Corporate Bodies Pt. 07: Complicity


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Then, before my eyes, slowly but with inexorable force, the Turk thrust his hips forward, driving his monstrous cock hard into my anxious wife's waiting vagina.

She gasped, her head rose until she was staring sightlessly at the ceiling as he entered her, biting her lip and opening her eyes wide, whimpering as if in pain. He paused at the sound, then pulled back before thrusting forward a second, then a third time.

The huge shaft began its inexorable journey into my wife's soft, sweet, pale, slender body again. It clearly still hurt but there was to be no going back now. Her continued discomfort was obvious, but she still made no objection, merely panting away the pain, her small breasts dangling down, rocking gently forwards and backwards as, with a slow, sawing motion, the mighty cock sank deeper and deeper into her.

Finally, there was no more shaft to see; Turen had bottomed out inside my wife's vagina. His lower belly was pressed against her pale, bony buttocks, his balls against her clitoris.

My heart was thumping so loudly that I was amazed they couldn't hear it. I could see Amanda's chest heaving as she tried to adjust to the monstrous presence within her.

Then the fucking began.

Turen withdrew until only his head was inside her body, then thrust himself full-length into her in a single powerful stroke. Amanda yelped in shock as the entire shaft entered her quickly and irresistibly. He pulled back and thrust again with the same result.

Then he began to fuck her and fuck her hard. In long, deep strokes he began to pump his cock into my wife's vagina, quickly establishing a rhythm that spoke of long practice and an intention to keep fucking her for a long time.

Amanda's body must have been adjusting to the penetration at speed; the sounds of his body striking hers quickly became wetter and more earthy as her lubrication began to flow in earnest.

Turen's pace increased but he was still fully in control. The same could not be said for Mandy whose body was reacting to the man's presence with increasing intensity. The yelp of surprise was quickly replaced by soft moans of pleasure; the moans became louder and coarser; then became gasps.

"Oh God! Oh my God!"

The smile on Yasmin's face as she watched her erstwhile lover being fucked by her Boss was a picture. Envy at Mandy's pleasure and anger at having her new female lover taken from her were mixed with triumph at seeing this sophisticated Western wife reduced to little more than a whore by her handsome, virile Turkish employer.

On the carpet, Mandy was reaching what I could see would be only the first of many orgasms. Her head was thrown forward, her back arched, her arms trembling as the first powerful tremors of climax rippled through her.

"Oh God yes! Oh God yes!"

Turen's thrusting was relentless; his speed increasing but still well under control. A second, more powerful climactic wave passed through Amanda's helpless body, her arms nearly giving way, her legs and hips shaking so wildly that the man had to grab her hips in both hands to prevent her falling forward.


His thrusts were deep now and as violent as I had ever seen a man fuck a woman. As a third wave of orgasm surged through my wife's body I saw a look of pain flash across her climax-contorted face and her head was thrown violently back by the force of his thrusts.

My wife's head thrashed from side to side in helpless surrender to the pleasures wracking her body, those deep blue eyes I knew so well flashing dazedly around the room until...

Until they found mine staring back through the window.

I froze as Mandy's huge black pupils locked onto my helpless eyes with an intensity that showed beyond doubt that she had seen me and knew I had been watching.

Even if I had tried, I would not have been able to avert my gaze from the action taking place before me.

But I didn't try; instead, my eyes flicked from my wife's constant, accusing, penetrating stare to her lover's hips and back as faster and faster, Turen's cock pistoned into her, telegraphing his intention to cum and cum soon. The sudden change of pace must have hurt; Mandy's eyes bulged then were screwed tightly shut, breaking her accusing gaze and giving me a moment of relief from guilt.

But it was short lived; her eyes locked back onto mine as her back arched and she came once again.

There before me, my wife; the mother of my children was on her knees being fucked by a man we barely knew; prostituting herself to help further my career and for the good of our family.

I should have been ashamed, have averted my eyes, perhaps even hammered on the wall to stop it... But right then all I could think of was how unbelievably arousing the entire scene was, and how painful the erection that was tangled in my underwear.

The slapping grew louder and faster; he was about to cum. in a few seconds, Turen would flood my wife's battered vagina with his seed. From the expression on her face, Amanda must have realised this too but made no attempt to prevent it, merely bracing herself with her arms as the violence of the assault reached its peak.

Then it happened.

As I stared unblinking into my wife's deep blue accusing eyes, Turen's climax struck and he began to cum. His head rose and coarse, harsh words in a language I could not understand spilled from his lips as deep inside my wife's body, semen began to spurt from the tip of his cock.


Turen's ejaculation was long and copious, his contorted body slamming violently and repeatedly into my wife's buttocks over and over again as he emptied himself into her fully compliant, unresisting body.

And throughout her entire, unprotected insemination, my wife's eyes never left mine, her accusing gaze tearing a hole through my dazed mind and penetrating into my soul.

Suddenly there was a noise close behind me. I froze; for the first time dragging my eyes away from the terrible scene. There was the light of a torch fifty yards away, coming not directly towards me but definitely getting closer.

It held my breath and stared into the darkness. There was the flare of a cigarette lighter followed by quiet male voices. In the light of the flame, I saw two security guards about fifty yards away, guns on their hips.

I looked anxiously for signs of a guard dog but to my relief could see none.

It was time to leave and leave quickly.

I glanced back into the room to see three naked, panting bodies lying on the carpet on which the action had taken place but could watch no more.

Terrified of discovery, I crouched against the lodge's wall, keeping as still as I could until the guards had passed into another part of the garden. Then, when the coast was clear, walked silently through the grounds to the lodge where Amanda and I were supposed to be asleep.

My head was spinning; I felt sick.

The night was warm and the lodge was beautiful, but there was a chill inside me as I unpacked my overnight bag, washed and readied myself for bed.

I lay in the darkness, wondering how long she had spent with our hosts; how long she had been part of his harem, how long she had been lost to me, whether I could ever win her back...

And whether she might ever be able to forgive me.

Chapter Thirty-Two

I rose at six, alone, unslept, unrefreshed and tried to revive myself with a short run along the seashore.

As I passed the cabin where I had watched my wife being so comprehensively fucked, I halted, made sure there was no-one around to see me then dropped to the ground and peeped in through the low hole once again.

My heart thumped; two female figures curled together like spoons lay on the carpet-covered floor, draped in a sheet. They were breathing slowly and deeply, asleep.

One had dark hair and darker skin, the other was paler and blonde.

I watched for a full minute before rising unsteadily to my feet and running swiftly onwards, as hard and fast as I could, trying to ignore the hardening cock within my running shorts.

Amanda hadn't returned to our lodge by the time I left. I was relieved; after all I had seen, I was in no way ready for the conversation.

And Amanda knew I had seen it.

In Turen's private jet, the journey to Ankara had been fast and efficient. The sole other occupant of the cabin was one of the Banker's young male assistants with whom I made rather stilted small talk, as if both of us were trying to pretend nothing untoward had happened the previous night.

I had gone to the Embassy for some last-minute confirmations and discussions with Brussels and was relieved to find all was still in place for the formal signing planned for later that day. All the time trying desperately to put all I had seen out of my mind and concentrate on the important task front of me.

After a very brief lunch with the Junior Consul, he accompanied me by limousine to the city's administrative area and made sure I was in the right place at the right time to meet the right people. I was ready, well prepared but very much aware that, from the moment the young man left me lone in that room, the mission's success or failure was down to me - and to my extraordinary wife.

Both Turen and Yasmin were bright-eyed and alert when I joined them and Pamuk in the meeting room early that afternoon. The atmosphere was cordial and friendly, but I couldn't help feeling that there was an undercurrent of triumph emanating from my hosts.

The two men were dressed in expensively tailored business suits as befitted their powerful positions. Yasmin was also in a professional looking, tight-fitting skirt suit with headscarf but still wore the black choker and gold anklet I had seen before.

It was hard to imagine this smart, efficient woman being the same one I had seen the previous night. She was poised and confident, her dark hair positively gleaming with health, but I couldn't help noticing a slight flush on her face and chest that suggested her most recent orgasm had not been too long ago.

"I trust you slept well," Pamuk began, shaking my hand. "With such a late arrival last night and an early start today, you can have had little chance to rest."

For a moment I wondered whether he knew how little sleep I had had and why, but there was no sign of this on his face.

"There will be time to relax once the agreement is signed and ratified," I replied, gritting my teeth. "We have all worked hard for this. We deserve a bright future."

"Indeed we do," Turen chimed in, beaming as he too shook my hand. "I'm so pleased everything has proceeded as we all desired," he continued. "In matters such as this there are so often last minute... difficulties. I'm pleased that your wife was able to play such an important part in ensuring these did not arise."

He gestured behind me. I turned and to my amazement found Amanda standing quietly and meekly towards the back of the room. She was dressed like Yasmin in a smart, tight-fitting business skirt suit and high heels, but her long blonde hair was uncovered and pulled back into a business-like ponytail.

She bowed slightly in acknowledgment, her eyes lowered submissively as her lover of the previous evening praised her and I noticed she too now wore a black choker and anklet.

"You have a remarkable wife," he added.

"Thank you," was all I could think to say.

I tried hard not to stare but could not fail to notice her rather stiff, awkward movements as she bowed, or that she appeared to have a stiff neck. It wasn't hard to imagine how those injuries had come about.

"I have arranged for her to visit some of the more unusual sights and museums our city has to offer," Pamuk stepped in. "Rarer exhibits not normally open to the public but which, with her education and intellect, I believe she will really appreciate. Will that be acceptable?"

He had addressed his question to me but instinctively I looked towards my wife for confirmation. Her deep blue eyes flashed angrily and resentfully at me. However compliant she was pretending to be with our important friends, she was still very much the fiery Amanda inside - a fact I would no doubt soon see only too well.

But that would have to wait. With considerable courtesy, my wife was spirited away by Pamuk's staff and the meeting began.

Looking back, it could hardly have gone better. All three of the key Turkish representatives were in good, expansive moods and their junior staff took a lead from their superiors. With only minor modifications the counter proposal from the EU was finally accepted and less than three hours later a series of handshakes sealed the agreement, subject to ratification.

I could scarcely believe it had happened. Professionally this was the greatest success and the greatest day of my career thus far. I had succeeded in bringing both sides together in a deal that was good for all and at the same time had secured lucrative contracts for Sandersons from both parties.

I was a success. Sandersons would be rich. Once we had paid back the money I had stolen, Amanda and might even become rich too.

But this success had come at some considerable cost as far as my wife's reputation and fidelity were concerned. From what I had seen, it had not been entirely unpleasant for her but all the same, there would be a price to pay for her extraordinary compliance.


"I'm not sure how long I can keep this up," Amanda growled.

We were driving from the airport to my parents' home to pick up our kids after returning to the UK early the following afternoon. The flight home had passed in near silence, the tension between us almost tangible.

"Did they hurt you?" I asked anxiously.

"THEY didn't hurt me," she said ominously. "Anyway, physical injuries heal quickly."

She didn't need to say any more. My regret did not even begin to acknowledge the immense service she had done for me and indirectly for us both.

The fact that she had apparently enjoyed acquiescing to her hosts desires didn't change the fundamental fact; my wife had once again prostituted herself for what I tried to convince myself was our benefit.

I owed her so much.

"At least it worked; at least the deal has gone through. We will get a lot out of this, Amanda," I said in a weak attempt to pacify her.

"So you say," she said coldly.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

She turned in her seat to look at me, her deep blue eyes full of the fire I was seeing more and more frequently.

"You came very close to treating me like a prostitute. Okay, it wasn't a bad experience, but you didn't know it would be like that!"

"I'm really sorry," I told her and meant it.

"Don't ever forget that it's my... Mandy's body. If I choose... if she chooses to use it then that's her decision. You can't just tell me who to fuck and when. I'm not your whore, okay?"

We drove northwards in silence, Amanda staring out of the window while I wondered whether she would mention the fact that I had actually watched her in action with her lovers. That I had seen her with my own eyes and knew that she had been getting considerable enjoyment from the experience.

"As long as I can keep Amanda and Mandy separate..." she eventually said. "If I can just hold it together until we've paid Andy back, maybe our lives will be our own again."

Our lives might be our own again, I thought, but they would never be the same. I loved my wife desperately but after this much infidelity, our relationship couldn't possibly go back to where it had been before.

"Andy will be pleased," I agreed. "Maybe we can cut back your dates and..."

"Maybe," Amanda interrupted with an unenthusiastic sigh. "Right now, all I want to do is sleep, okay?"

"Of course," I smiled. "I love you!"

She did not return the compliment.

I turned the radio on low while Amanda dozed and for the next hour tried as hard as I could to concentrate on the road and on the bright future ahead for both Sandersons and for us.

I tried desperately not to think of my sweet, highly intelligent wife and the mother of my children with her pretty, blue-eyed face buried in another woman's cunt while her own was being fucked hard and expertly by yet another stranger.

I tried even harder not to picture the look of pleasure and excitement on her pretty face as she was brought to orgasms more intense than any I had ever supplied, over and over again.

Not surprisingly, I did not succeed!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Ekimobrien56Ekimobrien563 months ago

Need to see where this goes, Amanda’s awakening needs to be explored. Especially with women.

charsley40charsley407 months ago

It’s a shame that this story line hasn’t been continued, especially given Yvonne is now involved?

Radical11Radical1111 months ago
great story.

This story is great. We need more chapters...

billybobthorntonbillybobthornton11 months ago

wow, i really like how this story is playing out. i love the idea living with these dominant business men in instabul and serving submissively. i really hope you continue with this story!

StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

Hmmmm ! The story seems to be getting repetitive. They just keep meeting powerful men who all want to partake of Mandy’s talents. The ending to the negotiations never seems to come to a culmination. I find myself skimming whole paragraphs and pages trying to get past the extreme wordiness of this story. I’ve grown to dislike Amanda’s husband. He’s a weak dick and doesn’t deserve her. I can’t foresee any good ending to this tale and not sure that I care. A generous 4 for the sexy parts.

RufustfireRufustfireabout 1 year ago

Good story…still in progress. Another reminder by the author that all decisions have their unforeseen consequences. Keep up the good work!

Gothic5Gothic5over 1 year ago

Good story, a good read, wonder if what Amanda did was sometimes current day western women does?

Don’t leave us hanging, please complete the story!

I was hoping for revenge. Use Yvonne to get some insinuating evidence on Andy and reverse the black mail or something twist.

Amanda gets tattooed! Etc

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

What an effing disappointment. Such a great beginning fizzled in the last two parts. the author had no ending to the story, the hallmark of an amateur.

RAMMURRAMMURover 1 year ago

loved it, could not quite reading, we need it to continue!

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

You ever going to get back to this Jenny?

Seeker744Seeker744over 1 year ago

I could not read anymore of this trash. I know it's supposed to be erotica but I'm done. Amanda should have just dumped his ass I. The beginning, sold the house and started fresh. Ffs

BadgerssBadgerssover 1 year ago
A good read but a little wordy

Nice story, but a little wordy and repetitive in places. A small edit could make it flow a lot easier and become a more compelling read.

I agree that there does need to be a follow up, both with the Yvonne continuation and perhaps the moving on after Andy.... Maybe the videos emerge, or the brother gets involved?

So many choices given the current plot depth.

Well done - keep up the good work!

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Sorry dude, but this fixation that has gone on so long clearly defines just how mentally ill you closeted little dicks are.

And if you're actually a woman (odds are against it) pretty sure no man would even come near you once you open you mouth, unless its to do what repressed little boys like to do and claim they arent gay at the same time.

Not one likable cunt or dipshit in here, though I did only manage to skim it, I dont like to linger on trash too long.

HappyCummerHappyCummerabout 2 years ago

The best story on this site. The tension between the characters is strong and I look forward to the continuation.

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