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He nuz­zled her cheek for a mo­ment then start­ed for the door, her hand snug­ly in his.

As she gave him di­rec­tions to her apart­ment, she con­tem­plat­ed ask­ing him in. She re­called the heat­ed con­ver­sa­tion be­tween Luke and his fa­ther and re­al­ized that he most like­ly didn't have any­where to go tonight.

He was able to find a spot close to the build­ing and walked her to the door.


"Hmm?" he asked as he tucked his face in­to her neck.

"I couldn't help over­hear­ing some of your con­ver­sa­tion with your fa­ther ear­li­er. Do you want to stay here tonight?"

He looked at her in shock. "I don't want it to seem like I'm tak­ing ad­van­tage of you. I've liked you for a long time and don't want to ru­in it by go­ing too fast."

"Please? Just stay."

"If you're sure."

"I am," she said soft­ly.

She un­locked the door and he fol­lowed her in­side.

"Amy! How did it go?"

Oh no...she thought, not tonight, Al­ice.

"Al­ice, what are you do­ing here?"

"I have to know how it went with loverb...hey, din­er guy, what are you do­ing here?"

"His name is Luke and he took me out tonight since the friend of a friend of a friend of a cousin's freak­ing friend stood me up."

"But, he's ga..."

"Al­ice, I love you, but shut it and get out."


"OUT, Al­ice, and leave your key on the counter."

Al­ice huffed. Amy kissed her friend on the cheek. "I'll call you to­mor­row, I promise."

Al­ice left with a scowl that dis­tort­ed her pret­ty face.

Luke burst in­to laugh­ter.

"What's so fun­ny?" Amy asked.

"You and Al­ice. You're so shy and she's so brash. It's such a con­tra­dic­tion."

She turned and gave him an imp­ish smile. "You're one to talk about con­tra­dic­tions, Mr. Ba­by Face and deep voice. Mr. Small..." she punc­tu­at­ed this by run­ning her hand over his still ram­pant erec­tion.

He grabbed her wrist and tugged it away.

"I'm on a ra­zor's edge, Ames," he said in a husky voice.

"Why don't I take the edge off for you?" she asked se­duc­tive­ly.

"What hap­pened to my sweet, lit­tle Sug­ar?"

"More con­tra­dic­tions..."

"In all se­ri­ous­ness," she con­tin­ued, "we're both so wound up that there's no go­ing back. Let's just take a few min­utes and do some­thing about that be­fore we go crazy and have wild mon­key sex."

Luke laughed again. "I like your thought pro­cess. So, what do you have in mind?"

"Sit here," she said, push­ing him in­to an over­stuffed arm chair. She strug­gled for a mo­ment with his belt, but fi­nal­ly got it open and care­ful­ly pulled down the zip­per. "By the way, I nev­er do this," she said, her shy­ness start­ing to show again.

"I kind of fig­ured that out." He pushed her hair back from her face and smiled at the spark emerg­ing be­hind her shy ex­pres­sion.

He let his head fall back against the chair as she rubbed her cheek against his hard­ness. She reached in and care­ful­ly re­moved his pe­nis, lick­ing at the drops al­ready emerg­ing from the tip. He wound both hands in her hair and gen­tly thrust up. She took the head in­to her mouth and suck­led soft­ly, moan­ing as she felt the throb­bing of the vein on the un­der­side. She took a few more inch­es in her mouth and wise­ly didn't try to take more, us­ing her hands in­stead.

Luke lit­er­al­ly trem­bled as he tried to re­tain con­trol. What Amy lacked for in skill, she made up ten-fold in ea­ger­ness. "Ames, can we go in the bed­room? This is a lit­tle one-sid­ed for me. It's killing me not to be able to touch you."

She shook her head. "If we go in there, we won't come back out."

"Come up here, then. I've bare­ly got­ten to touch you."

The chair was wide enough for them to sit side by side, so she squeezed be­side him, still able to reach his cock.

"Stop that," he said and tucked him­self back in­to his pants. Maybe that way both Amy and his dick would be­have.

"Like I said, it's my turn."

He kissed the side of her neck and slid his hand un­der her soft, cot­ton shirt to find warm, smooth skin. He ran his thumb be­neath the un­der-wire of her bra to feel the silky skin be­low her breast.

"Lean for­ward." He reached around and un­hooked her bra, then groaned as a hard nip­ple fell in­to his hand. He couldn't re­sist tug­ging the shirt up enough to ex­pose her breasts, then tak­ing a swollen berry in­to his mouth. He groaned and light­ly nipped, feel­ing her tense and then the vi­bra­tion of her moan.

He rolled the oth­er nip­ple be­tween his thumb and fin­ger, squeez­ing a lit­tle more each time, try­ing to find what got the best re­ac­tions. Her moans were in­creas­ing, so he bit one and pinched the oth­er si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly. She cried out and thrust her hips up.


"Did you like that?" he asked, know­ing damn well that she did.

"Mmm hmm..."

He un­did the sin­gle but­ton on her jeans and slipped his hand in­side, over her panties. The scent of her arousal made its way to his nose and he breathed deeply. Her panties were soaked.

"Oh, God," he groaned.

He teased a fin­ger in­to her panties and his breath start­ed com­ing in soft pants as he ran his fin­ger over her clit and down in­to her open­ing.

Amy's eyes were closed and she was breath­ing heav­ily. "You're go­ing to make me come. I want to touch you again, too."

He obe­di­ent­ly re-opened his pants and his erec­tion popped back out, im­me­di­ate­ly seek­ing her hand. She moaned and ran her hand around the glans and her thumb over the slit.

In re­sponse, he cir­cled his fin­gers around her clit, bury­ing his face in her breasts.


As soon as he felt her body be­gin to spasm, he found his own re­lease, growl­ing out her name.

"Wow," she said.

"Yeah, wow is right."

They lay snug­gled for a few min­utes, then rose to clean up. Af­ter­ward, he sat back in the chair and opened his arms for her. She strad­dled his lap and put her head on his shoul­der.

"Tell me about this," he said, stroking her scar.

She stayed silent for a while be­fore an­swer­ing.

"My mom had a bad habit of choos­ing the wrong guys. The last guy she mar­ried was a re­al douche and used to beat her up all the time. I walked in on him hold­ing a knife to her and I at­tacked him."

Luke tensed be­neath her and hugged her tight­ly.

She laughed soft­ly. "Yes, I got this scar to re­mem­ber him by, but I stabbed him in the stom­ach. I got mom out­side and called the cops. Turns out, his last wife died in an 'ac­ci­dent' and they were able to use this in­stance to change the cause of death to mur­der. He's still in jail.

"I love this scar be­cause it re­minds me that I can be strong when I need to be and that I took care of mom when she need­ed me. Yes, it's made me leery of men in gen­er­al, but be­ing cau­tious isn't al­ways a bad thing."

"You are an amaz­ing wom­an, Ames."

She hummed. "Tell me about your Dad."

He told her about be­ing stuck and liv­ing with the con­stant ver­bal abuse. How he had want­ed to go to col­lege but had been held back by his fa­ther's big­otry. How he had tried men, think­ing that he must have ac­tu­al­ly been gay since it had been drilled in­to his head ev­ery day. How he was scared that he'd nev­er find a way out.

"Wait a sec­ond," Amy in­ter­rupt­ed, look­ing him in the eye. "He told you that no one would hire you be­cause of your age and 'in­ex­pe­ri­ence'? That's the biggest crock of shit I've ev­er heard! There are po­si­tions with Trade­Lend that are en­try lev­el and don't re­quire a de­gree or ex­pe­ri­ence. Or if you didn't want an of­fice, there are al­ways jobs like land­scap­ing. Or hell, I'm sure there are oth­er restau­rants that you could go in­to and work your way up."

"You know, deep down, I think I al­ways knew that. I guess I un­con­scious­ly chose to be­lieve him, think­ing that some day he might ac­cept me."

"Luke, he's been do­ing this your whole life. If you tru­ly do want to run the din­er some­day, you'll still have to deal with him, but there are ways out."


"I know how you feel about Al­ice, so I hes­itate to bring this up, but she is look­ing for a room­mate."

Her com­ment dis­solved his ten­sion and he laughed. "I think I'll just take it one day at a time."


Chapter 4

They must have fall­en asleep in the chair be­cause the next thing they knew, light was stream­ing through the gauzy cur­tains.

"Mmm, morn­ing, Ames." Wow, she looked gor­geous in the morn­ing. All sleep-mussed and warm.

A wide smile lit up her face as she looked at him. She gave him a peck on the lips and scoot­ed off of his lap to go make cof­fee.

He groaned as he watched her ass sway as she walked away. He heard her laugh from the kitchen.

"Stop that, it's too ear­ly."

He walked in­to the kitchen be­hind her, put his arms around her and growled in­to her neck and nib­bled. "It will nev­er be too ear­ly for you."

Amy whined. "Don't start or we'll nev­er stop. Don't you have to work to­day?"

"Ugh, se­ri­ous re­al­ity check."

"Sor­ry. I just don't want you to be late and piss dear old dad off more."

"You're right, I'm go­ing to hop in the show­er. I'd ask you to come with me, but that would be a very bad idea. You'll come have break­fast, right?"

"Of course. You'll come back here tonight, right?"

A slow grin took over his face. "Oh, yeah."


An hour lat­er, they walked hand-in-hand in­to the din­er. They weren't of­fi­cial­ly open yet and Bruce spot­ted Luke as soon as he came through the door, not see­ing Amy be­hind him.

"Well, boy, did you sleep on the street last night or find some sug­ar dad­dy to take you home?"


"Well, you bet­ter not have slept in a fuck­ing mo­tel, you piece of shit. I don't pay you a good salary for you to waste it."

Amy had heard enough and stepped out from be­hind Luke.

"Ac­tu­al­ly, Mr. Small, which I'm sure is a true de­scrip­tion of you be­low the belt, un­like your son who is hung like the prover­bial horse, Luke was with me last night."

"Look, Mis­sy, I don't know who you think you are, but you should run on home and stop let­ting the lit­tle runt ma­nip­ulate you in­to pro­tect­ing him."

"AMY, is my name, which you would know if you ev­er paid a damn bit of at­ten­tion to your cus­tomers. Let me just say, as the own­er, you suck. De­spite the smok­ing ban that has been around for years, you smoke in the of­fice, which is in the kitchen. You bark at your em­ploy­ees and you be­lit­tle your son. The on­ly rea­son I keep com­ing here is be­cause Man­ny rocks and your son gives the best ser­vice any­where. So you wipe that smug look off of your face and you lis­ten good be­cause things are about to change.

"All of that bull­shit you keep feed­ing Luke about this be­ing the on­ly job he can get is over. He can find him­self a job and a place to live to­mor­row if nec­es­sary. You need to think long and hard about where that would leave you. Some­how, I can't see you be­ing here all hours, rolling sil­ver­ware, fill­ing salt and pep­per con­tain­ers, mop­ping the floors, bal­anc­ing the ac­counts or any­thing that Luke does on a reg­ular ba­sis. You can think again if you think he's re­place­able. So, here's the deal. You give him a key, to­day. You pro­mote him to man­ag­er and give him the ap­pli­ca­ble pay in­crease, to­day, along with all of the cost of liv­ing rais­es you've short­ed him over the years and all of the tips that you've pil­fered.

"You will al­low him to work when he feels it's nec­es­sary to work and put him in charge of in­ter­view­ing and hir­ing the peo­ple nec­es­sary so that he doesn't have to be here 24/7. You, Mr. Small, are no longer need­ed on the premis­es. This is a fam­ily busi­ness that will be go­ing to Luke, soon­er than lat­er since you don't take care of your­self for shit.

"So, what's it gonna be?" By the time Amy was fin­ished with her di­atribe, she was near­ly shak­ing and Luke prob­ably had no cir­cu­la­tion left in his hand.

"Son, you gonna' let this girl chop your balls off like that?"

Luke looked at Amy with ad­mi­ra­tion. "Yeah, Dad, I am. So, what's it gonna' be?"

Bruce sput­tered and turned even red­der. "Fine, what­ev­er. I'll do all of those things, but you get your shit out­ta' my house by the end of the week. You ain't gonna be freeload­ing any­more."


Bruce stalked off to his of­fice and most like­ly lit a pack of cigarettes.

Luke turned to Amy and lift­ed her off of her feet. "I re­al­ly do feel like I lost my man hood there, but you were amaz­ing."

Amy laughed. "Well, think of it as a thank you for giv­ing me a chance to be me again."


Chapter 5

Luke knocked on Amy's door that evening filled with an­tic­ipa­tion. He knew that he was falling for her. They hadn't spent much ac­tu­al time to­geth­er, but he didn't dis­count the time that they'd known each oth­er as em­ploy­ee and cus­tomer.

The door opened to Amy, wear­ing an or­ange sun­dress. "Hey, you, how was the rest of your day?"

"Pret­ty good. Dad seemed to fil­ter him­self a lot more than nor­mal and didn't call me a fag once."

She laughed. "That's progress. Come on in."

He stepped in, shut the door be­hind him­self and then pushed her against it.

"Anx­ious, much?" she asked with a sly smile.

"God, yes. I can't tell you how much I want­ed to bend you over at the Land­ing this morn­ing."

"We'll have to sneak in some night and try that."

"Bed­room, now," he growled.

She gig­gled and ran to the bed­room. He fol­lowed close­ly on her heels and pushed her down on the bed, climb­ing on top of her and pulling off her sun­dress to find her naked be­neath it.

He strad­dled her hips and re­al­ly looked at all of her for the first time. "Damn."

"Good damn or bad damn?"

He took of his shirt and stepped off of the bed to shuck his pants and box­ers as well. As he climbed back on top of her, he rubbed her bel­ly with the pre-come steadi­ly drip­ping from his dick. "Does this tell you?"

In­stead of an­swer­ing, she pulled him down for a deep, thor­ough kiss. She ran her hands up his tight­ly mus­cled back and dug her nails in­to his shoul­ders.

"You like it a lit­tle rough, Ames?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Damn, ba­by, what you do to me. I can't wait to get in­side of you, but I have to taste that wet pussy first."

She gasped at his dirty talk and in­vol­un­tar­ily thrust her hips up.

"You like that? You want me to tell you how I'm go­ing to fuck your pussy with my tongue then bury my huge, hard shaft in­side and pound you un­til you scream?"

He cir­cled his thumb around her clit and then re­placed his thumb with his tongue. He groaned at her sweet fla­vor and thrust his tongue in­side to get more. Amy was be­gin­ning to pant. He gen­tly pushed two fin­gers in­side, not at all shocked at how tight she was. He liked it rough, too, but he want­ed to work up to it. He felt around for her g-spot and then start­ed tap­ping it with his fin­gers. She threw her head back and came, scream­ing, in­stant­ly.

"Oh, yeah, ba­by. So fuck­ing hot." He reached over the side of the bed and re­trieved the con­dom he'd stashed in the pock­et of his pants. He care­ful­ly rolled it on and took a deep breath to try to main­tain as much con­trol as pos­si­ble. He didn't want to hurt her by go­ing to fast.

"Please," she begged.

"Stop that or I'm go­ing to pop be­fore I'm even in­side."

He gen­tly placed his cock at her en­trance and pushed. He was about four inch­es in when she let out a deep, throaty groan. He pulled out slight­ly and thrust in a lit­tle more. He watched her face close­ly for pain, but on­ly saw plea­sure. He con­tin­ued his mea­sured thrust­ing un­til she reached up and grabbed his fore­arms, dig­ging her fin­ger­nails in­to his skin once again. She was pant­ing with shal­low breaths and mum­bling in­co­her­ent­ly.

"Can you take more?" he asked tight­ly.

"Give it..."

She was go­ing to kill him. In one last thrust he was all the way in­side and her pussy start­ed con­tract­ing around him. His con­trol snapped and he start­ed thrust­ing more quick­ly. He sat back on his knees and pinched her nip­ples. She start­ed grunt­ing and thrust­ing her chest up. He took a chance and slapped one breast. Her eyes popped open and he felt her gush around his cock. He did it again and got a scream. He quick­ly pulled out and turned her on her knees, push­ing her head down to the bed and slid­ing back in­side.

"God, ba­by," he moaned, knead­ing her ass. He slapped her right ass cheek and he felt her start to thrust back against him. He tried a dou­ble slap and an­imal-like sounds start­ed pour­ing from her. He kept it up, steadi­ly thrust­ing and spank­ing hard­er.


"Are you need­ing ba­by? You want more of this?"

He pound­ed with a bru­tal in­ten­si­ty, but she seemed to love it. She pushed her­self up on her hands so that she could thrust back hard­er and reached un­der her­self to play with her clit. She start­ed a con­tin­uous moan/growl and then screamed. Her chan­nel held him so tight­ly he could bare­ly move, but she con­tin­ued to force him to thrust. He yelled, com­ing hard­er than he ev­er had in his life and wrapped him­self around her, turn­ing them to their sides.

"Who are you and what have you done with Amy?"

She laughed. "I told you that you might be shocked. Con­tra­dic­tions, re­mem­ber?"

"Oh, yeah. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Oh, I'm go­ing to be sore, but it was worth ev­ery sec­ond. You'll just have to fuck my ass next time."

"Ames..." he whined and he felt his dick give a valiant ef­fort to rise again.

He turned her and put a soft kiss on her lips. "You know I'm falling for you, right?"

"The feel­ing is com­plete­ly mu­tu­al."

He traced her scar and closed his eyes. He felt her start to fall in­to sleep and went right be­hind her. So, this is what hap­pi­ness felt like.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed it, I've only just discovered your stories. Shall read your 2023 tales with interest.

PS: I love the colourful paintings!!

StargodissStargodissalmost 13 years ago
Love it!

This story was a real turn on :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Ditto, aww ...

.. a marvellous, mushy, heartening tale. More, please !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Simple, romantic n sexy!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Such a sweet story, really enjoyable.

bkdarkcambkdarkcamalmost 13 years ago

one of the best i've read in a while can't wait for the sequel

JessGabrielJessGabrielalmost 13 years agoAuthor

There will definitely be more to this one in the future. Thanks to everyone for your fantastic comments about my work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Very well written. Hope to see more from you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
can't wait for more

wonderful!!! write more please?

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

Now comes the time for a sequel or a long term novel. TK U MLJ LV NV

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