Confirming Carter Bk. 02 Daedalus Ch. 07


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The Travelers looked down the table at Bra'tac, then at Geraan, who was sitting quietly, watching them.

"Most wise. I too have a grandson, perhaps he may be granted the same privilege when we formalize our relations." Pharris said. "His name is Phinnar, and he is very bright."

"We would be happy to discuss it with you." Tammy said. "Regardless of our relations. A companion for Geraan would be most welcome."

"What did you do? And how did you do it?" Larrin said, looking down the table at Sheppard, then at Carter.

"Patience, Larrin. Col. Carter will share that information when she is ready." Waleen said. "Allow us a moment for pleasantries, and to come to know one another. We are in Atlantis, the city of the Ancients."

"Actually, we have a ceremony to attend shortly, which we'd like to invite you to." Carter said lightly. "But to answer Larrin's question." She motioned to Samuels, and the lights dimmed as a large screen dropped from the ceiling. A moment later, a video began playing.

"Yesterday, Col. Caldwell took the Daedalus into the Wraith cluster in Sector 347C3 on a reconnaissance mission. That mission was also to test the effectiveness of newly installed cloaking technology. They spent three hours there, undetected, and scanned more than a third of the hives present, allowing us to make up a composite of a basic hive ship. They also beamed materials off of several hives without detection."

She let the video play for a minute longer, then changed it.

"Today, The Daedalus and the Apollo returned to the cluster, and placed nuclear warheads on thirty-nine of them, including the Primary's hive, then detonated them."

The Travelers were staring at the screen, unable to believe what they were seeing. Samuels change videos again.

"This was the result."

The room was filled with the glare of the explosion, then the view changed, and they watched the bridge view as the blast wave came at, then hit the Apollo. The video from the Daedalus bridge played immediately after.

Samuels stopped the video, and brought up the lights. Larrin looked over at Caldwell and Lorne. "You got lucky. That blast wave should have killed you."

"We counted fifty-seven hives, and more than three hundred cruisers just before they went up." Caldwell said. "And I agree, we got lucky. We underestimated the size of the blast. We won't do that again."

"There will be no need." Waleen said quietly. "You have destroyed more than half the Wraith in the galaxy in one engagement. Another such gathering will never occur. You are to be congratulated."

"Our scouts report three more hives jumped in after the blast." Larrin said. "With the radiation in the area, nothing aboard them will survive. Depending on if their shields hold, the hives themselves may be damaged. We won't know till we board them."

"We'll be claiming any surviving hives and their escorts as plunder in the name of Atlantis." Carter said. "We killed them, we're going to keep them."

Larrin opened her mouth to object, but Waleen silenced her with a wave. "You are due the spoils, and we will assist in anyway we can in your recovery efforts. Your announcement that Atlantis would now be acting as an independent state was met by skepticism in the council, myself included." He looked at Carter and Tammy. "It is obvious to us now that you spoke the truth. Your former masters on your homeworld would never have allowed this. We come to offer our friendship, and to open relations with you."

"We welcome the friendship of the Travelers, and have long sought it." Carter said. "We knew that there was distrust of our leaders on Earth, and we understood, you did not know them. We are here, the people at this table lead the city of Atlantis, so you now know who you will be dealing with."

She paused, looking at each of the Travelers.

"We have only sought good relations with the Travelers." Tammy said, looking at Teyla, then back at the Travelers. "We wish to deal with you directly, not bypassing our friends the Athosians, but in conjunction with them, because they shall always be the first among friends. We do, however, have a request to make that will benefit both our peoples, and all the peoples of the Pegasus galaxy." She looked down the table at Andi.

A video of Atlantis from a jumper view started on the screen as the lights dimmed again.

"This is Atlantis." She said as the jumper did a slow orbit of the city. The image changed to a land based city. "And this is our sister city, Anchorage, which we recently acquired at the request of the local inhabitants. We will be manning and restoring Anchorage in the coming months, and your knowledge of ancient systems would be of immense benefit in those efforts."

"We also need workers for both cities to operate their production and manufacturing facilities, and ships to delivers the goods we produce through out the galaxy." Carter said as the lights came up. "You have both. We offer not only diplomatic relations, but a partnership, for the benefit of all."

The Travelers sat silent. "How many of our people will you require?" Pharris asked softly.

"None." Carter said looking at her. "We are already taking in refugees from planets decimated by the Wraith, and will welcome all that seek the safety of our cities. We are offering your people safe havens. They are free to come and go as they wish. In exchange for their efforts, we will share whatever they help produce."

"You misunderstand, colonel. I did not think you were requiring hostages." Pharris said. "We cannot support our population, and are forced to leave many planet bound. I should have said, how many can you take."

"To fully staff both cities would require two hundred thousand people." Samuels said. "That's roughly fifty thousand for unskilled labor, ninety thousand for skilled labor, which requires the ancient gene, and seventy thousand for support and management, which also requires the ancient gene."

She paused, then added, "We have a therapy that activates the dormant ancient gene, as well as teaching machines for immediate training on ancient equipment, including ships. In addition, many of the production facilities in both cities can produce replacement parts for the vessels you already possess."

"Do it. We can't afford not to have them as friends." Larrin said, looking at her fellow Travelers. "They could be dictating terms, but instead, they lay out a banquet before us. We'd be fools to let this slip through our fingers."

"I agree. We can haggle over numbers later." Waleen said, looking down the table at Samuels. "Those details will be worked out with you, Dr. Samuels?"

"Andi, if you wouldn't mind, Waleen." She said. "We can put people together to work out an equitable agreement. But keep in mind, it will take several months to get both cities up to full production. Testing and training people, acquiring resources..."

"Can all be dealt with later." Carter said as she rose to her feet, holding out her hand. "For now, we offer our hands in friendship. Which I assure you, is better that any treaties or contracts we will ever sign."

She moved among the Travelers with Tammy, shaking hands and hugging them all. Andi gave them a few minutes. "We need to go, or we're going to be late. Waleen, if you and the other council members will join us, we have a ceremony to attend to, then a reception following it. We can talk more then."


2140 hours

Samuels gave the assemblage a few minutes to get seated, then stepped to the front. She looked around the room, then began to speak.

"Today, at 1740 hours, the Atlantian Warships Apollo and Daedalus, acting under orders of the queens, engaged and destroyed a major Wraith fleet. We can confirm that fifty-seven hives, and in excess of three hundred cruisers were destroyed. The Atlantian navy suffered no losses."

The crowd erupted in applause, and Samuels let them go on for several minutes, then raised her hands for quiet.

"We come together to honor them, and offer our thanks. Their selfless devotion to duty gives us all hope for the future of our city. Two men, however, are deserving of special attention. Maj. Evan Lorne, and Maj. Kevin Marks, stand forward."

The doors at the back of the room opened, and Loren and Marks, flanked by Sheppard and Caldwell, entered and strode up the aisle. They made their way to the front where Carter and Tammy waited.

Tammy looked at both men, then said, "Evan Lorne, step forward."

Sheppard and Lorne stepped in front of them, then Sheppard stepped back, and to one side.

"In recognition of your service to us, we wish to reward you with honors befitting your loyalty and your deeds. Do you accept this honor, and pledge to serve us faithfully and well?"

"I do." Lorne said.

"Please kneel."

Lorne dropped to one knee, his head bowed. Carter reached out with her spoon, and laid it gently on each of his shoulders.

"Rise, Sir Evan, Commander of the Atlantian Warship, Apollo." Tammy said. "Welcome to the Knighthood of Atlantis. May we serve each other well."

Sheppard stepped over and came to attention as Lorne turned to face him. Sheppard saluted smartly, then held out his hand. Lorne took it, and Sheppard smiled as he said, "Congratulations Evan. You deserve it."

"Thank you, colonel. I'll try to live up to it."

Sheppard led him off to the side

"Kevin Marks, step forward."

Caldwell and Marks stepped in front of them, then Caldwell stepped back, and to one side.

"In recognition of your service to us, we wish to reward you with honors befitting your loyalty and your deeds. Do you accept this honor, and pledge to serve us faithfully and well?"

Marks took a step back, bowing his head. "I offer my service freely, but cannot accept this honor. I do not believe I am worthy of it."

Sam smiled at him, then looked at Tammy and nodded. Tammy looked at Caldwell as she said, "Col. Caldwell, would you read the specifications please?"

"Major Kevin Marks, the queens, the people, and the city of Atlantis wish to recognize you for your service on our behalf in the action against the Wraith this day, and in the days preceding. We have testimony that you have twice piloted the Atlantian Warship Daedalus into hostile space, both times returning her safely to our shores. We have further evidence, that without your knowledge and insight, the planning and execution of this operation would not have been possible. In addition, your skill and cunning were instrumental in the capture of the Warship Apollo from the forces of the IOA, with no losses, or injuries to either side."

Caldwell turned to Marks, and came rigidly to attention. "My queens, as commander of the Daedalus, I will attest to Major Marks worthiness for this honor and position. I stand before you today because to the skill, cunning, and courage of the major, as does my crew."

The crew of the Daedalus stood as Caldwell mentioned them.

"So say you all?" Tammy asked.

"So say we all." They said as a group. They remained standing until Tammy waved them down.

Carter stepped forward. "Kevin, we ask you again to allow us to bestow this honor, and welcome you into our service, as befits you. Will you accept?"

"Yes, my queen." Marks whispered.

"Kneel with me." She said as she laid her hands on his shoulders.

Tammy held out her spoon, but Sam shook her head and nodded at his shoulder. Tammy stepped forward and laid the spoon on each of his shoulders, then stepped back.

"Rise, Sir Kevin." Carter said. "Welcome to the Knighthood of Atlantis. May we serve each other well." She smiled at him as she held out her hand. "Now, if you would be so kind as to help me up?"

Marks helped her to her feet, then turned to face Caldwell, returning his salute, and his handshake.

Sheppard and Lorne stepped back up beside Caldwell and Marks.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Atlantis, our queens wish to present the newest Knights to the Knighthood of Atlantis, Sir Evan Lorne, and Sir Kevin Marks!" Samuels said from the rear.

Lorne and Marks bowed, and were escorted to seats by their commanders as the crowd gave them a standing ovation. Samuels waited for them to be seated, then said, "Two weeks ago, we voted to install Col. Samantha Carter as queen of Atlantis." She paused letting them get ready for what she had to say next. "Since her election as queen, her consort, Tammy Ford, has been assisting and advising her in all matters pertaining to the safety, management and well being of the realm. She has, in truth, been acting as defacto co-queen."

The audience began talking and whispering, and Samuels paused again to let the furor die down. "Because of her importance to the queen, the city, and our people, Col. Carter has decided to elevate her to the role she already fills so well, as official, and recognized co-queen. We ask that you approve her selection by acclimation. From your seats, if you would be so kind."

Carter stepped forward, looking around the room. "How say you?" She asked.

"Aye." The crowd roared.


A smattering of no's came from around the room, and Carter smiled.

"The ayes have it."

She turned to Tammy, holding out her hand.

Tammy stepped forward, taking her hand.

"Lady Tammy Ford, do you accept this terrible burden we place upon you?"

Tammy looked at her for a long moment, then looked at the crowd.

"I will do as my queen and our people ask. I will serve our city humbly, with the fullness of my heart, and will act as the conscience of our fair city in all things."

The crowd came to their feet, applauding wildly.

Geraan came running over, throwing his arms around Tammy's leg as Sam raised her hand in the air. "Gentle people of Atlantis, I give to you, my Sister Queen, the Lady Tammy Ford." She looked at Tammy, then down at Geraan. They reached down together and took his hands, then bowed before their audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, We will be having an official celebration in three days time." Samuels said over the loudspeakers as the applause began to die down. "Tonight, we have guests from our friends the Travelers, and must conclude this gathering so we may attend to matters of state. There are refreshments is the mess hall for any who wish to attend. Feel free to indulge, tomorrow is a holiday, but in coming years, will be celebrated on this date. Goodnight."

Interior-Dining Room, East Tower

2230 hours

Samuels led the way into the formal dining room on the east pier. Carter looked around at the splendor, then looked at Samuels in amazement.

"Andi. How? I mean this is..." She said. "I never imagined. How did you do this?"

"It was easier that you'd think." Andi laughed. "We had an empty city to take whatever we wanted from. It was just a matter of moving things around."

"I'm sorry, are you saying that you've never been here before?" Waleen asked.

"Yes." Tammy smiled, looking around the room. "Please forgive us Waleen, we're a young nation, still getting used to the trappings of state. Not to mention being trapped by them."

"You're our first guests, so if you don't mind us practicing on you." Sam laughed. "We'll do our best to behave."

"You have nothing to fear colonel, you haven't seen Larrin eat yet." Waleen laughed.

"Please, there are no titles tonight, so make it Sam or Samantha, and Tammy. We should dine as friends."

"This Knighthood of Atlantis, you seem to hold it dear, Samantha." Pharris said as she came over. "Your Maj. Marks did not feel himself worthy of the honor, which speaks highly of it, and of him."

"Long ago on our homeworld, in a country called England, men of quality, men of strong moral fiber and sense of honor were made knights of the realm. They were expected to defend the weak, and take the lead in times of war. They were a standard for other men to rise to for the good of all."

She watched as Sheppard spoke to Caldwell, then waved Ronin over. They conferred briefly, then went over to Marks and Lorne who were talking to Arrin.

"I've always been a supporter of knights, it's the only royal tradition I have any use for actually. I intend on making it difficult to make anyone a knight following our deaths. Because in later years, it became common for kings to sell knighthoods to men not worthy of the title. We won't allow that to happen."

Pharris looked at Waleen, and he nodded. "We have much to learn from, and about each other it seems." She said. "You are in a unique position. You are able to make your own laws and rules, which your people will live by in the years to come."

Carter turned and watched as Larrin came across the room. She was followed by the five men of the knighthood.

"I have been instructed to ask a boon of the queens." She said, a confused look on her face. "I do not know what this boon is, but I will ask you for it."

Carter turned to Sheppard. "What is it you seek, gentlemen?" She asked with a smile.

"We've each only been knighted by one queen." Sheppard said solemnly. "We humbly beg that we be allowed the blessing of both our queens."

Tammy reached in her pocket and pulled out their spoon, handing it to Sam. "Start with Kevin. He's the only one you're missing."

She turned and faced them. "Sir Kevin, stand forward and kneel."

Marks knelt and Carter stepped over and touched each of his shoulders with her spoon, then stepped back. She handed the spoon to Tammy as she said, "Rise Sir Kevin." She offered him her arm, then stepped to the side.

"Knights of the realm, stand forward and kneel." Carter said, smiling as they moved as one, taking a step forward, and dropping to one knee. "How long did they practice that?" She whispered to Marks.

"Three times, it only took a few minutes." He said softly.

Tammy glared at them, then turned to Lorne, kneeling in front of her.

"Sir Evan, Commander of the Warship Apollo." She said, laying her spoon on each shoulder.

"Sir Ronin, Guardian of the Realm, and my protector in all things." She said, laying her spoon on each shoulder, then leaning down to kiss him lightly on the forehead.

"Sir Steven, our Lord of the Admiralty, and Commander of the Warship Daedalus." She said, laying her spoon on each shoulder, and holding it for a long moment.

"Sir John Sheppard, First Knight of the Realm, and Commander of the Royal Forces. Who came to us offering his sword and fealty, then freed our city with us." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she knelt before him. She touched his shoulder lightly, then hugged him. "None of this without you. Always remember that." She said softly, then stood and stepped back.

"Rise Knights of the City of Atlantis." Carter said solemnly, stepping over to take Tammy's hand. Marks rejoined the group, and the queens bowed to them.

"If you'll excuse me, my queens." Sheppard said, then moved to the door.

"I'm going with him." Ronin said, then hurried after Sheppard.

Teyla took Caldwell by the hand and led him off to the side of the room.

"My queens." Lorne and Marks said, then moved over by the windows.

"What was that?" Larrin asked as she watched Sheppard and Ronin hurry from the room. She looked back at Sam and Tammy, smiling now, but both crying unashamedly.

"A lesson we have yet to learn, but would do well to." Waleen said. "Perhaps we should give Samantha and Tammy a moments privacy. I could do with something to drink I believe." He took Larrin's arm, leading her over to the bar at the side of the room.

Pharris stood quietly, then stepped aside as Geraan ran by her, followed by Bra'tac and O'Neill.

"My apologies." Bra'tac said. "I could not restrain him any longer. When he saw you in distress..."

"Not distress." Carter smiled, wiping her cheeks. "Joy."

"Geraan my little warrior! Where were you?" Tammy said as she picked him up and hugged him.

Geraan held out his arm, and Sam stepped closer, letting him hug her too.