Consequences Pt. 09B


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"I'm sure it will come out as I go along, now go and try to put your worries aside and let me get to grips with the situation, ask Olivia to come back in"

Later than planned we found ourselves outside and I had to admit that I had appointments at 2pm, so I suggested we had a quick lunch and if they didn't mind perhaps they would come with me. "What's it about?" Jane asked.

"I had an idea yesterday to rent somewhere nearby for a short period where we could have private meetings and perhaps would have somewhere to stay over."

"In what context?" Jane asked.

At first a private place to talk to our people away from our home, and later perhaps somewhere we can accommodate people when interviewing for the hotel and other facilities.

She nodded but I could tell it didn't sit right as I was trying not to let on that I might sleep there, so I expanded. "I suppose that I had an ulterior motive, I wanted to find out if either Francine or Joannie were still connected with Zac and I was also anxious not to create some kind of rift that could affect the farm purchase."

"Now it makes a bit more sense" said Jane.

Lunch was a little rushed but we were in time for the meeting with Joannie. It was very different to previous meetings with her, she looked very worried upon seeing Olivia and you could sense that she thought there might be some kind of confrontation but Jane and I carried on as usual whilst Olivia didn't say anything unless asked. Had the accommodation needed been real, the little apartment would have been perfect, within walking distance of our house, a living space with dining table, and a compact bedroom. Kitchen and nice shower.

Before we left, I checked, "Did you say that it will be sold?" to which I received an affirmative.

I rang the office to check all was well and told them I was catching up this week but there was no indication that I was needed urgently. Rachel wanted Olivia's input as soon as she was able and Olivia surprised me by taking over the phone and becoming involved straightaway. A huge sense of relief washed over me.

Arriving back home I made a huge effort to act normally as I had done before the vacation. The discussions with Lauren, Louise and Amber then went much easier, as I apologised for my absence on the Sunday and explained how I had been feeling at the time. There were mutual recriminations that were apologised for and although I could sense a lot of guilt I tried to ease their minds. I had already decided how I was going to deal with such issues longer term, bearing in mind the advice from Angela but maintaining my new backbone.

Later Amber told me she was unsettled by Olivia's situation and Louise admitted that her experience had made her think about her future. I could only tell them to take their time over it, there was no pressure and I assured them they were important to me.

During the next few days, there was good news about the farm purchase when it was secured and then one step forward when Rachel advised that there was outline building permission from the authorities. It was now a matter of design and details and it was good to see Olivia take an interest, going to the office on two days running. The atmosphere in the home seemed to get back to normal, I was still worried about the future intentions of some and I continued to sleep in the same bed with occasional visits, more often than not there would be teasing that would lead to fun activities but I usually woke up to Erika and Rachel, joined by Jo and sometimes others; we were gradually rebuilding relationships. By Saturday I wanted Louise, Bree and Ana in my bed and I made sure they knew but it didn't happen.

Sunday, I called a shirt meeting and was pleasantly surprised to see everyone there including Ruth who had flown down Friday night after hearing news that the purchase had gone through and permission essentially granted. It garnered a feeling of hope for the future that seemed to raise everyone's spirits. At the meeting I told everyone that I had seen Angela and what she told me. I told them I wasn't going to analyse any more but that I wanted them to send me a message when they went out to let me know where you are.

"I am not going to say you have your freedom ever again for two reasons, one I don't want to give it and two I don't want to know."

"What does that mean?"

"I hate the idea of you guys out with someone else so why should I say it's ok but if you decide it's something you want or need to do I don't want to know what you're doing, just tell me where you are then set your phone to one touch call so that you can send a come get me message in emergency. Does that sound sensible?" I could see a lot of thinking going on.

"OK throw your worries at me"

They were clearly unsure about saying something because no one said anything.

OK lets go further and see when any of you are uncomfortable.

Rule 1. You are all mine and nobody has sex with another man without discussing it with me or getting my agreement.

Rule 2. No sex outside our home without special agreement.

Rule 3 No communication online showing your face.

Rule 4 I belong to all of you and you tell me straight if I do something that makes you unhappy.

Rule 5. None of these rules will prevent you getting to know people outside and if you want to leave you just let us know by which I mean us.

Silence enveloped the room and I wondered if I had stepped over the mark.

Then Bree asked, "So you're not angry or upset with any of us and you don't want any of us to leave?"

"Absolutely correct and I shall drill it into anyone who doubts me, starting with you Bree."

I looked at Ana, where there was no expression either positive or negative. "Have you got anything to say? Ana."

"I've already been punished for being naughty and I'm very happy"

The others all looked at her in amazement.

How about you Louise, "I just want to be the one who is fucked more often" she said brazenly. I thought that she was implying that she didn't just want to give pleasure because she had that fabulous tongue. I looked at Ruth and others and could see most understood.

"That can be arranged!" a number of voices said.

"And you Amber?"

"I feel the same as Louise"

I knew this was partly because of problems with Olivia.

"Let's talk again in a week" I said to her "Would you let me look into it?"

She smiled a little and agreed.

So Sunday became a normal Sunday, the camera came out and I noticed a lot of extra attention on Louise and Amber who both played up to it during the photo session and at the bottom of a pile of bodies later. I pulled Bree aside on the big Bed and made sure she knew how much I cared for her. As we were enjoying each other I noticed Lauren looked my way occasionally. When I got up for water much later, I touched her shoulder hoping she would follow and she took the hint. We stood amicably and naked and at every opportunity I touched some part of her, then before we went back I said, "I've missed you my darling."

"Were you angry that I got into some other women and didn't come home?"

"Yes, I think of you like the others, but for some reason I expect more, which is very unfair. I was probably looking for excuses to build up steam."

"You were entitled to be cross with me, I never said a word."

"Yes and no, it was all messed up."

"I could have stopped Olivia if I had the backbone, so what right did I have to stop anyone else. It was just that she went too far, I was really devastated that she took two boys to our special place and it got worse from there. I think the Shrink was trying to tell me today that if I set something in motion I have to expect all possible outcomes, or at least that's what I thought she meant."

We both thought we heard movement then, perhaps someone listening but I was not going to care one way or another. Looking around there was no one so we carried on.

"I think I understand," she said.

I put my hand on her shoulder touching her smooth skin stroking down her shoulder and her sides. She lifted her hands to support her breasts showing them off to me.

"These miss your attention," she said.

"That's a true sin" I agreed as my thumbs caressed her nipples making her shiver.

"Shall we go back and put that right?" I followed with a tender kiss. She looked at me and I would have sworn there was an element of love in her eyes, and then it was gone.


Life settled then, Aleesha came to me with more information, not necessarily meaningful to me, so I spoke to Angela's office to arrange for them to make contact directly when necessary. I wanted to be copied in but not as first contact since I was trying to step back. I was interested in anything to do with that Zac person though, but again I agreed with her that she would collect the information and only report if something truly urgent arose; with the proviso that she advise Angela about anything linked to Olivia. I still wasn't sure about Joannie and Francine but felt safer having got the sale done.

Days went by, it was back to work as normal but Olivia didn't usually go in if I was there, which I was happy with. I missed her sometimes, especially when all the others were involved in something else. They were arranging more ladies only events outside of the home with my full support. They were also becoming more involved individually with others outside and so our original hopes were beginning to come together. They were living full lives but our retreat was becoming a place to come home to where there was fun to be had if desired. We saw Ver often and Angela visited from time to time. Michael and Aleesha came together for dinner, usually with children in tail. At the office, Monica became very quiet and settled into herself whilst Dee flowered in her job and soon became a fixture. I heard nothing from Mark upstairs and Monica didn't mention him or his business.

On one particular Friday night, most had gone out but I didn't really pay much attention. I sat on my bed with my laptop and mustered up my courage to follow Aleesha's techie's instructions to look at some of Olivia's contacts. They were still a nagging worry, despite my efforts to forget about them. It became a toll on me trying to work out what a person was there for without actually looking too closely. So I decided to call it a day, but then I noticed AAA messenger, it was something I had no experience of, so as a distraction I created an account and logged in, there seemed to be games and chat rooms, so I went into some of my favourite games and set some up. Finally I risked taking a look in the chat rooms, selecting one that might interest Olivia if she was looking for excitement. Everyone had a username so I could have no idea who any of them were, I kept my id to just physical descriptions and some likes without being specific. I thought it might be safe to add photography and kept it very general. Out of nowhere a message came and I replied.

[Hi there, are you a newbie] my contact asked.

{Guilty 😊 nice to meet you} I replied.

[Nice to meet you too]

[Are you as handsome as your id says?]

{Every girls dream 😉}

[Your very forward for a newbie]

{I am shy really but this is private, yes?}

[Ohh yes, no one knows who you are on here]

{That's good to know if your shy}

{How about you, are you shy}

[Depends on what I want to be shy about]

This conversation was intriguing but I noticed some of my games being played so I left a {BRB} and disappeared off not expecting anyone there when I returned.

I was wrong, I tried. {Sorry to be so long?}

[Husband, wife, children calling?]

{None of them just called by others on here}

[So I have competition for your attention} 😊

{Maybe, what brings you online tonight?}

[Just lonely]

{Sorry to hear that, can I help, a little conversation into the late hours?} Why I said that I don't know, my mind suggested that I might also be lonely, although I'd been too busy to think of that.

[That would be nice, couldn't say no to a hunky man now could I 😉]

{I guess not, did I say I was hunky?}

[Your id description sounds like it, almost as nice as my ex-husband]


[No he doesn't want me.]

{Again I'm sorry to hear that}

[Don't want to talk about him]

{Fair enough}

[You married]

{Yes and no}


This puts me in a quandary, I like to keep as close to the truth as possible so if I make a mistake later it might be recoverable.

{Worse than you.}

[How can it be worse]

{Just trying not to think about her}

[I would like that to]

{So what do you do for fun without your hubby}

[I can't tell you, it's naughty!]

{You sound like a fun girl}

[I think so]

{So there's no fun for you tonight and I'm the lucky guy to have you chat with me?}

[Are you being sarcastic?]

{No, No, I'm not good at this, sorry if I have offended you}

[It's OK, it's getting late anyway.]

{Yes your right past time for your beauty sleep}

[What makes you think I might be beautiful, I might be an ugly old bag]

{Something tells me that you're a sexy babe}

[Hardly a Babe!]

{maybe I'll be the judge of that}

[You couldn't possibly know]

{True, maybe you will send me a photo}

[I might send you a photo of my friend]

{Damn, fooled again}


{have a good night, hope you have a fun day tomorrow}

[And you]

As soon as the conversation was ended I cross checked the id but then realised there was no way Olivia would use the same id, so it could have been anyone. My mind started to wonder how one could work out if it was someone I knew but I drifted off to sleep.

It couldn't have been more than an hour or two later that subconsciously I had an idea that I needed to test. Checking the two identities I found I could be right, they were very similar but not enough to be totally sure. Not enough to be confident. I was awake anyway so I logged on and took a stab in the dark signing into the chat rooms. A little look around and I found chat groups that might be fun. There was one called, Private and Confidential and I soon realised that it was a webcam group. I was unsure about this and nosed around a while looking at the chat, eventually realising that you needed an invite to join a webcam chat. Most of the background chat seemed to be members trying to get some kind of relationship going in the hopes of being invited. I didn't bother much, picked out one or two female sounding ids and said hello but there seemed to be some kind of secret language that connected people because they very soon received a reply when I didn't. I'm so naïve I thought and started to wonder if I could sleep again.

It seemed to be the right night for receiving a message from my new friend because a message came up:

[Hello again]

{Hello back to you!}

[Can't sleep}

{Did for a while, something woke me, couldn't get back}

[Sad. You will be tired tomorrow]

{Maybe, won't you}

[It doesn't matter, I can sleep in]

{Didn't you find any fun tonight}

[Some, not enough to help me sleep]

{Trouble sleeping}

[Yes, my body! Lol]

{I know that feeling either if you have troubles or feel horny}

[I got both 😉]

{That's hard on a girl!}

[I should be so lucky]

{Nothing you can do about it?}

[It's probably too late]

{Is it the troubles that's keeping you awake now?}

There was a long delay and I began to think it was the end of the chat. I got up to go to the bathroom and found the door locked, so I stepped a little away.

Waiting I eventually heard a muted gasp and then a few minutes some clothes rustling. The toilet was flushed and I moved forward to go towards the toilet only to come face to face with Olivia coming out. Completely thrown, I couldn't help myself speaking to her for the first time in several days.

"Can't sleep or just got in?"

She couldn't help reacting "Why would you care."

"That's a very fair question, I find myself surprisingly caring." I said, thinking that levity was the best approach.

"Well don't bother, I need to get back to bed."

Equally pissed, I waited for her to disappear and then followed to argue, only to be disappointed when she went into one of the bedrooms and closed the door.

He went back to his bed and saw his chat partner come back online, the reactionary perverse side of him closed his laptop. He tossed and turned wondering whether he left too quickly but eventually dropped off to sleep in the early hours. In the morning nobody was with him and he found himself late going down to breakfast. Annoyingly he found only Olivia there and they just about got through without throwing criticisms and sarcasm at each other. David was very grumpy and Olivia just looked tired and bitchy so they ate in silence, cleared away their own things and left.

"Are you going into the office?" he eventually managed as she headed out of the kitchen.

"I'm staying here, any reason why I shouldn't?" She glared at him.

"Nope, I was planning to stay too, any reason I shouldn't either?" He said coldly.

She just shook her head and walked out.

David went back to bed and so did she, neither got much sleep and both thought about how their relationship had fallen apart.

After several hours of recriminations about their break-up he went to her bedroom and knocked on the door.

"What," her voice said.

"Can I have a quick word?" She didn't for a second think it would be a nice word so said, "if you're going to be unkind go away."

"No, I want to explore ways we can try to live together."

"Come in but behave or you can leave."

"Ok Mum," he couldn't help joking, her face said she wasn't amused. She just sat there on her bed waiting.

"I did originally think of moving into one of those two properties to give you space but I realised after seeing Angela that that wasn't fair on everyone else. I am now beginning to wonder, I've been wondering if you would be happier with the others if I wasn't around to get in the way."

"You have too high an opinion of yourself and I would like to be the one who moves out."

"That's not on until Angela gives us the all clear. Are you getting many attacks now you are back here?"

"Just sometimes, nothing that's your business."

"It's all my business unless you want to marry someone else who will match what I do."

"You really think you're so damned clever," she looked so frustrated.

"As I see it, I am the one who suffers so I have final say unless something changes."

"You pig, don't you think it affects me too?" then she realised she should not have said that.

It would have been so easy to come back with the sharp remarks that should follow her comment. He stood and let them all flow through his mind but couldn't think of one possible good reason, it was all too late.

Instead he said, "I am sure it's affecting you too, you only need to put up with my unkindness for a while longer, everything I've read suggests that it's controllable if you want it to be. If you reach that stage then I will give you your freedom to decide in Angela's presence, I just want to make sure the controlled person who is you, makes the big decision. After that we'll do what's necessary to give you your freedom, I want you to consider having the baby terminated before it's too late so that there are no ties.

She looked at him with disgust, "you really think I'd do that?"

"I'll take that as an answer, try not to kill it in the meantime."

"I don't get you, why would I do that?"

"There's no point in going over old ground, you know why I worry so much."

"I think you're trying to find things just to be nasty to me, your big ego is so battered all you can think about is getting at me."

He took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll try to be nice to you and let's see if we can get along well enough to exist in the same house."