Conditioned by My Girlfriend Pt. 03

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Victor(ia) keeps progressing.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/04/2023
Created 08/01/2023
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The car ride over the nail salon was just like we were a normal every day couple. We spoke about things going on with family/friends, work, and joked about things in our past. Helping me completely forget about my new underwear. We arrive at the nail salon just in time for Amanda's appointment. "Made it!" She happily exclaimed. "If we were late, I was gonna have to punish you!"

"Punish me how? I'm already wearing woman's underwear." I jokingly said.

"Don't tempt me!" She said with a big smile on her face. "I bet I can get you into a dress soon enough."

"I doubt that!" I replied back. "I'm drawing the line at lingerie." I said with a smile on my face so she knows I am being playful.

She gives me a big kiss and says "I love a dominate man in panties." She said while giggling. Let's go, we are gonna be late. "

I open the door for her like a gentleman, and proceed to one of the open chairs in the waiting room and pulled out my phone. Checked a few emails and jumped on Facebook.

"Hey! Let's go." Amanda yelled over to me. "We are down over here."

Oh God, I thought to myself. She is going to try and get my nails done. I can't let this happen. I can't.

"I think getting my nails done is a little much." I said to her.

She walks up to me and says, "There is nothing gay or unmanly about wanting to take care of your body. Most guys completely ignore nail hygiene." While grabbing my hands and I look at my nails and thought, she does have a point. "Plus we aren't going to be painting them pink or anything, just a clear coat. No one will notice, and if they do, who cares? Tell them your sexy girlfriend made you do it. Now, sit down and let's have some fun."

She has an incredible way with words, I thought to myself. "Alright, let's do it." I sit down and put my hands on the table to be taken care of. Amanda and I have a great conversation, laugh again, and completely put me at ease. The end result was probably the best my nails have ever looked.

"Not bad" I said, "Not bad at all."

"I knew you would like it! Know lets get those feet taken care of."

I proceeded to feel like a princess as I got my feet scrubbed and had a footbath. "Most guys ignore there feet and just let soap run down there body. Its perfectly healthy to pamper yourself!" exclaimed Amanda.

"I can't lie, I am loving the feeling!" I replied back. "We can do this more often!" We progress through everything and Amanda is picking out a color for her toes and she looks at me, "I'm thinking pink for you and a sexy red for me. What do you think?"

"I thought you said I wouldn't be getting my nails painted any colors?" I said to her sheepishly, trying not to offend her.

"No color for your fingers, you aren't a secret foot fetish model are you? Then who is gonna see your girly toes? Plus, its fun! Just try it and if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again."

"Ok, fine, let's do this." I proceeded to watch as my toe nails were painted for the first time in my life. I admired the beautiful pink color taking over each nail one by one until they were all pink.

"Perfect, pink is 100% your color and you know it!" Amanda said to me. I shyly scoot down in my chair trying to hide from embarrassment.

The lady doing my toes looks at me and says, "Don't worry! Guys come in here all the time and get their toes down with their ladies. I think its sexy that you are this in touch with your feminine side to do this. Plus, like she said, no one will see them!"

I finally, truly start to relax. We eventually tipped our stylist and made our way back to the car. "Next stop, the mall!" Amanda said. "I have to get a new dress, Paul sent me a text this morning about having a house warming party and wanted us both to come over. And don't you worry, I am not making you wear a dress to this party. But I do want to find you something nice to wear that won't show off your bra tonight."

We get into the mall and make our way into Macy's and went straight to their dress section. Amanda was filtering through dresses and in the back of my head, all I can think is that she is going to make me try on a dress here, I know it. I can feel it. Am I ready for it? So much going through my head right now.

"Alright, I think I have a few to try on." We make our way over to the dressing rooms and she had me wait near the entrance. She came out one by one to show me the 5 dresses she picked out, striking different sexy poses in each dress, being her normal playful self. We decided that she was going to go with cute black cocktail dress and made our way to the register.

As we made our way from the dressing rooms and away from the dresses, I was thoroughly surprised that she did not mention me trying on dresses at all. Was I disappointed? I was prepping myself for it, but it didn't happen. There was this slight feeling of being let down. I kept it to myself though in the store and we made our way to the men's section. We found a nice shirt that would work and not show off my bra at the party. We make our purchases and start walking back to the car. We get in and start driving. I completely forget that Amanda told me she has a workout scheduled with Paul today, and that's where we are going.

"Shit! I don't have anything to work out in. Can we run back to the mall?" I asked.

"Sorry, we are running a bit behind schedule. But we can see if he has anything for you to wear when we get to the gym. If not, we will just have you start another day." She replied.

We get there with a few minutes to spare, and she sprints into the women's locker room with her gym bag to change. I sit in the lobby and noticed that they had a few gym clothes for sale. I grabbed a generic black t-shirt and red gym shorts, made my purchase, and made my way to the locker room. I was quickly about to take off my shirt when I realized, I am wearing a bra. I make my way to a bathroom stall where I quickly unhooked my bra and wrapped it up in my other shirt, changed my pants, and put my stuff back in the locker.

I made my way out to the main area and start looking for Amanda when someone sneaks up behind me and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" I heard Amanda's voice and she gives me a kiss. I took the chance to look over her outfit. Baby blue yoga pants with a matching sports bra. She always looked breathtaking and I found myself lost staring at her.

"Focus buddy" she said snapping her fingers in my face. We make our way over to the area Paul told her to meet him at and started stretching. Then, I notice Paul start heading over. Again, admiring the shear size of this guy. I'm 6ft 1in tall and I felt so tiny next to this man. He gives me a rough pat on the back shoulder and said, "lets get to it." Amanda went over her workout goals of what she wanted to get out of the training sessions, bigger butt, smaller waist, keep the boobs.

"What about you?" Paul asked " What are you hoping to get out of working out? Looking to lose weight, build muscle, or just trying to become more lean?"

"I just want to get in shape, I don't really need to get jacked like you, but at least toned, maybe even a six pack?"

"Great!" Paul said, "I can have you both start on the same workout. The main focus for you Victor is to lose weight first, build a stronger core, and cardio. But the main thing most guys skip is leg day. We do not skip leg day here. Understand?"

"Yes sir! Let's get to it." I yelled out. Paul proceeded to kick both mine and Amanda's ass. Started with a good stretch, regular squats, leg press, and then finished up on keagle exercises before doing some intense core workouts.

"Holy shit. I am dead." I said as I made my way over to Amanda, both of us out of breathe.

"Great job ladies! I mean guy and lady. Sorry Victor!"

"No worries! Not offended one bit." I said back. As Amanda went the the woman's locker room, Paul and I made our way back the men's locker. I started walking over to my locker, completely forgetting that I do not have a towel.

"I hate to ask but do you happen to have an extra towel? Or one that I could buy from you?" I asked.

"Yeah I got you", and he tossed me a fluffy white towel. "I normally have a bag of clean towels in one of the lockers here since I train here all of the time."

"You are the best." I am still way too tired and I made the mistake that would start me down a path I never thought I go. I took off my pants, and in my exhaustion forgot I was not wearing boxers. I am wearing a pink thong. Now realizing my fatal mistake, I covered myself with a towel and dropped to the bench. I was sick to my stomach. I couldn't even look over at Paul and see if he saw me. Did anyone else see me. Please tell me no one I know is here. I slowly turn around to see Paul standing there, with a confused looked on his face.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I don't judge. Does Amanda know?" He asked. After a few seconds of silence he walks up and sits down next to me and puts an arm around me, "Look, if you don't wanna talk, it's ok. I won't say anything to anyone. I can see the embarrassment in your eyes, I'll just let you go"

"Amanda started having me wear panties a few days ago." I said aloud, which just felt surreal to share with someone.

"That's kinda kinky." He said while shaking his head and slightly laughing. "I hope I am not crossing the line but you have a cute ass for a guy. Look, go get a shower and get ready for tonight. It's gonna be a fun party. Got burgers, a new grill, a nice in ground pool, and a bunch of other things I know you will love."

Paul pulls me up off the bench. "You know, I think you and me can be great friends Victor." I was so confused on what he meant by that. He has met me twice and for like an hour total.

"Because I wear women's underwear" I asked, still very confused.

"You aren't the first crossdresser or sissy I have come across, believe it or not." He said while walking towards the showers.

"I'm not a sissy." I said back to him.

"So you're a crossdresser then?" He quickly replied back. Stunned, I don't answer. "Look, I have to get in the shower. I just want to point out, that during this entire time since I have seen you in that pink thong. You didn't take it off. You were embarrassed and covered up with a towel. You could have went to a stall and took them off as well. But you didn't. If you want help finding out what you are, I can help." Paul said with a slightly evil grin on his face. "Remember, no judgement here, and always willing to help, or train." With that, he left to the shower. I sat there and thought about what he just said. This past few minutes have been a blur. Paul just saw me in panties, didn't freak out, and seemed to know what he was talking about. But what am I? Am I a crossdresser? A sissy? I pulled out my phone and googled, what is a sissy. A few definitions came up and decided I will read it later. I got up, and hit one of the private shower stalls. I quickly showered and made my way back to my locker.

And of course, on my way back, there is Paul. And at that same moment, he drops his towel, and starts to put on his boxers.

"Fuck it." I say under my breathe and I take a look. And it was what I thought. It was huge. For sure him flaccid is bigger than me. I wanted to look longer but I would for sure get caught. I try to act casual and go back to my locker.

"Here." I heard Paul say this as my back is to him. And what landed on me was a pair of pink boyshort panties. "Look, I don't care what the situation is. I just know you need clean underwear after working out. A client left these a while ago, they are clean. We have laundry service here. She just never came back. Please feel free to keep them."

"Thank you." I sheepishly turned back away from him, and with my towel on, slide my new panties up my legs and get situated. Trying to hide the fact that apparently I was rock hard from seeing Paul's enormous flaccid penis and receiving panties from the same man. I quickly slide up my pants. I looked over at Paul and he was getting dressed, ignoring me. Then I realized I have another problem. How do I hide this bra. I quickly take my clean shirt and cover my bra by throwing my towel in the locker. At that moment, Paul walked over to me, pat me on the back and said, "Ignoring what just happened, you did great today for being your first workout in a while." He grabbed my used towel out of my locker and my heart stopped, my bra is about to fall out of this locker now. He is going to see it and I am done for. I try and distract him but it was too late. The bra falls to the ground and Paul starts laughing lightly.

"Look Victor. Like I said, no judgement from me here. I didn't even mention the fact that your toes are painted hot pink as well, I think you are just discovering your true identity. But I want you to put that bra on in front of me. Think of it as payment for your panties."

I wanted to die. I was hoping an asteroid would hit this gym, or maybe I will randomly just catch on fire or something. But that wasn't going happen. I lift my shirt, and bend over to pick up the bra off the ground. I look around the locker room and quickly slide my arms through the straps, closed the back clasps quick, and had my shirt back on.

"You are a pro. No way you just started wearing bras. Next time, bring a sports bra to change in to.

I quickly make my way to the exit to the lobby, beat red in embarrassment. And mind you, for some God forsaken reason. I am still hard as a rock the entire time. So I have to do my best to show Paul that him ordering me to put on a bra turned me on. It was like Amanda ordering me, but had something extra to it.

"Took you long enough!" I hear the second I open the door. There was Amanda standing there, looking a little irritated. "What took so long. You are normally so quick showering and changing."

"Paul saw my panties. I fucked up and he saw them. I was just standing there. I was so tired and forgot I was wearing them. And to make matters worse, he even gave me a new pair to wear home because he knew I did not have clean underwear. So I am now wearing new panties and to make matters EVEN WORSE, he found my bra."

Amanda's jaw dropped. "I'm not gonna lie. I would have given anything to have seen that. So you are wearing a new pair? Can I see?"

"BABE! We are in the lobby. In the car please, I have been exposed enough today!" I start making my way to the exit and want to get into the car. Amanda catches up to me quick, my legs are still dead from working out for the first time in years.

"Let's get you home." She says "Once we get you home, we will get you in something much more comfortable. We get back to the car and start driving home. What has my life become. Why can I not stop thinking about Paul's dick. Focus Victor, focus, get a grip. I kept thinking. You are straight, you are straight, you like girls, not men. Vag not cock. I need to get back control of my clothing. Tell Amanda that this is enough. No more of this charade. No more bras and panties. I am a man. Not a sissy.

"This has to stop" I tell her.

"What has to stop? She said like the answer isn't obvious.

"No more panties, bras, lingerie, dresses, or what ever. No more. That was the most humiliating experience I ever had in my life." I said strongly. "This is gone on long enough."

"Victor, I am not going to make you keep wearing your new underwear. Just give me one more night tonight and I will start letting you back into boxers tomorrow. Can you do that for me?"

"YES!" I replied back. "Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet. Let's see when the time comes what your decision will be." Amanda said back.

"There is no way I stay in panties, not gonna happen!" I said again, confidentially.

"OK my big strong man." Amanda said while grabbing my exhausted legs. We make our way home and take a much deserved nap. 3 hours later we awaken and start getting ready for the party.

"I will give you a choice. You can keep wearing panties full time, or you wear this full time." I look at what she is holding an noticed it was a pink and plastic. "Its a chastity cage."

"A chastity cage? Why? And why are these my options." I shout out.

"This is my last night of controlling what you wear. I'm not gonna waste the no returnable chastity cage. Tell you what, you've been incredible recently and I want to do something special for you." Amanda drops to her knees and proceeds to start blowing me. I look down at her and for some reason, Paul's dick pops into my mind. I think, imagine Amanda sucking on that. And within seconds, I erupt and start shooting my load into her mouth and a little on her face. As my breathe is taken away and I am staring at the ceiling in pure bliss. I feel Amanda start playing with my cock again.

"Baby, I don't I can do round 2 just yet." I blurt out. And at that moment, I realized what she just did. I hear the click of the lock and she pulls the key away on a necklace that is dropped between her breasts. She stands up, kisses me and shoves my cum deep inside my mouth. "Swallow." She commanded. I did just what she said, which sent shivers down my spine as I tried desperately in my cage to get an erection, my cock twitched over and over begging for release.

"Amanda! Take that off!" I yelled.

"Not yet." She commanded. She pushed me back down on to the bed and said. "I know you want this to be over, but its not. I know you love wearing panties and I am doing this for you. You need to be pushed in the right direction. I see your future Victor, and this is how it starts. We can have an amazing life together enjoy your new found wardrobe. Plus, its just underwear. Be more careful next time when you get naked in front of other guys. I bet you wanted Paul to see you in those cute pink panties.

I froze, and my locked cock betrayed me. It starts twitching, trying to get hard when Amanda talks about the incident.

"Oh my God! You are getting turned on by this! Look how much precum you are leaking! Tell me the details, please tell me you saw his cock, I am was so damn curious to how big it was.

"It wasn't on purpose!" And I let out, "I did see his is massive. Him soft is bigger than me erect..."

"Now I REALLY wish I was there!" Amanda laughed "Just kidding, your cock is enough for me." As she pats my newly locked cock. Now get dressed, its time to get ready for the party."

"I will wear panties if you take this cage off." I pleaded with her.

"No, wear what you want. You will be caged tonight, especially since we are going to your boyfriends house. He worked you out today for free, gave you panties, and you saw his cock." She said while laughing. "Its ok though, I won't judge you Victoria."

I just stood there silent. Deciding on what to do. "Do you have a pair of boxers I can wear since I am caged now?"

"No." Amanda replied and walked away.

"You have to be kidding me." I said I decided panties will work because it will help keep the cage in place since it bothered me just having it swing around freely. I grabbed a pair of white boyshort panties. I did not grab a bra. I figured being caged and pantied was enough. I finished getting dressed and met Amanda in the living room. I see her in her black dress, black heels, and her perfect make up. I try to get hard, but my cage puts an end to that quickly.

I ignore the pain and give her a kiss and she pats my locked cock through my pants. "You aren't wearing a bra?" She said to me.

"Please not tonight, being locked and wearing panties is enough for tonight. I will wear panties for another week if I can just go like this."

"Make it 2 weeks and you have a deal." She said.

"Deal." I replied. "Now lets get to this party!" We make our way to our car, I am driving this time and Amanda gets in the passenger seat, kisses me on the cheek and we drive off to Paul's.