Courtesan Ch. 13


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Dewayne was of course a problem for the thug. After being severely beaten he was handed a Greyhound bus ticket to Los Angeles with the advice that if he wanted to stay healthy he should never again show his face in Las Vegas.

Dewayne called Ellen because he was broke. He was hoping that she might be willing to loan him a couple of hundred dollars to help him get back on his feet. He had a job at a car wash and he swore that he would "be good for the money."

Ellen's oldest daughter, Kathy was a sophomore at the University, Sarah, her second daughter was a senior in high school and her son, Dewayne Junior was in the ninth grade. She was living on a very tight budget, but she still loved Dewayne so she took two hundred dollars from her emergency savings account and sent him a postal money order.

That was the last time she heard from ex husband. Her children ask about him all the time. Her daughters are now old enough to understand what happened, but Dewayne Junior misses his father terribly and he's starting to act out in school.

Ellen has survived by throwing herself into the tasks of caring for her children and running the newspaper. The stress in her life has taken it's toll. Her hair now has streaks of gray and she's put on weight, but when I look at her I still see a beautiful, energetic woman who is doing her best to make the most out of her life.

Ellen is a good friend and I worry about her constantly. She is barely able to pay me a minimum wage for my efforts at The Crier, but I don't care. She needs my help to keep the newspaper afloat and as long as I'm able, I intend to give her that help.

Ellen looked up when she heard the door open. She smiled when she saw it was me. "Hi Timmy, how are you today?'

"I'm good Ellen, how are you?"

"I've had better days. De got suspended from school yesterday because he got into a fight. I'm going to have to bring him back on Monday morning. We have to meet with the assistant principal before he can start attending his classes again." She sighed. "I'll have to close the office for an hour or two."

Monday was the day we got most of our advertising orders for the issue of The Crier coming out the following week. I could see that Ellen was worried that she was going to lose some revenue because the office was closed.

I smiled at her. "If you can arrange to have the meeting at school at eleven o'clock my shift at Kirby's will be over and I'll be able to cover the office for you."

Ellen's face lit up. "Timmy would you really be willing to do that?"

"Of course I would. Why don't you call the school right now and see if you can make an appointment."

"I will."

Ellen picked up her telephone and started to dial the number for the school. I walked over to my desk. As I was sitting down Ellen stopped dialing and set her telephone back on her desk. "Timmy, I'm sorry. I'm so wrapped up in my own problems that I almost forgot about yours. How are things going with your wife? I've been so worried about you for the past several days. When I told the girls that you and Kelly had split up, they both started to cry.

I smiled at Ellen. "You can tell the girls that it looks like everything is going to be okay. Kelly and I spent all of yesterday afternoon talking and I think we were able to resolve our problems. We're going to try to stay together."

Ellen grinned at me. "Timmy that's wonderful news. The girls will be so happy when I tell them. All of us really like both you and Kelly."

"Thanks Ellen, I appreciate your concern."

Ellen picked up her telephone again and finished dialing the school. After a moment I heard her quietly taking to someone. I focused my attention on the first piece of advertising copy that I had to edit. I didn't want to eavesdrop on her personal business.

After a minute Ellen set her telephone down and turned to me. "I have an appointment at the school for eleven o'clock on Monday. Are you sure that will that be okay?"

I nodded. "It will work out perfectly."

I took out my ham and cheese sandwich. "Ellen I have a sandwich from Molly's Cafe. Would you like half of it? It's ham and cheese."

"Thank you Timmy, it sounds good; but Kathy made tuna fish sandwiches for all of us before she left to go to class this morning."

I smiled at Ellen, took a bite of my sandwich and went back to my editing work. Next weeks paper had to be completed and at the printers by 3:00 pm the following day. Neither of us had time for anymore chit chat.

At 1:30 my cell phone rang. I answered it. It was Kelly.

"Hi baby doll, how's your day going?"

"It's fine Kelly, how was your lunch with Chris?" Ellen was seated at her desk less than fifteen feet away from me, so I didn't want to call Kelly Ms. Mason. I was afraid that it might pique Ellen's curiosity and I wanted to avoid having to try to explain the intimate details of my relationship with my wife to her. I was afraid that Ellen might have trouble understanding our lifestyle, especially considering the problems she'd had in her own marriage.

Kelly understood immediately. "Ellen must be in the office."

"That's right."

"I think being discreet is wise."

"Tell me about your meeting."

"Timmy you were right to suggest that I talk to Chris. As soon as we sat down at the table he apologized for his continued attempts to seduce me during my first summer with the firm. He told me that before I started working for him he'd read an extensive report in my personnel file. It described my passion for sex with a variety of partners and your apparent acceptance of that behavior."

"Did it bother you that the firm had a report like that in your file?" I glanced over at Ellen to see if she was paying attention to my side of this conversation, but she seemed to be preoccupied. Her attention was focused on revising an article that she had written for next weeks edition of The Crier.

"Timmy it really didn't. While I was at Kelroy I never made any effort to conceal my promiscuity. The fact that I was a campus slut and a bj queen was common knowledge at the school and in fact, we both know that I deliberately cultivated that reputation. The firm always puts together a detailed report about prospective employees before they hire them. I'm sure that while they were interviewing the people who knew me, my promiscuous behavior was immediately brought to their attention. When you think about it, sex was a huge part of my life while I was going to college. The firm has always been very thorough. It would have been uncharacteristically sloppy if they had neglected to include that information in their reports."

"Kelly, I think that's a very good way to look at this. They were just being professional."

"Chris said that after they found out about that, they were really interested in recruiting me as a hostess but he also said the same thing you pointed out to me last night. That is an extremely delicate job offer to make. The current legal environment in the United States makes it difficult to ask a woman if she is interested in becoming a corporate call girl."

"That's right, they had to move very slowly and be absolutely certain that you would be receptive to a business proposition like that before they presented it." I was still trying to be careful to avoid making any kind of a statement that might arouse Ellen's curiosity about the true nature of Kelly's job duties with the firm.

"Yes, now that I've talked to Chris I have a much better understanding of why the firm acted the way they did."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Kelly was quiet for a moment and then she said, "I also had to admit to both Chris and myself that I was at least partly responsible for the misunderstanding because after Chris did succeed in seducing me I lied to him regarding your knowledge about what had happened."

"Yes and that was definitely a factor in how they decided to proceed after that particular incident."

"Is Ellen listening?"

"She may be. I can't be completely certain."

"You're doing a very good job of being surreptitious about your end of this conversation."

"I'm trying. Did Chris's explanation of the events satisfy you?"

"Yes, I'm no longer angry with either Chris or the firm."

"Good, are we having company for dinner tonight?"

"Yes slave boy, we are. Chris was very eager to come over. He feels guilty about how his behavior affected you and he wants to apologize."

"You should tell him that he doesn't need to do that. I understand what happened and I don't hold him responsible."

"I already told him that, but he feels like you were hurt by what happened and he holds himself at least partially responsible for the stress that was placed on our marriage."

"I'll be happy to discuss it with him, but I'll want to move on very quickly. I don't want to put a damper on tonight's dinner party."

"Neither do I and neither does Chris. I think all three of us are equally excited about what's going to happen tonight."

I noticed that Ellen had picked up her telephone was making a call.

"Does Chris understand what my role is going to be?"

"Be careful sweetheart, that might make Ellen curious."

"She's on the telephone. She's not paying any attention to our conversation."

"Good. Yes, he knows that you're going to be acting as my slave and he's excited about the idea. Chris is really very kinky."

Kelly paused for a moment and then she said, "Guess what."

"Tell me."

"Chris is willing to let you be in the room while were having sex. Baby doll you're going to get to watch him fuck me tonight." She giggled. "This evening after you serve us our cocktails I'm going to give Chris a blow job and you're going to watch me doing it. Will seeing me with another man's cock in my mouth excite you baby?"

My breath caught. I just managed to stammer out, "You know it will."

"After dinner Chris and I are going to retire to the living room and relax while you clean up the kitchen. As soon as you're done, all three of us are going to go into my bedroom and you're going to kneel at the foot of the bed and watch while Chris fucks me."

Kelly took a deep breath. When she continued I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was getting very excited. "Timmy, just thinking about this is getting me wet. Is you little soldier standing up?"

"Yes it is."

Kelly giggled. "It's too bad that your little dick isn't going to get any exercise tonight. You're just going to be kneeling on the floor watching while the big man gets to have all the fun."

My wife was taunting me now and her malicious treatment was getting me even more excited.

"Hey Dicklet, do you know what you're going to do when Chris is done fucking me?"

I had a pretty good guess, but I wanted to hear Kelly say it. I glanced over at Ellen. Her attention was still focused on her telephone call. I whispered, "No Ms. Mason, what am I going to have to do?"

"Dicklet, you're going to climb up on the bed and lick my lover's cum out of my cunt while he watches."

I gasped. Kelly heard me. She laughed. "That got your motor running, didn't it Dicklet."

I whispered. "No Ms. Mason, please don't make me do that."

I was of course using our code. If I beg Kelly to stop doing something while were playing a domination game it means that I am actually enjoying what's happening. This allows Kelly to be a cruel bitch and callously ignore my pleas for mercy while she continues to torment me. Since I'm a masochist and my wife is a sadist, that makes the game even more exciting for both of us.

If I really do want her to stop doing something, we have a safe word. Our safe word is "check". Anytime either of us says "check" we have both agreed to stop whatever were doing, step out of character for a moment and discuss what was happening as equals.

Kelly immediately grasped what I was doing. She said, "Too bad pussyboy. Tonight you're going to lick up every drop of my lover's cum and if you refuse I'm going to borrow Mr. Kendrick's belt and whip you with it until you beg to obey me."

I laughed. "Kelly, I think this is going to be a very fun evening."

"Timmy honey, I don't think I've ever been so excited about a dinner party."

"What would you like me to serve tonight?"

"Something simple, I don't want you to have to spend the entire evening in the kitchen. I want you to be able to have fun tonight. I want all three of us to be able to play together."

"How about a standing rib roast, baked potatoes and a tossed salad."

"That would be perfect. Chris loves roast beef. Will you be home in time to get it into the oven?"

"What time do you want me to serve dinner?"

"Why don't I tell Chris to come over at 7:30. You can plan on serving the salad at 8:15 and the dinner at 8:30. That will give Chris and I time for cocktails and an appetizer and it will also give me time to give Chris a quick blow job before dinner."

"Perfect, that will give me plenty of time to finish up here, go to the grocery store, clean the house, make all the preparations for dinner and take a nap." I glanced at Ellen. She was still on the telephone. I added in a whisper, "And I would also love to help you get dressed for your date."

"Timmy this is going to be so much fun."

"Yes it will be, but we'd both better get back to work. You have to meet with Tonya and I have to finish editing a stack of advertising copy."

"Okay." Kelly paused for a moment. She seemed to be thinking about something. Finally she very tentatively said, "Timmy."


"Would it be all right if I stopped to see Janet Collins before I leave the office today? Janet is the receptionist for the partners and she's one of the people who have access to their appointment calendars."

"Do you want to make an appointment to see Martin Jackson tomorrow?"


"Do you want to talk to him about getting your old job back?'

"Would that be okay with you?"

"Yes Kelly, I think that would be a very good idea."

"Timmy thank you so much. I promise that I'll always be a very good wife to you."

"Just promise that you'll never lie to me again."

"Timmy I promise. I'll never ever lie to you again."

"Kelly we'd both better get back to our tasks for the day. What time do you think you'll get home this afternoon."

"I should be home by five.'

"I may be taking a nap. If I am wake me up. I want to hear about the rest of your day."

"Babydoll, you didn't get much sleep last night. You need a nap.'

"Don't worry honey. Wake me up when you get home. I'll be okay."

"All right, I will. I love you Babydoll."

"I love you too Kelly."

I turned off my cell phone and went back to editing advertising copy. A few minutes later Ellen finished her telephone conversation.

As soon as she hung up she looked at me and asked, "Is Kelly having a problem with her job?"

I nodded. "Yes, there was a misunderstanding about company policy and she resigned last Friday.'

"Oh dear! What's she going to do?"

"She's meeting with several people from the firm right now. They don't want her to resign and it sounds like they're working everything out. She'll be meeting with at least one of the partners in the morning and that should result in her returning to work next week."

"I hope so, Kelly loved that job."

"Yes she did and she was very good at it."

At five minutes to three I finished editing the last piece of advertising copy. I brought my stack of completed work to Ellen's desk. As I handed it to her I said, "These are finished. I have to get going. We're having company for dinner. I need to stop at the grocery store and then tidy up the house when I get home."

Ellen laughed. "Tidy up the house? I sure hope Kelly understands how lucky she was when she found a man like you."

I smiled. "I think she does. Ellen I'll try to be here by 10:30 on Monday so you'll have plenty of time to get to your meeting at the high school."

"Thank you Timmy, I really do appreciate what you're doing." She shook her head. "You know, I'm not sure what I'd do without you. I don't think I could keep the paper running. You're not only a good employee, you''re a wonderful friend."

"Thanks Ellen, you're a good friend too. I'll see you Monday."

"Have a nice weekend Timmy."

As soon as I got into my car I sat back and took a deep breath. While I was in The Crier office I had to keep my attention focused. I had a task to complete. Now it was done and I was free to think about the evening ahead of me. My excitement was already starting to build and my submissiveness was growing right along with that building excitement. Tonight I was not only going to be my wife's slave, I was going to be required to serve her while she entertained a lover.

I looked at my watch. It was exactly three o'clock. I put my car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot of The Crier. I had plenty of time, but I wanted to use all of it productively. Tonight I wanted everything to be perfect for my wife and her paramour.

The butcher at the grocery store had an excellent standing rib roast. It was almost six pounds. That was maybe a bit larger than necessary, but bigger roasts tend to be a little more tender and we could have leftovers this weekend.

I also picked up the ingredients for a nice tossed salad, several large baking potatoes and some sour cream and butter. I used the automated checkout machine, so I didn't have to wait in line. When I got back to my car I looked at my watch. It was 3:30.

As I headed for the liquor store to buy a nice bottle of wine I realized that I didn't know what Chris liked to drink. I took out my cell phone and called Kelly.

She answered her telephone after the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hello Ms. Mason; it's me, Dicklet."

I heard my wife's breath catch. There was a pause. After a moment she said in a very cool voice, "Yes Dicklet, what can I do for you?"

"I'm on my way to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine to serve with your dinner tonight. I just realized that I don't know what Mr. Kendricks likes to drink."

"Dicklet, that was very thoughtful of you to call and ask. Mr. Kendricks drinks vodka martinis. He prefers two olives."

"Thank you Ms. Mason, I'll make sure that the bar is well stocked."

"You're welcome Dicklet. If you have any other questions feel free to call."

"Thank you Ms. Mason, that's very kind."

"Goodbye Dicklet."

"Goodbye Ms. Mason."

I put my cell phone away. Kelly and I both drank vodka martinis and our bar was already well stocked with vodka, dry vermouth and olives so I didn't have to worry about buying more.

When I got to the liquor store I selected two bottles of California merlot. They were a little more expensive than the wines we normally bought, but I felt the extra cost was appropriate. This evening my wife was entertaining a very special guest.

I also purchased a bottle of Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky and a bottle of Drambuie. I remembered the rusty nails that Kelly had introduced me to on the previous night. I thought it might please her if I served them as an after dinner drink.

It was four o'clock when I pulled into the garage. I quickly took the groceries, liquor and wine out of my car and carried everything into the kitchen. Once it was all put away I seasoned the roast and placed it in the refrigerator.

After that was done I spent a half hour tidying up the house. I'd been gone for almost a week and Kelly didn't do too much cleaning, so I had to spend a little extra time dusting and vacuuming.

At a quarter to five I put my duster away and lay down to take a short nap. I was too excited to sleep, so I did some deep breathing exercises instead. For me, they're often every bit as rejuvenating as sleep.

The deep breathing exercises must have relaxed me, because I dozed off. Suddenly I sensed movement in the bed and then I felt warm breath on my neck. I opened my eyes. It was Kelly.