Cosplay Bingo

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Friends embark on a sexed up game of Cosplay Bingo at a Con.
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'We should go to the cosplay convention!!' Brad suggested to the group, almost bursting with excitement.

'What the fuck would I do at a cosplay convention?' Jane laughed, rolling her eyes at him.
'Well the obvious thing would be to cos-play, it would be awesome,' Brad replied, trying not to let her dampen his enthusiasm.

'Oh yeah, that would be fabulous,' Nikki laughed. 'We could dress up and mingle with geeks, gamers and all the other losers in the world.'

'Oh come on you've never even been! It’s not as bad as that,' Brad sighed.

'Yeah, lets face it, where else can a guy find 47 bikini-clad Princess Leia's?' John chimed in.

'Trust you to think of that,' Jane teased him.

Brad grabbed his iPad and Googled some cosplay images.

‘Look Nikki, tell me you wouldn’t be into this.’

'Damn, that guy is actually hot! This might not be as bad as I first thought,' Nikki said, sitting up straight on the couch.

'Oh God, here we go, Nikki's about to turn something completely geek into something dirty and fucked up,' Jane warned the guys.

'Oh come on, I'm not that bad!' Nikki protested.

'Let's face it Nikki, you really are,' John replied.

'Oh and you're complaining are you?' she said accusingly.

'Hell no, you know there's nothing that I love more than the fact that you are a complete and utter sex freak,' he laughed. 'You're the only chick I know that is open about what and who she does and then brags about it like a dude.'

'Yeah, and don't you just wish you were a recipient?' Jane teased him.

'Hey I'm happy with being a friend, I know that going for Nikki would be batting waaaaaaay outta my league,' John conceded.

'Hang on, does this mean we're going to the cosplay convention or not?' Brad asked.

'Well I 'm up for it, but it depends on whether Jane is willing to play my game or not.'

'Oh no, count me out,' Jane replied, already scared about what idea Nikki could be baking in her crazy brain.

'Oh come on, you haven't even heard what it is yet,' Nikki complained.

'I know, but you're a sex crazed maniac and I there's no way I will want to or be able to compete with you in whatever you come up with.'

'What a party pooper,' John laughed.

‘Hey, are you going to play her game?' Jane asked him.

‘Sure, I'll play. There's a damn good chance that I won't win whatever crazy-arse game she comes up with but I'll give it a go. Tell us what it is Nikki.'

‘Cosplay Bingo!' Nikki answered with a grin, as if that would explain everything that they needed to know.

'Excuse my ignorance, but what on earth is that?' Brad asked her.

'It's simple, before we go, we draw up a bingo card with comic characters ... you know, Batman, Spiderman, The Hulk and then when we're there, everyone has to try and have a sexual encounter with that character. The first person to mark off all their characters wins.'

'You don't see any flaws?' john laughed.


‘Not even like the fact that if you put Batman on my card there is no fucking way on God's green earth that I am going to look for a sexual encounter with him!'

'Oh,' Nikki laughed. 'Well I'm sure you comic nerds can come up with some female characters or some way to make it work. You can have girls and Jane and I can have boys and girls. '

'I think I'd rather watch you fill your card than play,' John laughed.

'Anyway, even if no one knows who I am and even if I wanted to play, I wouldn't even get the first square filled in. Of course, I'm going anyway, so it doesn't really worry me,' Brad informed them.

'And I just don't want to 'encounter' a dozen different geeks in that way!' Jane said adamantly.

‘You know you will Jane. She'll talk you into it, you may as well just say you'll play and accept the fact,' Brad laughed at his sister.

'Shut up Brad,' Jane said, her voice betraying her exasperation. The worst thing was that she knew that he was right. Nikki had a way of talking her into doing the most ridiculous things. She was sure that one day she was going to end up on the national news, or some dodgy website as a result. Nudie runs was the least of what she'd been talked into, especially once they started having a few vodkas together.

'I tell you what, why don't we let Brad and John draw up the cards and the rules and then we'll see,' Nikki suggested, the twinkle in her eye letting Jane know that she was in exactly as much trouble as she suspected.

'Fine, but there's one more thing I need to know.'

'Oh?' Nikki asked.

'Yeah, the stakes. What does the winner get?'

‘I have no idea, I only thought of the game a minute ago,' Nikki laughed.

'Well given that you're clearly going to win, what's the point of even worrying?' Brad laughed.

He knew that the only reason that he and John even moved in the same sort of orbit, let alone social circle as Nikki was because of his sister. Jane had always been the popular athletic one and he the nerd; computer games, role-playing games (not the sort Nikki had thought of!) sci-fi, fantasy, books and chess. The list of his nerdy pursuits was long. There was no way that Nikki would have ever known who he was if not for Jane.

Jane had befriended her through their participation in athletics together and over time, Brad had managed to get to know her through her frequent visits to their house. Jane had explained to him at some point that Nikki enjoyed his company because he never seemed to put any pressure on her for a date. She claimed he didn't drool or fuss over her like so many of the other boys at school and she could actually relax.

Every time that Brad thought of it he would blush. He could have fathered a small nation with the amount of sperm that he'd pumped down the drain thinking about his sister's friend. He was forever worried that she would find out the truth; that he idolised her like every other guy that they'd gone to school with.

John was his 'partner-in-crime'. They'd been best friends all through school and had set off for the same college. Jane and Nikki had ended up elsewhere but they were all back for the summer and bumming around looking for things to do. John was always happy to hang around whenever there was a chance of being with both Jane and Nikki. Brad tried not to think about what John would do alone with thoughts of his sister, but he was realistic enough to acknowledge that she was hot and that it would be unrealistic to think he didn't lust after her. After all, he'd seen the way John looked at both the girls. If Jane hadn’t been his sister, he would have looked at her in the same way. He lusted after Nikki, but as it was his sister’s friend, he hadn’t ever gone there.

'Right, well let's leave the nerds to make up the rules, I feel like going to a party. There must be someone we know having one,' Nikki stated. She picked up her phone and started Facebooking, searching for somewhere that they could have some fun.

'Hey, we like to party too you know,' John objected, wanting to try and stay close to the two girls. They only had to walk into a party with the two girls to do wonders for their credibility. Even though they were two years older and now studying across country, their hometown reputation was proving hard to shake.

'I guess we should take pity on them,' Jane suggested. ‘If this game of yours gets off the ground you know they'll end up moping about with blanks.'

'No problem at all, but they have to do their homework tomorrow if they party tonight,' Nikki laughed.


'So who do you want Nikki to hook up with?' John asked Brad.

'Er, Me,' Brad replied lamely.

'Yeah, me too, but we're not in fantasyland, remember? I mean what sort of people, characters and the like at the cosplay convention dufus.'

'Yeah I know. Um, well how about we make the list more generic than what Nikki suggested.'

'What do you have in mind?'

Brad took up a pen and paper and made a list.

'How about this?' he offered, passing the paper to John.

John cast his eye over the list:

A Marvel Super Hero

Someone from a DC Comic

A Star Wars character

An Anime character

Someone from Game of Thrones

A Trekkie

A Pokemon

Something non-human (like a mech warrior or alien)

A Disney character

'A Disney character? Really?' John asked.

'Why not?'

'I dunno, maybe it just seemed a little creepy.'

'Well how about a children's character in general, you know, like Woody or Buzz Lightyear?'

'Still seems a bit wrong.'

'They'll be adults in the costume you idiot and this is Nikki. If we want any chance of her failing, then there has to be something that makes it tricky for her. I mean even if you specify someone like Wonder Woman, you know that she's going to do it.

'Fair enough,' John replied. 'You realise that if she does this she'll be doing 9 people in a day. That's nuts.'

'That's Nikki I guess,’ Brad said, knowing that even though she was incredibly liberated sexually and known on many fronts as a slut that he'd give his right testicle to get to be one of the notches on her bedpost.


'Ok, so what are the rules?' Nikki asked after surveying the nine-squared card that the boys had passed to her and Jane.

'Ok, so what do you mean by a sexual encounter first?' Brad asked her.

'Well you know, more than a kiss. A fuck, blow job, hand-job, one or the other of the two people getting to orgasm ...'

'Right, well as predicted, that rules me out,' John laughed.

'Oh come on I'm sure you can at least try,' Nikki said, winking at him.

'Oh sure, I'll try, I just don't expect to mark off any squares,' he told her.

'You never know your luck in a big city,' Nikki smiled.

'So how do we prove we've done it?' Jane asked.

'Underwear?' Nikki suggested.

'So I could just buy underwear from people and win?' Brad asked.

'I guess, but that would take the fun out of it. Unless you're like those Japanese dudes that gets off on buying that stuff,' Nikki teased.

'Er no,' Brad replied, blushing.

'You'd need a photo with the person handing them over or something though, otherwise we don't really know if they came from the right person or not.

'I know that we'll work out a way to be sure,' Nikki offered. ’Let's not over-think it.’

'Speaking of over-thinking, what about the prize?' Brad asked.

‘Well, If any of you beat me, you can have me as a slave for a day,' Nikki offered. 'I'll even dress up like Princess Leia if you like.'

Jane nearly spat tea out of her nose at the suggestion.

'I guess you don't want me to win then, clearly that prize is aimed at these two,' she said as she cleaned up again.

'Well if you beat me you can have my new hand-bag, how about that?'

'The Givenchi?' Jane asked, stunned.

'Yep,’ Nikki replied.

‘You're on!' Jane answered, suddenly interested for the first time. She knew how much Nikki loved that bag and had been envious of it since the day she'd first seen it. She doubted that Nikki would actually give it up, but then she doubted she could actually beat her at the ridiculous game.

'And what if you win?' John asked.

'Maybe I need a slave for the day,' Nikki replied.

'I'm up for it,' Brad told her.

'Me too,' John agreed.


'Sure, why not,' she conceded, thinking that all she probably had to do was hook up with one person to beat either of the boys and avoid the fate.

'What are you going to go as Nikki?' Brad asked her.

'I have no idea, I'm open to suggestions,' she replied with a laugh.

'Well we've got a few weeks, so I'm sure we can sort something out,' John replied.


John and Brad sat with Jane, waiting for the moment of the big reveal. John going to dress as the Green Lantern, Brad was going as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones and Jane had opted for a very sexy looking Supergirl costume. Nikki had kept them guessing and told them that they weren't allowed to know what she was going as until she showed them.

‘Oh Fuck!’ John exclaimed when she stepped out to reveal herself in the living room. 'You did that just to fuck with my mind, didn't you?'

Nikki laughed, twirling to show off the Slave Leia costume that she'd assembled, slowly swinging the chain that was linked to her neck, a little stuffed Jabba the Hut attached to the other end.

'You approve then?' Nikki asked.

'Hell yes I approve,' John said.


'Sorry, lost for words,' he grinned.

'You guys are hopeless,' Jane chided them, 'You look awesome Nikki, as everyone knew you would.

'Well you look amazing too,' Nikki told her friend.

'Aww thanks Nikki.'

'So tomorrow's the big day then,' Brad grinned.'I can't wait for this it's going to be so much fun.'

'Glad to know you're getting into the spirit of it,' Nikki said to him. 'Are you going to try and find yourself a nice red-headed wildling tomorrow?'

'Huh, I wish! Maybe a Daenerys Targaryon.'

'I've always thought that Margery Tyrell was a much better looking option than Daenerys,' John suggested.

'Well, I wouldn't complain if that worked out, but let's face it, I know that I'm coming home with an empty card,' Brad admitted.

'You do that buddy, then I only have to reach the amazing heights of a single encounter not to become the slave,' John laughed.

'And then you can wear my costume!' Nikki declared, drawing much laughter and further good-natured ribbing.

'Anyway, I have to get out of this and get moving, so I'll see you all tomorrow,' Jane advised her friends. John offered to help, insisting that it wouldn't take long to get her out of it, but was laughed off.


John scrambled. Now that he had revealed that he'd been going to the conference as the Green Lantern it was time to put the other part of his plan into place. He just had to rustle up his Darth Vader costume so that he could change when he was at the conference without the others knowing. Then he would have to hunt Nikki down and try to be her target for an encounter with a Star Wars character. He knew that it was a long shot, but as far as he was concerned it was totally worth it.


'So what's your first target on the list?' Jane asked Nikki as they wandered amongst the throngs of people.

'I haven't really given it a lot of thought. I guess it will depend on when I see someone sexy enough dressed as something on the list.'

'Well personally, I'm after a Slave Leia,' Brad said, his eyes already following a girl in that exact costume.

'I bet I could get one first,' Nikki teased.

'No bet,' Brad laughed.

'What about you John?' Jane asked the fourth member of their little band.

'Well if I could find her, I'd do Jessica Alba in Fantastic Four guise, but since I'll likely have to settle for some mere mortal, I guess I'll try for Slave Leia.'

'Good luck with that!' Nikki laughed.

Just at that moment a guy walked past dressed as The Silver Surfer. Both of the girl's heads followed his nicely cut body.

'Dibs!' Nikki called, turning to follow him, eyes glued to the tight little silver shorts that were clinging to him.

'Bitch,' Jane laughed as she watched her friend set off in pursuit.

'Damn, she'll probably have him naked before I even get up the courage to talk to someone!' John sighed.

'Oh well, at least we can enjoy the conference!' Brad replied.

'Said the future Nikki's slave,' Jane teased him. Brad just stuck out his tongue and wandered further into the event.

Nikki stepped quickly to catch up to her target, finally getting there when he stopped to check out one of the displays.

'Hey, great costume,' she said to him, stepping up beside him.

'Thanks, ... and damn!' he said, adding the exclamation as he turned to take in who had complimented him on his costume. 'I think that yours might well out-strip mine.'

‘Aww, thanks, I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. It should meet my needs for the day at least.'

'Oh and what are those needs?'

'Well, a friend of mine convinced me to play a pretty out there game of Cosplay Bingo so I thought it best that I look the part so people would talk to me.'

'Talk to you? You do realise that amongst all these people, being super fucking hot like that means they'll stop, stare, take photos and run away scared? Anyway usually those bingo things are a bit of fun to just spot the crazies, you don't actually talk to them.' laughed the Silver Surfer.

'Well my friend is a bit wilder than that,' Nikki replied. She figured it sounded better if it wasn't her idea.

'Oh really?'

'Yeah, I'm supposed to have a sexual encounter with every entry on this card,' Nikki replied, giving him a look.

He glanced over it and then his eyes worked their way slowly over Nikki's body again.

'I don't see any marks on here yet, does that mean you're just starting?'

'Sexy and clever!' Nikki declared. 'How would you like to help me mark off this Marvel Comics entry?'

'I'd be honoured!' the Surfer replied. 'Um but where on earth would such a thing take place?'

'There's got to be rooms around here for people to fix their costumes somewhere doesn't there? Nikki prompted.

'I'm sure we can find something,' he replied with a grin.

Minutes later, they were ensconced in a small change-room. Nikki stepped in close and kissed him, her hand going straight to his cock and stroking it in his tight shorts.

'At least undressing you isn't going to be too hard,' Nikki laughed, feeling his cock harden in the tiny silver shorts. 'Though all this silver might be a bit of an issue.'

'So what exactly does a sexual encounter involve?' the Surfer asked her.

'Anything that gets one of us to orgasm,' Nikki smiled, dropping to her knees in front of him. She tugged his pants down his legs, his cock springing free in front of her.

'Good to see you didn't get too carried away with all that silver body paint.'

She took his cock in her hand and stroked it casually as her tongue swept out from between her lips to curl around the head. She pulled his foreskin back and sucked, taking her time, enjoying the feeling of the soft skin between her lips.

'Oh fuck!' the Surfer cried as her lips began to slide up and down his cock, her hand slowly working the base.

Nikki took her time and enjoyed herself. She'd said to him that she didn't want to swap names or anything, that she wanted this to be completely random. That simple fact was turning her on no end. It seemed so kinky and dirty to just drag this guy in here and suck him. Her pussy was sopping wet in response. She slipped a hand inside her panties and started rubbing at her wet pussy as she sucked and slurped at his cock.

'I don't suppose there's any chance of getting you out of that costume so I can see even more of you?' the Surfer asked.

'Give me time,' Nikki smiled, 'I'm enjoying myself too much to strip just at the moment.'

'Well don't think I'm complaining!'

Nikki could feel him thrusting at her mouth and she released him with her hand. She opened her mouth and allowed him to work his cock in and out, feeling her saliva coating his cock and starting to dribble from her mouth. Hands closed over her head and he thrust deeper and harder. Nikki let him go, feeling his cock push to the back of her throat, threatening to make her gag.

She let him have his way for a while until it seemed like he was getting very close to cumming. It was only her first encounter of the day, but she was so horny she wanted to get his cock in her pussy. She pulled back, listening to the groan of disappointment as the Surfer's cock was abandoned.

'I want you to fuck me,' Nikki declared, enjoying the way that his face lit up at the suggestion. She stood up and pulled her briefs down, turning to bend over the single chair in the change area. With her hands on its back, she thrust her naked butt out, demanding that he take her from behind.

She expected him to thrust his cock straight into her pussy and was surprised when he knelt down behind her. He pulled her butt cheeks apart with his hands and then ran his tongue along her cleanly shaved pussy lips.