Confessions of a Mailgirl Ch. 03


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"Yeah, I know," Kelly said. "I wanted to try it as a lark. As a career choice? Not so much."

"So are you going to quit?" I asked.

"I can't. I'm a little slave girl just like you are. I just don't get off on it like you do. And you might be into what we're doing now but what are you going to do the first time time a VP orders you to go down on him in his office?"

"They can't. There are sexual harassment laws."

Kelly snorted derisively. "You think that's going to stop them? Don't be naive, Danica. It'd be their word against yours and you're just a naked, slutty little mailgirl. Who's going to believe you?"

"And what are you going to do if that happens?"

"I don't know yet," she answered. "I'll probably do whatever I have to do for the next two years. Once I'm out maybe I'll write a book about it. Call it 'Confessions of a Mailgirl' or something like that."

I thought about what Kelly had said. What would I do if someone powerful ordered me to perform sexual favors? I had no idea.

We finished our showers in silence and prepared ourselves for our trip upstairs. When we were ready the two of us walked naked to the elevator and summoned it. It was empty when it arrived. We stepped into it and Kelly pushed the button for the tenth floor.


Since most of the tower's employees were leaving work now and would be taking the elevator down rather than up, our elevator rose uninterrupted to the top of the building. Kelly took me by the hand and smiled at me nervously as we climbed. Whatever tensions or disagreements that might occasionally erupt between us never lasted long. For better or worse we were in this together and no one else really understood what we were going through.

We exited the elevator and walked toward a reception desk manned by a stylishly dressed woman who was about our age. She laughed and shook her head as we approached. "I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you're the mailgirls," she said. "The lounge area is down the corridor and is the fourth door on the left. They're expecting you."

Unlike the top floor at Hiromoto headquarters which served primarily as a sanctuary for one man, the tenth floor here at DDE was very much a working floor. It housed the company's top executives along with their secretaries and aides and we passed by several large, expensively furnished offices, each with an unobstructed exterior view. There were still some people working and they stared at us as we strolled totally nude down the corridor.

I heard music coming from the lounge area as we approached and the glass double doors were both open. Kelly and I gave each other a nervous glance and then stepped inside. There were maybe about forty men and women inside drinking and mingling but conversations came to a halt and all eyes turned to us as we entered. Kelly and I stood there hand in hand not sure what to do. Finally a man wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a collarless button down shirt started whistling and applauding and the others quickly followed suit. I recognized the man immediately from pictures I'd seen. It was the CEO and founder of DDE, Dan Evans.

I spotted Barbara walking towards us. "Get into your new standing positions," she commanded. I let go of Kelly's hand, spread my legs to shoulder width, placed my hands behind my back and lowered my gaze while still keeping my head up. "Arch your back a little more, Danica," she said and I did as I was told. It felt like I was sticking my tits out toward the crowd as if to say, "Look at these everyone!" It was definitely more embarrassing than the old standing position which is most likely why Barbara chose it.

Barbara turned to the crowd to speak. "I'd like to introduce you to Danica and Kelly. They gave up promising careers in our management program in order to serve their fellow DDE employees and share their beauty with all of us. They will be the foundation of our new Mailgirls initiative here at DDE and throughout North America."

I didn't really like the "gave up their careers to serve others" stuff since it made it sound like this was permanent. But then again, now that I was standing here naked with my tits thrust out and my bare pussy on display how could I ever hope to join these people someday as a colleague? I realized then that even if this ended tomorrow my management aspirations here at DDE were probably finished.

"Follow me," Barbara said. We walked through the crowd and approached a bar being manned by a fortyish male bartender who looked like he'd just won the lottery when he saw us. "Your job tonight is to make sure everyone keeps their glasses filled," she told us. "Keep moving through the crowd and when you see someone's drink getting low ask them if they'd like another. Refer to everyone as 'sir' or 'ma'am' and make no eye contact."

So we weren't invited as guests, we were here to be naked cocktail waitresses! I should have known. Barbara couldn't allow even a moment when we were anything other than servant girls.

Barbara had changed clothes since we'd last seen her and was now wearing a black cocktail dress that bared some cleavage. It was a stark change from her usual power suit look and I realized now that she had a smoking body beneath those jackets she always wore. Barbara was a very attractive woman with short, black hair and dark brown eyes, but she always exuded such an air of confidence and control that she must have seemed unapproachable to many men. Maybe that's why she's never been married, I thought to myself.

After our first meeting I'd researched Barbara on the internet and was surprised to learn that she was only 32 years old. It's not that she looked older than that it's just that her executive position in the company along with the way she carried herself made her seem older.

I also found out she was a Stanford grad with a master's degree in Psychology which, at the time, seemed like an odd major for someone interested in a business career. Now that I'd witnessed the head games she played and the way she manipulated people I decided that it just might be the perfect major for working your way up the corporate ladder. She'd done that very quickly at DDE, rising to become VP of Public Relations in less than five years. Not only was she currently running the Mailgirls program she was also orchestrating the company's public response to the controversy it was stirring. Once upon a time, not so long ago, I would've looked up to Barbara as a possible mentor. Now I just wanted to avoid pissing her off.

Kelly and I walked into the crowd to take drink orders, then returned to the bartender to get them filled. It turned out he was a talented mixologist who had the ability to mix multiple drinks without ever taking his eyes off of my tits.

My second time through the crowd I was waved over by Barbara who was now standing with Dan Evans. "Gin and tonic," she said as she handed me her empty glass. "And I think Dan is ready for another."

Dan was drinking Heineken out of the bottle and he took a final swig and handed it to me with a smile. After I'd returned with their drinks I was ready to leave when Dan said, "Hold on, Danica, I'd like to talk to you for a minute."

"Yes sir," I replied and got into my new standing position. Dan laughed as I did this.

"You definitely have them well trained Barbara. At ease soldier," he said to me. "Relax."

"Yes sir," I said as I dropped my arms to my side.

"And forget the 'sir' stuff. You can call me Dan and look me in the eyes."

I lifted my eyes and glanced quickly at Barbara who maintained a neutral expression. "Okay Dan, thank you," I said as I smiled appreciatively.

I knew Dan Evans was in his early forties but he was slim and still had a boyish look. He was handsome in a geeky sort of way and I'm sure the fact that he was worth many millions helped add to his appeal. What I liked best is that he talked to me like I was a real person. He asked me a number of questions about my background, my life, and my plans, and seemed genuinely interested in my responses. Barbara stood by quietly listening to all of it. "And what do you think of your new job?" he asked.

"It's, um...interesting," I replied as diplomatically as I could.

Dan laughed. "I'm sure it is." Then he got serious for a moment. "Listen, I know this is probably difficult for you and Kelly. I'm sure it wasn't what you signed up for when you came to work for us, but we couldn't have gotten this thing off the ground without you two. Thank you."

I was surprised to find my eyes starting to tear up but this was the first moment since this started that anyone had shown any appreciation for what I was doing or expressed that I was valued as anything other than mindless eye candy.

"Thanks Dan," I replied, trying to rein in my emotions.

"So Danica, is there anything you wanted to ask me?" I had about a million questions I wanted to ask about my future in the Mailgirls program but I decided to stay away from that subject with Barbara standing there. "I've always wondered how you came up with DumpsterDawg Enterprises as the name of the company."

Dan laughed. "Well it's kind of a long story, and I don't usually tell it, but it's impossible to resist a beautiful naked woman. I guess you know how the company first got started?"

"Yes. In your garage."

"My parents' garage actually. I'd just dropped out of college and a few of my fellow geek buddies and I decided to try to write a computer game. You can imagine how thrilled my folks were." I laughed at this.

"Anyway there was this kid from the neighborhood who used to hang around. I call him a kid but he was actually about our age. He had no programming skills but we used to let him do odd jobs and would throw a buck or two his direction every so often. This guy was a total slob and at night would go dumpster diving behind fast food places for food that was tossed out. Burgers, tacos, fried chicken that kind of stuff. I mean they were wrapped up or in boxes but I wouldn't each shit that came out of a dumpster."

"Definitely not," I agreed. It felt so good to be engaged in an adult conversation.

"So we started calling this kid Dumpster Dawg. When the time came to try to find a distributor for our game, which was the first 'Gangsta' as I'm sure you know, we had to come up with a name for our company. So I called it DumpsterDawg Enterprises as a joke. I mean, I didn't think we'd be in business for a year, much less twenty."

Dan took a swig of his beer before continuing. "I suppose it's not an ideal name for a multi-billion dollar corporation but it does provide a certain image that appeals to our primary demographic."

"And whatever happened to the kid?" I asked. "Dumpster Dawg?"

"After we made it big he found a lawyer to sue us for royalties. Claimed we named the company after him. Since we kind of did, we settled out of court. He's still a slob but is now a slob living in a mansion with a pool."

I laughed and was hoping to hear more but Barbara put her hand on his arm and began speaking. "That's a great story but I think we've dominated a bit too much of Danica's time. There are some people here with empty glasses."

Dan shrugged his shoulders. "The boss speaks," he said. The whole exchange struck me as odd. It was almost like a wife trying to shut up a husband who was droning on at a party. I knew that Dan had a wife and two kids at home though, not to mention being Barbara's boss here at work. She seemed able to exert control even when she was with the CEO of the company.

Once again I became the submissive servant girl. "Thank you for the story, sir," I said as I returned to my duties.

It was was nearly nine o'clock by the time I made it home to my apartment. I ate some leftovers from out of the fridge, poured myself a glass of wine and tried to watch some TV, but the events of the day kept swirling through my mind. Since I'd previously worked in another wing in the compound I hadn't really known any of the employees in the tower today, but I couldn't help but wonder if my friends at the company knew about this yet. Thinking about it reminded me I hadn't checked my phone for messages all day.

I retrieved the phone from my purse and one of the first texts I read was from my best friend Stephanie. It said, "ur a mailgirl? wtf?!?!" They knew. I didn't want to read any more of my messages so I shut off the TV and went to bed. My first day as a mailgirl had been a long one.

The next morning I woke up again before the alarm. As I got out of bed to get ready I realized something strange.

I couldn't wait to get back to work.

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dadacdadacover 7 years ago

Good story serie. I love Cambridge's storyes, I read them years ago, made my own too but I like yours more as the girls aren't do badly treiten (for now). Hope I will enjoy in rest too.

aznakedaznakedover 7 years ago
Very good

This is very enjoyable reading. I'm 77 but remember a Barbara when I was a young banker. Her name was Mildred May. When she wanted to talk to the bank president, he was called to her office. I started as a mail boy but not naked. This was a very large bank with 12 stories. I eventually made president of a small bank. Hope Danica does as well.

Rapier875Rapier875about 8 years ago
Great so far.

Looking forward to see how this tale develops.

Barbara is the character that intrigues me the most. There must be some skeletons somewhere. I hope we find about them soon !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

As the boss I would like to see her instructed to join as a worker

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
love it

It'll be interesting to see which coworkers she runs into: a friend, an enemy, old boyfriend, or schoolmate? That and I'm waiting to see what the demerit process will be

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