Consequences Pt. 05D

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Nightclub Challenges.
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Consequences Five

Part D: Nightclub Challenges

Main Characters

David: A successful Architect who wants to start a family, they start to play teasing games to spice up their life but it's getting out of hand.

Olivia: David's wife and business partner, a successful designer working in tandem with her husband. Begins to find her inner demon taking over her sexual desires. Inadvertently gathers 'lost' women around her that David calls her 'harem'.

Jane : David's first girlfriend who hurt him badly. The first to join the home after her husband proved to be a slimeball.

Ana: Olivia's former University roommate and sexual partner in their escapades when not studying. Finds herself becoming disenchanted with the city highlife and decides to look up her first love Olivia, almost destroying their marriage.

Bree: Former Wife of a famous ex footballer, Chase. Ex-beauty queen type who is looking for a new life and fresh adventures after the disappointment of her husband becoming a worthless drunk. Came to a truth or dare party and never left.

Jo : A recluse who always received criticism by family and friends because she didn't achieve expectations. Pretty and vivacious underneath layers of shapeless clothes to hide herself, friends drag her along to Olivia's party and she never goes back to her dingy little room.

Michael : An Architect who studied with David through University. Moving to the area and possibly join their firm but has problems with his wife, Sarah, who is having an affair with Wes Daniels.

Aleesha : A private investigator specialising in family matters. A tough cookie having gone through her own marriage break-up.

Monica, David, and Olivia's business supervisor and now a minor shareholder, totally reliable and a family friend, long term single mother but heading for a 'fling' with a handsome 'player' Mark, from the website company on the next floor up. Her office assistant is Dee.

Joannie & Francine, Real Estate Agents

Authors note. All geographic and other factual information is obtained from the internet and I have done my best to approximate as near as possible to the information available thereon. Therefore please note that no intention is meant to mislead or otherwise nor to express any opinion of those facts.

A night of challenges

"Wow" Bree said, "What an evening this could be. So who else has a challenge?"

"That's the main ones, I gave our guests the same quest but they didn't look too interested, it was then that I thought they might spoil your own fun, but we'll see, if its crowded who knows?"

"But what about you David, don't you feel left out or lonely?"

"Maybe but keeping up with you guys keeps me busy. And of course I do get to go home with you"

She does not look convinced.

"And I get to dance with you!"

She reached up and kissed him thoroughly. "You're a good man David."

They turn and start to peruse the people together again, knowing that some kind of bond has been forged between them.

It is not long before the others stopped by, intrigued at what they were up to. First is Olivia who moved in close, hugging against his arm. "And what are you two concocting?" she asked.

They both smiled, pleased to see her, "We my love are looking out for suitable people for the challenges. We've already seen a few, want to help?" She smiled, pleased to be included. I pointed out the good looking man that Bree liked. He is Bree's challenge but we need a way to introduce them.

"OK," she nods.

Then I indicate towards a couple along from them at the bar. "For Ana do you think?", she nods her head, possible but I think she has her eye on Louise.

Next I am very, very, naughty, I indicate first a very pretty young woman in a group and then also say, "and what do you think of that man in the same group?"

"Man?" she questions.

Bree looks on, trying to supress her worry, but I can't resist testing Olivia, something in me wants her to prove me wrong, but it's like self-flagellation because I am bound to get hurt.

"Yes the one in the pale blue shirt, he'll turn around eventually."

Bree and David stand with bated breath, as Olivia looks but the man does not move.

"Why don't you go and have a walk past my love, have a close up of that woman and check him out on the way back."

She gives me a look that says, 'What are you up to?' She suggests Bree join her and they head off together leaving me to watch, hoping Olivia is not cross with me.

They walk nonchalantly but in a stately way that draws eyes, the girl sees them coming and as they approach it seems that Olivia gives her a big smile because the girl smiles back and flushes a little under Olivia's spell. They take their time making like they were looking for something, stopping and chatting before turning back. It takes a few steps and then there's a slight change in Olivia's movement.

I know her so well, Olivia slows her walking and Bree follows suit then as they reach the table she turns and smiles at the girl, "I feel like I know you, if I don't, I should do." She begins to chat with her as they try to identify fictitious people that they both might know. Bree is still standing there wondering what to say or do next but I got the full story from her later.

Olivia looks up and then introduces her to the girl who says her name is Amber, "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," says Olivia. "I love you already." The girl blushes at the compliment and Olivia is already her favourite woman ever and the most gorgeous. She never thought she would think that way about a woman and now she is being introduced to another woman who could be a star in any show. She is totally struck by these women who bring her into their circle and all she can think is, "Wow."

The young man in the group looks on enviously also taken by the two women but being excluded.


Olivia tells her side of it

David has got me excited for the night out but I'm feeling so close to him that I can't let him out of my sight for long. When he picks the young woman for me I think, 'She's sweet, why not' and as I walk past I feel that she is attracted to me when I smile, maybe my challenge won't be difficult and I can get back to David, I'm thinking. Then as Bree and I walk towards the group on our second pass I see what he is up to, he's testing me. 'You bastard,' I think. 'You'll pay for that but I'm not playing your game.' So I ignore the young looking man and chat to the girl who seems to be taken with both of us. The girl introduces Bree and I to her friends and eventually we learn that the young looking man's name is Josh.

The whole group is a few years younger than us and they are really friendly, 2 girls and 3 guys and they chat to us like we are idols. I decide that the best way to deal with David is to invite them all to the party and I make the invite although I don't want to favour Josh. So I ask Bree to get the contact info. While she's doing that I move a little closer to Amber and I can see she's battling with herself, so I could be her first, it makes my challenge so much more fun and I feel really wicked.

Josh can wait for a suitable time to tease David to distraction, revenge will be mine, poor Josh. Having extracted a kiss from Amber I invite her to join our table for a while later and she smiles radiantly, I could have kissed her all over for that smile. "See you in a while," I say looking deep into her eyes seductively. I see the colour rise up her neck and am delighted.

I walk to David again and pretend not to want him, he looks worried and my heart warms, I really need him, I know the others do too but first and foremost he is mine, even if I make his life complicated.

"Nice girl" I said, "Brees getting all their contact details now."

David looks perplexed, "I need an expert to get Bree with that guy," he says.

"Of course silly," I say, so I take him to find Ana and explain the problem, she takes a look at the man and licks her lip, "yum," she says. "I would."

So back to the bar, he and I continue our scan until Bree excuses herself and is heading our way. and out the corner of my eye I see Ana moving to cut her off.

Then David sees a gorgeous couple arrive and draws my attention to them, I can read his mind, 'damn that's bad timing', but Ana doesn't miss anything, it's like the world revolves around her. She and Bree walk past their target with Bree on the near side and she propels Bree into the man's lap so quick you wouldn't know, then she continues walking in a circular direction around the dance floor where the dancers conceal her from view until she came out into the light again in exactly the right position to present herself to the couple; they had no chance.


David takes up the narration

Three down, two to go, now it is getting difficult because our friends were wondering where people were disappearing to. Jo looked my way and I crooked my hand to call her over.

"Come and help me Jo." I said when she arrived and I drew her to me, making sure to stroke her as my arm enveloped her.

Olivia pressed close to my other side and I realised I needed to be careful.

"What's up?" Jo asked.

"I need your help?" I said "Could you take a wander and see if there's a man out there that might fit Janes challenge, I've missed a few coming in. Olivia offers to help her and she smiles, thinks for a minute and they stroll off much the same as Olivia had done earlier with Bree.

I needed to check back on Bree and Ana, but a woman at the bar beside me said "You're a busy boy aren't you?"

I turn to look at her and can't help myself smiling, she is just the right age around 30 to 35 and beautifully curvy. "Sorry?" I ask.

"I've noticed how many women come and speak to you including that lovely little thing that just left you, do you have a special gift or something?"

I laugh "No, my name is David, you might say I'm their protector."

"And who protects them from you?"

"Touché," I laugh. "But you might notice that they are all with someone else now, well nearly all."

"My how many do you have?"

"6 plus 5 guests."

"Curiouser and curiouser," she says, not quite sure what to make of him.

"Excuse me a moment, I need to check they are all ok." I quickly check the room seeing that Ana and Olivia are now in deep conversation with the couple I noticed earlier and Bree is now sitting next to her man.

I turn back.

"All well?" the woman asks with a raised eyebrow.

I am not quite sure what to make of her and decide to ignore the question. "So who do I have the pleasure of talking to?"

"Is that some kind of pick up line for all your women?"

I decide to ignore her and turn my back and look for a better area of the bar, I decide to move close to Olivia. As I do so, I see Jo looking for me and that woman accosts her. I watch for a moment not sure whether to go to Jo's side, but the body language is relaxed. 'Damn' I thought, 'that awful woman likes Jo.' The woman is obviously trying to question her about him and for a while all is well and then suddenly Jo reaches back and slaps the woman across the face and shouts, "You dirty minded shrivelled up narrow minded bitch." Then she marches back to their table. He sees the ladies question her and then his eyes catch all the others as Olivia, Bree, and Ana, join them moving towards the woman. The woman is now looking decidedly sheepish and scared but doesn't move, other people around her are also looking at her.

Next I sees bouncers coming in from the main entrance, the ladies, all 11 of them plus onlookers turn as one to face the bouncers. They prove more sensible than the average bouncer by turning around and retiring to a safe distance to observe. I am proud of them but feel I should be doing something too, but when I catch Olivia's eye she shakes her head.

Words are being exchanged between Jane and the woman and she is looking suitably chagrined and eventually she turns towards me. "I'm sorry," she says. "I jumped to conclusions and didn't listen. Would you accept my deepest apologies?"

"I will." I say, "But you have to apologise to Jo and ask her for a cuddle, she is extremely vulnerable and delicate."

The woman's face floods with guilt as she turned to look for Jo who is being held by the others. Spotting her she moves slowly towards her and Jo noticing looks to me and I nod my head, she nodded back. I watched closely as she stood and listened to the woman and then allowed her to hug her, at which everyone else faded away. The bouncers heaved a huge sigh of relief and turned back to where they came from.

Olivia came to him and held him, "I'm sorry that happened," she said. "We do not need people like her."

"I suppose I do act a bit weird, I'm sorry I sprang that trick on you earlier, I get my wires crossed between trying to please you and testing to see if you really are my girl," I said.

She looked up at me and said, "Your special my husband, I don't deserve you, I really don't." She thought for a moment. "You gave me both of them to play with, didn't you? And yet you are the one getting nothing but abuse."

"I guess." I allowed and then noticed that her potential playmates are looking our way with concern.

"I think your playmates are concerned about you."

"Why don't you come meet them?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I told you, you are the most important thing in my life. Come meet them, I told them who you are."

"You did?"

"Well if we are going to invite them to our party they'll have to know."

It is like a lightbulb going off in my head, 'why hadn't I thought of that.' I said, "Let's just look around to check on the others first." And I pointed out to her where they are. Finally checking on Jo who is relatively close to the woman as she talks to her intently.

"Who do you think could keep an eye on Jo, my love?"

"Aleesha." I think.

"Ok let's ask her, then go join your new friends."

Hand in hand we walk across to our table and heads turn to watch us and wonder.

Aleesha, who is just as worried as everyone else, is delighted to help out and promises to keep an eye on Jo.

"Why don't we take Jane too?" Asks Olivia, "She's looking a little left out."

I feel guilty at that and reach a hand out to Jane to bring her to us and she comes without explanation as we make our way to meet Olivia's new friends.

Amber seems overjoyed to see Olivia back, as do their friends and I notice Josh taking sly looks. Their party quickly become interested in Jane but I keep a close eye on Olivia. By now Amber has drawn her down with her and Josh starts moving towards them. Jane bends down to Olivia's ear and says, "Have lots of fun my darling but don't forget their details, would you like me to drag you away in a while?" At this Olivia gives her one of her great smiles and says, "Yes please." And she indicates Bree to show that their detail collection was already in hand.

After visiting for a while, Jane and David invite the group to come and meet their other friends and they are excited by the idea but Olivia is now sitting between Amber and Josh and they are so close they are practically in her lap or she in theirs. "Don't see much point in asking those two over right now," Jane says to me. I look and take in the scene, I can see Olivia's hands on the table and Amber and Josh seem to be in competition for her attention, I knew the feeling! She must as usual have felt my attention on her because she looked up at me and considered me carefully, I could see worry in her eyes.

I went to her as I had promised and she excused herself, we walked out of sight of the table and she drew me into her arms and kissed me. I looked down at her, as always recognising how lucky I am. She raised an eyebrow to which I gave her a big smile and say, "Let's not let this get out of hand." will 15 minutes be enough?. She grins her thanks and kisses me again, holding me very tight. Then I watch her return to the table and I wonder if her bad side will be in control by the time she came back.

Soon they have closed in around her and her hands disappear under the table. A few moments later both her friends look startled for a moment and then give little smiles of pleasure. Jane has joined me and we watch as the two shuffle their bodies, but only we could have deduced that the two were allowing their clothes to be pulled out of the way. Then Josh and Amber must have done something similar with their hands because as we watched Olivia's face began a little smile and then it turned in to a lascivious grin as she gave out a silent sigh.

Then she looked across at me and mouthed, 'thank you?' We watched transfixed like watching a bad movie you can't seem to turn off. "Ohh she's good!" Olivia is mouthing to us. Then there is a long drawn out "please" with a pleading look mixed with desire as the two were obviously driving her desires mad. I steeled himself, I started this so I better man up, she had asked me much earlier to "come make me yours" and then a long please came again and that is it. I could see they were nearing climax and I let them have a few minutes more but I am only interested in Olivia as I walked back to the table. I moved in beside Josh, moved him bodily aside complete with his open pants and slid under Olivia with her on my lap. Jane moved after me, speaking to the boy calming him, saying that's his wife, just be calm.

I found the girls hands still on Olivia's pussy but unmoving waiting for what I might do. I nodded at her and placed my own hand on hers to direct her to keep pleasuring Olivia's clit as she had been. I pulled Olivia close and kissed her as the girl continued to please her. David felt the pressure inside her grow exponentially in his arms as she whispered, "Thank you, thank you!" on and on as she started to climax, so he reached under and slid two knowing fingers inside her and pumped them in and out, to impress on her that she is his. Her body arched in that knowledge and she came unreservedly while the girl and I tried to hide what is happening.

Meanwhile Jane is trying to pacify the young man who had been left hanging literally, "Now don't make a fuss or you won't get that invite to the party next week, there's going to be a lot of very attractive single women there, you wouldn't want to miss that would you?"

"But" he whimpered, looking at Olivia adoringly.

Jane interjected, "You know she is a long way out of your league don't you? Be sensible now, why don't you tidy yourself up and go join your friends." He looked at her with a hangdog expression but eventually saw sense and wandered off.

Olivia slowly recovered to find Amber still beside her, she turned to me and Jane, "Can she come home with us?"

David and Jane looked at each other and shrugged, 'What is one more lost soul in Olivia's harem!'

Olivia turned back to her, "Why don't you come home with us tonight my darling?," Amber nodded enthusiastically completely enthralled. Jane and I were getting used to rescuing Olivia and drew her up to her feet, Amber came too.