Control: Asha's Story


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Asha awoke to Meredith rising to go to the bathroom, although the other girl tried to do so quietly. Asha sat up to think about the previous night. She had been so desperate to get off that she had barely managed to give Meredith release, lest she bolt at the suggestion of going down on Asha. As a result Asha hadn't take note of anything deeper going on. She wasn't about to suggest that she was falling for Meredith, however she was curious if this could be more than a one-time thing. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the toilet flushing. Moments later Meredith emerged still naked and she sat on the bed, eyes still downcast, but she no longer appeared as nervous.

"What now?" Asha considered the question, but ultimately shook her head.

"I would love to feel your tongue again, but you have to study and I should get to sleep. Do you have class in the morning?" Meredith nodded.

"At eleven." Asha smiled.

"Let's meet at the cafeteria at nine for breakfast." Meredith smiled and even made eye contact.

"That sounds wonderful, uh..." Meredith trailed off and Asha had to struggle not to laugh.

"Asha. See you then." Asha kissed Meredith's lips and reluctantly broke it after several moments. Meredith dress and Asha showered before climbing into bed still naked.

The next morning Asha was standing outside the cafeteria and glanced at her phone, it was showing 9:13. She shook her head. If she had had Meredith's number she would have called her, however not calling kept her firmly in control. As she was hungry and tired of waiting Asha was just about to turn to walk inside when she saw Meredith rushing toward her. Asha crossed her arms and waited as Meredith caught her breath.

"I'm...sorry...I was up late...studying." Asha put a finger to Meredith's lips and turned to walk into the cafeteria. Meredith followed and the two got breakfast. They found a quiet corner to eat, but Meredith was too nervous to speak. Asha however was about halfway through eating before she spoke.

"I had hoped this would be a leisurely breakfast, but I see we need to hurry. Don't speak. When we finish we will return to my dorm and we won't have much time." The two focused on their meals and soon finished. Once they had dealt with their trays Asha led the way to her dorm. Once through the door Asha sat on the bed and pointed to the floor in front of her. Meredith nodded and sat down, but Asha snapped her fingers.

"No, kneel." Meredith quickly moved to comply and looked as if she might cry.

"Now, think carefully I would like this to become a serious relationship. So, do you want that?" Meredith looked up eyes wide.

"What?" Asha shook her head.

"I'm not simply looking for a sex toy, although if that's what you want, I'm fine with that. I would prefer a girlfriend." Meredith frowned as her face took on a look of concentration. A short time later she looked up.

"I'd like that." Asha smiled.

"Good. Do you have class tonight?" Meredith shook her head. "Tomorrow early?" Another shake. "Excellent. Then tonight we will go out and spend all night afterwards here." Meredith smiled. "However I think it's important to set the ground rules. You were late this morning, I will not tolerate that. Over my knee. Uncover first though." Meredith blushed deeply, but lowered her jeans and panties as ordered, before moving awkwardly to lay across Asha's lap. Asha's first smack came swift and sudden causing Meredith to yelp loudly. Asha would have loved to draw this out, but she knew if she did it would escalate and she didn't want to make Meredith late to class. So, she settled for a series of quick smacks until both cheeks were deeply colored. "Up." Meredith slowly moved to her feet and straightened her clothes. She immediately dropped to her knees and leaned in between Asha's legs before looking up. However Asha shook her head.

"No. I don't want you late to class." Meredith made a sound that Asha thought might be a whimper before returning to her feet to accept a kiss from Asha.

Asha struggled to focus on the professor's lecture which seemed more monotonous than usual, if that was possible, she wasn't prepared to say that she had fallen for the cute blond, but the physical effect was undeniable. At last the interminable day ended and she rushed back to her dorm, unlike Meredith she was not concerned with bumping into anyone. Asha always found her path clear as other students were intimated by her, although it was clearly her personality as she was not the tallest girl in school and while she was in good shape she did not have obvious muscles. To her surprise Meredith was waiting outside her door when she arrived. Meredith was avoiding eye contact and was shaking slightly in nervousness. Asha smiled and drew the other woman into an embrace kissing her deeply, not giving a damn who might see. When Asha broke the kiss she saw that Meredith was flushed and breathing heavy. Asha opened the door and put her school stuff on her bed before returning to the door.

"Much as I would love to eat you, my stomach is requiring the satisfaction of a different kind. Come." The food was good and once she got Meredith talking Asha found she liked spending time with her, even if they were both fully clothed. Meredith was planning to be a paralegal, but had plans to someday be a lawyer. Despite the pleasant conversation, Asha still had to force herself not to rush through dinner as she very much wanted to get back to her dorm with Meredith. This would only prove to be the first of many such evenings for Asha and Meredith, in time a relationship blossomed. Within a year the two had moved in together. Asha finished her premed and entered medical school. Meredith started her career at a local law firm and Asha was debating whether to ask Meredith to marry her or wait till she finished school. One day after they had been living together for about five years Asha came home to find Meredith sitting on the couch, but unoccupied. As she approached Asha realized that Meredith had been crying.

"Meredith, what happened? Something at work?" Meredith shook her head, but took several moments to compose herself.

"No, Asha it's what I've done, or more accurately what I've been doing for the last few months." Asha stopped in front of Meredith.

"What?" Meredith shook her head covering her face with her hands.

"I've been seeing...Devon. I'm sorry." Asha stood unmoving as she thought about the women they knew and couldn't remember any Devon, certainly not one who gave any indication of being into women. Meredith looked up after sever moments of Asha not reacting. "Devon from work." Asha blinked as she thought about this and when realization dawned she sat heavily as she no longer felt certain her legs could hold her.

"Devon Smith, but he's a guy." Asha found herself with difficulty speaking as the full scope of the situation became clear.

"I know 'sorry' doesn't mean much, but I am truly sorry." Asha was by this time not really listening. She felt torn between two urges, to curl up in a ball or to lash out, although she wasn't certain who against whom, Devon or Meredith. The conversation shifted primarily to Meredith explaining that she could no longer keep this from her and her attempt to comfort her by saying that at least they discovered this before doing anything more permanent. Asha was not very responsive as Meredith tearfully said good bye. It ultimately took a few days for Meredith to finish moving out, but Asha had thrown herself into her studies and didn't take much notice. Barely a week had gone by before Asha received an invitation to Meredith and Devon's wedding. In a fury Asha tore it up and had she anything to hand she would probably have burned the pieces. When she wasn't in class she was studying, but whenever she inevitably had to stop she felt the tears and the rage come to her.


One year later...

Asha was about half finished with medical school and would probably have been home studying, but she had been strongly encouraged to attend a function at a local gallery. The intent was for her to improve her social skills as involvement in a hospital setting would involve her interactions with potential donors. She hadn't been planning to stay long when a cute redhead walked up to her.

"Hi, I'm Leila." Asha accepted the offered hand.

"Asha. Good to meet you." She was prepared to admit Leila was cute, but she had been celibate for the past year and was now only interested in leaving. However Leila had not let go of her hand. Asha pulled Leila was deceptively strong for someone of such slight build. "Let go. I don't know whose daughter you are, but I really want to leave." Leila frowned momentarily, but was soon smiling again.

"I'm the artist." Leila pointed to a painting of a stunning woman who appeared to be lounging on a throne, sensuous, but clearly in control of her domain. Shaking her head she returned to attempting to extract herself from Leila's grip.

"What is it you like about the painting?" Asha stopped struggling to take stock and realized that she was turned on, however she shook her head striking it up to being without a lover. "Or is it the painting next to it, they're a set." Asha took in both paintings together, seeing how you would only know they went together once you had been told. The first painting resembled the actress Thandie Newton, although she could see herself in the lounging figure, even if her skin was a bit darker and she was probably taller. The other painting was of a woman who resembled Leila and taken together it was clear that the second woman was submitting to the first. She turned back to Leila to suddenly find the redhead's lips meeting her own. Leila's lips parted, but her tongue only darted against Asha's occasionally as if inviting her inside. Become conscious of her surroundings Asha angrily pushed Leila off of her just managing to restrain herself from pushing the other woman down in the process.

"What the hell?" Leila suddenly looked stricken as she began babbling.

"I-I'm sorry...I thought you would, thought you were...s-sorry." Leila suddenly took off and Asha found herself awkwardly standing in a crowd of curious people staring at her. She was torn, primarily she felt angry, but she also felt a desire to dry Leila's tears. Deciding that both feelings would result in finding the redhead, Asha chose to search for her. She found a small room that was otherwise unoccupied with Leila sitting on a couch crying softly. Asha stood in the door and was just about to speak when Leila looked up.

"So, are you?"

"Are you asking if I'm a domme or if I like girls?" Leila grinned.

"Both." Asha walked up to Leila forcing her to look up.

"Yes, I am. You are really a cheeky imp, aren't you?" Leila nodded as she dried her tears. "Now I know very well what you will answer, so don't speak while I think. What to do with you?" Leila was clearly struggling to speak as Asha considered the answer. "Stand up." Leila instantly came to her feet. "Raise your dress and..." Asha trailed off as Leila complied with the command to reveal that she wasn't wearing panties under her thigh length black dress. Ignoring the impish grin on the other woman's face. Asha pointed to her lap. Leila knew what was called for and quickly lay across Asha's lap. The first blow produced a gasp from the redhead, the second a moan and the third onward an occasional whimper mixed in. The spanking went on for about ten minutes when Asha felt something on her leg. Knowing what it was she tapped Leila on the shoulder. "Up." Sure enough Asha found a wet spot on her dress from Leila's pussy. She turned to Leila speaking sharply. "Do you live nearby?" A nod. "Good. Did you drive?"

"No, they sent a limo. Are you planning to play with me when we get there?" The anticipation was obvious, but Asha shook her head.

"For now I just want to prevent this dress from staining and my place is at the other end of town, or near enough."

"I know a back away out." Asha nodded and Leila led the way down a corridor to an exit that took them out into the parking lot. As they walked to Asha's car Leila pulled out her phone to let her driver know that she wouldn't need a ride home. Leila directed and they soon arrived at her apartment. Asha gratefully sat on the couch and kicked off her shoes. She stretched, leaning back into the couch for a moment before looking up at Leila who was standing in front.

"Well I think it's obvious what will happen next. Proceed." Leila turned on a pop song that was currently popular, although Asha didn't really care for it, and began moving to the music as she slowly began removing her dress. However the song ended and Leila had still managed to retain her dress. Asha was not in the mood. "Stop teasing this instant." Leila stuck out her tongue in an obvious pout, but she nonetheless finished removing her dress and lowered herself to her knees. She crawled to Asha, waggling her ass the whole way. Leila lowered her head to Asha's feet kissing one and was about to kiss the other when Asha raised her head with the foot. "What did I say about teasing?" Leila moved her head between Asha's legs and began licking all over even though she was already wet. She slowly worked a finger between the lips and took Asha's clit a finger between the lips and took Asha's clit into her mouth. Leila soon had her finger thrusting at speed while she alternated between sucking on the clit and swirling her tongue around it.

Asha's breathing was faster now and she let out the occasional moan as she raised her hips off the couch in an effort to increase the contact on her pussy. Leila added a second finger and she increased the speed of her thrusts and Asha was now actively thrusting her hips into Leila as her moans increased in volume. Suddenly Leila pressed a finger to Asha's anus and Asha practically screamed as she came, shuddering a few time times before resting once more on the couch. After her breathing slowed she looked down at Leila. "That was great. Now how about you show me the bedroom." Leila grinned and held a hand to Asha, who accepted readily. She was surprised as Leila practically dragged her to the bedroom. Asha barely glanced at the bed which was large enough for both of them, especially as Leila was quite small. Asha removed her dress and lay down on the bed pulling a blanket over herself, closing her eyes almost immediately. She heard a sound from Leila, but ignored it as she was feeling tired. Asha felt the blanket pulled off of her before Leila's frantic mouth sucked on one nipple than the other. Leila moved from to the other sucking with speed, but Asha ignored her.

"What about me?" Asha opened her eyes looking down at the redhead.

"You have been a brat all night, coming on to me in public, teasing me relentlessly, and when I attempted to punish you, my dress got wet. Now, take care of my dress and if you're good, we'll play more in the morning." Leila's eyes went wide and grew wet as her lip stuck out. Asha sighed heavily. "You are such a brat. I'll bet you are used to being spoiled." Leila smiled and her tears seemed to dry instantly. She was immediately turned around and bent over with two fingers shoved in her mouth. Asha didn't waste time before shoving both fingers into Leila's pussy. While the other spanked her bottom. Leila was seen moaning loudly as Asha relentlessly finger fucked her. The temptation to prolong it was great, but Asha was worn out so she continued her assault until Leila moaned to the point of almost screaming. Leila collapsed onto her stomach panting heavily while Asha lay down. The shower told Asha as she drifted off that was awake. Leila crawled into the bed and Asha held her.

The next morning Asha rose stiffly as she realized that Leila was not in bed. Hearing sound in the kitchen Asha left the room, not bothering to dress as she went looking for Leila. Leila had just finished microwaving two breakfast type TV diners when Asha walked in. She was about to get the coffee when she saw the look on Asha's face. She shrugged, blushing as she answered.

"I can't cook, I'm sorry." Asha smiled as she patted Leila's head reassuringly.

"Don't worry about it. Milk and sugar in my coffee, please. Maybe I can teach you sometime." Leila brightened up and returned to getting the coffee.

In the days to come Asha and Leila grew closer and it wasn't long before they began looking for an apartment to move into together as Leila needed more space for her painting and Asha needed a place that wasn't too far from where she went to school. By the time they met Amber and Jessica, Asha was once again considering whether or not to ask her lover to marry her.

The End ... however I am considering a sequel Asha's Portrait. Let me know if anyone is interested.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Control Series

This has been a very good series of stories, so of course it would be Great to have your relate the story on the portrait of Asha by her lover/submissive Leila.

geg0714geg0714almost 7 years ago

I love this, please continue!

CharmlesCharmlesabout 7 years ago

Yes more please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Definitely would like to see more. Quite enjoyable.

JadestoyJadestoyabout 7 years ago
Yes please

Please Templar more in the series

JadestoyJadestoyabout 7 years ago

Templar you have to write more in this series

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