Consequences Pt. 11I

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And finally or is it? - A Different Way of Life.
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Part 49 of the 70 part series

Updated 09/01/2023
Created 08/10/2022
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Consequences 11 Part I

And finally or is it? - A Different Way of Life

Tags: Cheating Wives; Revenge; Coupling; Relationships

For the list of Characters fast forward to the end.



The weeks rolled by

Tania and Christina asked for a meeting with our development team so I took Ruth and Rachel along, it was a University break so Erika came along too. They had settled into life at the Retreat although generally kept to themselves and hadn't quite raised the courage to join the Sunday antics. I thought something was up when they wanted to join us at the city office and had to assure them of our private underground car park. "We wanted to meet like this because we think business is best kept in the office" Tania started and I wasn't about to contradict. So for the sake of formality I introduced everyone.

Tania continued "Christine and I have been discussing moving some of our poorer investments into two developments like The Retreat. We like the security and the freedom it gives us. How would you feel about looking at possible projects in New York State and California. To answer your immediate questions we have homes and connections in both places and we plan to move from them into a Retreat, longer term. This will bring a level of income immediately too."

Christine carried on "We really like the idea of networking the sites so that people can move from one to another with priority and for us we could spread our business connections wider as part of a controlled expansion, we think the long term for many businesses will be away from the expensive city centres and towards home based or remoter locations. We have spoken at some length with Jane, Bree, and Ruth about how the various centres on site are integrated and we think an office based industry could work with the right security provisions of course. What we want to explore with you guys is whether you can extend your activities that far yet."

I decided we should bring out Olivia's plan and asked Rachel to bring it up on our recently installed presentation screen that could be used with any of our computers. This I said is our program for expansion, we couldn't possibly expect to achieve all of them but we want to give our clients an easy option for their future hotel facilities, golf, gym, health spa, or anything else they need when travelling around the country on business. I indicated where we already had projects in program including Florida. We don't want to become limited by the location of staff which is why we have gradually been pulling together an experienced team who will be moved around the country. Ruth, who you know, will oversee the project management of the hotels, Rachel is going to be dealing with local building and design requirements working with local consultants. I will design and project manage, eventually with another designer and Erika when she finishes Uni.

Both Tania and Christina looked at Erika with great interest, "we are very interested in what you're doing Erika, would you mind talking with us after the meeting is over." Shyly Erika said she would be honoured to.

"Do you have anyone in mind for the designer role David?"

Well, in theory we have someone but you probably heard she went and got herself beaten up. Both ladies nodded sagely. I have given her a month to recover or decide she doesn't want to take the role. Both ladies smiled as if he was only reaffirming what they already thought. "She is the best I suppose? Or?"

"There is no way I would be waiting a day, let alone a month if Olivia wasn't the best." I slowed myself from becoming too vehement. I have not heard of anyone who can see ideas and proposals as quickly as she, so I am putting personal feelings aside as I am sure you would agree." Tania and Christina nodded as if it again was something they wanted confirmed. If she comes back I imagine her role to be very peripatetic, she'll be scouting areas, drawing up initial ideas, consulting Ruth and market research, presenting them to the board and then handing over any that look promising to Rachel."

"Rachel's role will be to take Olivia's plans to the next stage, working out the best fit within local laws and regulations, as she nears something that is acceptable the team will come together to firm up on what will work financially from costings and market analysis, then the board will consider the amended proposal. Next it will come to me or Michael and either of us will draft the final plans for submission. Rachel will take it back for final approval and the legal people can finalise purchase contracts. As things stand we have excess administration and marketing potential that we can bring in as we progress and become busier. I am also trying to bring on board a land use specialist to augment Olivia and Rachel's roles and am thinking about a real estate professional although at the moment that would just be a luxury. I intend to have an overseeing role making sure the contracts are fulfilled on time and standards are maintained."

"You're on the board aren't you David?"

"Yes I am in overall control reporting directly to the major shareholders."

"Won't that stretch you a bit thin?"

"If you assume our present situation doesn't change that might become true, but we have a successful architect and design business so I will be in a rare position of being able to test potential specialists within our existing business before they become involved in the development side. Michael for example is a first class Architect and will probably become overseer to as many architects and designers as we need, but one step at a time. Ana, whom you know well, is actually a designer herself and would probably love to move over to our side but I'm holding her in reserve, again until the work level needs someone else. I would add that that is also in Ana's interest too, she is highly regarded with her present employer and as you also know is at the early stages of a new relationship."

"I'm very glad to hear you say that David, I know what quality of man you are so I have no doubts on that score but you must appreciate that we are aware of the pressure you have been under outside of business. Perhaps we know too much, being so close to you."

"Well I stand by our record despite 'my problem' we have great people and none of them will let me slacken off, that's for sure."

Tania and Christina smiled indulgently knowing the quality of women David had around him, they wouldn't have been quite so confident if it had been only men but perhaps they were biased.

Rachel took their visitors through some of the process and Ruth did the same, discussing how they collected data and carried out research to provide guidelines on the size of development envisaged. They also mentioned the roles that Jane and Bree had been carrying out chasing orders and provisions and that Louise and Amber were providing administration and marketing support.

"One of the big questions that hangs over us is how we let the public know that the Retreat facility exists without letting others know where the Retreats are. We are going big on privacy and protection with a security firm on board to provide advice and services. We think it might be better if we have a central contact point so that we can move women at risk to Retreats in another part of the country. A big part of the process will be doing background checks on women and their partners for all the obvious reasons. Tania and Christina offered their own experience on this element. David suggests that he introduces them to Aleesha which they are delighted to accept as she is someone they have heard much about.

"Would you like to try our nearest watering hole for lunch?" He asks, "I cannot imagine anyone would notice you, except the customers who appreciate beautiful women, but it would certainly be a change of scenery for you." They surprise David by agreeing, so he arranges for Aleesha to meet them there and invites Monica and Michael to join them at least for some of the time. 'The best way to hide a beautiful thing is in a bowl full of other beautiful things,' David thinks, and wonders if any of his other ladies are in town, remembering it's Jane and Bree's day for 'shopping and flirting' so he texts them what's happening. Unfortunately he can't be sure that the message gets there before they head out of the office.

They gather together and make their way, the place has been up for sale for a while and is so busy you would think that the customers were there to promote a sale. David wonders if maybe Tania and Christina will feel more comfortable being lost in a crowd but there is always a chance that it is too oppressive, 'we will see.'



Although it can sometimes be a major chore shopping for everyone, Jane and I really enjoy the chance to get out for a day, somehow it recharges our batteries and going to the bar always makes us feel desired, so we don't overdo it but like to dress our best. We are half expecting David to message us to meet there but we get in earlier than usual and it's particularly busy at that time. We head for the bar and see a few friendly faces along the way until we run slap bang into a group of four guys sitting on stools preventing us from getting through. Excuse us guys I say, would you mind letting us get to the bar and as one, four hunky men all turn to look at us, I feel like I am undressed four times over by four sets of eyes and approved by four sets of highly promising upturned lips. "Ohh my, help!" I say in Jane's ear. "I think a withdrawal is called for," she says very sensibly. She and I turn around to make our escape and walk straight into David et al. "Problems Ladies?" He growls.

"Noooo," we utter, "not now anyway." I was still wondering what could come after withdrawal from four hunky men! Well two each I supposed, to start with anyway, her mind ran away with itself.



After a very convivial lunch interrupted for me by Jane and Bree continually visiting the bar, (which I had to monitor of course.) Tania and Christina decided to visit with Aleesha. Jane and Bree went home with threats of a 'seeing to' for their bad behaviour, but at least they admitted exchanging contact information so I didn't mean it except in fun, and the rest of us were back in the office. It was getting late and I was looking forward to going home to 'punish Bree and Jane' when the main door was opened and someone I didn't automatically recognise, through the crack in my door, walked in. The whole place went silent so I had to get up to look at what monster had caused such an unusual thing. Putting my head around the door I saw the back of a woman with short cut hair under a conservative hat and dressed in a stylish office suit with medium high shoes, all in all a well to do person probably bringing us new business so I returned to my chair.

My shock came when a knock on my door frame came and Monica said, "Olivia's here, she doesn't have an appointment, do you want to see her?"

"Come in and shut the door," I said to Monica. "So what do you think?" I asked as soon as she was close enough to whisper.

"She looks very professional," she said.

"What's she calling herself?"

"She said her name is Olivia Corbin."

"I thought our divorce might to have been quick and so far as I knew, it had, but I wasn't sure what she knew." I remarked trying to give myself thinking time.

I decided. "Send her in," for lack of a reason not to.

"Thank you for seeing me at short notice David," she opened with. "I was hoping that the position was still open and if so I would like to read the documents you described, then perhaps hear more about the role you envisage."

I gestured to her to take a seat and gathered my thoughts. I decided to work along the order of her questions. "Your timing is somewhat remarkable, because for want of better words, as of today the role becomes live."

"May I ask why?"

"You don't already know?"

"I'm quite sure I don't" she said in a very English way.

"OK," I said and I wrote a note on the pad I had in front of me, I would be checking if she knew Tania and Christina were in town.

She made a face intended to express, 'what do I care' as I wrote the note. I turned to my filing cabinet and brought out the confidentiality documents, one each for our Architect and Design Business, the Development Company and its developments, and the one for all The Retreats. We had all signed them just to show that there was no singling out of particular people. Anyone who came on to our Retreat properties now had to sign one. "Would you like to take them home to read them and move on now to your final question."

"That would be satisfactory," she replied very properly.

I ran through my scenario for the role we had discussed at the meeting earlier in the day.

"So in theory I would be moving from place to place, looking at identified sites then preparing an outline plan then handing them to Rachel before moving on to the next location. Then flying back here from time to time to provide reports or flying back to a previous location to firm up on proposals."

"Yes, in a general sense, there's bound to be changes along the way."

"That's fine, so I can base myself wherever suits me best."

"Don't see why not, there will be a point of contact here for whatever you need, I'm hoping it will be Monica or Dee or perhaps Amber." I pulled up her plan on to the screen again, I was conscious of time. "As you can see this is your plan, as I am sure you know we have a requirement for one in New York State as near as feasible to the city itself. And another in California again near to Los Angeles, so that takes up your existing plans for here and here" and I pointed at the two she had placed virtually in the same place as the requirement we had been given. "We also have a site identified here and here," I point to the one we discovered whilst looking into Zac and one suggested in an area recommended by Ruth.

"As you go we want you to liaise with Ruth and whoever takes on market research. Once you have a workable option I'll take a look after Rachel has done the basic enquiries and I'll talk to the Real Estate people if necessary. If we are lucky you will already be in touch with them. Maybe along the way we'll get someone who can take overall responsibility for that side of things, perhaps a lawyer. It's a possibility anyway."

"Sounds like things are moving along," she said, with a business-like smile.

I am conscious of your pregnancy so I think you should get out there as soon as you can and then concentrate on drafting plans as you near birthing time. We now have 5 identified sites including Florida and our target is between 7 and 10 this year. That should be enough to get a rollover going so that contractors and suppliers have a steady workload.

"I'll take these with me," she said, getting up and taking the documents "and I'll let you know in a day or two if that's ok."

"That's fine, I will talk to Monica in the meantime so you can discuss details if you decide you want to take it on."

"When do you want someone to start?"

"As soon as they can, I planned to give you the month before I start headhunting."

"I'm just in time then."

"I am pretty sure you knew that, by my reckoning the month was up on Monday. I'm glad you have recovered by the way and you would be welcomed on board, the job will suit your intelligence and imagination and it will give you a modicum of freedom too until you get fed up with being on the move; but who knows what lifestyle might suit you. Of course there's no reason why you shouldn't base yourself in Florida or Ohio when they are finished."

Olivia nodded her head in guarded agreement and got up to leave, reaching forward first to shake my hand. "Will you leave your contact details with Monica before you go?" I asked

She agreed.

'If only she would work like that going forward,' I thought, although I'm sure she is lying already by omission which won't be acceptable once she signs the agreements. Still, as long as her contact with me is kept to the bare minimum.

I let her find her own way out and set about collecting my things to go home. As I drove out of the carpark I realised that for the next four days I had to be very vigilant if Olivia's previous behaviour was anything to go by. On the way home I touched base with Aleesha to see how she got on with Tania and her friend, to flirt with her and finally to let her know Olivia was in town and gave her what information I had. "I feel like I should be on my guard until Monday when her deadline runs out, any recommendations?"

"Anything you need to investigate in another place?" she teased.

"That's a damn good idea. If she doesn't accept and sign the documents tomorrow we'll fly out to Ohio, as long as I am back for Sunday!" She laughs at that.

"They would love it if you joined in on Sundays." I added.

"I know but I don't want to spoil what you and I have."

I could understand what she meant.

I thought I would touch base with everyone else on my way home, I had been concerned for Ana as on the last occasion I saw them, Zoe seemed to throw herself into the activities of the Retreat and poor Ana looked like she'd been left again. I reached her answer machine and left a message to meet up later. I phoned Jo to remind her about a week away with her and again reached her messaging facility, I knew she was having a ball with Jill and I didn't want to spoil it for her but also knew that it would be me who would get the blame if it got forgotten. Louise should be around when he got in and Lauren not far behind, he wondered what Nina was up to and made a note to himself to check whether she was communicating with Olivia, albeit unwittingly, perhaps passing on information about what was known to everyone else at the Resort.

Arriving home I went in search of his 'naughty wives', I was greeted by a cheeky message 'gone to play with a football team!' It made me wonder if it was a clue, room number maybe, games room, tv perhaps, but most of the bedrooms had a flat screen tv hooked up to satellite so where to start? In the end it was noise that gave them away. Jane and Bree were in the playroom, TV going without sound, XXX video playing, and both of them enjoying the Sybian machines. They peered up at him looking hot in all senses, his first inclination was to ravish them immediately where they sat but he decided to watch them play for a while as the machine vibrated their pleasure centres. It was definitely too erotic for David to delay long and he found he had stripped almost without thinking, then slid up behind Bree to push himself in where the Sybian had been so that she leant forward, her clitoris now taking the full attention from the machine.

"You have had naughty thoughts haven't you?" I whispered teasingly into her ear.

"mmmmm," she allowed.

"So tell me about these thoughts."

"Are you sure?"

It was almost a regular thing for them now, she had naughty thoughts and he would get her to recount them to heighten her excitement as she rode towards an orgasm, sometimes she even asked if she could enact the fantasy and he had a feeling it was coming this time. "I'm very sure" he replied, "Do you want to join in on this one Jane?"

"I'll have some of what she's having," she replied avoiding the question as sometimes Bree could push the boundaries more than she would.

David knew that they must have exchanged contact information with the four guys at the bar, he would stretch this out for a while but not too long as he had other plans for the evening. So eventually Bree finally described what she would do with four guys or shared with Jane. There wasn't much to shock or surprise, his girls loved to play and stretch the pleasure out for their partners until they could stand no more, it gave extra impetus to their own pleasure. He now played with these two, aided by the Sybians until they thought he gave in. He wasn't saying anything, in all conscience he had no right to say and he couldn't even make an excuse of being worried about them. He hated them seeing someone else but he also hated being a hypocrite.