..we enjoy it. I..I like to watch her. Many men do, the idea of her enjoying a different man excites me." He admitted.

Sam just looked at him. He had heard of the cuckold lifestyle, but didn't really understand it at all.

"You mean you let other men sleep with your wife?" Sam asked.

"Yes." Raj said.

"I thought from the way your wife acted around the hospital that you two did also. I am sorry, had I known I never would have....That is why we had the party and invited you. But then Cole showed up and she seemed more interested in him, I guess they used to date?"

"Yea, they did." Sam said bitterly.

They both just looked at each other, Sam took a sip of his beer.

"So. Tell me what started it." He asked.

"She flirted, and she made it obvious she was interested. We have a small nap room at the hospital, the shifts are long sometimes, often boring with nothing going on. Things...happen, you see."

"So that fucking hospital is a fucking Peyton Place, huh?" Sam snarled.

Raj flushed at that.

"I will leave her alone, I didn't mean for anything like this." He said finally.

"Kind of a bit fucking late for that."

There wasn't much more to talk about really, except at one point Raj did mention that if he wanted to, Sheena would still be willing.

Sam just shook his head and went home. He had had quite enough of crazy people.

Hell, he was feeling a bit on the crazy side himself.


He couldn't get into the house, the locks were changed. That made him furious, so he went around back and pried open the rear door. Inside, he went to his gun case, used his key he kept hidden, and took out his .45 caliber pistol, loaded it.

He was thinking of putting the weapon to his head and get the misery over, but after sitting there for over an hour sanity prevailed.

Samantha? What in the hell was wrong with her? Bored, she had told him. All of the mixed up shifts, seeing so little of each other? Perhaps that was it, all of the trappings of life getting in the way?

He now realized he had no idea at all who the woman he had married really was.

But she had changed the locks, what else had she done? She was the one cheating, playing around, not him. Apparently she had always been that way. The signs were there, he should have seen them. Even when they were dating, it was always like he was on the outside looking in. He sat there, slowly building himself into a state of anger.

He was still sitting there when he heard the key in the front door lock. Samantha opened the door, stepped in.

She wore a light Summer dress, he could see the outline of her slender body with the light behind her.

She came to a dead stop when she saw him. Her face went pale.

"Oh! You are out?" She said finally.

"You locked me out of my own house, after you being the one cheating on me, bitch!" He said, standing up.

She was frozen in place.

"So not only have you been fucking that Raj guy, but Cole too, right? How many others?" He demanded.

She didn't answer, she was looking at the pistol in his hand, her face white. Her hand came up to her mouth.

"No! I didn't, Please! Don't!" Her face was a mask of fear.

"It doesn't fucking matter. Here are my instructions. Do not touch the accounts, those are now all mine. This house is mine now, also. You get your car, your clothes, your personal things, that is it, got it? Pack them, then get the fuck out!"

Her expression changed, she got that stubborn look on her face again.

"You can't dictate to me...." Was as far as she got when he pointed the gun between her legs and pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through the cloth, barely missing her groin by inches.

There are very few things as loud as a .45 caliber pistol set off inside at close range.

She jumped at the loud sound, her mouth worked a few times but nothing came out. Then she began to tremble in fear, her eyes filling with tears.

"I am divorcing you, you get nothing. Any resistance, any at all and when they let me go, and trust me they will eventually, I will hunt you down and the next one is dead center! Got it?"

She nodded numbly.

"Now get out of here."

She turned and left. He laughed when he saw the side window of her car had plastic taped over it.

As she drove away, Sam spotted his neighbor on the porch next door looking his way. He had set the pistol down inside.

"Sorry! I had a firecracker left over from the holidays, it went off by accident." He grinned, with a wave.

"That scared the piss out of me, Sam." The man said.

"Sorry." He answered.

That was the last he ever saw of Samantha, driving away quickly in her car.

He looked over at his neighbor who was still watching him with suspicion.

"Anything else?" He asked the man, glaring at him.

The man saw the look on his face, shook his head no and just went back inside and shut the door.

Sam sat down and waited for the police to arrive, but they never came.

That was actually something of a surprise, he had expected her to do exactly that.

Then he started to giggle, that turned into hysterical laughing as he wondered if she had wet herself when the pistol went off.


Samantha asked for nothing in the divorce, she wasn't even there for any of the meetings. He looked at her signature on the documents, grinned to himself and scrawled his own.

Cole also dropped the charges, and less than a month later he quit his job and moved somewhere.

He had no idea where Samantha was and he did not care.

Sam went back to the remains of his life.

Several months more went by, he didn't date, didn't even try to. He just went to work and came home.

Finally he was feeling better, and began to think of perhaps looking around for a lady friend.

Out of practice, he found himself looking but not seeing much that interested him. One evening he spotted Charley, went over and asked her to dance. Thinking that perhaps a roll in the hay might be fun, get himself back into the swing of things, he asked her rather pointedly if she would like to come home with him.

"Sure, for you just a hundred bucks." She told him.

Sam walked away, leaving her standing there. The idea of paying her for sex made him feel ill.

A few weeks later, he was sitting in a night club listening to a better than average three piece band with a very pretty lead singer when someone tapped on his shoulder.

There stood Sheena, and Raj right behind her. Once again she was dressed in the odd looking clothing, he couldn't remember what it was called but it wrapped around her body. It struck him that she looked very nice.

They got a table and talked, for some reason he was not still mad at the man.

Besides, he still owed Raj $20,000 in bail bond money, the judge had popped him with 200 grand after he read the report of what he did to Cole, and the home invasion portion of the charges.

Sam had plans on continuing to owe him that, too.

There was some music playing, Sam asked Raj if he minded him dancing with Sheena, the man just smiled. It had been some time since Sam did any dancing, he had always enjoyed that and Sheena was light in his arms, it was fun.

While dancing, Sam discovered that the odd clothing was all that Sheena had on, she was quite naked underneath it.

Later that evening, he managed to keep a straight face as Raj meekly sat in a chair while Sam fucked Sheena repeatedly. Underneath the funny looking clothing, her body was not bad at all, he enjoyed the hell out of her.

Back home again, he thought of that and could not keep from laughing.

"Big!" Samantha had told him about Raj, but Sam had no idea about that since he hadn't seen it and didn't want to.

Sheena didn't seem to mind his poor efforts at all. In fact, she had made every attempt to get even more out of him,and with quite a bit of success. It was almost like he was screwing her in anger, he pounded her relentlessly until she was a quivering mass of soft flesh.

Somehow that made him feel better, even though he wasn't sure why. To him it was almost revenge, even though Raj appeared to be quite pleased with it all. Raj had handed him a condom, Sam had looked at it and then at the man.

"Shut up and sit down!" He had ordered.

"She could be fertile." Raj had meekly protested.

Sam ignored him. Sure, that was a risk but the man was a Doctor. Raj had simply done as he told him.

He also knew there would never be a repeat of that.

Back at home, he picked up the pistol that had sat there on his end table for months. He unloaded it, oiled it carefully and put it back in the locked case.

He sat there in his chair, turned on the TV. Some Congressman had been caught with his dick out of his pants or something.

Hell, was the entire fucking world sex crazy? Then he started laughing hysterically, switched the channel to one of Cops chasing people all over hell.

That was even funnier, they caught some guy that had been beating feet through back yards, rather gently took the guy down and handcuffed him, even going to the point of calling the guy "Sir."

Then they turned and smiled sweetly to the camera.

He remembered them arresting him, nobody called him "Sir." They hadn't been the least bit gentle, either.

Nothing in his world had been what it seemed.

It was time to forget, go on with life. Somewhere out there he would find what he needed.

The world was full of women, he would just need to keep looking.

One of them should turn out to be a faithful one.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Effed up mess.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Czasami się zastanawiam czy faktycznie są tacy faceci, czy tylko w opowiadaniach, czy rod meski tez staje się zniewieściały ?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That’s what you get for marrying a fucking whore. The guy deserved it for being such a cunt.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Okay story and I like the arsehole Cole and the slut were handled, but honestly the MC is a moron for marrying the slut in the 1st place.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

ok i am a weasel is an asshole

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


Busman19639Busman19639about 1 year ago

A long convoluted story with a crap ending.

carvohicarvohialmost 2 years ago

Hi! I read this a long time ago, but never commented. I've reread it, and it still still rings the same bells. It was fun and interesting. I thought Sam mentioned too many girls. I thought Charlie would end up better than a pro. Poor Samantha; she was such a waste. She had it all and threw it away.

By the way, your writing is fine. Heck it's free!

thanks again


iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

You write a lot but you cant write worth a shit.

I think I found one of your stories worth more than a handful of used toilet paper but I may be wrong on that count. It might be none.

This ridiculous horse shit was aimed at the brain damaged knuckle draggers and no one else, clearly.

Sucky writers should just quietly find a new hobby. Like collecting ear wax. You might be good at that, its peaceful and calming, and less embarrassing in the long run junior.

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