Cottage Love


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He went back to his fishing line to see it tugging. He pulled in a large fish, but he had not heart for fishing now, and he threw it back into the water.

He sat on miserably trying to muster the courage to go up to the cottage and face what he anticipated would be the wrath of his mother. Finally he wound up the line and made his way to the cottage. When he got there he found it empty.

* * * * * * * *

Daniel checked to see if the vehicle was still there, and finding it was he decided that Jeanette had gone walking. It was now close to lunch time and he made himself a sandwich, and then decided to go for a swim.

He dived from approximately the same place that Jeanette had, but without the same splendid grace. He swam back and forth across the cove several times, and then stretched out on the beach trying to come to terms with what had happened and what he felt was likely to happen. He resolved nothing because his thoughts were in turmoil.

He went to the cottage and Jeanette had still not returned. She had been gone for a couple of hours, and he started to feel an edge of anxiety. He wondered if he should go and look for her, but he had no idea in which direction she had gone.

To try and keep himself occupied he started to prepare the evening meal. The preparations complete, Jeanette had still not returned and his anxiety increased. Was she lost? Had she had an accident? Or was she staying away to avoid him?

The sun was lowering when she arrived. She behaved as if nothing had happened between them. When in his relief he said loudly, "Where the hell have you been, I've been worried sick," she replied mildly, "Only for a walk, darling, there was nothing to worry about. "Oh, I see you've got the food ready, do you want me to cook it?"

It seemed the event of the morning was to be passed over and when he said, "No, I'll do it, I need the practice," she laughed.

There was the evening before them and Daniel went out to start the generator. On his return Jeanette asked, "Another game of scrabble?"

Relieved that he was apparently not to be berated Daniel agreed, saying, "Just so you can win again;" which of course she did. Her winning was at least in part due to Daniel not concentrating. Jeanette had apparently passed the his intimate touching over, and as he sat opposite her he had visions of her as he had seen her as she prepared to dive. The beauty of her physique; the grace of her movements; his feelings of deep love and desire, and the sensation he had experienced when he had briefly held her breasts in his hands.

He started to get an erection, and although she gave no indication, he believed that Jeanette could see it.

Having won the game she rose and stretched saying, "Time for a shower and then bed." As she stretched unbridled breasts pushed against her shirt. Daniel felt his stomach lurch and his penis started throbbing.

Once more confused and frustrated Daniel sat on, listening to the hiss of the shower and Jeanette's movements.

All the rooms led off from the lounge and he saw Jeanette slip out from the shower having only a towel wrapped round her, and enter her bedroom. He knew that for him the situation, despite the lack of any admonitions from Jeanette, would be well nigh impossible for him, the following days would be ones of torment.

He took a shower and wearing only his dressing gown he lit a candle and went out to turn off the generator. The motor died and with it the house lights. He stood for a while looking up at the sky. The stars were not visible and black clouds had rolled in from seaward and the wind had risen. Re-entering the lounge he could see from the long windows lightening flashing out to sea but it as too far off for the thunder to be heard. He picked up the candle and headed for his bedroom.

Jeanette had left her door partially open and as he was about to enter his room he heard her call out.

"Darling, come here a minute."

He entered her room. She had her own candle burning and by the combined light of both candles he could see she was lying in bed.

She stretched out her hand to him saying, "Come and sit beside me, I've got something I want to say to you."

"So this is it," Daniel thought, "she's been saving it up. He sat and waited for her to begin.

"This morning I was afraid; I knew what you wanted but I was afraid."

"I'm sorry mother, I shouldn't have..."

"'t say anything, just listen to me."

She went on, "I was afraid not only because of what I knew you were feeling, but what I was feeling as well."

They sat in silence for a few moments and the thunder could now be heard, and the crashing of the ocean rollers on the outer cliffs seemed to have grown louder.

Jeanette continued, "When I went for that walk I wanted to think about what had happened...about us. I asked myself what harm would it do; I love him and he loves me, so why not fulfil that love in the way men and women do. Darling, I'm not afraid now, and I want you...I want you very dearly. Will you share your love with me?

She pulled back the covers of the bed, and in the dim light Daniel could see she was naked, her skin seeming to glow in the candlelight. The twin hemispheres that were her breasts looked perfect, the only break in their smooth perfection being her nipples; in the dim light he could not see their colour, but he could see they were erect.

She patted the bed beside her and said, "Come and lie with me, darling."

In a daze Daniel could scarcely believe what he was seeing and hearing. He got in beside her and she pulled her body close to him. She laid one leg over him and he could feel something warm and moist pressing against his thigh as she drew his hand to her breast.

Her face was very close to his as she breathed, "Kiss me darling."

There lips met and then their mouths were open, their tongue battling for entry. Jeanette won, and as her tongue probed the recesses of his mouth Daniel felt fire race through him. It was real...really happening; she wanted him as desperately as he wanted her; her exploring tongue told him that.

Their lips parted and Jeanette putting a hand under her breast said, "Suck my nipple, darling."

He took the nipple into his mouth and tasted her. She was sweet and fresh. His hand reached down to touch and explore her vulva. He inserted a finger into her vagina and found it to be wet and warm. He transferred his touch to her clitoris and she started to cry out, "Come in me darling...put it in me...come in..."

Her legs were open wide and he lay between them as she guided his length into her. As the head of his penis entered her he groaned and she gave a little squeal of pleasure.

The head of his penis passed over her hard pubic bone and entered the hot wet depths beyond. He fought to hold back his orgasm, trying to prolong the elation he felt in this act of love. He struggled in vain because Jeanette was crying out, "Come in me...come in me...I want to feel it..."

He surrendered. The sperm surged up his penis and shot out of his urethra, and her cries changed to, " deep..."

Her legs were wrapped round him and his hands under her buttocks as they struggled together for ever greater penetration. He could feel the rhythmic clutch and release of her vaginal muscle, as if she would suck the sperm out of him.

His seed drove into her and in the midst of it she suddenly convulsed and started to thrash ferociously against him screaming, "I'm coming...I'm coming...don't stop...I'm co...oh my God...oh"

She was sobbing as she passed over her climax and began to long descent to post-coital relaxation. Daniel stayed with her whispering his love for her as she writhed against him. He felt her relax under him and still sobbing she buried her face against his shoulder. He heard her muffled voice, "It was beautiful...wonderful...and it's been so long..."

The thunder and lightening was right overheads now, and rain beat down on the roof making hearing almost impossible. And so they lay in silence for a long time, happy in their bodily closeness and with Daniel's penis still in her vagina.

His penis started to harden again and speaking close to her ear he said, "I want to come into you again."

She made no verbal response, but began to thrust up against him. It took longer this time, and as he moved in the farrago of their love fluids there were sucking and squelching sounds.

This time Jeanette came before Daniel. It was a very quiet orgasm, she only making soft squealing noises interspersed with, "I love you...I love you..."

She lay in an attitude of surrender when he spurted his semen into her, and this time he withdrew from her when he had finished. He gasped as the head of his penis, still nerve sensitive, passed over her pubic bone.

They lay facing each other, wrapped in each other's arms.

The storm was passing now and the rain had ceased, but the ocean rollers still thundered against the cliffs.

Daniel remembered something Jeanette had said, while they were coupling. He said, "You said it's been a long time, has it really been a long time?"

"Darling, you've seen that your father and I sleep in different rooms."

"Yes, but I thought...I thought he would have...have..."

She smiled and said, "Well he doesn't and I don't think he ever will again."

"But why, you're so beautiful and..."

"Daniel, what do you think of the view of the cove from the lounge windows?"

"It's delightful."

"If you were to stay in this cottage for six months, how would you feel about the cove then?"

"It would still be delightful," Daniel replied, puzzled by her question.

"The cove would still be the same, but you would have changed. You would no longer notice the cove, and if you did it would have become commonplace."

"I don't see what...ah, you mean that you've become commonplace for father?"


"But if he loved you...? "If he loved me; but love is a very slippery word and it can mean different things to people. Certainly he lusted for me before we got married, and for some time after, but after you were born, he changed. Don't forget, he's still an attractive man, and he has money, so..."

"Do you mean there are other women?"

"I suspect, but I've never been sure. He has the means to cover up any infidelities and to be truthful; I've never tried to find out."

"But why...why have you stayed with him all these years?"

"I had you, until he took you away from me and sent you to that dreadful boarding school. I nearly left him then, but I knew he could still give you the best in the long run, so I stayed. Now, to be perfectly frank, I don't need him anymore; I can give you the best."

Daniel backtracked in his thoughts.

"So you think I'll see you as commonplace some time in the future?"

Jeanette smiled at him sadly, "Perhaps; you said you love me; your farther once said he loved me, so it depends on the quality of that love."

"Will you see me as commonplace?" Daniel asked.

"No darling, but then, you're my son."

"And your lover," Daniel added.

"Yes my darling, and my lover," Jeanette sighed.

"Until death parts us?" he added, remembering part of the wedding ceremony.

"We'll see," Jeanette replied. Then brightening she went on, "And since you're quoting from the marriage service, then let's say this is our wedding night. I think you should do one of the most loving things a husband can do for his wife."

She slipped from the bed and soon Daniel heard the shower running. When she returned she got into the bed and said, "Now we only have to do this once, and if you don't like it we won't do it again. Now lie on your back.

Wondering what was about to happen Daniel obediently lay on his back. Jeanette began by sitting astride his penis, and then gradually worked her way up his body leaving a thin trail of her lubricant as she squirmed against him. Finally her genitals were poised over his face, and she gradually lowered them to his mouth saying, "Lick me there, darling."

Daniel felt his mouth covered by her warm wet vulva, and he began to explore with his tongue. She smelt faintly of roses and he thought she tasted like honey and cider vinegar, a mixture he had once drunk because someone told him it was good for him. He decided that Jeanette was doing him far more good than the mixture.

Her love juice started to soak his face and Jeanette frantically clasped his head to her as she screamed and wailed her way through her orgasm. Before her orgasm had finished she moved away from him and then inserted his penis into her vagina. Daniel, already frantic himself, shot into her within seconds, and Jeanette finished her orgasm with his sperm being pumped into her.

After that they slept, to awake the next morning and make love again.

This set the pattern for the rest of their stay at the cottage. With all the ardour of new lovers they copulated frequently, and endlessly explored each others bodies.

For a couple of weeks after their return to the city they came together whenever they could, but both of them realised the situation could not go on for long before their love making would be discovered.

Discovery became a certainty when Jeanette whispered to Daniel just after they had finished loving, "I'm pregnant darling."

"Daniel was shaken, and he asked, "What are we going to do."

"I know what we must do," Jeanette replied.

* * * * * * * *

Here, I'm afraid, the story ends since nobody knows what became of Jeanette and Daniel. However, I can relate why the story ends here.

One day a fisherman in his boat was passing the cliffs that extended on either side of the cottage cove, when he saw a four wheel drive vehicle wrecked on some rocks at the base of the cliffs. He reported what he had seen and the police investigated.

The vehicle proved to be registered to Jeanette, but curiously there were no bodies inside the vehicle and divers found nothing when they searched the nearby waters. No bodies were washed up on the shore.

Further investigations revealed that all of Jeanette's money -- a considerable amount -- had been removed from the financial institutions she had used. After more investigations the coronial enquiry came up with an open finding.

That was five years ago, and since then there have been rumours that Jeanette and Daniel have been seen in various places. One such rumour even claimed that Daniel was pushing a pram with a child in it.

So far none of these rumours have been confirmed as true. Sometimes the people sighted were not our couple, or no one was found at all.

So there the story really does end. Were the bodies of Daniel and Jeanette washed far out to sea, did they fake suicide, or did the vehicle go over the cliff when whoever was driving it lost control? Perhaps they were murdered and the vehicle over the cliff was a ploy to put investigators off the track. Their bodies may lie in some obscure place yet to be discovered.

Your guess will be as good as mine, but my wish is that they are living together happily somewhere with their child, or perhaps children.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
a nice little story of love

but a very strange ending.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
5 stars to 3 stars

What a great story until you fucked it up with that stupid bloody ending. Sooooo disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a nice tale of love between mother and son

like they say - vice is nice but incest is best - keep it in the family.....loved they way they gently became lovers the only thing to spoil the story was the fucking stupid bizarre ending....why???? It rather detracted from the story...spoilt it for me....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


alavo16alavo16about 15 years ago
Another Great Job

This was wonderful. Dont listen to all the nay-sayers. keep it up.

oldwayneoldwayneover 15 years ago
Ending was a bit unusual, but not bad.

It was a nice little fantasy. I thoroughly enjoyed it and did not find the ending too perplexing, as some seem to have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

unrealistic story no guy that has had no contact with girls and is suddenly alone with one and he has a crush on her mother or not and is constantly pushed away and belittled by her would want anything to do with her after the incident at the water he would not go back to the cottage except maybe to get a blanket or two he would find a place to sleep outside and avoid all contact with her since she was pushing him away all the time keep it atleast sounding real

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Wonderfully written...You have me swooning again

As always, a beautifully told story so simple, yet so powerful I actually saw the cove, the cottage and the sea.<br>

</br>The build-up is what's erotic and you did, as always, an excellent job. That's why I have you as one of my Favorites although, curiously, I'm not into Mother/Son incest. However, I swoon for a good romance and you're one of the best on Lit.<br>

</br>Thank you for sharing your wonderful work. ~ Candlelight062

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

A very sexy and at the same time very compassionate story. Congratulations.

Unlike some of your 'critics' I did not find the ending at all lazy or weak. Quite the contrary. It, rather, provided food for thought, and was clearly not the 'throw-away' ending as interpreted by some.

The only real criticism I have is that I would like to have seen more flesh on the mother's acquiescence, from her point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Nice story. Look forward to more of your writings. Keep up your good work. Jorge Gonzalez

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