Cotton Panties

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A misunderstanding leads to wrong thoughts and imaginations.
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Any and all participating in sexual activity in this story are 18 years or older. Understand the LW category is typically about cheating spouses, this is neither a BTB or an RAAC, I could see no other category to put it in. It's a very short story about a misunderstanding on both spouse's part thinking the other may be cheating, inspired by a co-worker who went through a similar situation. The sex scenes are between a husband and wife.


When you've been married long enough you know if something is out of order with your spouse. The tone or inflection in their voice, body language, how they dress or not... each and every relationship has its own signals and warning signs. The first clue for me was that it was Monday, laundry day, being nice weather my bride would have hung the laundry outside, always with the panties and bras to the inside where others couldn't see them. Walking through the yard gate to the back yard I saw no laundry, no sexy cotton panties, no cotton bras with lace on the cups and little bows in the middle. More than one day I had stopped to run my fingers over those undies imagining what I'd find in them later.

From that point forward I was on guard, the moment I walked in the door Virginia (Ginny) was displaying some of those very things. After eighteen years of marriage we both know there will always be a kiss goodbye when we leave and a welcome home kiss when we return, we've done it since our first day of marriage. We've only slept apart a half dozen or so times in all our years together and those were for childbirth.

I noticed the slump in her shoulders immediately, she was at the stove, I slid in behind encircling her waist with my arms as I'd done hundreds of times in the past, moving my hands up to softly cup her breasts. She turned and kissed me, but it was no more than a perfunctory kiss, it wasn't a *mean something* kiss, pulling back she turned back to her cooking. I've learned through the years that just because I'm a man and men tend to see themselves as fixers, there were things I could not fix for my wife. Sometimes she just needed a little time and space to deal with whatever demon she was dealing with at the moment.

I patted her bottom, whispered *I love you* in her ear and went to change. She grabbed my shirt as I turned, kissed me again and softly reiterated with *I love you too*. Things were cordial at the supper table, the kids ran a non-stop dialogue about school, friends, all the stuff that's important to them, we've learned to be quiet when they're like that. They reveal more about their day to day lives than they would ever sit and tell us about. Ginny always sits to my right, our oldest girl tried taking that position a few years back, I simply stood, carried her plate and utensils to her regular spot, moved Ginny's items back into place and holding the chair out for my wife seated her. Not another word was said, nor did she ever attempt such a thing again.

Ginny looked at me longingly a few times as we ate, I could see fear and uncertainty in her eyes as I reached for and squeezed her hand. Something was wrong with my girl and I needed to find out what it was, whether I could fix it or not. The kid's chores after a family meal are always the same, the two older ones clear the table and load the dishwasher while the youngest vacuums the floor. How three kids can get that many crumbs on the floor in one meal is beyond Ginny and me. I tapped on the table to get everyone's attention. It was all smiles and jubilation with the kids as I told them mom and I would do clean up.

I cleared the table and rinsed as she loaded the dishwasher the way she liked, I didn't mind, I never seem to do it completely to her liking. Clearing the table, wiping it down and vacuuming were more up my alley. We chatted and joked, but something was amiss. I wracked my brain trying to figure out what I may have done wrong or forgotten, I came up with a complete blank. Then the dark side of my brain kicked in, maybe she's found another man, what if she's having an affair, which was stupid thinking because she'd given me no reason whatsoever to have such a thought.

I called her name softly as she began walking toward the family room, I have no idea why she didn't stop, I only knew she needed to as I reached out grabbing the waistband of her jeans. I pulled her back to me, with my hands on her hips I gently turned her to face me.

"Ginny you need to talk with me. What's going on, how can I help? Have I done something wrong?"

"You've done nothing wrong that I know of Jack, I was going to change into some lingerie for you, I want you to make love to me as soon as the kids are in bed."

With my hands firmly on her ass cheeks I pulled her to me, as soon as her arms were around my neck I moved a hand to her breast, caressing, pulling it outward the way she liked and tenderly rolling the nipple. My other hand was pulling her pelvis into mine as she responded in like manner. I nibbled her ear and whispered so the kids wouldn't hear. Her hips were grinding softly.

I was confused, "Why do you need lingerie? I like your cotton bra and panties just fine. Where did you get the idea I needed lingerie to excite me? You know very well all you need to do is say you want me and I stop what I'm doing to meet that desire."

"Oh Jack, thanks. I'm getting older and I wanted to spice it up a bit. I'll be okay, I love you. Come to bed as soon as the kids are down, I'll be ready and waiting."

She pushed into me hard and ground her pussy against me as we kissed. A smile, then a small kiss and she was bedroom bound. The only one that needed supervision for bedtime was the youngest and she went down by 8:30, the two older were generally in their rooms by then doing homework or texting with friends. I helped the youngest with homework and got her settled for the night, Ginny hadn't come out of our bedroom all evening and I was becoming concerned. I knocked on the older kid's doors and bid them goodnight.

Our home is what may be described as an open concept. The master suite is at one end, the kitchen and living areas are in the center portion while the kid's rooms are located at the other end of the house. When we were looking at home design's we chose this one, Ginny can be rather vocal in the throes of passion, we wanted to keep the sleeping areas separated as much as possible. I secured the house, doused the lights, and made my way to our bedroom. As I walked in, there sat the love of my life on the edge of the bed in a baby doll top, no bra, the tiniest panties I had ever seen, red fishnet thigh high stay up stockings and a pair of red high heels.

She stood and proceeded toward me the moment I closed the door. Her hair had been done up elegantly, she wore more makeup than normal, and I noticed she'd trimmed some of the hair on her mons so that it was a perfect V. I reacted with my small head as my cock grew stiff, but the head on my shoulders was screaming, *what the fuck is this*, she'd never worn this before, she'd never been concerned with whether her bush was V shaped or natural, nor had I ever seen her with such heavy makeup. With her arms around my neck, her body tight to mine and her tongue halfway down my throat I was caught completely off guard.

When she dropped to her knees unbuckling my belt and tugging my pants down, I knew something was off. She had my cock stuffed halfway into her mouth before I could speak, wisdom told me to stay quiet, she'd planned this, I needed to let her see it through. Ginny loved giving me oral as much as I loved reciprocating, but she never did it on her knees, she felt it was degrading for a woman to have to get on her knees to suck her lovers cock. I agreed with her, which is why she always did it with me laying down or sitting against the headboard.

My wife knows me as well as I know her. She knows just how and when to suck as well as how to use her tongue to get me off quickly. She wasn't at it five minutes and I was grunting like a boar hog as I unloaded into her warm welcoming mouth. As she pulled back, I noticed there was a ring of lipstick around the base of my cock, she often teased about putting lipstick on my dipstick, she had accomplished that goal tonight.

I tried raising her up to embrace but she quickly spun, put her hands on the bed shoving her ass back toward me and said seductively.

"Fuck me Jack, fuck me real deep and hard. Pound my hungry pussy Jack."

Now I knew something was way off kilter. As I finished pulling my pants off she wiggled her ass back and forth as if inviting me to impale her. I pulled the panties to the side putting my hands on her hips, my cock was hard again, it knew the way to her vagina and slipped in with little to no resistance, natural juices ran down her leg, a few strokes and I had bottomed out. She wanted to rock and throw her cunt against me as I held her in place.

"Come on Jack. Fuck me baby, this is yours, take it."

Holding her in place I asked, "What's going on Ginny, who's this girl I have impaled on my cock?"

I felt her relax and sighed heavily. "Jack, please make love to me, please. When you've filled me with cum, I'll tell you, I promise. Right now, baby I need you to do me. To do me hard, let my pussy know she's yours and yours alone."

I knew for sure things were not right, I also knew I needed to oblige and do as she'd asked. I rode her hard, hard enough that she orgasmed twice before my balls even began to tingle. When I finally exploded it sent her body into the quivering mess it normally is if she cums extremely hard. I sensed from body language she was weak and worn out, I pushed her forward and remained standing as she fell onto the bed. I went into the bath, quickly washed off and returned to wash her, she was sound asleep, not budging when I washed between her legs. I contemplated taking off the cum soaked panties but didn't want to wake her.

I covered her with a blanket and sat on the other side of the bed with my laptop. I was finishing up a report when she stirred. Kicking off the blanket she pulled the tiny cum coated panties off, whipped off the baby doll top and headed for the bathroom where I could hear the remains of our lovemaking dropping into the water. Upon returning she leaped onto the bed and approached me on hands and knees. As she reached me, she lifted a breast and tried putting it in my mouth. I took her wrists in hand and slowly backed her up, laying her down I lay next to her stroking her face.

"Ginny. What's going on honey? This is exciting, but it's not you."

"But it could be Jack. I can be your slut I just need time to learn. If you want me to, I'll shave my pussy entirely and I want you to screw my butt."

Anal was something she and I had reached a conclusion about within the first year we were married, we'd tried it and it was okay, but not something we necessarily enjoyed. At that point the decision was made that we weren't going to make it a permanent part of our intimacy. If others wanted to and enjoyed it, wonderful, but she and I would stay with vaginal and oral. Hearing her talk like this had me worried.

I looked at her sternly, "Virginia Louise, I want to know what the hell is going on. Why do you think you need to be a slut to please me? And we agreed years ago anal wasn't for us, when did you start thinking like this?"

I held her as she cried enough to shed her anxiety.

"Oh Jack, I don't want to lose you. I'll be anything you want me to be in the bedroom, please don't have an affair."

"Have an affair. What the hell are you talking about? I'm married to the hottest PA in the hospital, guys drool over you and just seeing you still makes my cock hard. Why would you think I want to have an affair?"

She whimpered and choked back tears as she spoke, "I saw you with Ellen Willett at the Brendon's cookout. You two were close together on the wicker couch and you had her hand in yours. I can be everything she is and more Jack, just give me a chance."

I squeezed her tight and burst out laughing. She raised up scowling at me. "Just what the hell is so funny ass face?"

Calling me ass face made me laugh all the more, she hadn't called me that in years. I finally held up my hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay. You thought I was having an affair with Ellen and I was worried you might be liking that new intern at your work. We are a pair that's for sure. Okay, about Ellen. Babe I'm her grief counselor, her mother just died, she's been coming to my grief counseling sessions at the Counseling Center. I held her hand attempting to comfort her as we talked. There's only one pair of panties I want to get into... yours."

She pushed back startled. "The new intern. Are you fucking kidding me? He's so full of himself that not even the normal slut nurses want anything to do with him. Jack I'm so sorry, I should have known you wouldn't cheat." I answered, "Me too Ginny, I'm as much at fault as you."

With that shitstorm avoided we settled into some serious kissing. I then raised her up onto all fours and guided her forward, she knew what I wanted as I lay beneath her, lowering her nipple into my mouth she cooed and moaned softly. She was watching in the wall mirror as she normally did when I sucked her in this fashion. Lifting she put the other nipple into my mouth for ministration. When she was satisfied, she did what eighteen years of making love with the same person told her to do, she shimmied forward and dropped her dripping pussy onto my mouth. I thought I'd be grossed out but wasn't. It dawned on me that she often sucked my cock after we'd made love, how was this any different?

She rocked back and forth, sliding her erect clit over my tongue, I was holding onto her tits squeezing and pulling as I brought her closer. Just as she was ready to climax, she did what she normally does when riding my face, as it hit, she pushed me hands away, pinched her nipples real hard and let out a long low wale. Leaning forward with her head against the headboard her hips continued to quake and spasm, back and forth they rocked, grinding her clit against my stiff tongue, just the way she liked it. With her laying across my torso lengthwise I scooted her down where I could talk.

"I know I pounded you hard before, do you think your kitty could take a little more abuse tonight?"

Sliding down until my cock was against her slick opening she stopped and spoke, "This little kitty is looking for a big rat to devour. Oh, look, she found one." She said as her love channel swallowed my cock in one easy down stroke. It was a long slow session, looking at each other, smiles, kisses, her putting my hands on her breasts when she'd sit straight. She was rocking her clit against my pubic bone and about to cum when she blurted out.

"Oh my God Jack, I love your cock. Cum in me, show me why I'm glad I married you."

With my hands on her hips I began to jack rabbit my dick into her, as fast and hard as I could manage. We somehow found the right rhythm and were able to cum within seconds of the other. We lay in bed talking after a quick clean up. I was concerned why she thought she needed lingerie.

"I wanted to be sexy for you. I wanted to be a slut for you, to suck your cock and swallow, to have you pound me from behind, anything to make you want me more than Ellen. I know now that I was wrong, but I don't want to lose you and I didn't know what else to do."

"Ginny you aren't going to lose me. One more thing, you don't need to dress like a slut in the bedroom unless you want to and no more blow jobs on your knees, you aren't my sex slave. You're my wife with whom I am well pleased. I do like the lingerie but only I you want to wear it, oh, one more thing. DO NOT shave your pussy, I want to make love to a woman, not a girl."

"Jack, I liked feeling and looking sexy for you, I noticed it produced am instant hardon and I agree, no more blow jobs on my knees, they hurt like hell. I also ordered some sexy panties with sayings on them, I hope you'll like them."

It was me who was home early enough to start supper two days later, Ginny ended up having unexpected late patients. Walking in she headed toward me at the range, sliding her arms around me she kissed my neck and found my quickly rising dick with her hands.

"Ooooo, I do believe someone is happy to see me. Good thing, I have on your what I hope will be some of favorite new undies. Want to see?"

I nodded yes as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse revealing to me her white cotton bra, the one with a little bit of pushup, lace across the top and little red bow in the middle. Looking to make sure there were no prying eyes she raised the cups freeing her stiff nipples. I knew what to do as I leaned down taking first one nipple then the other into my mouth. She had just put them back in the cups and was buttoning her blouse when our sixteen year old daughter walked in.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"If you must know Bridgette, I was showing your father my new bra. Is that alright with you?"

Bridgette turned three shades of red, "Oh my God, you two are unreal. Screaming in your bedroom isn't enough, now you gotta feel each other up in the kitchen. By the way, maybe stay off each other once in a while so I can get a full night sleep."

With that Bridgette spun on her heel and walked away as we broke into fits of laughter. Ginny looked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear, lifting her skirt to show me her light blue cotton bikini panties with *Jacks Pussy* printed on the front. Taking my hand, she put it directly on her mound dropping the skirt over my arm. I felt her as she ground against me.

I pulled her in tight as I put her hand on my cock. "Baby I don't need a blow job on your knees, or a shaven pussy, or sexy panties to be hard... I only need you in whatever you decide to wear. Let's save the lingerie for special times in our bedroom or hotel sex, the Ginny I know and get hard for is the gal in front of me now. In her lacy cotton bra and sexy cotton panties."

We vowed not to allow anymore misunderstandings get in the way of our life-long love affair. If something occurred, we'd make sure the other knew about it and deal with the issue. That deal was put to the test at the ER picnic in July. Ginny had been talking with a few doctors when the slimy intern walked over and stood next to her, I was standing behind two of the nurses looking over their shoulders as it unfolded. The idiot put his hand on the small of her back, she politely moved it and said something to him, then proceeded with her conversation. He was foolish enough to put his hand on her ass, she tilted her head back and at the top of her lungs yelled.

"Jack, he's got his hand on my ass."

The entire crowd was silent, all looking at him as I approached, he was wisely backing away when two of the other husbands took hold of his arms and walked him behind the pavilion. They returned later, he didn't, someone said he fell down and went home. Our marriage was never stronger, nor was our love and devotion to each other. A lack of communication and foolish thinking had been the potential to ruin our marriage, we never made that mistake again.

There has never been another incident like that, we talk about anything and everything, no more thoughts wondering "what if*. Not all couples are as fortunate, had we allowed our minds to wander we could have ended up in unintended adultery like so many others.

Thirty two years later we're sitting with our three kids, eleven grandkids and two greats as we celebrate our fiftieth anniversary. The kids wanted to do it on their own, we let them, and it has been great. The theme for our special day is something the kids came up with and is on a banner at the front of the house hanging above the porch.

What once was, still is. Jack and Ginny - 50 years.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You know it's funny, seeing a scene like that in the bedroom where the wife is all dolled up looking sexy, before LW I'd think, "hot damn, jackpot baby, she really loves me!" But after swimming in the LW cesspool, the immediate reaction is, "oh fuck, she's cheating on me and this is her guilt trying to make up for it. Damn!" On the one hand, I'm glad I read so many of these stories as it opens your eyes to possibilities that you might otherwise not see; but on the other, it does tend to heighten your paranoia and inflame trust issues. Still, I'd rather be more aware even if it does come with drawbacks.

"Let my pussy know she's yours and yours alone." Um, did it forget at some point during our relationship? I thought I made that clear when we became exclusive. Shit, Ginny, who has your pussy been talking to? :)

Anyway, this was a nice feelgood story. Much prefer a silly misunderstanding that is easily and quickly resolved over the horrors of some of the alternatives. A good loving couple that will go the distance. A refreshing change for the LW section. As always, communication is key. Cliché yes but it's true.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lovely. Most people in a real and good marriage can tell when things are off unless unduly stressed or working too hard.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A true loving wife, with an equally loving husband. It's nice to read stories where both spouses are invested in making their marriage/relationship/partnership whatever one wants to call it nowadays work.

Helen1899Helen18996 months ago

A lovely story 5* made my heart warm

muskyboymuskyboy7 months ago

2nd or third time reading this one and it is just as good as ever! Love it! "Jack, he's got his hand on my ass" is a line the will live in infamy. Thank you so much for this story. 5/5, of course.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A very solid living story. Four stars pushing five.

What the hell, Five it is.


SyzyguySyzyguy7 months ago

5* Nice story, well-written: misunderstanding solved with love, embarrassed teenage daughter, slimy intern sorted, and a happy ending - what's not to like. Thank you for posting it.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief7 months ago

Loved the story, what a change from the usual LW. Cracked me up when their daughter Bridgett told them to "stay off each other once in a while so I can get a full night sleep." Children, at least she knows what a loving Mom and Dad sound like instead of fighting and cussing. The part where Ginny called out the ER Doc made it worth five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


ALterrybearALterrybear12 months ago

Love your writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lovely story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

Read it again and it is absolutely delightful!

ChopinesqueChopinesquealmost 2 years ago

Five indeed. Nice scene at the end with the intern! "Oh Jack...!

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

Awesome loving wife story!! So nice to have an actual loving couple in a story. Hope you'll write some more like this one.

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